Thursday, June 11, 2015

As it turns out Josh Duggar is not the first child molester that Mike Huckabee "palled around with." There was also the guy that co-authored his books.

Courtesy of Buzzfeed: 

John Perry, a prolific author who co-wrote two books with former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and co-wrote one with Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, was accused of child molestation in two separate lawsuits, BuzzFeed News has found. 

A 2012 police investigation of Perry’s alleged offenses found that “the allegations of sexual battery were sustained” but that the statute of limitations had expired. 

Perry co-wrote Do the Right Thing: Inside the Movement That’s Bringing Common Sense Back to America about Huckabee’s 2008 presidential campaign. He also did research and writing for Huckabee’s 2007 book Character Is the Issue, a memoir of his early time as governor. Perry also co-wrote So Help Me God, Moore’s autobiographical account of fighting to keep a monument to the Ten Commandments at Alabama’s Supreme Court. 

Those books are just a few of the titles produced with Perry’s help: He wrote For Faith & Family: Changing America by Strengthening the Family with Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, a book with former Southern Baptist Convention president James T. Draper, as well as a book with Frank Page, the president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Perry even co-authored The Vow, the book made into a feature film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Perry also lists writing two books for prominent pastor John F. MacArthur on his website.

This from the 2012 police investigation:  

“The alleged sexual battery was reported to have occurred when the victim was between the ages of 11 and 14,” said Nashville police department spokesperson Don Aaron in a statement to BuzzFeed News. 

 “As a result of the investigation, the allegations of sexual battery were sustained, but it was determined that the statute of limitations had tolled, barring prosecution. The victim was age 18 when she first disclosed the allegations to non-law enforcement and said at that time she did not want the matter reported to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services or the police.”

Well it appears that Mike Huckabee has a real affinity for child molesters.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Didn't Palin's dad stick up for some chimo back in the day?

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM


    2. Don't know about that, but HE certainly is one. His daughter is Exhibit #1.

    3. Anonymous11:53 AM


  2. Balzafiar9:57 AM

    Some of the sickest people hide behind the cloak of religious zealotry.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Because, if they get caught, they just have to confess their sins and ask for forgiveness and they will get it.

    2. Boscoe11:13 AM

      I was watching one of those endless MSNBC prison shows and they interviewed a guy who was on death row for multiple murders. He'd "found God" and was absolutely smugly confident that he was going to heaven because he was "born again".

      He also mentioned that according to his pastor's interpretation of the bible, in God's eyes there was no difference between what he did (cold blooded, pre-meditated murder of several people) and "stealing a cracker".

      To some people religion is sociopath welfare, I guess.

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Meanwhile, these people believe that all non-child abusing, non-murdering, non-raping, non-embezzeling, non-Christians are going to Hell.

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      11;32 Especially if they are Democratic voters!!

  3. Yet another talking point for Bible Belt Bigots has been debunked by statistics: Least number of 2 parent families are red states.

  4. An European Viewpoint10:30 AM

    Could someone explain what 'sexual battery' means ? 'Assault and battery' I understand, it means the victims was hit, right ? Not a native English speaker.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Welcome to USA!

      50 states each with their own laws.

      The definitions of the words are in the laws. The definitions of the crimes are in the laws.

      So the exact meaning of 'sexual battery' in Tennessee has to be explained by someone who knows the laws in Tennessee at the time whatever it was happened.

      I am pretty sure that whatever 'sexual battery' in Tennessee really is and when done to a minor child it would be described as one of the "No Shit!!! Did He Really Do That?'' crimes in all 50 states.

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      I'm not completely sure about Arkansas law, but "battery" is generally unlawful harmful contact inflicted upon another person's body. Assault is the threat of physical contact while battery is the actual contact. Obviously, some people use the word "assault" to mean harmful physical contact, but legally, that may not be the correct term to use, depending on the jurisdiction.

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I've always thought his 'presidential campaign' is really just some kind of complex contract negotiation. By the time this is over he might not even get his Fox show back. Ha! Oh well, he can always go back to hawking biblical diabetes treatments. What an asshole.

  6. Anonymous10:37 AM


  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Hey Palin, see what happens when someone just keep running their mouth and doesn't know when to shut the fuck up? They get people all curious about why the overboard reaction and start digging. Keep it up Palin. Just keep running that disgusting yap of yours. The skeletons are stirring in your closet.

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Molested is really a weasel word for what happens to a child that is sexually violated. And, it really pisses me off that the legal authorities, the churched, the schools, and many parents treat it like it was a little diddle. Yeah, the diddle that can last a lifetime

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      "Can last a lifetime" flat FUCKING DOES LAST A LIFETIME. Everything is about SEX! EVERYTHING! then$$$. Everyone of these KKKlans and institutions is rampant with this shit! FUCK OFF SARAH and little diddle Mikey...

  9. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Let's not forget about Ted Nugent, a good buddy of both Huckabee and Palin. Palling around with pedophiles.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      And Phil Robertson, who thinks the best age for a girl to marry is 13.

    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      How can a person and family have so many pedophiles and molesters around their children?

      Do the Palins have any pals that are not pervs of some type?

  10. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Huckabee probably has a lot in common with the pedophiles and molesters. His sons look really, really creepy too, especially the one that gets off on torturing animals.

  11. Anonymous11:43 AM

    What about Duck Dynasty? Didn't one of them advise men to marry 15 year old girls?

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      I think it was 13. By 15 a girl would be a has been.

  12. Okay. I have to say I think this is all a result of America's puritanical sexual repression. By making sex, a natural act, dirty and secret, it seems to be generating these sexual perversions. I have no idea how the U.S. stack up to other countries that are more sexually liberal, but I know our teen pregnancy rates are through the roof when compared to other industrialized countries.

    And don't get me started on our lax violence standards.

    1. Fully agree, miaiuppa. The other crazy thing is that the statute of limitations seems awfully short in both this case and that of Dugger.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:08 PM

      Mlaiuppa, Can't agree more! Excellent Comment! In a few countries I've visited, where they have a healthy and more sexually free populace, there seems to be fewer sex related crimes. I watch Italian TV and women can dress any way they want, sunning topless at the beach and other public places is normal, and kids learn early how to handle their alcohol, respecting other's private spaces and bodies. Because they were raised that way, it's their "normal"
      Here, we make a big bowl of hot steamy buttered popcorn, wag our fingers and say "Don't touch",. The second you leave the room, what happens? Everyone's sneaking popcorn. When you're raised and educated about things properly, the faster you learn to respect limits.

  13. Anonymous12:00 PM

    That photo on Huck's new book is an old one. He doesn't look like that anymore...he's a fat ass! He'll never make it to the primary to run for POTUS.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      You got that right!

  14. Just wondering - sex abuse within the Catholic church seems to have no time limit on the cases from what I have observed. There is no time limit on murder, why is there on child sexual abuse? This murders parts of the child's psyche and soul!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

      The Catholic Church has a system where they protect the offenders by shipping them from state to state. A few cases here in Philly got called to Rome, which isn't subject to any state or country's law. The Vatican, for all intents and purposes, is apparently above the law.
      We had and archbishop Bevalaqua, under whom a lot of abuse was hidden, he retired and was set to testify, unfortunately he died of natural causes a few days before he was to testify. Things that make you go "hmmmmm"

  15. ThanksABunchJohn12:57 PM

    The Duggars said they used "safeguards" (never specified). Was this before or after they took Josh to the child porn convicted cop? Could those "safeguards" have been cameras installed in the girl's rooms? Who monitored them? Hmmmm

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Safeguards were locks on the doors, no playing hide and seek and dressing modestly so as no to defraud Josh and others.

      Do an internet search on quiverfull or Gothard with defrauding.

  16. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

    There's some excellent comments in this thread. The kids deserve to know they're safe, loved and desperately need some professional help. I'm sick to my stomach when I see people hide behind the veil of corruption behind a lot of religions.
    I'm neither shocked nor surprised at Huck's reprehensible stance on child abusers. Leave Religion out of it and I wonder if one of his own children or grandchildren were molested, if he's be so quick to forgive and forget? I imagine no, and he'd use it to exploit the child even further by writing another book with the help of a child molester.


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