Saturday, June 20, 2015

George W. Bush is Father of the Year?

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Former President George W. Bush is one of three men being honored in New York as a "Father of the Year," just days before Father's Day. 

Bush was honored Thursday at the 74th Annual Father of the Year Awards luncheon at the New York Hilton hotel. His daughter, Barbara, made the presentation. 

Bush was emotional in receiving the award, and paid tribute to his own father, former President George H.W. Bush.

Seriously?  Father of the year? George W. Bush?

Look perhaps Bush is a good dad.

After all even kids with good dads can have an off day or two.

However one still has to wonder if this group could not find a father to honor who was NOT responsible for sending thousands of soldiers to their deaths based on lies he told the American people?

After all there are literally thousands of children who will be spending this Father's Day without their fathers and George W. Bush is directly to blame for that.


  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    I looked into the group. All they do is name people on Mother's Day and Father's Day to get money for Save the Children. They have honored Bill Clinton, and John Edwards. Debra Messing and Arianna Huffington. It looks to me as if they choose rich people who will draw a crowd to the luncheons. I do wonder how his daughter managed to introduce him without mentioning the fathers he had killed.

  2. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Wasn't Dubyah a coke head in those days??? Is it just me or does he look like people on coke do in the picture holding his newborns?

  3. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Obviously part of the rehabilitation of the Bush family name. The Bush daughters seem to be doing fine now but I think they finally grew up in spite of their father, and certainly not because of him. Except for the money, that is.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Exactly - a pathetic attempt at a bleach job. How many FoTY raised their kids to join Children of Alcoholic Parents?

    2. Didn't one (or both?) of those daughters get kicked out of Argentina for their wild behavior?

    3. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Both. They wre drunk, high and naked running screaming down the hotel hallways. The authorities contacted the US Embassy, told them to remove them before they caused an international incident. Naturakky this was not reported.

    4. Anonymous11:49 AM


  4. angela4:37 AM

    Hmmmmm. Seems like someone is trying to clean up Jeb's brother for him.

  5. Anonymous4:40 AM

    If Obama can get the Nobel with less than a year as Potus, idiot George who led us into two illegal wars can be FoTY. Maybe next year Palin can get Mother of the Year... Who the fuck am I kidding....

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Oh my god - Sarah Palin as "Mother of the Year"! Oh god, oh god!!!

      Alaskans would come out with all the 'facts' as to her parenting skills should that award ever be bestowed upon her!

      But, truthfully - know it won't occur! She's such a fucking joke in every segment of her life! It's all documented and can be verified!

  6. Anonymous5:37 AM

    How many kids, both Iraqi and those of American servicemen don't have fathers to celebrate the day with thanks to GWB. Let me guess, the award came from either some REpublicook org or one of his daughters activities?

  7. Gotta laugh. Then shake your head in bewilderment. How ridiculous is America right now? Sarah Palin...Donald Trump...The Duggers...FOX network calling the Pope "the most dangerous man on earth" -- it is to weep. I am "this close" to shutting off the Internet and reading the Classics. (But won't -- watching these nut jobs is a guilty pleasure.)

  8. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Turd polishing at its finest.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      +agree to and past infinity.

  9. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Trying very hard to clean up the Bush name before the 2016 elections; and to keep blowing sunshine up W.'s skirt as he knows he is universally despised.

  10. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Should have put up the photo of W DRUNK as hell at the Olympics. He had to be heped to his seat by three guys. People around him were staring. Laura smiled her benign smile, Barbara turned his American flag right side up, since he was holding it upside down. I got the feeling this was a typical day in the life of this waste of space. Amazed those photos were allowed to be published. When his father was president, there was a formal dinner,. W left the room and urinated on a wall outside the door, he was so drunk. Low life with money is all he is.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      So true!

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      I had forgotten about these photos of which you speak:

    3. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

      Thanks for the Gawker link. I'm digging for the story about the bong his kids had in Ashton Kutcher's place..

  11. Anonymous6:46 AM

    This ignoramous is lower than earthworm shit.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

      Mission Accomplishedest comment, ever!!

  12. Anonymous7:38 AM

  13. Anonymous7:39 AM

    May 4, 2004, 8:36 PM
    What A Mother!

    "Mother's Day is just around the corner, and many families will be planning something special for that date.

    The Early Show correspondent Melinda Murphy talked with one mother who's going to be quite busy on the day that celebrates mothers.

    Michelle Duggar just won the "Young Mother of the Year Award" in Arkansas, which is sponsored by American Mothers Incorporated.

    Duggar is like any mom -- multiplied several times over.

    Michelle Duggar, 37, and her husband, former state Rep. Jim Bob Duggar, have 14 kids. All of their names start with the letter "J," and number 15 is due this month."

  14. This is the man who referred to his children as "a pain in the ass." (I'm not saying he was wrong, it's just not how I'd expect a doting father to refer to his kids.) These are the kids who despised their father so much they couldn't even make a commitment not to drink in public when they were the nation's First Children and underage. This is the dad who, when his daughter was recovering from surgery for "appendicitis," (abortion?) went on a short vacation trip with the rest of the family, leaving her at home, saying she could "clean up her room."

    Yeah, he should be father of the year.

    I forget if it was Jenna or Not-Jenna who was filmed on a beach in Brazil removing her underwear on the beach. I know I actually watched it.

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    OMG - He was really attractive!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:02 PM

      I LOVE your sense of humor!!! Made my day! Hashtag Great Snark

  16. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Am I the only one who thinks seeing George W Bush mysteriously increase in his poll ratings and be provided this award having anything to do with Jeb Bush running for POTUS?

    Jeb has horrible poll ratings and is constantly having to defend his brother, his crappy war and his presidency!

    And, yet the Republicans keep saying Jeb will run against Hillary Clinton for POTUS in 2016 - when nothing indicates so other than him supposedly raising a considerable amount of money for his campaign.

    The Republicans are screwing up AGAIN!!! This is going to be fun to watch!

  17. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I certainly would like to know if Jim Bob dugger at the very least,got runner up or honorable mention? If good enough for a mass murderer. Well, you know.

  18. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

    I bet he's Thrilled that Sarah came along and sucked up all his oxygen in the media, or he'd be "Fodder of the Century".
    Yes, how many orphans, both foreign and domestic did he create in his eight year reign of terror going after evildoers, and photo ops with a plastic turkey with the troops,, choking on a pretzel, dropping the first dog on the lawn more than a few times, trying to exit locked doors....... he's the male equivalent of Lucy Riccardo, the character, not Lucille Ball the female studio owner and one of the best comediennes in history?

    Poor Jeb can't catch a break. His brother, once again, getting media attention and reminding folks of the family's business.


    Happy Fathers Day to all who have them, cherish your time with them, And to those who lost theirs, find solace in the memories and wisdom Fathers pass on. Love never dies.

  19. Fiona Solo10:07 PM

    GWB is only qualified to receive "Drunk of the Decade" and/or "Worst POTUS ever".

  20. Anonymous4:43 AM

    There is no word to describe that kind of stupidity.


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