Wednesday, June 10, 2015

McKinney police officer resigns after video catches him manhandling teens at a pool party. Update!

Courtesy of the New York Times: 

A police officer in McKinney, Tex., who was seen on video pulling his gun on teenagers in swimsuits and shoving a young black girl’s face in the ground at a pool party has resigned, the police said Tuesday. 

Cpl. David Eric Casebolt, who had been placed on administrative leave after the episode on Friday, remains under investigation, Chief Greg Conley said at a news conference. The corporal will keep his pension and benefits, the police chief said. 

“Our policies, our training, our practice doesn’t support his actions,” Chief Conley said. “He came into the call out of control, and as the video shows was out of control during the incident.” 

The video was taken on a cellphone and posted to YouTube, where it set off another in a recent series of debates involving race and police tactics. The police said Corporal Casebolt and other officers were responding to a call about a fight and a disturbance at a community pool in Craig Ranch, a racially diverse subdivision north of Dallas.

I have actually received some interesting responses to my mentioning of this incident in the post about that South Carolina cop being indicted for shooting the unarmed black man in the back.

Most people are suitably outraged, but there has been a very vocal minority that has attempted to defend the police officer's response, claiming that the kids were not listening to his commands, that they were disrespectful, and that DJ was tweeting invitations to everybody in the area, not just those originally invited by the teens.

So some of that, or all of that, might be true, but here is the raw video of this officer's response.

(Here is an updated version since the other one was removed from You Tube.)

You tell me, was he justified?

Update: So here is a link to some of the conservative excuse making concerning this incident. Including Megyn Kelly saying that the victim was "no saint either."


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    One of those "very famous" talking heads on FOX said that the kids deserved the tear gas that was released, because they were a mob on private property. I can't believe (or can I?) that they don't do the most minimal investigating before mouthing off on FOX.

  2. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Apparently the cop's lawyer says that on that same day, earlier, he was called to 2 suicide events. One was where a family member killed themself in front of the family. There should be an out, a voluntary time out, for officer's under a lot of stress. Still, it's telling who he took his stress out on. Just a lucky hair for this guy that he didn't shoot one of those kids.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      I totally understand where you're coming from, but that's absolutely no excuse. If he can't handle the job, he shouldn't be on the job, and he sure as shit shouldn't have a gun.

      Doctors and nurses deal with tragic situations all day long and are expected to find ways to deal with it without it impacting the quality of their care. A professional would recognize that they need to take themselves out of the situation for a bit.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      So he wanted to pull his gun on teenagers because of it?! Bull fucking shit. There is no excuse for all this.
      BTW The racist fucking white fat ass woman that started harassing these kids was NEVER arrested.

    3. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Larry O'Donnell just pointed out that sure, it is a stress, but cops deal with suicide all the time, and almost certainly in a police force that small, at least a couple of his fellow officers were probably send to the suicides too. O'Donnell says it's just proof that he shouldn't be a cop.

    4. Anonymous12:53 PM

      If he had been on a call for 2 suicides he would have still been filling out paperwork. Sorry, made up excuse.

    5. That doesn't make since. He should have been tied up all day with writing reports about the even first situation.

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I cannot believe that any rational person could view that tape and place the blame on the kids. The girl was FOURTEEN. Fourteen years old, in a bathing suit, committed absolutely no crime--suspected or otherwise, and is being flung around like a rag doll and then sat on by a 40-something man. He pulled her braids, punched another girl (the one in the white bikini said the cop punched her), and pulled his gun on 2 unarmed teen boys. WTF is wrong with people that they would see that and go, "well, she shouldn't have..." And, shouldn't have what, may I ask?! The girl was gathering her things and that cop flipped the fuck out and assaulted her under the guise of controlling the situation.

    I'm sorry, but if that were a white girl, these same people wouldn't be defending this jackass.

    Furthermore, this bullshit all started when some white woman (not a teenager) made nasty racist comments at the kids. A white teen with the black kids defended them, the white woman kept running her mouth and the black kids started defending their white friend. Then the white woman HIT one of the women with teens! It was then that some white folks called the cops and claimed the kids shouldn't be there, even though they live in the area. Why the fuck hasn't the white woman been charged with assault?

    Pardon my language, but kids being treated like this for committing the crime of being born black just makes my blood boil.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      And the racist slob of a white fatass was never arrested for assault.

    2. Anonymous12:49 PM

      She was bad mouthing the cop. But, other cops on the tube today said that it is part of their training to ignore people talking back to them. No reason to throw her to the ground, slam her her, etc. At one point he is screaming at her to sit down, when she already was sitting down, after he threw her there.

    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      "if that were a white girl, these same people wouldn't be defending this jackass."

      There'd be nothing to defend if it were a white girl. The assault wouldn't have happened.

    4. Anonymous1:18 PM

      And we expect police men to be able to handle sass from teenagers, or other people, without flying into a rage and losing control of themselves. That child was doing what the officer asked and he still pulled his gun. Would you want that cop working in your town, if this is how he works with teens? (non-threatening teens at that)

    5. Anonymous2:15 PM

      One of the worst situations for a cop is to have to intervene in a domestic altercation. Can you imagine the "sass" they are subjected to in that case? It's just out of control and unforgivable for a cop to throw ANYONE to the ground because of sass. She was already walking away from him.

    6. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Is it really any wonder that this cop is getting death threats? I'm not surprised at all! He acted like a nasty, racist cop helps continue the divide in our nation.

      I suspect one day we are going to have a huge revolution within our country and it will be whites against blacks (or visa versa) as sad as that is to say!

    7. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Yes he needs to go be homeless. I hope she sues the department now that we know he is out of control and they did nothing. Bankrupt the city. Sick of these shitty cops.

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I wonder if the people justifying Casebolt's actions did so before the police chief characterized him as 'out of control' and indefensible.

    The video shows only one person breaking the law...former Ofc. Casebolt. There is no other interpretation.

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    He looked like he had roid rage. The way he flings that little girl around is disturbing, to say the least. He made it a point to rub her face in the dirt, as if she was some big threat. I am very upset at how he yelled at those kids, cursed at them, and wouldn't listen to reason. He should maybe NOT work with other people, and definitely not have a gun!

  6. Crystal Sage12:43 PM

    What was Casebolt doing? Auditioning for a part on some cop show? The roll on the ground was right out of some cop fantasy. Grabbing a girl by the hair and tossing her to the ground is the stuff that cop wannabes dream of - except this idjit had a gun with live bullets. This situation was a hair's breadth away from being a tragedy. His fellow police officers acted with restraint and attempted to calm the situation. He went "rogue" (yeah, like you, Sarah Palin) and brought the situation to a boiling point. It's all on him regardless of how it started.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      The other officers stood right beside the guy as he slammed the girl to the ground. Hardly honorable! Why are the white folks free to linger while black kids are slammed to the ground.

      Until good cops start containing bad cops and hiding behind the blue shield, this crap will continue.

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      @anon 1:24 pm
      You are so correct. When the other officers saw him not only assault a child for no reason, but also pull his weapon for no reason they should have restrained him and put him in a back of a police car.

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    There is no way his treatment of that girl (or his elevated demeanor in general) was even remotely reasonable. It is not against the law to be disrespectful, she was leaving the area as ordered, and she was not a threat to him or escalating the situation. On the video I saw, another police officer was talking politely with young guys who were talking politely with him, even returning a flashlight to him, when Rambo suddenly appeared, ordering them all to the ground and swearing up a storm. Talk about escalation, disrespect, and inappropriate behavior! If he was not fit for duty following his two prior calls, he should have recognized that before visiting his instability on citizens. Horrifying manhandling of that young woman, completely over-the-top response to what was by then a nonviolent group of teens. No excuse.

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    They sure are coming out and trying like hell to make this cop look like a good cop even though he resigned!

    They forget to mention that he had another case against him that also doesn't reflect him as a 'good cop'! That little girl did not deserve his horrible actions and I hope he didn't do permanent damage to her back by having put all of his weight and both knees on her for a period of time.

    The guy is an asshole and I have zero respect for him!

  9. Any time a "disturbance" or "crowd control" turns into an assault or a homicide is unjustified.

    It's just surprising the officer didn't murder anyone.

    (And I am as weary as weary can be of reading conservatives' insistence that there is no racism in the US.)

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      We are a horribly racist nation and I have to admit I'm getting sick and tired of the actions displayed by the white folks that we've been watching in videos throughout this past year.

      I'm white and am embarrassed as heck for our country!

  10. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I'm still waiting to find out who those obese white men were, one was hovering over Casebolt while he slammed the girl to the cement, and at one point one of the obese white guys stretched both arms out to stop the other girls from coming to the aid of their friend who was being roughed up to the max. who are those fat guys, and why were they allowed to be on public property evidently directing the police as to whom to rough up, and assuming some role of telling the kids what to do. BTW, are all white men in that town obese?

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      12:55 PM I wondered about that one obese guy when Casebolt had the girl down on the ground. He appeared to be trying to protect the scene with the cop!

      Also, thought he was trying to block photos being taken of the cop's actions.

      Could he be a part of the local residential area security or does he work for the cops? How do we find out?

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      No one is talking about the big white guy making sure the officer had plenty of room to manhandle that young girl. Instead of trying to intervene to calm the cop, he made sure he had plenty of room to assault a bikini clad teenager. I hope his family is proud of him - fucking teatard.

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      I've been wondering the same thing about those guys. They seem to be wandering around this chaotic scene and appear to be untouchable. The cops don't even look at them or react to them. I think the video was taken by a white kid who stated that he and some others that are white skinned were just allowed to wander around and were "invisible" to the police who focused all of their energy on the black kids. These fat white fucks also seem to be "invisible".
      Pretty damn sad.

    4. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Perhaps they were just trying to keep the other kids from getting roughed up by the cop, by holding them back? I have no idea, just speculation.

    5. Anonymous2:07 PM

      1:34 You have to watch the video, the fat guy was holding his arms out to the side to stop the girl in the white bikini and another 1-2 girls from approaching the violent take down of the girl in the braids.

    6. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Seems to me an adult in street clothes ( could be hiding a weapon quite easily) is overlooked so the pig can assault a 14 yr old child in a swimsuit. Why wasn't the fat pasty white guy the one slammed down?

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    It's good to be white

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Lou Sarah? Chuck? Sally? That you? Just can't get ever get away from those Idaho Aryan roots, now can ya?

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      In just a few more years you will be the minority, and I doubt it will be that nice anymore. Don't worry too much, I doubt the majority then will treat you any worse than they have been treated. You okay.with that?

  12. Anonymous12:57 PM

    His lawyer says he is sorry "to those who were offended" by his actions. Typical non-apology. Big mistake if his lawyer thinks that will somehow work.

  13. Anonymous1:12 PM

    The cop "was no saint either" since he's been sued for sexual assault because during a traffic stop, he pulled the a man's pants down and shown a light up the man's anus. I think he was high on something he was so out of control.

    The message from these crazed cops is "When I bygod tell you to jump, you better fuc_ing say how high and you better do it the very instant I tell you to do it". It's about them feeling superiority because they're cops, because they've got a gun and because they are control freaks. I would guess they treat their wives / girlfriends and kids the same way.

    I hope the little girl's parents sue. I was outraged to see his fat ass knees in her back. He could have seriously injured her. He could have broken her arm the way he picked her up from a sitting position and flung her to the ground.

    I'm white. I live in Texas. I don't like the way the cops here (and around the country) treat kids especially black kids. Each and every kid I heard talking was polite and respectful to Casebolt. His actions are an outrage.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      The little black girl's parent should sue this 'resigned' cop personally! He is obviously racist and treated the little girl horribly. She didn't do a damned thing wrong from what we could see on the videos except yell for someone to call her Momma!

      Imagine if a white girl had been treated the same way by a black officer. Shit he would have been hung from a tree immediately - right in that location!

      This white cop was so damned wrong I can hardly believe there are folks out there actually supporting his actions after viewing the videos.

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      It's funny. Last week, 14 was young enough to be a curious child (Josh Duggar). This week 14 is old enough to be "no saint" who should know better than mouth off, lest you provoke an assault.

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Megyn Kelly is a Biased Bitched.

  14. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I should have posted this link to my other comment. Here's a run-down on Casebolt.

  15. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Truthfully, was not at all impressed with his attorney!

  16. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Dayum, I'm sorry. Here's the link:

  17. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Imagine if you would, a beautiful white teen being slammed to the ground in the video. All hell would break loose. Besides, it would NEVER happen.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Chris Hayes pointed out last night that a parent who did that to his own teenager in a park, for instance, would have the kid taken away into protective services. I do believe if it had been a white girl, her family would be fully involved in a sexual assault case against the dept. Dressed in a bikini, slammed to the ground, being knelt or sat upon by a man 2+ times her age....

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      It did. Kent State. 1970. Four white college kids dead. National Guardsmen the shooters. But I DO know what you're saying. Blacks indeed are more often victims of out-of-control police thuggery and destruction.

    3. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Sorry- but I've seen plenty of belligerent cute white girls slammed by the police. It happens all the time.

    4. Anonymous4:25 PM

      3:54 PM Must live next to a Trailer Park or a Bar.

  18. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I was also concerned about the large, portly guy in denim shorts and beige shirt who stood with the girl between his legs. What was that all about? Was he just some bystander or a police officer in civvies? In either case, it seemed very creepy to me.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Me too.

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      A BWFF. Probably failed the physical and psyche boards to be a PO-liceman. Even too obese to be a mall cop.

  19. Anonymous1:36 PM

    O/T but so heartwarming to see the attitude of these young ones:

    Watch These Children React to Caitlyn Jenner and Teach the World a Lesson

    ...SheKnows actually got some kids together, showed them pictures of Caitlyn and Bruce, then told them they were the same person. Then they asked them what they thought about that and their response was beautifully sweet and kind.

  20. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Boy, this guy just doesn't know when to quit! Gun obsessed dickwad.

    Anti-Muslim Hate Rally Organizer Needs You To Buy His Motorcycle To Get More Guns (IMAGE)

    The guy who tried to bait Muslim Americans into lashing out by “protesting” the women and children trying to enter a Phoenix mosque needs some of your money. For what? More guns, of course.

    Somehow the AR-15s he and his followers waved around in Phoenix aren’t enough, so Jon Ritzheimer is asking you to buy his motorcycle from him at a premium so he can afford to get more weapons. On Facebook this week, Ritzheimer shared a craigslist post listing his 2012 Harley Davidson Dyna Street Bob and insisted he’s “not taking a dime less than $11,500.” That would be a fairly generous price to give Ritzheimer considering Kelly Blue Book estimates similar bikes should go for a thousand dollars less in “excellent” condition. (Ritzheimer says the upgrades he made to the bike warrant the extra cost.)

    Ritzheimer makes it clear that giving him this money would be crucial to his family’s safety. He “need[s] every penny [he] can get to buy more guns, etc….”

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Somebody needs to explain to these second-amendment-gun-fetishers that this country protects the right of people to worship, without fear or intimidation, in the church, mosque, synagogye or any other place of assembly that they want. It's a First Amendment right.
      In my mind, it trumps the rights of the gun carriers every time.

  21. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I think each and every community in the country should pass laws saying that any police officer, deputy, state trooper has to immediately be tested for drugs and alcohol when they are involved in a shooting or excessive force case. I think we're seeing a lot of policemen who have substance abuse problems.

  22. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Omg, megan could have said that about the duggar girls, they are no saints either.
    I hope megan gets excessive force by a cop. She deserves it.

  23. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Why isnt that man who hit a 2 year old splashed on the news in AZ.

  24. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I'm a liberal female from the DFW area and I find myself simply shaking my head... so many of these police incidents have me fuming, and I still think of Treyvon and feel sadness. However, in this McKinney case, there don't seem to be any heroes. Bad policing on the part of only ONE officer and out of control, disrespectful kids. Seems like a mob took over a neighborhood pool. No surprise things escalated. When an officer tells you to sit down and hush, that's what you do.

    1. AKinPA4:19 PM

      Wow! I know I'm from the rude, ill-mannered north, but is pulling out your gun and aiming it at unarmed teens in bathing suits the DFW way that "an officer tells you to sit down and hush"? And if I don't sit down and hush, I deserve to have ONE large thug in blue pull my hair and kneel on my back for a minute and a half? Also, can you define "mob"? Being from the north, I associate mobs with Tony Soprano and friends (actually, their real life counterparts) not a bunch of maybe unruly teens in bathing suits. And besides, weren't the police supposed to be the adults in that encounter?

      Sorry. I don't mean to push this North/South thing but this comment made me see red.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      There wasn't only one officer present and this wasn't a "mob" so get over yourself. This was all started by one white woman that assaulted children.
      There was no "mob" and they didn't take over the pool. A neighborhood child invited their friends over after reserving the pool for an end of the year party.
      Try getting the facts before flapping those gums loser bagger.

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      BTW The "mob" or as most would call them, the group of children were standing around and calling their parents for an early pick up just like all kids would be doing in any city, state, or town.

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      130 kids, kids climbing fences, defying the security guard, loud music for hours...yep, that's a mob. Of course there was a bad cop and of course there were good kids, but the blame can be shared by many. Y'all are reading things in my comment that just aren't there. Why don't y'all just read only what I wrote.

    5. Anonymous9:40 PM

      Anon 2:19 is right. CR North used to be my neighborhood. It's diverse and has very strict HOA bylaws and pool rules. No way a party this big would have ever been approved. You have to know a passcode for the gate and have your CR picture ID to get in. There's a 2 guest limit. Nobody would call the cops just for black people being there, because there are African American neighbors there every day. I think the cop went way overboard. The kids were trying to get in because they were invited to a pool party by someone who did not have the authority to let them in the pool. They were mad and thought the guards were making up rules to keep them out, but those really are the rules. I say this as someone who's had to do the walk of shame back home to get my ID to get in. The kids should have been mad at the person who invited them without getting permission. Unfortunately, people won't listen now that they are so invested in the rage. They can't or won't dial it back. It's a lost cause, and the only people looking at other facts are really, really awful websites like Breitbart or The Blaze, and their coverage is embarrassingly slanted way too much in the other direction.

  25. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I'm the mother-in-law of a police officer. It's cops like this stupid SOB who put good cops like my son-in-law in danger. This man is why minority communities are afraid of cops. And these bad cops exist because for so long they've been allowed to exist in a culture where they protect one another. This cop wasn't born. He was made by his profession. It shouldn't be that way, but it will only get worse until the cops realize they are peacekeepers and not overlords.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Bad officers such as this one don't only terrorize minorities. They bully white females too. I've had two encounters in the past few years that left me so enraged and also so shocked that officers could behave so brazenly.I think what happens is that these borderline personality types strike fear in their colleagues and people hesitate to do anything about them, until the escalation is too great.

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Well a large part of the problem is created by officers like your SIL ( if he truly isn't an abusive cop) stand by and watch shit like this happen and do nothing to contain out of control officers.

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Finally, someone who knows and loves a cop who gets that by supporting bad cops no matter what you are putting your loved one in danger.
      Thank you for your common sense and decency.

  26. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Looks like the Twitters tracked down the racist that started it all:

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Forget admin. leave. She needs to be fired, because her demonstrated racism olive that she cannot be trusted to make fair and unbiased decisions about people not like her.

  27. Anonymous3:35 PM

    These sentiments from Fox and Megan Kelly are the same kind during Trayvon Martin's murder. How many times did right-wingers call him a thug? If the child is black, then there's no remorse and that child, the victim, is attacked.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Yep. A two year old was killed in AZ and finally it was on the news but they really didn't show his white face so clearly. Killed a cute little girl. Oh no can't put that in AZ news. Just people of color splattered on the news.
      I first found the story in Australia news with the guys face splattered across the page.

  28. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Fox News Is Unraveling As Their “Objective Witness” To McKinney Pool Party Is A Convicted Felon

    ...Lest this turn into he said, she said, the lady who organized the event corroborated Stone’s version of events according to Buzzfeed, including the charming use of the totally not-racial slur “black f**cker”. Oh.

    So died the ridiculous notion that this wasn’t racial. And it’s starting to look like the “witness”, who was years earlier was arrested for aggravated assault, wasn’t so innocent.

    But the bad news isn’t done yet. This Toon guy, Megyn Kelly’s “witness”, was also convicted in 1999 of felony criminal mischief and he pled guilty to killing and maiming animals as an 18-year-old.

    Sean Toon was convicted of torturing animals and served 285 days in jail, according to records obtained by the Guardian:

    Sean Toon, who called police to complain about group of black teenagers trying to enter a party on Friday, was jailed for violent behaviour and animal torture

    ...“Cows and pigs were cut and bruised, apparently beaten with wooden boards. And baby turkeys were slain, their limbs torn apart,” the Dallas Morning News reported at the time. Dale Gardner, a teacher in the school district’s agriscience and technology program, told the newspaper: “It was brutal. There’s no way to describe it. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

    About a dozen prize turkeys, which were reportedly being bred by a student aiming to win money for his scholarship fund, were feared killed.

    Animals and buildings were covered in green and gold paint, according to reports. These were the colours of Toon’s high school, Newman Smith, whose football team rivalled that of RL Turner High, whose students used the agricultural centre.

  29. Anonymous5:27 PM

    She thought she would get away with it, but she didn't:

    White woman suspended from job after allegedly instigating McKinney pool fight

    After a Twitter campaign to identify two white women at a now-infamous McKinney pool party who were caught on tape locked in a punching, hair-pulling attack on a young African American girl succeeded in pinpointing Tracey-Carver Allbritton, Allbritton has been placed on administrative leave from her job.

    The Daily Kos reports the two women were “confirmed” to have made racist comments that led to the party spiraling into a violent melee in which police were called and also caught on tape abusing adolescent African American party guests. On her social media profile, Allbritton claimed to work for Bank of America.

    In response, social justice action group Dallas Communities Organizing for Change launched a Twitter campaign asking BofA to take action against her with this tweet:

  30. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

    Chris Hayes said the officer has issued and apology, his "excuses" include, but are not limited to and not corroborated with police, he went to a few domestic disputes, and an attempted rape before assaulting only black kids while the white kids felt invisible. Hannity had a guy on and accused him of being a professional demonstrator, he tried to bait him into admitting it was a "set up" for the camera. Hayes had him on and he reiterated there was only one officer who pulled a gun on black kids, and tortured an unarmed teen in a bikini.

    Hey, Sarah, where's your "outrage" that they're "crucifying" the officer? How about the black girl getting a knee in her back and her braids pulled by a two hundred pound idiot in a uniform? Crickets chirping.

    I didn't catch the apology, but my husband said it was your basic "I had a bad day..... adrenaline,, if I offended anyone, it wasn't my intention" non apology apology.
    This guy needs to be fully investigated, and the "proof" better be rock solid, and even then, there's no excuse in the world for this type of behavior. Cops don't fare well in prison generally, just saying. Orange is the new Blue, fingers crossed.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

      Came back to correct my post, the apolggy was read by his lawyer.
      OT The boy with the toy gun at the park who got shot and killed- A judge said there's enough evidence to go to trial, Let's hope the Rice family gets justice by the grand jury. They'll never see their beautiful son again, but it's a little solace if the justice system works in their favor. No one should lose a child to violence, or anything else for that matter.

  31. Anonymous7:27 PM

    These 6 Groups Are Stopping Us From Ending Police Brutality

    Read more at:

  32. I'm still on the fence with this one. But, to be clear, I have no mercy when a rogue, brutal cop uses his position to assault, intimidate or even worse case - kill an unarmed citizen. The police mentality and actions have escalated over the years - no question - to mutations of what used to be. Police brutality has always existed but it's become more extreme. His actions appeared to be almost done from a PTSD state of mind. Watching him while he held her down - he appeared scared, over stimulated - loss of composure and whatever else. Reason I'm on the fence - she was quite loud and mouthy prior to him going after her - she refused to lay face down and was then treated as they're taught to do in any situation where someone resists. Please don't everyone come after me with pitchforks - I don't agree with his use of force but I dont totally disagree either. When I was a teen - 16 to 18 - I was caught doing things not permitted - like being out with friends at 3am- drinking - stupid things. I was arrested once - omg! And no way would I have mouthed off or refused to leave as they were told numerous times. That cop screamed in my face and I didn't talk back - scared shitless - and white cop - white me. Parents need to teach kids to STFU when cops arrive - right or wrong - they're asking for trouble when they're all yelling and refusing to go. She was told several times. Don't hate me.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      I am inclined to give the police the benefit of the doubt also. I'm glad in this incident there was video proof of his actions, so we don't have to just go on unreliable witness statements.
      I'd like to point out there were 2 other cops on the scene who were interacting calmly and politely with black people who were on their feet. They evidently didn't fear for their lives. What made this one cop different? He came out of the gate charging, forcing people (randomly or just blacks, I don't know his criteria) to sit down, cuffing one guy who was obeying his instructions and sitting down. The reason the onlookers went to help that girl (except for the fat white aholes, who give us fat white guys a bad name) is because the cops actions were so disproportional to the provocation. I think even the other two cops were going to try to stop him from what he was doing.
      I'd like to remind people who says people should just shut up and do what the authorities say that 1) nonviolent orotest just gets you maced in the face, and 2) this country was FOUNDED by people who weren't going to accept abuse from the authorities anymore. Which is why I think the liberals are truer patriots than the Tea Partiers

  33. Anonymous7:45 AM


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.