Friday, June 12, 2015

Pop star Miley Cyrus has a rather blunt opinion of religion. And it ruffles a few conservative feathers.

Courtesy of Fox News: 

In Miley Cyrus’ super revealing Paper magazine cover story, the actress, who appears nude inside the mag, says she is the least judgmental person ever, yet she has some harsh words for Christian fundamentalists and her parents. 

The magazine’s story on Cyrus notes that though she was raised Christian, the singer “maintains a particular contempt for fundamentalist lawmakers who rally against this sort of progressive, potentially life-saving changes [for the LGBT] community.” 

The pop star told the mag, "Those people [shouldn't] get to make our laws.” 

The article touches on what Cyrus thinks of people who believe Noah’s Ark was a real vessel, "That's f--king insane,” she told the magazine. “We've outgrown that fairy tale, like we've outgrown f--king Santa and the tooth fairy." 

You tell'em Hannah Montana!

Cyrus also identified herself as having a rather fluid attitude about gender and sexuality.  

"I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn't involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that's legal, I'm down with. Yo, I'm down with any adult -- anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me," she said. "I don't relate to being boy or girl, and I don't have to have my partner relate to boy or girl."

Well this is going to make a couple of conservative heads go "pop."

Oops, here is one now, Creationist Ken Ham who wants to know why Miley does not do the dirty with animals.

Sick boy:

Question for her: Why not involve an animal? On what basis does she decide that? Besides, if there’s no God and she’s just a result of evolution, then she is merely an animal anyway. And those she interacts with sexually are just animals—so why not any animals? In other words, she has decided to draw a line for some reason—but what reason? It’s actually because in her heart she knows God exists (Romans 1), she knows she is different from the animals as she is made in God’s image (Genesis 1)—and she has a conscience (as seared as it is because of her sinful rebellion) because the law is written on our hearts (Romans 2). 

Question for her: Why only those over the age of 18? On what basis did she decide that? If there’s no God, why have any age restriction? On what basis would she argue against pedophilia? Why not do whatever anyone wants to do?

Why do these fundamentalist types ALWAYS first think about sex with animals or children? Eeew!

Apparently Ham missed the part where Cyrus talked about "consent."

You see it's the same reason you do not have sex with a person who is drunk, or mentally ill, or passed out.

Miley Cyrus may seem to have questionable morals to certain religious people, but at least she knows not to force herself sexually onto a person unable to give their consent.

That is certainly a hell of a lot more than can be said for Josh Duggar.

But wait there's more. Apparently Bristol Palin's ghostwriter has her panties all in a wad over this as well:

Miley later went on to drop lots of profanity as she described her parents’ conservative political views and anyone who might believe Biblical stories like Noah’s Ark are actually true. (Profanity? Do you mean like the profanity found in these police tapes from the Drunken brawl in Anchorage last year?)

Is it just me or does it seem more than a little fake that someone claiming to be accepting of everyone and everything would spew such judgment towards her own parents and their deeply held religious beliefs? 

She wants everyone else to let her be “free to be Miley,” but seems unwilling to offer the same respect to her parents and those who wish to live out their Christian faith. 

(Actually in the article Cyrus specifically identifies her mother as being very accepting and supportive despite her Christian faith, and "praises her parents throughout the interview." Hardly seems disrespectful.)

Oh, Miley. Thanks for giving us the best example of what “tolerance” looks like in Hollywood: it looks a lot like contempt.

No contempt is what you show by paying a grown woman to make up things to attack somebody you disagree with while posing as a millennial, to make it appear a peer is doing the attacking.

Which seems to be working, as a number of sites are now quoting the post as if Bristol actually wrote the stupid thing.

When will they learn?

P.S. I actually don't listen to Miley Cyrus on the radio, but I did really enjoy this Wrecking Ball song. (Warning video is a little NSFW.)

She kind of reminds of a young Madonna. Remember how SHE freaked out the religious right?


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Miley was a 7 Mountain's Agenda Pop Culture takeover plan person:
    Good for you Miley!!

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      7 Mountain? Isn't that Palin's "Dominionist" deal? She would have a bone to pick with anyone that isn't a sheeple.

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Miley is such a sick puppy, I get mad just seeing her face, and I wish the media would leave her photos off the page.
    She also has begun to look like Amy Winehouse; I think she's going to die from her excesses, while everyone banters over her entertainments.
    Both Miley and Bristol are nobodies, and I could care less about them. I'm just here to say "please don't show me any more photos of that sick young woman". Whether her points are valid are irrelevant. She's one ugly person. Now I'm not going to come to this site for the rest of the day, so I don't have to see her face again.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      We could do without you too. Goodbye 6:35.

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Thankfully, Billy Ray doesn't have a Miley Cyrus Blog where he controls someone to write as if they are Miley.

      A parent that does that is as sick as it gets.

      Only an intolerant fool would stoop so low as to rip their child's life from them and try to make up another lie.

      Good-bye and try to be more positive when you hear truth 6:35 AM.

    3. I'm tired of seeing her T and A.

      Enough already. I get the rebellion. Now move on.

    4. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Who is it Sarah Palin is emulating?

    5. Anonymous8:37 AM

      I'm tired of seeing her T and A.

      More sick of her lying about who hijacks Bristol's Nancy blog for her hijinx.

    6. Anonymous8:45 AM

      You know, Miley doesn't have any mugshots or sex tapes. The rest is, well, freedom of speech.

    7. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Sarah can't tolerate freedom of speech for everyone. That is why she runs an authoritarian criminal enterprise.

    8. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I think it is a waste to bite on the Miley vs Bristol crap that Sarah is suckering the public to get into.

      Anyone that slighty knows the Palins or Bristol knows how Bristol has been marketed from the beginning. She is the golden child, Sarah's strong independent pistol yadda yadda... it is all "bullshit". It is all about the grift, for the bots to send money.

      Bristol is the 'nice' vs 'naughty'.

      Don't bite. Leave Bristol 'nice' for the porn industry.

      Miley isn't sticking with the religion Sarah uses for her business. The Miley vs is with Sarah. Sarah is not moral or religious, she just uses religion and taps into the morality part.

      Sarah has taken on Miley.

      Which she is free to do, as long as she is not faking it and pretending it is Bristol. Sarah wants you to be fooled and think it has to do with morals, Bristol's 'nice' superior morals vs what happens to a 'naughty' Miley. Who has something to show about Sarah's fake religion and her creating a fake life for her family.

      This fraud that Sarah is doing is what should be the issue here. How moral is it to defraud the public for your own financial gain?

    9. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Track Palin is another fraud from this family.

      Hackers Also Obtained Sensitive U.S. Military Data

      It will be a good day when hackers release how the Palins hide their money trail and more about other schemes.

    10. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Oh yeah! She's got it coming!

    11. Anonymous2:51 AM

      Miley does not have several babies hidden away, like the "re-virginized" Bristles does. Smart enough to use birth control. Nancy French needs a wake up call, the truth about Bristles. Unless of course, this is the ONLY gig she can get?

    12. Roy LaPree8:51 AM

      Miley is not a sick puppy you are a sick judgemental

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I don't want to be lumped in the same camp as Bristol Palin. But I think that we should not look for words of wisdom from the likes of Miley Cyrus. Miley catapulted herself to instant fame by taking off most (and now sometimes all) of her clothes, behaving lewdly wherever and whenever she chose in front of audiences or cameras. I could care less what Miley or Bristol think about anything. Both Miley and Bristol lack the maturity, the life experience or the education to prattle on about anything other than the effect of selfies and tacky behavior on their lives to date. And who cares about that?

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      She came to fame by being pimped by her father to Hollywood. She's a child actress that goes through the natural acting out when they hit puberty to show their independence through overt sexuality. She didn't want to be Hannah Montana, she morphed into her own as Miley Cyrus. I don't particularly approve of her, hated her lewd Music Award performance with Robin Thicke, and hate her tongue sticking in photos (like Sarah and Bristol) but there is no denying she's got mad talent. Incredible sultry voice, a powerhouse. Let's hope her sound values on consensual sexuality stays on point, as a health and wellness part of being human.

    2. All things being equal, hooray for Miley being so progressive and liberated, but she is not the best representative for anything except her own self indulgence and ambitions. It was the most awkward thing watching her induct Joan Jett into the Hall of Fame: up there cursing right and left came across as rather Try-hard for street cred for someone who is sells herself so hard as a radical pop star, when she's just copying Madonna's tactics.
      Not the best representative, but you know, good for her for having no adult boundaries and jeers to those conservative idiots with their lousy reading skills.

    3. Anonymous11:10 AM

      pimped by her father

      Miley and Bristol may have more in common than people know.

    4. Anonymous3:18 PM

      But Miley can sing and dance! Barstool can..................uh.......hmm......nothing!

    5. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Back up a minute there, Aragon. "cursing right and left came across as rather Try-hard for street cred for someone who is sells herself so hard as a radical pop star, when she's just copying Madonna's tactics." She does need to build cred - Country has long been considered the uncool of music, add in teh Disnification via Hannah Montana. Miley had a long way to go to get any cred. Likely she'll tone it down a bit as she gets older and maybe has kids. Look at Pink.

    6. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Even my Mom thought Miley was over the top, trying to have the street cred that Joan Jett earned the hard way.
      Miley hasn't really been country. First she was tween pop via Disney, and now she's in full hard sell pop mode. Not the same as Joan Jett or Patti Smith, etc.
      She still is a Try-hard and she should just chill and simply be. She has a good voice. She doesn't need to stoop so far,but if you aren't getting a rise, then you don't sell, or so her team and she think. It's a shame really and that's how you over stay your welcome and become passe, instead of having a long term career.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    There you go again, Bristol, ignoring the log in your own eye. Just remember, you and your family were all too happy to have your shot in Hollywood. Too bad you don't have the "it" factor. Is that what's bothering you, green eyes?

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      The Palin's have made their disdain for Hollywood clear when Sarah's grandson's baby daddy went all Ricky Hollywood.

      Sarah Palin On Oprah: Talks Levi's 'Aspiring Porn' Career

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I'm pretty sure the Palins have the shit factor.

      Shit! Here they come! Another beatdown at the hoedown!

    3. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Yet they had no problem doing their own reality shows. Hypocrites, all of them.

    4. Anonymous3:19 PM

      She has to take the log out of her ass!

    5. Anonymous6:03 PM


  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I have no patience for either Miley's showmanship or Bristol's Church Lady hrmpping.

    Miley said "consenting" and that's all we need to know from her.
    She joins billions of others who don't believe that Noah built an Ark.
    Bristol believes that he did. Okay, you're each entitled to your own opinion. But you aren't entitled to force your own beliefs on others.
    That's what makes the world go 'round, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      That's not a matter of opinion, science has this thing called facts. And you don't get to choose your facts - those that do, belong in Bellevue.

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Is Ken Ham really Sarah Palin in drag? I guess Ken and Brancy are upset that Miley seems so intolerant of their intolerance. Too bad for them.

    Speaking of tolerance because oh don'tcha know Ken and Sarah are so magnanimous in their tolerance of others, what shall they be doing for Ramadan next Thursday?

  7. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Good thing old Walt Disney isn't around for this! He was scandalized when Annette Funicello wore a bikini in the beach movies!

    ZOMFG her NAVEL was showing briefly and the wingers lost it back then!

  8. Anonymous7:04 AM

    We have all the Palins' foul-mouthed voice recordings, so we could have a swear-off, Gryph: "Whose mouth is dirtier, Bristol or Miley?"

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      No recordings of Sarah and her mouth of dirt.

      There is a recording of Bristol teaching Trig to say 'Bullshit!.

      The Palins laugh when teaching young children to curse.

      Bristol did do a failed show where she and Willow laughed at the disrespect and bad language they taught Tripp.

  9. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Miley Cyrus actually has talent and I respect her for it. Watch her on SNL she was awesome!

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Her take on Dolly Parton's Jolene was goose bump worthy.

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Her cover of Summertime Sadness blew me away. That girl has pipes!

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Not a fan of M.Cyrus, but I have to admit that she can sing!

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Somewhat off topic: Have you seen Bristol on the cover of the July edition of Glamour magazine? I guess she can add Covergirl to her resume. lol

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      HMMMMMMPPPFT!!!!! Bristol is on the cover of Glamour?????? All the makeup and plastic can't pass off Briss for Kim K.

      Snark or snaufu?????

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      When you realize no one cares you'll be alright

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Link please. I couldn't find it.

    4. Anonymous9:35 AM

      No, looks like Kim K is on the cover. I really don't think any of the magazines are interested in Palin Propaganda anymore. Yay.

    5. Anonymous10:42 AM

      7:15 AM was snarking. See the lol?

    6. Anonymous12:03 PM

      7:15 AM better come up with some better snark.

      SMH not LOL

    7. Anonymous2:51 PM


      Even though I wasted a few minutes looking for the link.

      Bristol and Sarah: Making the Kardtrashian family look normal!

    8. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Duh. I knew it was snark as soon as I read "Glamour magazine" as if. Buttstool will be on the cover of glamour when pigs fly and hell freezes over. Some people on here are so damn dense it borders on idiocy.

  11. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Who could forget this little gem from Life's A Tripp. Perhaps the funniest moment besides Tripp's foul mouth is Bristol explaining why they can't go to the pool right now because "There are a bunch of drunk kids down there." She should know.

    How about the hypocrite explaining why bullshit is Trigg's favorite word, after all she taught it to him. A little display of these charming moments should be put together, drunken brawl, Tripp and Trigg being Christian. You see Ms. Palin the holy we haven't forgotten, perhaps you have.Faggot scene from Life's A Tripp.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Through no fault of her own, Sarah has had to battle with Hollywood and porn. Her daughter has been right there by her side doing her best to pray the devil away from their blessed child. Give the family a break.

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Oh give US a break, 8:06 AM!

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Then let's ask God if trying to kill somebody is okay? I don't think so!

    4. Leland11:59 AM

      (This disappeared the first time around, but that may be my fault. I might not have waited long enough for it to actually get "accepted".)


      First, the commandment does NOT say "kill", regardless of what you were taught. The correct translation is "murder". They are 2 entirely different things. "Killing" is allowed otherwise a standing army for defense (or in the case of the ancient tribes, offense) would not be allowed.

      And second, I hope you won't mind if I don't try to hold my breath while whatever you think is god answers your question, will you? Because I certainly won't be even considering it.

    5. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Might want to preach to the choir buddy! They have killed people!!!

    6. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Well then call Homeland security! AIP!

  12. Anonymous7:18 AM

    So, I'd be sure to watch Ken around animals and children.

  13. Randall7:40 AM


    That is what blows a hole in the arguments of the Ken Hams and Bill O'Reillys and Franklin Grahams and Mike Huckabees and all the rest that immediately jump on the slippery-slope to animals and children when talking about gay sex.


    LEGAL consent.

    A child can not (legally) consent.
    An animal can not consent.

    And marriage - marriage is a legal contract, and neither children nor animals can enter into a legal contract.

    Consent is the defining factor - not God.
    So your (sick) slippery-slope argument is without merit.

    (I'm no fan of Miley Cyrus, by the way - not by any stretch of the imagination)

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      That's how I feel. I think Miley said it perfectly and I'm glad she speaks out like this. OTOH... I think it's extremely unfortunate that she seems to live to shock. I think she exhibits a lot of very troubling behavior. It makes me wonder what happened to her when she was a child, because her frequent grim determination to show her body and simulate sex publicly seems like extreme acting out. I think she is very talented and compassionate, and I hate to see her dilute her message and damage her credibility by it.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      It is terrific that Miley can speak and she doesn't have parents that stole her identity and put words in her mouth.

      Steal her boobs, steal a lipstick, steal her house but don't steal her identity.

      I can't think of anything much worse as a parent than what Sarah Palin does. Nothing more pathetic than what has happened to Bristol, she has no backbone and no way to get back all her parents stole from her. She is just a mindless robot.

      The media needs correcting.

      It is Sarah Palin vs Miley Cyrus.

      Sarah is too chicken to admit the truth.

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Isn't Miley a Disney Character? Some peeps say Walt himself was the devil.

      All is not as it appears in the media that looks like childhood is one great song and dance tune or comedy show.

      She may have been handled by the pervs and perps that work in that business just to be close to their prey.

    4. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Oh puhleez.

    5. Anonymous3:45 PM

      puhleez, Miley seesm pretty normal for a kid who didn't have any sort of normal childhood - Daddy a music star, then her own fame as Hannah Montana. So now she busts loose - she's 22. Most kids are partying away their last year of college at that age - so I'd say she's pretty normal there - just has the money to do it bigger - and the entertainment industry allows and encourages the excess. ANd the take back the power of language - that goes back to grrls bands.

      I had dismissed her - found her to be way overproduced on records so didn't really know what her voice sounded like - a la Britney Spears. Thanks to these attacks on her - looked up her performance of Jolene and stumbled on "the Backyard Sessions" HOLY SHIT!!!!!! the girl can sing. On top of it, she's got authenticity and timing of phrasing like some of the best bluesman and jazz singers. Still needs to work on seeing the audience - that will come with age. Hope she doesn't burn out too quick.

      Bristol? no talent, no cause she hasn't been a hypocrite about, fake body and looks and no brain or excuse for not developing one.

    6. Anonymous3:51 PM


    7. Anonymous5:56 PM


      Was that Barstool? It says does not exist.

  14. Sorry, but I find it hard to take anything Miley Cyrus says (or does) seriously.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      You don't have to.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Then don't. She isn't your generation and does not speak for you. She is my daughter's generation and speaks for them. Her over the top destruction of Hannah Montana was needed for her to break the mold her family made for her. At least she was strong enough to not buckle under and be the "good girl" and end up a suicide later in life like so many child stars.
      If you don't like her, whatever. She has an incredible voice and no one needs to watch videos to appreciate that.

    3. If you want to see Miley catch some serious side eye, visit sites like Celebitchy.

    4. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I have not seen much of Mylie but I would take her more serious than the fugly Palins that defile our beautiful country with their own corn porn.

    5. Anonymous3:25 PM

      I like the "new crew" they are full of piss!

    6. Anonymous4:02 PM

      SHe may be our daughter's or granddaughters generation, but she's got at least the musical respect of our generation's progressive boundary breakers - it isnt' only Dolly she's performed with, but Joan Jett, Melanie, Sheryl Crow, etc.
      And back when Frank's daughter Nancy sand rock and roll - "These Boots are Made for Walking" Bet there was just as much pearl clutching.

    7. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I certainly hope she doesn't speak for anyone in any generation 9:29. No celebrity or person of public nature should be considered as 'speaking for anyone'. Are we not all individuals with our own thoughts and ideas and perspectives, that are equally important as anyone elses? I certainly don't want anybody speaking for me.

      Miley herself is just another typical young inexperienced egotistical self important celebrity that thinks she has the world figured out because people like yourself give her a platform.

  15. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Miley Cyrus is a product of kid exploitation and she rebels, is out of control, and shames herself, has no self-respect, has no boundaries, she's enjoying a hedonistic lifestyle, calling out anyone who doesn't agree Mother-F&chers, including those her parents. So mature.

    It's not Miley that is as sick as people following her moves and spending wasted time on this girl's public destruction. For commenters who sympathize with Miley, it's their business and right, but we don't forget how we got enraged at SP and Dakota for calling MM to F_c Off. It's a two-way street. Both these girls, Miley and Bristol, both act like spoiled brats publicly shaming others for their beliefs. So one isn't better than the other. Cyrus is beyond rich and could take her talents and use them to a higher standard. So could Bristol Palin. These two are the pots and call the kettle black.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I'll take Miley's shaming over Bristol's any day.

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Lol...well one can sing and dance! One cannot! Anyone guess who wins?

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM


    4. Anonymous2:53 PM

      One wears a gorilla suit better than the other!

    5. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Wow! Want a medal for that?

    6. Anonymous4:04 PM

      What an illogical idiot you are 8:02 - wouldn't recognize false equivalence if it jumed up an dbit you sorry ass. Miley is 22 - and an entertainer. Sarah is what? 62 and her ONLY cliam to fame is as a plitician. Apples=/= oranges.

    7. Anonymous10:55 PM

      One doesn't have a litter of Bastard Babies, and a history of failed Trial Daddies.

  16. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Is Bristol jealous of Miley because Miley has a sextape?

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      That is not Bristol on the blog with her name.

      It is Sarah. Sarah is the one that is jealous. Sarah has a hard time with tolerance.

      Where is Bristol now? She looks homeless. Was she allowed a visit with her son Trig? How kind of the old witch.

      Bristol needs a home so she doesn't have to have visitation only on walks and such.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      She can go volunteer at Beans cafe!

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Are you forgetting #1BFF?

      Exotix LLC. I provide models for music video, photo shoots, and promotional work. I am currently working on a 2016 calendar with 12 month of Me that is issued each year called "Exotic Russian" There is a lot of exciting things happening this year so make sure to follow my work.

      Gets your rocks off, it's not porn.

    4. Anonymous9:19 AM

      This is what Bristol is jealous of.

      Immature meangirl Sarah is the one jealous of Miley being free. What if Sarah's kids caught on that they are prisoners of a most monstrous fraud? Sarah's kids have no freedom, when they try to find a little, control freak Sarah steals that also.

    5. Anonymous9:30 AM

      No Bristol is jealous because Miley broke away from her family and is on her own doing her own thing instead of being dependent on mommy or daddy.

    6. Anonymous12:35 PM

      9:30 AM With out doubt that would disturb Sarah Palin. How dare her cubs break free of her shackles.

    7. Anonymous3:26 PM


    8. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Marina Lupas has a problem with the English language and proper usage. Maybe she is a Palin.

  17. Anonymous8:15 AM

    We don't always agree with Miley but with friends like Marina or a mother like Sarah, why would Bristol feel that she can bad mouth Miley or anybody else on this planet?

  18. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Bristol also mentioned Miley posing nude. When your best friend is a Russian exotic model perhaps you should keep your mouth shut about nudity especially when your best friend shows her large derriere on calenders that she sells you know, for a profit. When your Father has had a book written about him being a pimp and he never sued the author for defamation of character, when you are on a police tape swearing like a piece of Valley Trash and your five year old son can hear it, well it's probably time to shut up for fear people just won't take you seriously little girl. Get a job and move out of your Mom's basement, that seems to be the advice you people like to hand out i suggest you take it.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Excellent post. FF.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Will you stop with the "Bristol also'... blah blah.

      BRISTOL is not doing anything.

      It is Sarah that is using her adult but immature kid.

      It is Sarah, the one that dresses like a slut and a ho.

      It is Sarah Palin that also mentioned Miley posing nude.

      Why does Sarah not mention Marina?

      She mentioned Levi when he did some tasteful beefcake shots.

    3. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Yea and stalking someone is CRAZY! Gee ya didn't think you would get caught? May be daddy's airplane friends should try to scam someone with "being picked up to pay for a tow on a rig that someone shouldn't be driving" whew! What a racket! So did he shit his pants when Homeland security called? They were curious about that!

    4. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Although we know intellectually that Bristol didn't really write this pile of hypocritical pig slop her name is on it therefore she can take the responsibility for it and the critisism that goes with it.

    5. Anonymous3:29 PM

      909 that explains the rage from Palin! Aw all fell apart! Again! Nothing sticks! Now HS is watching her! Hahahaha!

    6. Anonymous4:08 PM

      So all Bitchtol has to do is publicly deny the link to her. She's 24. She can surely pick up a pohne and call TMZ or Extra! WOudl beworth soem cash and gain her a little respect. Very little, but still....

    7. Anonymous4:16 PM

      So all Bitchtol has to do is publicly deny the link to her. She's 24. She can surely pick up a phone and call TMZ or Extra! WOudl beworth soem cash and gain her a little respect. Very little, but still....

  19. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Don't read into what Miley is saying, just question what the hell gives the right of Alaska's cheaper nastier version of Miley to talk about Miley?

  20. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Sarah/Nancy got all hypocritically moralistic about ESPN-Jenner and Duggar-Dunham. Now it's Miley.

    They wrote: "She wants everyone else to let her be “free to be Miley,” but seems unwilling to offer the same respect to her parents..."

    I read: 'free to be Bristol...unwilling...respect her parents'

    Maybe this is really about Sarah passive-aggressively trying to rein in Bristol to play her roll as Palin prop. If it is, what's the chance it backfires? Seriously, how long can a grown child submit to her mother making a mockery of her?

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Bristol can submit to it as long as there is a paycheck and she doesn't have to work a real job, or as long as designer shoes and purses and selfies are Bristol's priorities, in other words for the rest of her shallow life.

    2. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Seriously, how long can a grown child submit to her mother making a mockery of her?
      That's exactly what I thought when she was trotted on stage at the 2008 RNC. Why in the sam hill would a mother exploit and humiliate her child like that? I was about to find out.....

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Money talks! What will she do when it stops? Food stamps?

  21. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Aren't the Palins the only ones that can express opinions about anyone that does any kind of risque modeling? Isn't it Sarah that is big on having more wars so sons can fight for freedoms?

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Bristol should be writing under her own name and stop playing the fool.

      Doesn't everyone know her schtick by now?

      Everyone but Sarah, the chronic liar who spends 24/7 making up shit for a fake life. Sarah, let Bristol do her thing and let her write or have he own ghost writer.

      Poor pitiful Bristol still does not have a home.

      Sarah stop interfering.

      You are only failing.

  22. Anonymous9:22 AM

    How Nancy's head doesn't explode from the hypocrisy of what she writes on Bristol's blog, I don't know. She must be as sociopathic as Sarah.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM


    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      So is Sarah Inc...

  23. Leland9:29 AM

    This comment relates to those so-called "questions" Ken Hamm had for Miley.

    Question #1 about why not with animals: If you have to ask, Mr. HAMM, I wouldn't even comment. It really shows your ignorance.

    Question #2: Oh, gee, Ken, it wouldn't happen to be the legal age of adulthood, now would it? A goodly portion of the population of this planet recognizes that boundary as critical. Of course, there is the "legal" term "age of consent", but if an adult male or female has ANY common sense he/she will avoid a minor, incidentally defined as one under the age of 18, (there's that number again, Ken) like the plague.

    And before you even think about screaming about the Muslims, some of whom have a habit of marrying off young girls, just remember there are xtian cults (like those extremist Mormons) who do the same thing!

    Besides, it doesn't matter who does it, it's still not right - which you should have known.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Ham's point, which I don't think people get unless they've been raised in that world (I was), is that the whole reason we even have "consent" and "legal age," or any sort of morality or sense of right, is because God established a basic moral compass for humanity. Not everyone follows it, but most of us agree that certain behaviors are beyond the pale, and we think this because of the conscience God provided us. In that paradigm, the fact that Miley claims that nonconsensual sex, sex with minors, and sex with animals are wrong is because God gave us (mostly) universal standards of right or wrong. If God didn't exist, how would we know, and why would we care, what's moral or right?

      This is an argument I heard repeatedly as a child and teenager, and I'm sure most people who spouted it had no interest in sex with kids or animals. They just choose the most extreme, shocking behavior they can -- or parrot what they've heard others say -- in order to prove that most human beings have similar morals, a claim that they then use to build their argument for the existence of God.

      Nor is this a new argument. Read "Demons"/"The Possessed" (depending on translation) by Dostoevsky -- one of his characters claims that if God doesn't exist, nothing is forbidden and everything is permissible. The logical outcome of that perspective is this character's molestation/ rape of a 12-yo girl (IIRC, it's been a few years since I read it).

      Again, I'm amazed at the massive disconnect between evangelicals and non-religious. The two camps are so far apart that they literally can't understand each other's arguments. It isn't about Ken Ham wanting to have sex with kids or animals and being held back only by his belief in God. It's about the fact that he thinks God is the only reason people recognize that it's wrong to have sex with kids and animals; admitting that you find these things immoral is, in his view, tacit proof of God's existence.

    2. Leland12:40 PM

      I'm sorry, 10:01, but as long as that argument is allowed to stand unchallenged, the horror that is organized religion will never go away. There are billions of people on this planet who do NOT believe in a god and yet live quite moral and happy and productive lives. If Hamm's argument (and the argument you speak of as having been taught) was correct, those people wouldn't be that way. In fact, most of the non-middle-east-trilogy people are good people who are taught non-religious ways of life and that includes common beliefs of good and bad. Hamm's ignorance, and that argument espoused, refuses to allow him to accept that.

      As for the rift between people like Hamm and we non-believers, it is simple. It's because for the most part we non-believers aren't truly stupid. The majority of the non-evangelical christian believers look at and accept the bible as a gathering of stories that are meant to be taken as parables for proper behavior. Fools like Hamm see it as literally the writing of god and therefore as infallible and unchangeable. Of course, that doesn't consider the hundreds of different versions of the book, but, hey!, so what?

      Finally, I personally do not believe people like Ken Hamm are smart enough to expound that theory in anything except very basic language. He THINKS he is clever. That doesn't mean he IS.

      People like Hamm will cause blood to flow if allowed to have free reign without someone slapping down the arguments proposed by them.

  24. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Proof Sarah Palin takes freedom away from her own and their pals.

    marina_exotix_llc 1 day ago
    The things I want to say but will keep my mouth closed ...

    Poor Jordan.

  25. Anonymous9:59 AM

    100 Bristols with 100 typewriters, typing for eternity, would STILL be unable to write that post. (Not to say that it's that well-written, but, seriously? Based on the lack of 'fuckin's and 'awesome's, there is no way on Earth Bristol wrote any of the recent posts attributed to her.)

    I'm talking to YOU, Nancy!

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Lack of fuckin's?

      You mean too much fuckin'! Bristol also needs to become a better mother instead of a mother better at fuckin'. Bristol needs to keep her ass off of blogs and facebooks and she needs to stop letting her mother control her life.

      Do you agree Levi, Ben, Gino, Joey and Dakota?

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      11:06 AM Don't forget Dylan Kolvig.

  26. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The Duggar family sowed the seeds for their own downfall nearly a year ago when they sent out a hate-filled robocall to their entire town, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

    The call urged them to vote against new laws preventing anti-gay discrimination laws.

    Duggar's robocall compares transgenders to child predators.

    Tandra Barnfield, whose family knows the Duggars, took to action and did something. It eventually led to the truth about the Duggars life of lies being exposed.

    How hard would it be to expose that Sarah Palin is having someone operate the fraud blog? That it is not Bristol Palin that is even able to write.... No one in media should be playing along with these miscreants.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Thanks for posting this, 10:14 AM ! I was coming here to do so myself!

    2. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Dear Sarah 'YOU PEDOPHILE, YOU' Palin,

      Like the Duggars people have known about you and your family for years. No matter what you do the flood gates will open.

      Woman in Duggars' Church Tried to Warn of Josh's Behavior 8 Years Ago

    3. Anonymous3:05 PM

      How hard would it be to expose that Sarah Palin is having someone operate the fraud blog? That it is not Bristol Palin that is even able to write....

      This was already done right here at IM.
      I saw it all live as it happened!

      Check out all the comments for a trip in the wayback!

      Shailey, "Baldy", Gina M.... back when Bristol's blog still took comments...


    4. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Anonymous3:05 PM
      Ty. IMers are not blind and foolish sheep.

      So what is with the media? I don't think they are all just stupid.

    5. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Need to dig out those screen grabs where Nancy explained how she was helping Bristol and whatnot.

      It was hilarious as it happened. Someone must have been monitoring IM (Lou Sarah?) and then the little wankers kept trying to fix their mistakes and act like all was as planned. Stupid feckers!

      Bristol actually blogging.... IM commenters were all instantly gtfo no way she's capable of this.

      And we were right! As soon as you took a look at the blog there was the ghostwriter!

  27. Anonymous11:58 AM

    The Duggars made no mention of the fact that they had been under investigation again.

    The Palins and family of origin would make no mention of being under investigation.

    They might get on their moral high horse. They might appeal to religious morality.

  28. OT

    The insufferable old skanky witch can suck on this.

    Lena Dunham will be a voice on the Simpsons.

    sarry's little twisted, ignorant, nasty, pedophile-protecting mess isn't getting any traction.

    HAHAHAHA idiot

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Isn't tonight when Lena Dunham is on The Fallon show?

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Oh I saw that!

  29. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Contempt is Bristol's middle name. Remember Bristol's Big Middle Finger? Dakota is only the latest victim of Bristol's "contempt."

  30. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Now that Sarah doesn't have a real live combat vet to shill, is she going after entertainers like Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus? They do have name recognition. Is this going to be Sarah's new pattern? I forgot, it is Bristol. Who will be next on Bristol's list?

    What about Sarah's former prop Trig? Can she work him in after all the failures she's had recently? Who can't find cute Trig dear and appealing? As long as they don't show any of how he's been neglected and abused.

    Dakota made Sarah look so bad. Why was she flashing Bristol's ring? And that stupid celebration with no sign of Todd. Can she ever actually recover enough to regain some celebrity status? She is no Momager like Kris.

  31. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Since Sarah Palin doesn’t have a family Medal of Honor to pimp out anymore to the media, there's no one left to pimp out in Sarah's family so I guess its upto pimping out Bristol to the media.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Sarah what about pimping out Tractor as Alaska's combat hero? Is he still living at home with you?

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      1:58 PM

      I don't know. Sarah did find Track a baby sitter. One that can distribute dope to the her ward, and had permission to be on social media as she had always been. When you baby sit a Palin you have to do things like sign confidentiality agreements. You basically have to be in the same prison as the other Palins. If the boss tells you no free speech for you, or make your social media private you better turn into a wimp and just do what you are told.

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      What a way to live! Not!

  32. Anonymous1:56 PM

    For only having a high school education, Bristol writes a lot of posts on her blog and is quoted by a lot of media. Sarah must be so proud of Bristol since she stopped living in sin and hangs out with semi-nude exotic whatever she is. Oh I forgot Palins don't live in sin.

    Bristol Palin Goes After Miley Cyrus, Calls Her Hypocrite on Tolerance

    Bristol Palin Accuses Miley Cyrus of Intolerance Against Christians

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Did Bristol earn her high school diploma or did mommy governor called in some favors for her high school mommy daughter?

      Also something fishy went on when Willow was involved with breaking and entering and after a behind closed door meeting, Willow wasn't charged. Did mommy governor have any influence in that decision?

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      I forgot about Caitlyn. Was that Sarah or Bristol that injected the Palin name into that trending story?

    3. Anonymous3:39 PM

      203 you betcha! Barstool was stalking someone with Dakota till he realized they were more crazy then he is! Now the law is sniffing around from DC!

    4. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Does Miley have a history of multiple pregnancies like Bristol Palin? Does Miley 'audition' Trial Daddies every month? Did Miley Cyrus drop out of High School with 9 month mono? Did Miley compete on DWTS while pregnant like Bristol did? Did Miley allow her Mother to 'hook her up' with an MOH live-in Fake Fiance? Was Miley a runaway Bride? Bristol Palin should STFU about others, when her sorry single Mom life is not in order. Grow up, Bristol, you are not all that.

  33. Anonymous2:02 PM


    Before Bristol was without a home her handlers saw to it she had several places she could call her own and live with Tripp, each property was purchased. Now she is without stability and grounding and more vulnerable then ever.

    WELCOME TO MY MODEST HOME! Bristol's modest home.

    "My house is more like a tree fort then it is a formal home, but I bought it myself and I am very proud to call it my home. I live with my sister Willow (18) and my son Tripp (4). We also have two dogs, Charlie and Lucy."
    Household Manual: Bristol Palin Jun 19, 2013

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Quote from Bristol' s household manual:

      You have to be tough to rough it here in Alaska. When it comes to attire practicality heavily outweighs style. Warmth and comfort is key so I hope you brought your winter coat and some comfy boots.
      At heart, I’m still a typical girl who wants to look nice. I do my hair, wear makeup and high heels to work but I don’t find the need to do it 24/7. Clothes and accessories aren’t a hobby or passion of mine. You’ll never find me spending $1,000 on a purse or anything like that.
      I care about how I look personally but I don’t really care about how others view me. I don’t understand people who care too much about what others think of their appearance. It seems pointless and like a sad way to live your life.
      There are a couple of fancy restaurants up here, but no one really dresses up. There’s never a reason to find the need to be fancy. I mostly wear jeans, sweatshirts and boots. Plus, I’m usually in a down coat covering all my clothes anyway! If you didn’t bring appropriate clothing, I would suggest going to a store and picking up a few things."

      I guess that stuff about $1000 purses has changed. LOL

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      What happened, Bristol?

  34. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Brisdull is following the lead of her mother: Do not ever speak to anyone, just post 'your' spew behind the safe bunker of social media.

    Why, oh, why does the media give her any spew space -- if only to feed the laughter at IM??? LOL.

    It also serves The Chin's delusion that she is famous.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      When The Chin became The Chin, that's when I knew she was out to serve herself and any God talk was bullshit.

  35. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Websta 6/11/15
    dakotameyer0317 Yet another story hits the news today about a teenager outside of DC helping ISIS. It concerns me for two reasons. Second, this is another example of how easily kids are influenced and why parents need to work diligently to be a role model in their kid's life from day one and continue to be involved in their life indefinitely. I truly believe that we need to get back to a stronger family unit.

    As I said a while ago, stop dwelling so much on the trivial pop culture idiocy and start talking about relevant topics like this one.
    Websta 6/11/15

    (Is Dakota talking to Sarah, who pretends she is Bristol?) I can't think of many public persons much more superficial and vacant than Bristol, so he would know about trivial pop culture idiocy coming fresh out of that family. As Sarah continues after losing her savior... she now goes after pop culture names that attract hits, names that will link her up with getting attention. She is superficial with the fake boobs and butt pads, which are a tell that she craves pop culture. I haven't seen her lately going for a professional look. A pro 'working girl' is about it.

    I recently heard an official talking about what is threatening about ISIS. He spoke mostly of their propaganda, they were 'winning', gaining influence due to their propaganda. It was far superior to our propaganda. The USA is failing with propaganda. They need to review their mistakes and not keep making the same ones over and over.

    People like Dakota and the Palins should re-evaluate their propaganda if they are serious about the ISIS threat. Dakota and the Palins are high up on the list of failures. Neither can admit mistakes or speak truth.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Go start your own blog if you don't like what's posted here

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      First.....start there dude! Yikes!

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Palin uses her daughter's blog to attack the President's support for gay marriage, and destroys Bristol's credibility as a young person in the process. Update!

      This was from another blog. Is there anything to it?
      Incredible accusation: David Cardenas…Daniel Jackson former male prostitute of Todd Palin’s who got approached in WA to methodically kill someone, when that didn’t happen Todd killed his brother…murder suicide…Washington…
      Rosemary of the Houston Lodge ran a brothell out of it for sometime…
      Brooks Jackson – found hung – hang em high Sarah…and Todd was his pimp to provide prostitutes – one ended up dead on Knik-Goose Bay road…but a poor party kid was blamed when he was too wasted to do anything moreless kill someone…any more questions? got all the intel!

  36. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Religious zealots believe that without god people will have sex with children and animals and all manner of vile things. I'm an atheist, love to help others, I don't cheat or steal, and I would sooner cut off my hand than hurt a child or an animal. I loathe religion, fucking POS, they are the cause of most human misery.

  37. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Yo Scarah,

    Was that just a social experiment when you strapped on Spongebob or your fake belly bump?

    Why one high school student faked her own pregnancy
    Gaby Rodriguez wore a fake belly bump to high school for nearly seven months as part of a social experiment. She shares her story.

    Palin on April 13

    Social experimentation.


  38. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    What a sick, twisted and perverse thing to say. Ham's busy with bible quotes to defend his latent beastiality complex, then Nancy French's persecution rant against hollywood, while playing the role of a hollywood wannabe who sliced her chin and had a watermelon wedge inserted, because "God" didn't make her "good enough, smart enough, and a total hypocrite. I'm a Candie girl, telling y'all to pause before you play because I boinked my boyfriend until I got pregnant, but you better not because it's a sin, dontcha know? She got a role with a snow globe in some video, then she got a role on abc saying "yo yo ma" (as if she knows who he is and what he does). Also, too, she had to "phone a friend" to find out her virginity "was stolen" I mean, it felt like it was stolen, but I misplaced it. Wrote a book of lies and appeared to reality shows, talk shows, walmart parking lots, trailer parks, bowling alleys, pool halls, strip joints to push her book.
    And she has "issues" with Miley? I'm not a fan, per se,, but good on her for being her true self and standing up for who she is and what she does.
    I wonder if Nancy get's paid by the word or by the post? She's set the bar pretty low, I have more respect for grown women who act like grown women and don't pretend to be someone she isn't. A wolf in sheeps clothing ring a bell?
    The comparison to Madonna is spot on. She doesn't hold back one bit in her act either. and pushed the envelope so people like Miley, Lady Gaga, and others feel freer to express their views on religion and female sexuality.

  39. Anonymous5:46 PM

    The question is why does Bristol get special treatment from Sarah? Do her other kids resent it? This is one messed up family.

    Think about this no former Governor of a state has a family who has not one kid who has gone on to college. Piper is there last hope and given the examples she has seen it's not looking too good. A multi millionaire can't send ONE god damn kid to college because all they aspire to is Hollywood, ya know those people they put down, those " Libtards" .

    Palin is a rotton excuse for a Mother . What caring Mother puts her pregnant unwed daughter on the stage for her own gain? What Mother has Down Syndrome baby and uses it as a prop? and then walks away.

    As a Rebublican she would cut assistance to these very same Mothers, have that kid but baby you are on your own, don't expect the Government to help you out. Everything she has done since she quit has been all about her, never has she given her time or any money to support parents of Down , Syndrome children, it's all we need to know, fake, liar money grubbing bitch! She deserves hate because this woman who could have used her 15 minutes of claim to fame has done nothing! nothing, to help,

    Revel in Jesus Sarah and ask yourself what have you done to promote unity while you take in the money from your paranoid followers who think the sky is falling.

    You have reached the crossroads even among them, Shit or get off the pot and tell Bristol while your at it to quit moralizing about other people and get her shit together and to quit calling her son "chicken nugget" people are asking on the internet if Tripp is gay. We don't care but you assholes could not handle it.

    Quit, just quit, get your pride back and learn to shut up.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Does Bristol receive special treatment because she's borderline Sarah?

  40. Anonymous6:08 PM

    IQ tests reveal pigs can outsmart dogs and chimpanzees

    Scientists want people to think of pigs as more than just meat

    Among other talents, pigs have excellent long-term memories

    They are skilled at completing mazes and recognising symbols

    They also have empathy and can learn from each other in groups

    Penelope, I am so sorry you will have to be with those dummies. May a smart human rescue you soon.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      God works in mysterious ways. Was Penelope sent to the Palins with the intent of Penelope educating those retards?

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Penelope with write the book, spill the beans! Go Pen!!!!!!

  41. Anonymous6:52 PM

    As a sister who has two gay brothers all i can say is Tripp trips the gaydar.

    You better rethink your views on gay people Bristol and Sarah or that kids life will be miserable.

    1. Anonymous11:55 PM

      You bet he does!

  42. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I bet Bristol is really jealous of Miley's bank account.

  43. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I saw E News. Julianna Rancic was a host. They are worse than Fox. They had Miley and Bristol. Miley was her recent self with the piglet. Bristol was a few years past, when she was very round, chubby and different. The hosts talk fast and show small clips of Bristol, some as if she is currently being interviewed (if you didn't know her changes). They would show Bristol and she is answering a question. She just says words like 'hypocrite' as they talk about Bristol's reaction to Miley. It was not informative. A person would think that Bristol was currently being interviewed. So weird, so tricky.

    1. Anonymous10:32 PM

      You can thank reality TV and the decline of anything called "entertainment" anymore for that. When anything Palin, Cyrus, or Kardashian hit the "Ellen: show, then we'll talk.

    2. Anonymous4:11 AM

      I saw it too. In fact I stayed up because they kept hyping the "Bristol P-a-l-i-n v. Miley Cyrus" smackdown. Like all of E-News, it was a waste of everyone's time. This show, like the entire channel, is one grand Kardashian/Jenner infomercial interspersed with nonsense like the contrived Palin/Cyrus battle - to prove that it's more than a K-J infomercial.

      And lo and behold, there was Bristol, looking all demure and proper and a couple of years younger, as the great defender of Christianity. No mention of her recent foray to Kentucky or her hasty retreat to wherever she's hiding out now. All sweetness and light, our Bristol, bravely defending all that is good and conservative. One would never guess what had happened at that Anchorage party just a few months ago.

    3. Anonymous7:50 AM


      As usual there was no "Bristol P-a-l-i-n v. Miley Cyrus" smackdown. There is no Bristol Palin, except for the shell they use to solicit for more pedophiles to follow them.

      What do you bet she constantly posts that poor child she has been grooming over the years, sprinkled between Instagod quotes and she loves her cousins (and Marina secrets)....

      Sarah won't take the vs Miley thing to Instagram.

  44. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Friday, Jun 12, 2015 08:11 PM -0700

    An open letter to whatever poor slob is stuck writing Bristol Palin’s crappy Patheos blog

    Whatever they're paying you, it's not enough for your dignity
    David Ferguson

    from Salon 6/12/15

    1. Anonymous10:34 PM

      I'm still trying to figure out how any of this people call themselves Christian. They're downright liars out to make a buck.

  45. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Miley is a whore and a bad role model.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      What about Bristol Palin?
      Would you want your daughter to be like Bristol?

  46. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Anonymous7:01 PM

    Penelope with write the book, spill the beans! Go Pen!!!!!!

    Good one

  47. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Sarah Palin’s facebook

    Sarah Palin
    10 hrs ·
    Ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh... this hard. I know this isn't a victimless crime, what this white chick perpetrated. But it's a most crystal clear picture of so many screwed up things we've let society adopt as the norm. Namely, the practice nowadays of judging someone not based on character, but on skin color. Our original civil rights freedom fighters are rolling in their graves over the backward steps we've taken lately. It's politically incorrect to call out Elizabeth Warren for falsely claiming she's American Indian, or dinging Obama for just making up his former multi-ethnic girlfriend, and I guarantee I'll be branded a racist for laughing at this Rachel Dolezal story....

    (Now is the Me Me Me part)

    Oh, and on a personal note, I can finally look forward to the Left's positive comments about a scholar's association with college in Idaho! After all that high-falutin' criticism for choosing a good school that I could afford to attend while working my way through, graduating college debt-free, I can't wait to hear the former mockers of Idaho now defend the integrity of that great state's academia! Go Vandals!

    Sarah and Bristol what do you have to say about this?

    Ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh... this hard. I know this isn't a victimless crime, what these white chicks perpetrated. Sarah and Bristol perpetrating they are Caucasian Christians with the morals of Mother Teresa.

    Sarah and Bristol with as many fuck buddies you two have had, how can you talk about all the people you have criticized and on top of that, you two defend pedophiles!

    Multimillionaire Sarah you should be ashamed of yourself for talking about yourself going to college and you didn't send your children to college. You sent them to hair school and pimple school and what has Bristol done since then? Two fuck buddies, a failed engagement and no job (maybe blow jobs).

    Talk about Go Vandals, you are truly a vandal.

    A name coming from anti-roman occupation tribe vandals. They lived in Northern Europe, and, along with the visgoths were feared by Roman armies. Although feared, they were not respected. They were seen as little more than disorganised barbarians. Since they were wreckless and authority-resistant, the name was given to anyone displaying traits of vandalism.

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      That white woman has done more for African-Americans than Sarah ever has. So what Sarah had a one night stand with an African-American basketball player she was supposed to interview but instead took dick-tation.

    2. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Dolezal is an unsatisfied lily white leftist who believes the only thing less politically correct than being a white girl 
      -Sarah Palin

      Talk about an unsatisfied lily white girl! Sarah Palin who cheated on her high school educated lily white boyfriend and screwed a big African-American college stud all night in her sister's college dorm room?

    3. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Stop acting like you are the defender of our Civil Rights leaders. Hillbilly Sarah Palin in 2008 you stirred up a lot of racist hate against presidential candidate Obama which could have gotten him assassinated and to this day you are still at it.

    4. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Sarah watch out that you might get Bristol mad at you. You do know that your daughter's best and only friend who is a white exotic model loves the Anchorage black community. Marina is the the white cream in a Oreo cookie.

    5. Anonymous6:42 AM

      That's ironic and funny Sarah, you are an Idaho Vandal and Willow is a Wasilla vandal.

      Go Palin vandals

  48. Anonymous6:06 AM

    These two junior high Palin retards Sarah and Bristol can never stop talking about others.

  49. Anonymous6:32 AM

    "No matter how positive you may be, the devil will send negativity your way to see how positive you will stay." Marina Lupas @ExotixLLC Exotic model / video vixen

  50. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Anonymous6:35 AM

    Stop acting like you are the defender of our Civil Rights leaders. Hillbilly Sarah Palin in 2008 you stirred up a lot of racist hate against presidential candidate Obama which could have gotten him assassinated and to this day you are still at it.

    Todd and Track what do you think about Sarah? Sarah was a lot like Marina Lupas. At one time Sarah was the vanilla ice cream in an ice cream sandwich.

  51. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Sarah-Nancy-Bristol can only be compared to other impersonators and frauds. They are among the worst but that is their field of endeavor.

    "No contempt is what you show by paying a grown woman to make up things to attack somebody you disagree with while posing as a millennial, to make it appear a peer is doing the attacking."

    True, true, true.


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