Friday, June 26, 2015

Univision, the Spanish language television network, refuses to air Donald Trump's Miss Universe contest because he apparently hates Mexicans.

Here is a statement from Univision courtesy of Mediaite:  

Today, the entertainment division of Univision Communications Inc. announced that it is ending the Company’s business relationship with the Miss Universe Organization, which is part-owned by Donald J. Trump, based on his recent, insulting remarks about Mexican immigrants. 

At Univision, we see first-hand the work ethic, love for family, strong religious values and the important role Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans have had and will continue to have in building the future of our country. We will not be airing the Miss USA pageant on July 12th or working on any other projects tied to the Trump Organization.

This of course is in response to Trump saying this during his announcement as a indicate for President:  

"When Mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, and they’re rapists.”

Yeah apparently Spanish speaking people don't like it when you call them rapists. Who knew?

Of course Trump being Trump there was no way he was letting this go.

Well so much for attracting the Hispanic vote there Donald.

Or, let's face it, support from ANY reasonable American voter. 


  1. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Good for Univision. Besides, beauty pageants should be a thing of the past, just like Donald Trump.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Well said, Beaglemom!

  2. Anonymous4:55 AM

    He loves Sarah Palin. I can't wait until Trump and Palin do lunch and talk about her running on his ticket as veep.

    Bristol is creating some shitstorm with her latest disappointment.

    Dan Savage: If Bristol Palin were Obama’s daughter, Fox News would shame her for being pregnant

    Geraldo Rivera to Dan Savage: ‘F*ck You Jerk Off’

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      I hope she doesn't go on Maury to find out who the father is.

  3. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Jose Diaz Balart To Trump: 'You're Fired!'

    Donald Trump is an ass, but he's also the id of Republican primary viewers right now. While most of us are horrified by his rude, racist and inaccurate comments about Mexican immigrants, he doesn't really care, even when Univision walks away from a contract with him.

    But the man can bloviate alongside the meanest Uncle Liberty with no problem at all, as he did here with Jose' Diaz-Balart.

    The real estate mogul also condemned Univision for breaking a 5-year contract in its announcement earlier this morning that the Spanish-language TV network would not broadcast pageants from the business Trump co-owns.

    “They’re not allowed to do this … they have an iron-clad contract to broadcast Miss USA and Miss Universe,” Trump told Diaz-Balart. He claimed that Univision representatives in “very high positions” had reached out to him to apologize for reneging on the deal.

    “Univision called me and they apologized for what they’re doing because they felt so stupid and so guilty,” he said. “They called like little lambs.”

    1. hedgewytch6:47 AM

      Most contracts of this nature have back out clauses. Univision probably paid quite a bit of dough to dump Miss USA, but they will reap it back no problem.

  4. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Bud Light should reboot their salutes to real men of genius. They can have a whole campaign just on Trump the Chump!

  5. Anonymous5:07 AM

    During an interview with CNN newly minted top contender for the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump, called Mexicans rapists.

    Trump doubled down on his Mexicans are rapists comments during an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett:

    “Some are good and some are rapists and some are killers. We don’t even know what we’re getting…The United States is like a dumping ground for the world’s problems. You’re probably going to have terrorists coming from the Middle East. Somebody said ‘Oh, we don’t have terrorists.’ They don’t even know, because they don’t know who’s coming because we have this open border.”

    This is the man who is current second in the race for the Republican nomination according to the latest Fox News poll:

    ...Donald Trump wants the votes of the white supremacists. He is going after the Dylann Roof kind of Republicans. The vile and hate filled racists, who believe that Mexicans are rapists and still question President Obama’s birth certificate. Donald Trump could potentially destroy the Republican Party.

    Trump’s candidacy is revealing the ugly underbelly of racism and hate that the Republican Party is doing its best to hide. Donald Trump is a straight up racist, and his racism is why he is rocketing up the Republican primary polls.

    Republicans definitely have a Donald Trump problem.

  6. Every GOP candidate is proving how impossible it is to appease the evangelical hard-right base and paint chip eating crowd while trying to simultaneously convince any intelligent and sane voters you've got leadership and statesman-like qualities.

    For years, pundits have been saying, by not strangling the Tea Party in the cradle, Republicans have allowed a malignancy to fester and doom them, and you could point to any one of the 2016 hopefuls as proof. I'm doubtful that, in the company of any of them, Eisenhower could keep his lunch in his stomach.

  7. Well, at least he makes John Boehner look like he has a natural skin tone.

  8. Maria Domingo5:33 AM

    I recall some recent derogatory comments about Mexicans, Mexican Americans & Tejanos on this very blog a short time ago via a vis the foolish post on the non-story about Texas secession.

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Example, please, with a link to the original post.

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Yeah, I'm on this site every day, and I don't remember that. Go away, troll.

    3. Anonymous8:50 AM

      … a link to the original post.

      Googling Tejanos shows that the only instance of the word "Tejanos" on this site, besides the one above, is at, where WA Skeptic 7:42 AM wrote: Hey, Tejanos: Be Careful What You Wish For. There were no replies to this comment. Seems pretty tame to me—I think Maria Domingo has a thin skin, or at least did at 5:33 AM.

    4. Maria Domingo6:27 PM

      Ooooh pleeeeeaazzze don't call me a "troll"! Hey 7:29am if you're having memory problems try taking some gingko biloba, dumbass. It doesn't cure stupid, though.

  9. Anonymous5:34 AM

    In a rare rebuke of their longtime content partner, NBC released this statement late Thursday: “Donald Trump’s opinions do not represent those of NBC, and we do not agree with his positions on a number of issues, including his recent comments on immigration.”

  10. Anonymous5:50 AM

    his orange makeup needs another application around the hairline and his lips and eyes

  11. Anonymous5:51 AM

    The only thing Trump is correct about is that our trade deals are bad for U.S. workers.

  12. Anonymous5:53 AM

    How Dare the people Trump hates not like him back!! GOP logic at it's best.

  13. Anonymous6:06 AM

    With a mouth like his, Trump must have been a thumb sucker.

  14. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Supreme Court Strikes Down Gay Marriage Bans in All 50 States

  15. Anonymous6:14 AM

    OMG! The heads are exploding! If they thought the ACA ruling was big...

  16. Anonymous6:40 AM

    While giving a press tour on his new multimillion-dollar golf course in Loudoun, Virginia, on Tuesday, Trump attempted to thwart criticism about previous comments he's made regarding the Latino community.

    “I do great with Latino voters. I employ so many Latinos ... and you know, the Latinos love Trump and I love them,"
    - The Donald


  17. Anonymous6:52 AM

    In his last tweet there, he says, it is bad for US jobs. Well, guess what, rug-head: if we didn't have the Mexicans here, NO AMERICAN worker would do the back breaking work they do. Remember a couple years ago, one of the Red states i stituted the absolutely only US citizens rule for farm worker? They had to stop that law from being enforced, because their crops ROTTED because there were no Americans willing to harvest the strawberries and tomatoes, cotton, and all the other crops - not even for a premium in wages! There were a couple of takers, but most of them could not last even a day!

  18. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Donald Trump refuses to release birth certificate and passport records

  19. Anonymous10:41 AM

    All you white people look just as stupid as Donald and Boehner when you use self tanner. Be proud of the skin you were born with, making yourselves look orange isn't attractive at all.

  20. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    He sure looks "dark" to me, and that photo makes me think he's gonna be "corndog ready" in Iowa, the state where John Wayne was born (Thanks Crazy lady Bachmann). I hope Univision DOES fire Trump. His comments were more indicative of his non readiness to lead than the fact that he's a racist privileged white guy who had everything and then some handed to him. But he Looooooves him some Chinese people, he sold an apartment to a millionaire Chinese Businessman.

    That, and China makes most of his polyester clothing line at Macy's, along with his new cologne "Success". He's a job creator, and all Chinese are just fine, but "a few" Mexicans are "nice".
    I'm surprised Jeb doesn't smack him down, Jeb speaks spanish and is married to a hispanic woman, Where's the outrage? Does Jeb Exclamation Point {lease don't mention my surname have a backbone? And the others?

    At this point, the clown caboose is all about name recognition. I'm waiting to see Trump's birth Certificate and his wife's green card.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.