Friday, June 26, 2015

Vanity Fair sees that Sarah Palin is down, decides to give her a little kick. Update!

Courtesy of Vanity Fair:  

The most notable thing about the news of Sarah Palin sliding off the skillet at Fox News, her contributor’s contract expiring after a long dribble on life support, is how un-newsy it was—barely a pebble splash. Palin’s being let go from Fox News seemed as negligible as the CW canceling a series that viewers had forgotten was still on. There was a time not that long ago in our post 9/11 delirium when every sassy, spangly number Palin performed under the political big top kicked up sawdust and attracted yokel attention in the political media. Her appearances on Fox News were billed in advance as if she were about to lay down another smacking on the liberals and squishy conservatives who were still a-sceered of her grizzly-mama scorn, no matter how much they pretended otherwise behind their cocktail-party smirks. Palin had those millions of Facebook friends and Twitter followers, after all, a mighty army of admirers who could be mobilized at a moment’s notice to rise up in revolt and fire off a tweet or two before collapsing back on the sofa, not wanting to miss too much television. 

The numbers are still there for her on social media, but they might as well be empty eggs and spambots. She has the dubious honor of being just about the only Fox News alumnus who hasn’t announced as a candidate for the Republican nomination, the clown car reaching official overcapacity next week when Chris Christie crams himself into the race. Most tellingly, unlike in years past, there is no fan base or astroturf movement clamoring for Palin to jump into the fray as the Tea Party’s Furiosa—no one claiming that she is the only warrior queen capable of defeating Hillary Clinton in the dusty field of battle that will be converted into a FEMA internment camp, should Hillary prevail. (I take it these folks have not heard of a little slice of hell we like to call the Sea O'Pee.) How fickle our political culture. Palin seduced the party and its pundits—her camera wink during the 2008 vice-presidential debate had National Review editor Rich Lowry seeing “little starbursts”—and now she has been abandoned, a brittle relic of yesteryear. 

The irony is that Palin’s incoherence as a thinker and speaker—her ability to toss a word salad at the slightest prompting—has set the tone and tempo for the Republican contenders that have so far taken the field and are wandering around with their helmets on sideways. Donald Trump, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, Rand Paul—their message discipline and mental rigor seems to be held together with old garter belts. Even a supposed pro such as Jeb Bush is betraying a lot of rust that’s accrued from years of not campaigning and enjoying his post-gubernatorial complacency.

The article then goes on to discuss Republican incoherence, Roger Ailes along with the future of Fox News, and their prediction that Palin will ultimately throw her support to Donald Trump as a "gesture of charlatan respect."

As if Palin really respects anyone that is not somehow furthering her career, or helping her to make money.

You know I have always liked Vanity Fair's tale on the Wasilla Wendigo.

They also boldly went where few reporters dare to tread back in 2009 and 2010. And who could forget Levi's contribution also in 2009?

Boy those were the days weren't they?

However these days there is so little meat on the bone I am sure many publications think that it almost a waste of time to send a reporter up here to dig up any dirt on Princess Dumbass of the North.

Of course I still have a few stories left to tell.

And hopefully I will get to tell them soon.

Hey, maybe Vanity Fair would like to hear them?

Update: Oh look here! Vanity Fair weighed in on Bristol's second not so immaculate conception. 


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    How the heck am I supposed to make my black raspberry jelly this year? I've got 15+ pounds of berries, and I can't tear myself away from the computer! What a GREAT week for Americans!

    And please, dear blog host, keep 'em coming! Thank you for all you have done to contribute to the Shrilla's demise.


    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I have midterm finals next

    2. Aunt Ethel10:32 AM

      I've been working on painting and refinishing floors, so I look like something the cat drug inside, took a good look at, and then promptly buried in the backyard.

      Hell, if I knew that the Obamacare and gay marriage rulings, and news of $arah' s new grandbaby and firing were all gonna happen this week, I would have put off my home improvement projects.

      My feet may be colored with wood stain, and there's paint on my glasses, but I'm dancing and w00ting with everybody at IM.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Put your berries in the freezer and read on :)

    4. Anonymous10:28 PM


    5. Anonymous11:20 PM

      I agree..what ta week!! x1000000!!!!

    6. Anonymous11:22 PM

      America is evolving..shakin' off the ugly of its past.

    7. Anonymous11:54 PM

      America is evolving..shakin' off the ugly of its past.

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Vanity Fair needs to investigate and do a story on Bristol .. the human PEZ dispenser, spitting out kids every year or so. Where are all those missing kids?

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      VANITY FAIR June

      PALIN WATCH JUNE 26, 2015 9:30 AM

      Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

      So no one has contacted Dakota Meyers to see what he has to offer regarding his place at the Palin trough? He is the #1 suspect as to who wasted seed in the ill reputed daughter's over used vajayjay and planted a baby.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      9:29 AM Joey Junker is the #1 suspect in the long line of Failed Trial Daddies. Where is his first baby(Disneyland) with Bristol Palin? Bristol, for years you have been told to close your legs, but you would not listen. ABSTINENCE? BORN AGAIN VIRGIN? BULLSHIT!!! The LIES stop here!!! Leave Dakota Meyer out of your Mother's scheme to find you a Husband who is not the father of your fetus.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Dakota's silence speaks volumes. He is too much a gentleman to respond to this. He would have 'fessed up if he even REMOTELY thought he might be the father.
      No, he knows that Bar$Tool was too far along in her pregnancy for it to be HIS kid. He knows it is someone else's, and that he was supposed to have been the stool for it. He might not be the brightest light bulb, but he has a couple more brain cells than the PayMes combined.
      The father of the kid-to-be is actually Joe Junker. He admitted it recently.

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      9:57 Where did he admit it?

    5. It has been a while hasn't it? Is this her fourth or fifth pregnancy?

    6. Anonymous10:52 AM

      9:57am, you are right. Bristol was very clearly pregnant in the Bridal Shower picture, taken before she moved to Kentucky.

    7. Anonymous10:59 AM

      So is Joey the creep that is letting Bristol dangle out there as a slut that can't even fuck a man that will stand with her after doing his dirty deeds on the Palin's Golden Child?

      The baby's father should stand with her so people don't think she fucked so many sperm donors that she has no idea what happened with who or when.

      She only knew if she got drunk enough and fucked whatever had a penis she could have another bastard for the Trippy to play with while she goes off fucking the next fool.

      Old habits are hard to change.

    8. Anonymous12:03 PM

      I agree with Dakota's silence, 9:57 a.m. I'm also wondering what kind of NDA he signed and whether/ how much that has tied his hands. If he's not the father, maybe he is prohibited by the NDA from saying so. And so far Bristol is not publicly naming him; it's all rumor and innuendo ("sources claim...").

      My personal theory is that he knew about the pregnancy and was willing to play along, but one of his family members or friends found out and was appalled. I think that person leaked the first marriage so Bristol would be shamed into leaving him.

    9. Anonymous12:14 PM

      If Joey Junker is the father Barstool can name the baby Rusty Junker, it seems fitting somehow.

    10. Anonymous12:59 PM

      12:03 PM
      I would think since the wedding is off the NDA is not binding? Just sayin' He is prob going to issue a statement through his lawyer about Bristols lies. He is being asked on facebook and ignoring it. Bristols asshole troll is on there telling everyone to STFU and calling anyone who congratulates him names. Pollyana is a piece of work.
      As far as Sledneck he is a ahole. What do you expect of white trash like that?
      someone on the Epic Bristol thread suggested the AKaftadark crew may be a daddy source?
      I knew their themesong was familiar...
      Marina the exoctic dancer was on their show
      now its starting to make sense the stupid gang signs and goofy ass faces DULL does.
      G can you tell us more about AKAftaDark? I saw their website site but I'm not sure exactly what they do? They are based in Anchorage.

    11. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Well wouldn't that make Sarah's head explode! A half AfricanAmerician baby!

    12. Suzy Q2:15 PM

      That would just be unthinkable, 1:43! That would be like Bristol giving Sarah the middle finger if she were to be having a black baby. That would be Karma big time for Sarah making the comment in '08 about Sambo beating the Bitch. I'm still mad about that!!

    13. Anonymous12:00 AM

      Is bristol thinking she's going to squeeze MOH for 18yrs anguish and child support. No $$ in junker?? Another 9lb preemie??

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    It is time the media asks both Bristol and Sarah Palin this question:


    Enquiring minds want to know. There are the posture problems and diet. Both Palins can look like they are cadavers and near death. Why do they keep faking all that about 'vibrant'?

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I gotta tell ya, Gryph, it was with sheer delight that I read of your collaboration with the National Enquirer reporter! What a week!

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Today is the Maverick family reunion in San Antonio. It's news worthy and there is always a reporter there to report on the old TEXAS family. Today a reporter asked a younger Maverick what the family name meant to them and she said "it certainly doesn't have anything to do with a Republican!"
    The Maverick family was not happy about Sarah co-opting their family name.


    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      That's good news to me. I have long wondered what the rill Maverick family thought about Sarah's use of their family name.

    2. I thought the NPR story on the Maverick reunion was very interesting--they mentioned McCrankyPants quite a bit, but the name Palin never came up.

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Why is Sarah Palin so quiet? Nothing on the SCOTUS decisions? Is she rolled up in a fetal position in her room with crunch wrap supreme trash all over the room? Sarah must be scrambling to find a reason to blame Dakota for Bristol's pregnancy. AFTADARK??? BWAHAHAHAHA, Sarah may have a Black grand baby on the way.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      I predict a miscarabortion of the black fetus soon.

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Sarah must be comatose again.

      Bristol is Sarah NOW.

      Time to bring back the Bristol cartoons...

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Meyer has mentor's and all kinds of help and advisers. He would be told to handle this as a man.

      It is astounding if he is not continually being contacted by journalists and media to learn about his thoughts and reactions to Bristol's news.

      She was his fiance just last month. May 23 was the big day and Sarah wrote all about how long the Meyers and Palins knew one another. How close they are and that they would have that happy celebration of the wedding being called off. Allegedly they are all friendly and close friends.

      How would a man treat a woman and her family in this situation?

      Is his silence helping the Palins and Bristol?

      Meyer silence says she is a slut.

      A conniving manipulative slut.

      It makes Sarah look bad and brings to mind why she would be waving her finger at Dakota at such a happy celebration.

      No one wants to hear another version of lies piled on more lies from the lies of this families history.

      Someone step up to the plate and clear up this entire scheme. Now is the time.

      Dakota man up or forever be the wimp that was outgunned due to your own complicity in this sham and another fraud on the American people.

      More lies, not even lies of omission, are going to help Dakota's history of lies.

      Whether he is the father of this bastard or not, this makes Dakota look worse then when he pulled his gun on the girl that had been a friend.

      His mentors must give him some pertinent advice and not dilly dally for the time to conspire with Palin's team and make up some fake story.

      Man up Ass-holes.

    4. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Oh I think one of the AftaDark crew being Idono's ( my name for the abstinence fetus with no daddy in sight) sperm donor is a huge possibility.

    5. Anonymous1:02 PM

      10:42 AM
      Lighten up on Dakota. If he's not the father, then his silence is admirable. To my knowledge, he hasn't uttered one disrespectful word about Bristol so far. On the other hand, lil ol' Sarah said "there were issues to work out" -- implying that Dakota had issues.

      So what if he does? He has PTSD. He served honorably in Afghanistan and has a MOH to prove it. Maybe there were embellishments to his story but none of us know if he embellished or if the higher ups in the military embellished. If it was a military "story" about him to 'quick get another MOH out there', then it wouldn't be the first time.

      In the drama going on with Bristol, looks to me like Bristol got knocked up about the time Sarah cozied up to a MOH veteran and said 'lookee here, he would be a great husband for my slutty daughter'.

      IMO, Bristol showed up in KY, dazzled the country folk with her do-you-know-who-I-am BS and Dakota's family and friends gave him some sound advice. All of which led to him dumping her back into the gutter that he found her in.

      This story will be a long-drawn out mess just like all the stories involving the Palins, any of them, all of them.

      Has Sarah been yammering lately about how much she luvvves veterans and our military who fought for our freeeedums and the right for all of us to get knocked up whenever we wanted to? Seems like she has been quiet about vets since the cancellation of the wedding. Maybe so many military guys standing up for Dakota made Sarah mad. Tsk, tsk.

      Anyway, I'm glad Dakota dodged a bullet by not marrying her whether he's the father of the baby or not. Even if he's the father, he isn't tied to the Palin family of idiots by marriage too.

    6. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Anyone who has been in the military knows to make sure they get paternity tests done.

    7. Anonymous1:30 PM

      To say Dakota "embellished" his story is to say Sarah Palin "is known to hold grudges".

      In other words, it's a MAJOR, major understatement. Everyone from our President on down was lied to about Meyer's "heroism" and now it's common knowledge that much more deserving people were passed over because the military felt Meyer would be an appropriate puppet.

    8. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Joey and Dakota are the visible suspects. They need to each make an honest statement.

      You would think that Nancy would have told Bristol to contact all the possible fathers to tell them she is going public with their news. Instead of people being able to tag the public figures with all these bad vibes and denigrating them as boy-men, they could have their say in this situation and do right.

      If you were one of the possible baby daddies and you had a career and a public name would you want to know your name would be dragged into this mess?

      If you had a heads up you could pull together some public relation statement to make you seem somewhat of a better person and hopefully keep your reputation. Now both Joey and Dakota's names are stained forever with this crap and they just clam up like two creeps that were caught screwing some sick mental case. In some cases that is rape, because is she is sick enough she is not able to give consent.

      If Bristol doesn't yet know if it was Joey or Dakota, the boys need to be men and still be supportive no matter how disappointed they are with Bristol. Or how sick she is. They can save some of their face by making a statement to the public, especially Dakota, who is representative of the US military and honor. He is to be an example to young men and women and others.

      Dakota has been using a Palin for publicity since his Fuc_ You ad to try and sell his book. Palin was money in the bank for Dakota. Sex was a sideline benefit. What Dakota did does not represent honor since he lied about what happened and was caught due to video. This is just more dishonorable behavior from Dakota. He must turn around his loser behaviors. Start with fessing up and truth.

      Dakota's public knows he is no saint and he makes mistakes. He can screw a room full of whores and he is just like a man to those that follow him. This is another one.

      Dakota, handle this like a man.
      People are saying you might be a father.

      You know what the odds are and if you think you are the only possibility or if it is you and Joey. Or if it is you Joey, the Mugshot clientele, Akaftadark and how many more? Do the right thing. You don't help anyone with more cover ups. You will help Bristol, Tripp and the innocent baby if you are honest and speak up like a man to your public.

    9. Anonymous1:54 PM

      __ If he's not the father,
      then his silence is admirable. __

      "BULLSHIT" Trig

    10. Suzy Q2:45 PM

      Everything you are saying, 1:47 is wrong! Here we go again calling rape to absolve any responsibility from Bristol. No, Bristol did this and you have no right lecturing either one of the men who MAY be the baby daddy. Bristol is 24. She consented to this.

    11. Anonymous2:59 PM

      @ 1:02 PM has a MOH to prove it.

      It was proven he was not where he said. He is a proven fraud and liar. There is one way to stop being a fake and a fraud. Only the truth will set him free.

      All these sick and twisted people will go on harming others and repeating their patterns of deceit. There is one way out. Get the truth told.

      Do not be a silent partner with the corrupt frauds and criminals like any of the Palins. Not even the so-called Christian, Bristol Palin, who tries to sell herself as something she is not. She has been a hurtful awful mother to Tripp and no one is certain how many others. Her lies have not done any good for anyone. This next bastard is more unfortunate then any before and the ones in the future will have more hell on earth to endure. They will most likely pass it all on to others.

    12. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Suzy Q

      You have every right to your opinions. 147 has rights to opinions and speech as you do.
      I respect those rights for all.

      Perhaps it is the typo you misunderstood. 'because is she is sick enough she is not able to give consent.'

      It should read 'because if she is sick enough she is not able to give consent.' that should be


      'Or how sick she is.' that is not conclusive,
      actually a question.

      It is fact that it can be rape when someone is too drunk or mentally ill to give consent.

      You missed a lot if you thought that was all about absolving Bristol of any responsibility. The men in your life may be the sort like Bristol who wants no lecture, or think a comment is lecturing the men who may be the baby daddy.

      There are also men who would handle their PR. Some men are on top of clearing up matters they are involved in when they have been responsible for getting themselves tangled up. Some adults, go with clearing up matters. Those in the public eye have certain responsibilities if they want to remain credible.

      It is actually better to be out front with matters. When a person has something to hide or they are a part of something nefarious, they will more often stay silent and avoid things regardless of how obvious it is.

    13. Anonymous4:53 PM

      My hope is that Dakota will say something publicly about the pregnancy, which would be both awesome and kind of necessary for him if he wants to dodge this particular bullet.

  7. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Oh dear, Vanity Fair will be added to the C4Pee 'list' of enemies of We the People - how WILL they survive?

    Speaking of the Pond, VG is calling for open insurrection/overthrow of the gov't., and Kornpone wants to get a flight to Alaska for himself and VG, so they can come have an audience with the Queen directly and beg her to run and save us

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Save us? She is waaay too busy trying to save herself. I mean, she will be, when she gets sober and off the bathroom floor.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      The tone at C4P has become even more apocalyptic all of a sudden. LOTS of talk about bloody revolution, armageddon, the "rapture", etc. Their heads are truly exploding.

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I saw a post - think it was from that MJ Sheppard guy - saying he was planning a trip to AK, and had emailed Palin about meeting her with no response. So, he's planning to just show up and hope she invites him in for moose chili. I'm going to have to find and post it for ya, lol.

    4. Anonymous10:00 AM

      I am having the best time reading over there this week, 9:32AM, they are in full blown meltdown! 'Tis a thing of beauty!

    5. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Save us from what? The Supreme Court?

      I think the numbers of "clickers" who "like" her FB page will drop dramatically when she can't pay their old wage when the new SarahPac numbers come out.

      Plus, it's sad in a way, but she could brazen it out in 2008 with a Special Needs child and one teenage daughter who'd made a mistake and was heavily pregnant. Seven years later, the "Special" little bag of potatoes she used to carry around can't stand to be with her, and her 24-year-old grown daughter, who has a six-year-old son, has made a grown-up mistake and will soon be the single mother of two. That doesn't spell "vibrancy;" it spells "dysfunctional."

      Six years ago this coming week Palin walked away from the only power she ever had to get things accomplished. Instead, she said she'd be in the vanguard of conservatives who were fed up, all the while stuffing her pockets with TV, book, and reality show cash. That cash is evaporating and the tea party has moved on to bigger, better spoken, better educated, more powerful leaders: Ernst, Cruz, Walker -- even Rand Paul washes his wig now and then.

    6. Anonymous10:57 AM

      VG can't walk 10 ft without an oxygen tank.

    7. As for those LIKES -- 4.4 million of them the last time
      I looked -- how many were bought (with postage money). Don't believe that figure for a second.

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Bristol doesn't want a lecture, Bristol needs a Chastity Belt.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      All the dumb fuck needs is birth control ferchrissake!

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      I knew a wealthy family with a daughter like Bristol.

      Continually knocked up by some guy and kept popping them out. Finally they managed to get her into the mental health system and after numerous babies she was sterilized. It pissed her off but somehow they manage to pull it off. If you have money you can get things done.

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Joe Kennedy had a lobotomy for Rosemary. It inspired other family to get involved with Special Needs and good things came from that.

      The Palins are cheapskates and they would probably make Bristol do her own lobotomy or castration, but it would be better for Tripp and the world.

      They need to start somewhere fixing that mess they made with Bristol. The right doctor could also medicate her into a walking blackout with no sex drive.

      It is like with Charles Manson in that he needs to be locked up for the rest of us to be safe.

      Todd and Sarah, something must be done about Bristol. You would look more kind if you recognize her problems and get her treatment. It might be drastic, but do what you must.

    4. Anonymous2:45 PM

      She doesn't deserve a lecture. She deserves to be stoned or worse. She lies, Bush family says give it to her, waterboard is not torture. Punish her and waterboard to get her to talk. Jeb

  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Can't wait to read the SarahPAC filing info for the first half of 2015. C4P contributors can't sustain her forever.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      A LOT of C4P contributors, including rock solid regular commenters, have stated in no uncertain terms that they are NOT giving a penny to SarahPAC. Reasons given are that her endorsements are all "traitors", and they don't like her fundraising techniques.

      They're even more blunt about it at P4A. SarahPAC discussion starts around the middle of the page:

  10. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Photo reminded me, need to stop by Bristol's favorite fast food place .... Chick-wil-Lay

  11. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I hope Bristol doesn't go the Levi route and exploit subsequent kids like he did Breeze and #3. Though it's humorous his wife feigned anger at her public pictures being taken and blasted with birth info when the info could have only come from one of them.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Fuck off Alicia. You need help.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      "I hope Bristol doesn't go the Levi route and exploit subsequent kids like he did Breeze and #3."

      That ship sailed a long time ago, ya sad moron. She's already deciding which baby name will be most clever in a reality show title ala "Life's a Tripp", dontcha know.

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Troll 9:50, Thank goodness Bristol has stayed out of the public eye since 2008 and has been extremely protective of Tripp's privacy. Now she never has to feign anger, when the lsm invade her oh-so-private vibrant life. Fuck you!

    4. Anonymous10:48 AM


      Yes, it is true you are insanely jealous and trying to be pregnant and with babies because you want what others have. You are so stupid you go about it the wrong way.

    5. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Bristol - GIVE IT A REST! # 3 has a name, UNLIKE a NUMBER of your spawn who have been foisted off with others for rearin'.

      Distraction is an incredible weak defensive tactic around here and in the wider blogosphere in general.

      Don't want attention? Start simple: Block public access to your many social media outlets. And then STFU. PLEASE.

    6. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Yeah, keep on hoping. Nobody exploits a kid like Bristol can.

    7. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Huh???? Bristol has exploited Tripp from Day 1. What makes you think this one won't be any different? The only difference is now that Sarah's star has fallen , DWTS and the reality shows and book deals won't come rolling in. Bristol is going to have to get a real job. Mama won't be able to buy her loubitons and Louis Vitton now that FOX has fired her

    8. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Yeah, he exploited them so much you can't even remember #3's name. Nice try.

    9. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Oh, go away.

    10. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Piss off.

    11. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Ya, it was disgraceful the way Levi exploited his kids by putting them on a reality show. Oh wait...

    12. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Poor Alicia, it must be hard living in your bizzaro world. But boy it chaps your ass as much as Bristol's that Levi is happily married and living vibrantly in Alaska with a beautiful , loving wife like Sunny.

    13. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Alicia, you need help, child. For reals.

      Ask Bristol about posting half nude photos online when you're in the mind to ask about exploiting children. Oh, WAIT- you can't ask her. Because she as well as all of her family members have demanded you not contact them any more and that you stop stalking them, their social media profiles, and everyone they've ever associated with.

      They think you're crazy and you scare them. And for the PALIN family to think you're crazy...

      Like I said. You need help. Bristol's fourth pregnancy has obviously made you go 'round the bend, as they say.

    14. Suzy Q3:11 PM

      I, personally, think that this is Bristol's fifth pregnancy but that's just me.

    15. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Me too, Suzy.

  12. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Refresher: It was DAKOTA who wrote on May 15 (I think that was the date) "My world"

    It's VERY likely she didn't know she was pregnant until after her drive from KY to AK.

    Not that a baby is ever a curse. It will no doubt be loved and cared for. I wish her well. Now I think you all can do the same. You know she's a great mom

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      This is snark, right? Or maybe you also grew up in a dysfunctional family and have no idea what a great mom really is. It ain't her, babe.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Yea, right! She documented for being an awful mother, as is Sarah Palin. Look at who she learned from for crying out loud!

      I'm glad that Dakota was wise enough to fall for all the crap Bristol and her mother were providing him. He'll be so thankful he did not become a permanent part of the Palin klan!

    3. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Lol!!!!!!! Get some help. Good mother? Seriously?

    4. Anonymous10:33 AM

      No, it's VERY likely she knew she was pregnant.
      You obviously don't know her in real life.

    5. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Great mom ?!?

      That idiot retarded sperm receptacle doesn't have two brain cells to rub together ..

    6. Anonymous10:40 AM

      No, I don't know she's a great mom. She's a selfish, immature, nasty asshole through and through.

    7. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Sorry, I can't do it, 9:52.

    8. Anonymous10:55 AM

      No, not snark. This is Alicia from Florida (AKA, "Brooklyn") and she is a mentally ill young woman who has been fawning over Bristol around here for years.

    9. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Oh I think she knew she was knocked up before ever bedding cuckold Dakota. Thank goodness he found out about her lies before he put that ring Sarah bought on it.

    10. Anonymous11:02 AM

      I'm worried that Bristol will now have another innocent child to exploit.

    11. Anonymous12:57 PM

      We told Bristol to KEEP HER LEGS CLOSED.

    12. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Bristol is a crappy Mom and knew she was knocked up before even having sex with Dakota, but she and her scamming bitch of a Mom forgot that the one thing the military stresses with all members is not to get caught up with scammers that want to push other men's babies on to them.

  13. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Boy oh boy! That 'postage' account sure has dried up, hasn't it! Also, too, the phone account. Nobody willing to ante up a screech for Tundra Turd Quitter Queen!
    Oh, how the (wanna-be) mighty have fallen!
    Karma IS a beotch, isn't she, $arah?!

  14. Anonymous9:53 AM

    "Where's Sarah"?

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      We should get buttons....

  15. Anonymous9:56 AM

    How ironic that Levi, whom the Palins so thoroughly trashed, should turn out to be the responsible, gainfully employed, happily married husband and father.

    I really am curious to know who sired Bristol's gestating foal.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Yes. Levi's the one who learned from his mistakes as a teenager and has matured into a hard-working, responsible adult with a wife who seems genuinely well matched with him. I thought the statement he gave about Bristol's engagement showed a lot of class.

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      9:56 AM Bristol is curious too.

    3. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Levi should have asked for a paternity test back then, I highly doubt Tripp is even his. Dakota wasn't going to make that same mistake.

    4. I'll bet Bristol and Sarah knew before the engagement was announced. Why else the accelerated wedding plans and the extended dating lie. Over a year? Really? They're planning on pinning this baby on Dakota and he's having none of it. I expect they'll stop because if they try he'll turn on them and spill some very pungent beans.

  16. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Hey visitor from United States/Alicia/troll We told Bristol to close her legs, and YOU attacked us. Now you see that we were right. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, damage control is not working. There goes any talk of Sarah Palin running for any office, it ain't going to happen.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Especially in Alaska! She is not liked at all!!! Nor is her family.

      Wish they'd leave as they've brought nothing but embarrassment to our state!

  17. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Bristol: Mama, why are they laughing at me?
    Sarah: Not right now, Bristol, I need to figure out how to spin this.

    1. I know how they'll spin it.

      First, they'll try to pin it on Dakota. They were engaged, they were living together. Bristol's biological clock was ticking and she was soooo in love she wanted to start a family with him as soon as possible. She had no idea he had a wife and was so hurt she called off the wedding. They hope Dakota will do the right thing and step up to support his child once it is born.

      If this ends up being Sarah's or Bristol's announcement at some point in the future you'll know for sure they troll this board.

  18. Anonymous10:05 AM

    It has been a slow, slow death for Sarah. The MOH truly was her last lifeline. Sarah can't let go of that medal. Bristol must try one last time to steal that valor or it's truly over.

    Without the MOH Sarah will be most remembered as the mama grizzly who cowered in the limo while her husband, son, and two eldest daughters got their asses kicked in front of her.

    Oh, the shame!

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Just wait a few months until the silent MOH can say "I am not the father"

    2. Irishgirl12:12 PM

      Best comment I have heard in weeks.

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Dakota: How can I be the Father of an AFTADARK baby?

  19. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Why didn't Bristol give Fox News an exclusive? Oh, that's right, Fox cut their ties with the Palins.

  20. Anonymous10:12 AM

    How much longer will C4P exist? If not for us trolls it would be pretty much dead. Without C4P Sarah is really dead.

    Sarah better start kissing RAM's ass.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      C4p was on such a high a few days ago, what with the new Facebook quote and all. Then, Obama Care, the demise of the rebel flag, pregnant Brissy and now gay marriage. What a roller coaster ride they are on! The trolls (lager and friends) are taking a toll, too. It is a sad, sad place right now. Vg is on R&R, as of this morning.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Catholic girl always loved how Bristol behaved. lol

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      This would be a GREAT time for RAM to go rogue!

      Come on RAM, you know you've always wanted to get back at Sarah for treating you so badly and humiliating you!

      Show her what you're REALLY made of!!

      R in NC

    4. Anonymous10:53 AM

      That old nag TheresaAK is sure on a tear today!

    5. Anonymous10:56 AM

      RAM would love it.

  21. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Sarah Palin is undoubtedly raging at her fall from media prominence. Her personality will make that rage focus on a target, and a twice-pregnant unwed daughter is certainly a likely candidate. This is going to get uglier.

  22. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Regarding Bristol's pregnancy--all the articles are ASSUMING this is her second pregnancy, but NOWHERE in her blog post does SHE state this is #2. Is she setting things up to where she can claim her other kids??? Despite Sarah's lack of popularity, a tell-all from Bristol would make her a fortune. And she better do it before Willow does.

    1. If she did, she would make tons of money if she marketed it right. She would need a book deal plus exclusive interviews in print and media. Should could make a lot of money taking her mother down.

      Now it's just a matter of loyalty versus financial desperation.

      Sarah could do the exact same thing, being the martyr cleaning up after her daughter's transgressions.

      It's just a matter of seeing who turns on the other first.

  23. Several major SCOTUS decisions, fox canning her, Bristol knocked up again, and... not a peep.

    Any bets on when Clementina Stupidhead is finally going to stagger over to the facebook machine and fire off an enraged rant about absolutely everything in the universe?

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Someone must have her gagged and tied to a chair for the harridan not to be criticizing and passing judgement on all of us non-christian, pro-choice not real Americans that are pickin' on her family again. I would advise her to sit down & shut the fuck up because we all have her number now.

  24. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Jesse Griffin You need to demand a blood test.
    22 · 19 hrs

    WJ Soma If not that, there's always the Maury show. Bristol LOVES social media & publicity.
    6 · 15 hrs

    Dakota's been reading his Facebook comments. Guess who one of the six likes is about the Maury show...

    People Who Like This

    Dakota Meyer
    Public Figure

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Seriously, Dakota "liked" Gryphen's blood test comment? If so...screen capture and feature prominently, Gryph! That one click alone speaks louder than words!

    2. He knows he's not the father. I'll bet he'd like nothing than to be challenged and prove it in public. None of this f-ing gag order $h¡t.

  25. ibwilliamsi10:55 AM

    “Regardless of what I did personally, I just think that abstinence is the only . . . 100 percent foolproof way to prevent pregnancy.” (Bristol Palin)

    You THINK that, Bristol, because you received an "abstinence only" based education. Wake up to science and reality and you'll find out that there are several other 100% foolproof methods of birth control.

    BTW, you should have kept on taking those pills "for cramps".

  26. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Oh Brissy! You have committed a terrible sin. You lied to Oprah. On national t.v. Watch those lightening bolts.

  27. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Need to put the 'In Touch' magazine investigative folks on the Palins...

  28. krbmjb0511:14 AM

    Pisses me off that the end of the VF Bristol article is a quote from that harlot saying she wished Tripp had a dad that was involved in his life!

    Levi (or Sunny) if you're reading this, you are WONDERFUL parents! All that matters is that Tripp (and your girls) know that! Keep up the great work and keep your REAL chins up! ;)

    1. Well, if Levi or Sunny wanted to challenge for custody now would be a good time to start the new strategy. Bristol has proven to be less than a fit mother. Drinking and brawling the presence of her son. Now she is pregnant out of wedlock again with a second baby daddy as yet to be named. She has no source of income. She can't live on child support. It's CHILD support, not MOTHER support. Bristol can't support herself let alone one child and soon she'll have two?

      Yeah, time to talk to the lawyers again.

      With another kid on the way, Bristol may be more open to allowing Levi custody of his son so she only has one baby to take care of.

  29. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Gotta admit. This has been a great news weeks for those of us who are SO sick of the two Wasillabilly Hags pointing their fingers and harping on others while being the best example of how not to live your life. What goes around, comes around and these two harpies are only getting what they deserve.

  30. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Wonder when the senior Wasillabilly Hag will start expounding on wonders of her eldest daughter. Surely she will come up with something truly gag-worthy about what a hard worker, good mama, etc., etc., etc., the junior Wasillabilly Hag is!

  31. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The President is singing "Amazing Grace" on TV

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:40 PM

      Please someone post a link...I've been looking for it!

    2. Here you go--a nice left wing site!

  32. hedgewytch11:32 AM

    Radar online got it wrong. They are reporting what Bristol told them - that DM is the baby daddy. Ooops. Anyone tell Joey that?

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      It may not be Joey either. If it is a decent man and she can recall his name, he will come out now and be by her side through all this.

      Only the Christians care that she is married while pregnant. She can't be saved until she comes out with a truthful apology and asks all to forgive her.

      Something more like this: "Everything that I will attempt to say to you this morning will be from my heart. I will not speak from a prepared script. Knowing the consequences of what I will say and that much of it will be taken around the world, as it should be, I am positive that all that I want to say I will not be able to articulate as I would desire. But I would pray that you will somehow feel the anguish, the pain, and the love of my heart.

      I do not plan in any way to whitewash my sin. I do not call it a mistake, a mendacity; I call it sin."

  33. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Gay marriage is responsible for keeping Bristol unwed and pregnant! You were warned that gay marriage would destroy heterosexual marriages.

  34. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Sarah, Come out, come out from wherever you are! We're waiting to hear from you! ;-)

    1. Anonymous4:21 AM

      Offer her a some crack and she'll come scurrying out from under the bed in a hot minute!

  35. Silly Sarah is yesterday's news, yet you all still continue your hate filled rants. Time to move on, just like you tell the pee ponders. There are 12 or 13 other nutcases out there that want to be President, time to concentrate on them.

    Gryphen has been promising something new on Silly Sarah for a few years now, time to show your hand Gryphen before your followers loose interest like the C4pee'ers.

    1. Who hates? It's a waste of energy. We call out lies, hypocrisy and the evil nature of the grifters.

      Don't like G's blog? Step away from the keyboard & move along.

    2. Cracklin Charlie12:39 PM

      We will move on when we are DGR*, DGM**!

      *Damned Good and Ready
      **Don't Go away Mad

      Just go away!

    3. Anonymous12:47 PM

      DGM=PALIN TROLL. Go away, you are nothing more than a prank. How does one 'loose' interest? Did you not try to use the G.I. Bill to further your education? Try proofreading your comments.

    4. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Sorry to seem like a grammar Nazi, but this one really drives me crazy: "loose" for "lose". So many (semi-literate) people do this.

      It's LOSE. One "O". One. Got that??????


    5. Just when I was going to post how refreshing it was not to have a Palinasskisser crapping all over this blog, DGM 11:43 shows up. An obvious sock puppet, who can't find any excuses to defend the Bristol whore, and her less than zero mom, so, she attacks the IM blog, and posters. Projection is a typical palintard tactic, and DGM is proof.

    6. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Why do you come here? Why don't you start your own blog if you don't like what others have on theirs.

    7. Anonymous1:48 PM

      DGM Doesn't Get Much pussy.

    8. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Bristol has taken Sarah's place since she was news so very long ago.

  36. Just saw President Obama's eulogy for Pinckney.

    Powerful and courageous. A clarion call for wisdom, compassion, justice and ACTION.

    I am so privileged to be able to witness this great man.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Our President Obama is outstanding. That speech today was beautiful, heartfelt and will go down in history!

      It's no wonder the Republicans scream, shout and put such hateful 'stuff' out there about him - he's so far above them in so, so many ways! Plus, he can sing!

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      I am not ashamed to say that I started crying when he started singing.

    3. Anonymous4:15 AM

      I,as well. Bless that man.

  37. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Sully weighs in:

  38. Anonymous11:56 AM

    That photo of Sarah Palin simply says it all! Another the final nail in her political "coffin" President Obama's magnificent eulogy today in Charleston SC. The President spoke eloquently, he opened his heart out to all. In ways that people like Sarah Palin could never hope to, he put his personal faith out there in public. And he sang! How wonderful. What a great president we have.

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:35 PM

      And just perfect that the crazy lady shows up in her hate chicken tee shirt, on today of all days.

      Love wins, Sarah!

  39. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Susan Miller tries to reach out to Bristol Palin in a kind and thoughtful way:

    "I'm sure you'll never be able to read my words in the soft tones and true compassion with which I would say this to you if I could, but, Sweetie, you've gotta stop having sex out of wedlock, then saying, "The Lord is with me". Of course he is; He will never leave or forsake us, but he also has Christian principles by which we are to live. Until you get those down pat, this is going to happen to you again. With much sisterly love, truly. xo"

    What does Bristol do? How does Bristol answer and respond to someone like Susan? That says a great deal about where Bristol is during this time of her disappointing behaviors and making another mistake.

    Does Bristol have any family, friends or acquaintances who would try to help her from the negative pattern she is unable to end?

    Why isn't Bristol's best friend doing something to help her now?

    Has Marina forsaken Bristol?

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Fed up, is more likely.

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Your Lord was with all of those people who were killed in South Carolina? All the way to their graves? You can have your Lord, Allah, Buddha, Franklin Graham, and Pastor Mutheee. They are all frauds.

    3. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Marina is a reminder of the good old days. Dakota, Marina, Todd, Sarah, Kelly Cusack and the gang.

      Dakota Meyer. The good old days with the Cusacks, Janice Sims and the Palins in Vegas.

      Vegas baby!

      Why was Dakota missing from this 2/14/15 celebration?

      Now Dakota is busy promoting his projects. He is big on getting jobs for vets, he has a movie, he'll never be outgunned and he is encouraging strong work ethics

      “Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.” Hermione Granger

      Fear... the greatest motivator.

  40. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Sarah Palin in case you are balled up in a corner "in a strange blue funk" (see below) and did not comprehend Vanity Fair's article, basically Vanity Fair just announced to the world for you that you will not be running for 2016 POTUS or VPOTUS or any other political office for the rest of your life.


    Well I'm really not sorry

    "Game Change," the 2008 deconstruction, says the stress of vaulting onto the national stage caused Palin to have wild mood swings.

    "One minute, Palin would be her perky self; the next she would fall into a strange blue funk," the authors write.

  41. Anonymous12:05 PM

    “And Tripp is just the love of my life. He is everything to me. But do I wish that he had a dad that was involved in his life? Absolutely. And do I wish that I had an education and a real career path? Absolutely.”That was Bristol in 2009. So what has she done about that education and career path in six years? Gee, a few weeks at nail school in AZ. A few weeks in Hollywood, then a few more, teaching her child to pose for the camera and swear. Yeah, Bristol, you've had plenty of time to find a career for yourself...but grifting is just too natural to you Palins, isn't it? Plus, now you;ll get another monthly check from another man, keep your free healthcare from Daddy, and not have to lift a finger and do any real work. I'm glad you don't want any sympathy, because I don't have any for a person who makes bad choices day after day.

    1. So much money that she's just squandered...there is no reason she could not have completely college by now except for the fact that SHE DIDN'T WANT TO.

    2. She has neither the brains, the determination nor the scholastic skills to successfully complete college.

      Of course, I'm referring to a standard university, not beauty school.

  42. Anonymous12:08 PM


    Sarah Palin just in case you haven't heard that Bristol is pregnant with Dakota's baby, you better drop your Taco Bell Crunch Waps, get off your dead ass and head down to the pawn shop and buy back Bristol's engagement ring. Bristol may need it afterwards.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      O/T Sarah does not want Bristol to marry Joey Junker, the baby's Daddy.

  43. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Uncle Gryph please don't write any more posts. Your loyal readers and the world doesn't want your post below to drop off from your blog cover sheet.

    That post almost has 800 comments.

    Thursday, June 25, 2015
    Bristol Palin announces that she's pregnant. Update!

    1. Suzy Q3:41 PM

      And I am proud to say I read every last one of those comments and they were quite entertaining! I was actually starting to get quite bored with the same old Sarah shit so the Bristol story that Gryphen posted yesterday was good news. I particularly liked the fact that he had teamed up with the Enquirer reporter. Now on to July 3rd!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:55 PM

      899 and counting....... G's gonna break blogger!

  44. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Alaska State Troopers time for a Palin family Wellness Check. No rush, it can wait a couple of months.

  45. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Will all these news site journalists please look back into the Palin wild ride story? They now know the Palins are scam artists with these latest revelations. They now see how Sarah Palin is a master manipulater and dominates her family, pushes them to perform to make herself appear saintly.

    Sarah Palin finger-wagging at a MOH veteran at the tent BBQ can only be seen as a dominating mother who tries to CONTROL everyone in her family and their friends, relationships. Bristol Palin is seen as a woman without a foundation of beliefs; she says one thing and does the other, as her mother. Sarah keeps them all close to the vest and we NEVER read about them achieving goals, independently pursuing careers, integrating, collaborating, educating themselves, making their own unique brand, investing their own talents into the community. They all hang around her and follow her lead, doing what she says, handling her affairs, going to speeches with her, meeting people she wants them to meet and cross-posting photos of each other with Sarah in the center. They do not have a LIFE of their own. Their whole life purpose is to serve Sarah, their mother and be her puppets that keep her BRAND alive.

    Can't journalists see that the wild ride is not believable by normal standards? Now would be the time to investigate this hoax, and beg those who knew to come forward.

    1. hedgewytch1:11 PM

      As much as I want the birth hoax to be fully, irrefutably exposed, there's something I want even more. The irrefutable evidence of the Palin's illegal activities that will lead to their indictment and, hopefully, incarceration. Or at least to see them loose all their ill gotten gains and be publicly humiliated for the world to see.

  46. Anonymous12:40 PM

    “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.” ― Regina Brett

    alisonix: No matter how you feel, wrap it up, go on the pill, or get off your high horse.

  47. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy of these two posts that were one after the other on the pond site? One is defending a woman who is choosing to bypass marriage while procreating, even though it goes against the stance she climbed on a soapbox to shout. The second is upset because people who value the sanctity of marriage have the legal right to commit to each other!
    So, making baby's out of wedlock=good
    Choosing to commit to a wedded union=bad

    21 minutes ago
    Bristol Palin May Be the Most Courageous Millennial in America

    Bristol Palin is pregnant again—and again, she’s on the receiving end of a barrage of snark and judgment, just like she was seven years ago when her mom was the Republican vice presidential candidate.

    There aren’t many young women—or men—who could handle nationwide shaming.

    There are even fewer—if any—who could handle it twice.

    Yet Bristol, who knows better than almost anyone the pain and the humiliation associated with being a victim of incessant bullying, is showing extraordinary courage—and love."

    Continue reading:
    3 Reply

    24 minutes ago
    For those who can only think in terms of the economy and "personal freedom", how do you like the entitlement society?? Do you realize that what happened today is the ultimate entitlement? 5 unelected tyrants have attempted to redefine Reality for a tiny group of people who want it redefined because they believe they're "entitled" to redefine it. The rest of us have to obey. The problem is that you can't redefine reality and, when you try, whatever's being "redefined" collapses. It's as inevitable as a law of physics. What they've done is destroy (or attempted to destroy) marriage by rendering it meaningless. Things that are meaningless die.

  48. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Wish Bristol would read this and ponder the advice:

  49. Anonymous12:50 PM

    What a tangled web of lies Sarah spun to cover up another anti Christian pregnancy to maintain false impressions of abstinence and purity of Bristol. The Palin drive to lie habitually is the big issue beyond sex and conception before marriage. The family believes they are entitled to do as they please then lie like hell.

    Dakota was a dumb ass and despicable to go along with the lies. Who would have sympathy for the lying two faced sick Bristol?

    What a ruse they tried to pull over lying they had been dating for a year.

  50. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Old grizzled Sarah seems to be very,. very quiet on the news that Bristol will be dropping another illegitimate abstinence baby in a few months.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Sarah Palin is probably scurrying online trying to buy tickets to Texas so she can perpetrate Wild Ride 2.0.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

      She's frantically looking for a draft of a letter from you know who, announcing the "blessed event".

  51. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Well, if I was Dakota and was sure I was NOT the seed planter, my first call would be to a good lawyer. The second call would be to Bristol with a verbal demand that she publicly set the record straight about the paternity issue. This conversation would be recorded and a certified demand letter would be arriving in Alaska first thing Monday morning.

    Dakota is a public figure whose reputation is being damaged by Bristol's omission. This could cost him considerably and he should seriously consider pursuing all remedies available to him under the law.

    And Dakota, be sure to have your lawyer serve Nancy French, since she is the author of the Bristol blog. And also too, serve Sarah Palin who directs the message of the paid-for Patheos screed that is underwritten by SARAHPAC.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Good advice.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:50 PM

      Great point. Bristol would never live it down, her family will fade to obscurity, and the skeletons would be let out for the world to see. How dare one accuse a MOH recipient of such tawdry acts. It's not just immoral, it's unpatriotic. DNA is your Friend, Dak!!!!

    3. Anonymous11:30 PM

      Get a DNA test Dakota! It will speak volumes! And get legal actions in motion!

  52. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin do you believe in Karma?

    Remember this?

    Internet :
    Miss Palin goes on to say she is worried about the effect Mr Johnston's affinity for getting young women pregnant will have on Tripp.

    'I don't want him to go to elementary school with 10 half siblings,' she said. 'That would really affect him'.
    - Bristol Palin
    (Comment made after hearing that Levi is having a baby with the beautiful Sunny)

    Let's see Sarah and Bristol, Tripp has two half siblings through Levi and one 1/2 sibling through Bristol and a father to be named at a later date.

    Keep in mind Sarah and Bristol, we're not counting Trig.... yet.

    Sarah and Bristol that Karma is one unforgiving bitch!

  53. Anonymous1:46 PM

    If someone wants to know why liberals find Bristol a hypocrite, here is a nice compilation:

    What a day it has been! The Supremes go with Love and Dignity and our President leads us in singing Amazing Grace...and they seem to have caught the NY prison escapees for a finale.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

      Yes! So far they got and killed one, Sweat's still on the loose, but they're on his trail with dogs. Fingers crossed they nab him.

  54. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Willow said Bristol rudely remarked, upon reading the VF article "ha...they put tripp PALIN, not johnston!"

    WHAT a mealy mouthed little brat. Certainly got her priorities in order. The sky may be falling, but a magazine slighted the guy who dumped her over five years ago. Way to GO, B! Why don't you go back to worrying that Candies will sue for the return of their hefty check based on violation of the morals clause? That's right, your big mouthed sissypoo is bellowing to all and sundry about how you're freaked that the teat is drying up. No more selling photos of Tripp for 50k a pop...and this "reality show" you are trying to pitch, documenting your pregnancy and birth from a "unique perspective"? Ain't nobody buyin' what you're selling, girl.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      Hey, Bristol's living a vibrant, private life, got a great work ethic, and is a role model by her example.

      Damn, that hurt! I now know how Moore must have felt acting for "Game Changer, the movie"

      I doubt Candies had a morality clause, their other ads used girls posed with boys provocatively in skimpy clothes, borderline soft portn.. And I'm sure they made some serious money from the whole fiasco.
      But if she did sign a morality clause, what's taking them so long?????

  55. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Bristol was speeding along the Highway. When the State Trooper stopped her, had her exit, and told Bristol to 'place your hands on the car and Spread em', Bristol said,"is that all you wanted"?

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Good one Piper

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Isn't "Spread em" Bristol's and Sarah's middle name?

  56. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Bristol and the Palins, don't read the post below. It might upset you.

    Trig Calls B.S. On Bristol’s Pleas for Privacy

  57. Caroll Thompson2:06 PM

    Hate, anger and bitterness only takes you so far. The world has moved on; the parade has passed Sarah by and she is probably is just now realizing that the gravy train is at an end.

  58. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Anonymous1:52 PM

    Bristol was speeding along the Highway. When the State Trooper stopped her, had her exit, and told Bristol to 'place your hands on the car and Spread em', Bristol said,"is that all you wanted"?


    If someone hollers " Spread em ", the Palins

    Pick one or more if you wish:
    1. put their hands on their buttocks and spreads em.

    2. put their hands on the Alaska State Trooper's car and spreads em.

    3. lay on their backs and spread their legs far apart.

  59. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

    "Honestly" LMAO from a Palin not asking for lectures nor sympathy on a blog that rarely gets traffic, and she wan't Tripp and her's "Privacy Respected".
    Hey, Bristol, you got it bass ackwards, once again. She's made the news, world news, and even the radio station at the U of Penn did a magnificent "dramatic reading" WITH sound effects. To the tune of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody".
    And I've adored Vanity Fair's coverage of Sarah over the years, but this one on Bristol is comedic gold.
    First, she's in her signature color, white. Second, my eyes kept going to Caitlyn Jenner's cover, who's much older, much bolder, and looks terrific in white!
    Then I delved into the article and had the same euphoria I get with chocolate. Does she wish she had a man? Does she wish she had a career path?

    Not just "No! but HELL NO! Bristol's doing just fine, look, she's getting attention, pity, sympathy, and lectures...... from the magazine she posed in "Tea Party"outfits in a" Malice in Blunerland" scenatio.

    "Let me Entertain You, hey Look at ME!!!!" Joan Rivers, may she rest in peace, said it best. "In my day......." And Cher's tweet was spot on with Sarah.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.