Friday, July 24, 2015

500 Alabama Christians protest the removal of a "Christian flag" from the local police department.

Courtesy of Christian Post:

Over 500 Christians rallied in support of religious freedom in Alabama on Saturday after a Christian flag that once flew over a local police department was forcibly removed amid threats of legal action from the nation's largest atheist organization. 

The mayor of Glenco said he had no choice but to remove the Christian flag from outside the police department after the city received a complaint letter from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation. 

"That would just about ruin us. … That's what they do, they pick on these smaller towns that can't defend ourselves," said Mayor Charles Gilchrist to WBRC Fox 6, noting the decision was made to remove the flag last month to avoid the costs of a potentially lengthy litigation. 

Samuel Lowe, founder and Etowah County director of First Responders for Christ, which helped organize the religious freedom rally called "United We Stand," told The Christian Post on Monday that "sin" is what led to the flag's removal. 

"On the surface the flag removal appears to be a battle over the fictitious separation of church and state," he said, "but the underlying reason the flag was removed was due to the separation between God and man because of the sin that's in man's heart."

So the flag was not removed because of the "fictitious" separation of church and state? But rather because of the sin in man's heart?

Yeah okay.

Well if there is no separation between church and state, and it is perfectly okay to fly a flag promoting a certain religion then I suppose this group would have no problem flying a Muslim flag, or Hindu flag, or a Jewish flag right?

Hell what about a flag celebrating Jainism.

I mean there's a conversation starter for you.

No these idiots only want religious freedom when it is THEIR religion that is free to insinuate itself into local governments and school districts.

If this were the flag of another religion they would be rioting in the streets to have it removed. Bet on it.


  1. Why on earth would it have been put up there in the first place?

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Because it's a small town in the South.

  2. "...they pick on these smaller towns..." It's the smaller towns that seem to defy the law and fly religious flags or put ten commandments tablets outside the courthouse. Oh, how the guilty try to justify their actions!

    1. Anonymous4:04 AM

      Yea... Big towns generally don't do stupid shit like that...

      There usually is someone in the local government that isn't inbred so they say, "Wait! We can't do that!"

      But in East Bumphuck, Alabama they just have an inbred circle jerk and up goes the flag....

  3. London Bridges5:05 AM

    The Constitution guarantees Freedom From Religion.

    1. Leland7:38 AM

      Not according to them! They scream that is wrong as vociferously as they do the idea of separation of church and state.

  4. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Religion... Let's find a cure!

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel ;-)
      Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene.

  5. Anonymous5:55 AM

    "This “Gospel Explosion” imbroglio horrendously highlights, yet again, for the entire world to see, a desperately dire crisis of out-of-control, fundamentalist Christian/command climate saturation in the U.S. military in general and the USAF in particular.

    Religious extremism, thy name be Cannon AFB and the 27th SOW.

    When will Americans FINALLY demand that their armed forces respect the Constitutional religious rights of ALL of its war fighters and not ONLY those who embrace “the right kind of Christianity”?

    Perhaps even more importantly, when will Americans FINALLY demand visible and meaningful punishment for those military leaders who willfully savage the religious rights of their otherwise defenseless subordinates with total impunity?"

  6. SallyinMI6:33 AM

    The reason we have what we have is because there is no STATE religion. If they really want to go there, then they have to accept that we might one day actually have a Muslim President, or a Jewish President. Do they truly want that person's religious beliefs made into law? For a group always fear-mongering about 'sharia law!!!!' they sure are happy to impose their version of Christianity on the entire nation.

  7. Anonymous6:53 AM

    "noting the decision was made to remove the flag last month to avoid the costs of a potentially lengthy litigation. "

    How about removing it because it's just the right thing to do?

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I always want to ask them exactly WHICH form of Christianity would be acceptable . . . and then back away.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Well certainly not any of those artsy-fartsy liberal based versions of it with a wimpy peace-n-love Jesus.

  9. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I call it sucking up to God.

  10. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I call it sucking god... yes, I went there

  11. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Just what percentage of the population is 500.... and obviously they realized the flag wasn't legal or they wouldn't have taken it down without a court hearing which they knew that they would loose.

  12. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Was this flag the only flag there? Is there also an American flag? Usually outside an official public building there are both national and state flags. How did they ever agree on this "Chrisitan" flag or is a flag for a particular denomination? Odd doings in the deep south!

  13. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

    Oh, the humanity! "They always pick on the small towns". When will this relentless persecution of christians and their sacred christian flag symbol end? That flag looks like a prop from a Monty Python "Crusade" skit. The fact is that no one religion owns a monopoly on the "persecution defense", every religion has the right to worship or exercise their free will not to worship at all.
    But how does one" reason " with people like the Mayor?

    They have their own flag and two versions of the "pledge"s, which applies only to those who believe.,( because a loving god hates non believers, apparently).


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