Thursday, July 16, 2015

A little food for thought.

Or it could be used to bludgeon conservatives over the head.

Either way.


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    IF right-wing-nuts would consent to read these astounding indicators, they would probably say -- don't believe the numbers, 'cause they're liberal lies.
    -- a cynic
    What can progressive do or say to change those T-Rump kind of minds, when their top-spot candidate insists that 4,200 people are really 20,000?

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Don't forget Jeb told us it was Obama's fault the economy crashed and he should know because Jeb was working for Lehman Bros. at the time.

      Boy Obama sure has magically powers, crashed the economy before he was even president.

  2. Anonymous2:34 AM

    All of this in spite of his "esteemed colleagues" in DC!! Imagine what more could have been done with some co-operation? Too bad he can not run for a third term. I am sure he is exhaustedafter these years in the WH. Every day, another challenge from his co-workers, determined to have him fail. In spite of them, he succeeded. Respected world wide, except by his fellow politicians.

    1. " Imagine what more could have been done with some co-operation? "
      Yes, imagine if his jobs bill had been passed.

      It is incredible that he has accomplished as much as he has.

    2. I think about that a lot. What great things might have been accomplished if rational adults had been in Congress?

  3. Caroll Thompson2:44 AM

    President Obama has done everything he said he would do during his 2008 campaign. That includes direct negotiations with Iran in an effort to achieve peace. And he has done it all in spite of 100% opposition from Republicans.

    He has been the best President of my lifetime. And in my view, he ranks right up there with the best Presidents of all time.

    And he has done it all with grace, humility and above all, no drama. He is always cool, calm and collected. And he is not done yet. Not by a long shot.

    Hey Sarah, you better watch President Obama. He will give you some lessons on what a lame duck is and does. A lame duck has nothing to lose and can do some of his or her best work during this period. So, get your ghostwriter ready Sarah because you a'int seen nothing yet.

  4. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Let's not confuse the conservatives with actual facts.....makes their heads explode in confusion, lol

  5. Anonymous4:20 AM

    I'd like to see an additional statistic illustrating that abortion has not, in fact, increased 100-fold, as predicted by the religious right. I would not be surprised to learn the abortion rate has decreased, as it did during the Clinton era. And I would enjoy rubbing it in!

  6. Anonymous5:48 AM

    All this data is meaningless to the republicans because he's black

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Sadly, that is so true.

    2. If it's bad, it's all his fault.

      If it's good he had nothing to do with it.

      Direct from the GOP handbook.

  7. Anonymous6:04 AM

    O/T Are We Enabling Scott Walker?

    For my part, Scott Walker's attempted walk back of his comments about the Boy Scouts' ban on gay leaders as having "protected children" is ridiculous on its face. He now claims what he meant was that it protected children from "the political and media discussion about it." Um. Okay.

    I'm confident our readers are sophisticated enough to see that for what it is, part of the broader softening of rhetoric over gay rights from Walker and other elected conservatives, but a softening that is opportunistic, inconsistently applied, disingenuous, and which, in this case, Walker bumbled.

    But TPM Reader KR emails to say we're enabling Walker by not calling him out more forcefully. I yield the floor:

    There's no other way to say this than that you are enabling Scott Walker to get out from under the weight of his own wrongful statements. Tonight you report, without any analysis or critique, his assertion that when he said the ban on gay scoutmasters was "protecting children" he is saying he didn't really mean protecting children from gay people, he meant protecting them from controversy.

    Why do you report these things as flatly true, with no analysis? Yeah, that's what he said -- claiming he was "misunderstood" - but what convinces you that his spin is really true, as opposed to his really being opposed to gay scout masters but trying to walk back something he said that blew up in his face? ............
    This needs to happen more often, it is time the press started holding the GOP accountable for their statements.

  8. The only real journalists these days are "comedians" like Stewart and Colbert and Oliver, but Jon has had enough of the right-wing bullshit.

    "Well, you are thinking, who could have predicted 14 GOP candidates in the primaries or the fun of Donald Trump? Maybe now, you hope, he will regret leaving. But sadly, the answer is — no, no regrets: He saw this coming and is leaving anyway. He knew well that this election would be a circus. And he knew that if he stayed on as host he would be responsible for bringing a tight satirical edge to the insanity of the day. Most of all, he knew he would have to watch Fox News. And that idea was simply intolerable: 'Watching these channels all day is incredibly depressing,” says Stewart. “I live in a constant state of depression. I think of us as turd miners. I put on my helmet, I go and mine turds, hopefully I don’t get turd lung disease.'"

  9. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Sent this to a conservative friend, his reply: "Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. I've never seen these stats on Fox News so they must be lies".

    (There are none so blind that they will not see)

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Wow... as a depressed cynic (see above) I was hoping I wasn't right.
      Can others on IM send those stats to conservatives and report back what they say? I know, I know, it's like putting your tongue in a cavity that needs fixing...

    2. It doesn't take long for their belief in 'the conspiracy' to become their raison d'etre, and no matter what smoking gun-facts you put in front of them, they'll insist is an optical trick.

      It reminds me of the difference between science and creationism. Science is constantly correcting itself, unashamed of admitting error, and discarding disproved theories when more pinpoint ones arrive. Creationism begins with a fixed conclusion then looks around for things to back it up, much like shooting an arrow into a wall and then painting a bulls-eye around it.

    3. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Some of these conservative deniers must have 401K's or other market investments that have gone gangbusters since 2008. That's rather hard to ignore; the bottom line doesn't lie.

    4. Audrey12:27 PM

      O/T to dvlaries...your comments are always great to read and your Schnauzer (?) is adorable too!

    5. They won't deny the stats.

      They'll just deny that Obama had anything to do with it.

      You know, like climate change, which either isn't happening or has nothing to do with human activity.

    6. To Audrey, 12:27 PM:
      Thank you :) Her name was Buttons (1990-2005). She's sitting in my lap with her chin on the card table. For such a pretty girl, she used to scram when the camera came out. This was one of the few photos where, if not openly smiling, she's at least nonchalant. We adored her.

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    My wealth has assuredly increased under President Obama and he and his Administration deserve my thanks!!! Everyone, if invested wisely in the stock market, should be doing extremely well!

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Sarah Palin and my conservative friends increased my wealth. They pissed me off so much in 2008 I started a betting account to bet on Obama. I had him in the primary, to win and again in 2012!
      Sarah Palin is a great motivator.

  11. Anonymous9:38 AM

    He has Kate Steinle's blood on his hands.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Who the hell is Kate Steinle and better yet, why the hell should we care?!?

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      9:38 AM Are you paid for your bullshit, troll? He has Osama Bin Laden's and several other high echelon Terrorists' blood on his hands. He should be commended for all of his great decisions. You can do as Bristol Fake Christian Palin would tell you: Go Fuck Yourself, giddy asshole!

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Steinle was killed with a misplaced agent's gun, so how is Obama responsible for that? Your jealousy of our great President and the excellent job he has done is your problem, bigot. Get a Life, Troll.

    4. No, we can thank the NRA for that and other gun murders.

  12. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I will be first in line to buy President Obama's first book
    after his term is over. Please Mr. President do not give
    the disgusting, nobody Palin any credence except that
    she was the failed , Republican, Vice Presidential candidate.


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