Friday, July 10, 2015

Conservatives angry that The New York Times will not put Ted Cruz's book on the bestseller's list just because he cheated to drive up book sales. Clearly a liberal conspiracy.

Courtesy of TPM:

The New York Times decided this week not to place Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) book on its bestseller list, leaving some conservatives convinced that the paper unfairly targeted the presidential candidate. 

The Times told HarperCollins that Cruz's book would not make the list, despite the fact that "A Time For Truth" sold more copies than 18 of the 20 books that appeared on the bestseller list this week, Politico reported. According to Nielsen Bookscan, Cruz sold 11,854 copies of his book in its first week. 

"We have uniform standards that we apply to our best seller list, which includes an analysis of book sales that goes beyond simply the number of books sold," Times Spokeswoman Eileen Murphy told HarperCollins when the publisher asked why "A Time For Truth" had been left off the list.

In response to this news conservatives were livid:  

Given that Cruz's book sold so many copies and that the Times has previously included books written by Republican politicians and candidates on its bestseller list, conservatives on Thursday night were outraged. 

A RedState headline described the book's exclusion as "The New York Times’ War on Ted Cruz." Breitbart News wrote that Cruz was "snubbed" by the Times. 

Twitchy, a conservative site that tracks social media, compiled a list of conservatives concerned that the Times was biased against Republicans or Cruz.

However Politico dug into this and reported on what went into the decision making:

(New York Time spokesperson Eileen) 

Murphy emailed late Thursday night to further clarify the reasoning behind the Times decision. 

"In the case of this book, the overwhelming preponderance of evidence was that sales were limited to strategic bulk purchases," she wrote.

Oh so what, having conservative businesses buy up boxes and boxes of your book, to be given away for free later, in order to falsely give the impression that it is a bestseller is not okay anymore?

Well  think we know who to blame don't we?

Gee this certainly does not bode well for Sarah Palin's upcoming new book.


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Isn't that what Palin does, buy her own books.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Yes, and she proudly claims she's a NYT best-selling author.
      Clearly, the Times has investigated how its list is created and has changed the criteria.
      Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, and many other conservatives have made the list in the past. But they don't have PAC money around to buy in bulk.
      Harper Collins is owned by Murdoch.

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      I think it's pretty clear that the NYT has gotten tired of being used by the likes of Sarah Palin, who gamed the system. Good for them. This particular little scam is now over.

    3. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Who gives a shit how $arah & her Mini-Me, Barstool, gamed the system to give the appearance that their literary work (haha, actually it's just ghostwritten BS) is more popular than it really is? It took a little time, but nowadays, even her early true supporters have realized she's a complete idiot and a total loser and she's toxic to her former political party, which has long shunned her.

      But damn, she's fun to watch because of her comedic value---- she's a walkin', talkin', squawkin' parody of her bobble-headed self, always talking about stuff about which she knows nothing or simply, making shit up. With Palin and these other Pretend Politicians like Newt, Cruz, Trump, Allen awestruck, "Herb" Cain, it's all about their grift and sucking a few bucks out of stupid people's pockets.

      I'm glad NYT thumbed this asshole, Cruz in the eye, and hopefully, $arah will receive similar treatment right in her wonky eye.

  2. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Since Madam Mushmouth is not even listed on Regenty Press as an author, I bet this book is about as likely to go to print as the family fitness book, and the family cookbook. And no, it will never be a best seller.

  3. What a sleazy guy.
    Barack Obama's book, Dreams From My Father, was wonderful. I could barely read parts of it for the tears in my eyes. No bulk sales there, Teddy boy -- you aren't man enough, or honest enough, to be a candidate for the same job.

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    There are companies who specialize in buying books to look like individual sales and get around the whole NYT nix on bulk purchases. How did Ted not know about this frequently used conservative 'author' trick? I expect Ted will get with the program and make the list in a week or so.

  5. Anonymous3:41 PM

    What floors me is how few book sales it takes to make the NYT best seller list for a week! Under 12,000 copies?!

    But even that miniscule amount sounds like an outlandlish amount for a legend-in-his-own-mind-only like Ted Cruz to be able to sell to outside individuals. Generally, it's intelligent people who read, and the people who support him are not intelligent.

    1. Anonymous2:48 AM

      3:41 That shocked me, too. I thought it must be a misprint. In a country of over 330 MILION, how cold sales of 11,000 make the Best Seller List? This means that list is useless. How many of her "best sellers" are still stacked in $carah's hangar. I wonder?

    2. Anonymous3:44 AM

      I wonder if this is how O'Reilly's rewritten history books make it? And Hannity? And Ann Coulter? Malkin? Rush? They all write for the same company.

  6. Anonymous4:26 PM

    The Palin curse strikes again. After she scammed the system to get on the Times Best Seller list, they started checking into who was buying all of the books and found out that many were bulk sales that were driving up the numbers. Cruz can blame Palin!

  7. Anonymous4:28 PM

    About time this duplicitous practice is put to rest.

  8. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Bristol is a NYT best-selling author too....

    and you can bet that that Nancy French is hard at work on Bristol's NEXT self-penned autobiography "Not Afraid of Life - My Journey So Far".

    See what I did there?

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      That's right - Bristol made it on the Best Seller list too. Wonder where they stashed all the books?

    2. Anonymous2:50 AM

      Well, I doubt that they were able to GIVE that crap away, so maybe they are stashed in the garage?

    3. Anonymous3:43 AM

      The garage...that's why they needed an airplane park the cars in.

  9. Anonymous4:40 PM

    It's about damn fricking time.

  10. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "A Time for Truth" my ass! :D

  11. Our Lad5:04 PM

    Anyone read The New Encyclopedia Of Great Conservative Jazz Musicians? A must summer read y'all ! It's pretty short, as you might imagine.

  12. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Facial genetics were cruel to Teddie. He got the worst of the worse. I feel sorry for Heidi.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      I don't. Isn't she some hedge fund manager worth a bazillion dollars?

  13. Anonymous8:05 PM

    "Gee this certainly does not bode well for Sarah Palin's upcoming new book."

    ... But she got away with it for her other two books...

    1. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Maybe people are wising up...we can hope....

  14. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon9:55 PM

    Gee this certainly does not bode well for Sarah Palin's upcoming new book. ...
    So who's gonna be the author of Sarah's upcoming book?
    Rebecca "Cuddles" Mansour is still on Sarah's shitlist, right?
    And Nancy French is busy with Bristle's blog and tweets and what-all, right?

    1. Anonymous12:37 AM

      Nancy has a lot of experience speaking for Bristol and for Sarah. Nancy is a gifted and experienced liar; two books by these lazy dishonest illiterate losers won't be too much of a challenge for Nancy. Take a look at the quality of the writing in any of Nancy's previous books and you'll see what I mean... her books are- without exception- compost in the making.

    2. Anonymous2:53 AM

      Maybe Mr. French is available? If writing for the PayMe clan is the best they can do, I doubt that he is too busy to fly to Alaska and consult with $carah. He could visit the pregnant Bristles also, too. There should be a book there "Pregnant and Working Hard"

    3. Anonymous3:41 AM

      I bet it's Nancy, and I bet she is already combing Brissy's blog for scripture she already used, and the ensuing homilies. Sarah never read them, so she'll think they are all new and brilliant. Wasn't one of the books supposed to be all about great American speeches? And it wasn't. Hey Sarah, where's the "Family Fitness" book you all were writing during DWTS, Part One? Or that cookbook? Funny that Palin is not even on the front page of that right wing publisher's website as one of their authors.

    4. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Since the new book is supposedly just bible verses for each day, it will not really require much effort. Download a Bible app and just cut and paste. But, after seeing what an awful job they do with Photoshopping, this will not be as easy as it sounds for them.
      I just wondered. Do you think that the DWTS baby was biracial and that is the baby that Nancy French adopted?

  15. Anonymous5:15 AM

    "Family Fitness"?? What a joke. Fit for WHAT exactly?

  16. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Bristols kindle sales topped all palin books

  17. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Do people not think democrats do this

    1. hedgewytch7:56 AM

      1. Most Democrats DON'T do things like this - its called cheating.
      2. And even if they did, do 2 wrongs make a right?

  18. Anonymous8:59 AM

    This is typical of the republicans. They can not elections without cheating, either. Jeb! should not expect the Not-So-Supreme-Court to appoint him into the WH. Even THEY should be ashamed of what W wrought.


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