Thursday, July 02, 2015

Indiana Christian woman is so upset of over the Supreme Court's decision on marriage equality that she interrupts her housework for an epic rant.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Becky Wegner Rommel interrupted some light housework to record her overwrought rant, quickly working herself into a lather over anyone who is insufficiently angry over same-sex marriage. 

“This is a very sad day for a lot of Christ followers because today our government decided that everything that God created his church to be — as man, as woman, Adam and Eve — five justices decided that God was wrong,” Rommel said. 

She said that God had always intended for marriage to be a union between one man and one woman, and she reminded President Barack Obama that Islamic extremists were, in fact, Muslims. 

“The fact is, the God of the universe – He is the truth,” Rommel said, her voice rising to a shout. “Jesus Christ, not Mohammed, OK? Just like these Islamic extreme-lists — extremists, OK. They’re not just extremist, they’re Islamic, President Obama. Islamic extreme-lists.” 

Rommel insisted she did not care what anyone thought about her beliefs, because she simply wanted them to hear the truth as she perceives it. 

“I am so sick of people being lukewarm,” she said. “Are you serious? All these people saying they’re Christians are on the Facebook going, ‘Yay, I’m so proud of those justices’ – are you a Christian? Oh, my gosh – do you read the same Bible I read? OK, all I want to know is truth.”

Holy crap, is that a lot of crazy!

When this was first posted on Raw Story they linked Rommel's Facebook page but that has now been shuttered. 

Gee I wonder what these poor people would do if they did not have a religion to constantly reinforce their prejudices and tell them who to hate?

P.S. Extra IM credit for those of you who can get through the entire rant without clicking the mute button or turning it off completely.  And no, that will not be easy.


  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I avoid people like this like the plague. Don't really understand why anyone who doesn't agree with her would give this revolting diatribe any further exposure.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      But avoiding these anti-thinker religilous inbred robots will keep you from enjoying their fabulously delicious tears... the little lady now needs to cut her dramatic performance off and get back to her cleaning duty. The place looks like a pig sty! And that carpet? Oh my! Then again, it probably looked okay back when the star of this clip was also at her own personal pinnacle, about 40-45 years ago. Another case of arrested development.

  2. ibwilliamsi2:22 PM

    She needs to cut back on the "diet pills".

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    She's either doing her housework in the nude or she just likes to wear low, low cut blouses. Is she auditioning for Ernest Angely's job or the 700 Club's resident bleach blonde female lead opposite Pat Robertson? She had the Tammy Faye Bakker mascara-run look going on. Unfortunately, I know too many people just like this crazy woman. Now after viewing that go on over to Malia Litman's and watch An Instructional Video for Sarah Palin to get that disturbing image out of your mind.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      This "Jesus follower" looks like she's a boozy tramp.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Yeah, I noticed her cleavage while she was having a hissy the end she says she loves all. She brought up Obama's name and Islam....typical teabagger.

    3. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Nothing says "I luv JAYzuzzzzz" like gobs of mascara troweled on a well past expired-date, fake blonde who is overly proud of the abundance of her sagging breast tissue hanging around her ribcage.

      Someone needs an intervention.

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    She's either doing her housework in the nude or she just likes to wear low, low cut blouses. Is she auditioning for Ernest Angely's job or the 700 Club's resident bleach blonde female lead opposite Pat Robertson? She had the Tammy Faye Bakker mascara-run look going on. Unfortunately, I know too many people just like this crazy woman. Now after viewing that go on over to Malia Litman's and watch An Instructional Video for Sarah Palin to get that disturbing image out of your mind. ha ha!

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Wow, I think she needs the white-coats to come and get her and quick. So sad to see such untreated mental illness in 2015

    By the way Gryphen,
    "When this was first posted on Raw Story they linked Rommel's Facebook page but that has now been shuddered. "

    I'm sure you meant shuttered, but you're excused since you probably where still feeling the effects of the video. Which I got all the way threw, too and understand totally.... :)


    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Mildred, I love you, but....threw?

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM


      I watched the whole video :)
      (sorry, bad joke)


  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Becky ? Can I call you Becky? Relax, please.
    I was a Christian, no longer. I am not lukewarm on this subject and I am not gay.
    If there was a "Christ" ? Wouldn't he want all of his children to be happy ,with someone they loved?
    Maybe your Christ is different, no?

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      I could give a crap who marry's who.. but the fact that you're NO LONGER a Christian is something you will REGRET the day you leave this mortal world.... THIS is what's wrong with our country.... not gay marriage.

  7. Caroll Thompson2:33 PM

    I watched the whole thing. Obviously Becky was having a bad day. It will take some people a bit of time to absorb that same sex marriage is now the law of the land.

    What Becky will come to realize is that same sex marriage will not interfere with her life. Her life will go on and nothing will change.

    When Maine legalized same sex marriage by citizen referendum, the only change was for those who wanted to marry. Nothing changed for the rest of us. Two old guys down the street from me got married. The world did not end. The two old guys still live down the street and all is well in the world.

    There are a lot of Becky's out there. They are upset, but they will get over it.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Well said. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    The afternoon wine binge is very strong in this one.

  9. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Gryphen, what do I get, if I not only watched this, but also read c4p daily, visit the earthquake site and peek at Sarah & Bristol's media pages? OK, what do I get besides depressed, angry and convinced that mankind is without redemption?

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      You get the schadenfreude of knowing that the Pbots are wrong yet again about $arah declaring for President.

      We know that's about as likely as Josh Duggar running for President, but the bots and pees just can't give up.

      Theresa AK and DeeDee3 have been citing prophecy and bible spewage for the last few months on how sure they are that Tundra Twit is going to save the country, take it back, and life will go back to Ozzie and Harriet.

      Last time two times $arah didn't "run" for anything the had meltdowns, and couldn't throw up any inane snarky posts for days.

      What's it going to be this time bots?

      Dare to come on IM and tell us how $avior $arah is going to run for Prez?

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      I am giddy about being there for this particular group meltdown, as it has to be more disheartening each election cycle. I will savor every single post....

    3. Anonymous3:57 PM

      You forgot asshole, 3:24 PM!
      We are ALL giddy assholes!
      Shove it, Bristol.

  10. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Wow, the delusion is strong is these crazy christian types. She's about two steps away from blowing something up! Hopefully it's that nasty looking trailer that she calls a home :-)

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      "She's about two steps away from blowing something up!"

      Her head explodes as does her videographer's. It's such a pity, too, as she and other non-judgmental, empathetic, loving kkkristyuns surely deserve happy lives.

      Boom! Aw, just look at the mess!

    2. Anonymous9:04 PM

      That's not her home.. she cleans for elderly women, jerk!

  11. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I can't watch this yet. The description sounds similar to the scary beliefs and fears a friend of mine was greatly distraught about unleashed by the ruling of gay marriage.

    I got an earful about Obama letting ISIS come over here, the government is giving money to drug addicts, the government is telling people when to go to work, the government is responsible for moral decay of society, later men and women won't marry so procreation will dwindle, giving away money to everyone is creating the next big depression, young people do not go to church....

    This is all since Obama took office the terrified woman told me. I suspect she has been watching Fox News.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      If men and women stop marriage, it will be because the City Halls are now refusing to marry them. Our district judge tried to pull that one here in MI, and the remaining three judges said, "Yes, we WILL MARRY anyone who wants us to perform that service."

  12. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Huffing the cleaning products again, Becky?

  13. She seems to have been doing some heavy drinking with the light housework, she really massacred a lot of words. That is hella crazy.

  14. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I believe that this is this decades "Leave Britney Alone" melt down. Whoa, she was all over the place. Insanity fueled by the afternoon glass of chardonnay?


    1. Crystal Sage4:04 PM

      But she wasn't inventive enough to call us "Bastard People." Nothing to see here; move along. Call the Disoriented Express.

  15. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Freedom of Religion is NOT an absolute. If Same Sex Marriage offends your thin religious skin, imaging the other side of the street for a minute instead of bitching about something you were brainwashed to believe!

  16. Anonymous3:04 PM

    This woman illustrates just how thoroughly the fundy cult's puppetmasters have brainwashed their followers into believing that they personally will pay a price if they don't impose their sadistic god's alleged rules on the culture as a whole. Having now failed at that in the case of gay marriage, they are not upset like regular people get upset over disappointment, they're panic stricken. It will be interesting to see what imaginary issue the puppetmasters take on next.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      It's already started. Listen to Tom Delay. He thinks the "liberal SCOTUS" will next be working on legalizing bestiality, polygamy, and sex with little boys (South Park NAMBLA). CRACKED IN THE HEAD, all of them!

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      They are truly terrified that they are losing their base, since not a one of them will stand up for decent pay, sick leave, decent health care, or anything else that will improve their lives. The rubes are waking up, and they do not like what they are hearing from the right.

  17. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Poor woman is truly unhinged. It's just so staggering how misinformed and indoctrinated she is.

    Now, to more serious realities. Listen to our president speak about 'change' and 'new records'. He does a great recap of what he wanted to accomplish, and what has actually happened in reality. It's so nice to see him take some well deserved credit for his policies and results.

  18. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Oh, Lord. She should read some New Testament and find out what Jesus believed.
    These "Christianists" rely on the Old Testament, which Jesus came to replace, with its fire and brimstone and judgments and damnation. These aren't Christians in the true sense of the word, and neither is Sarah Palin.

  19. Anonymous3:21 PM

    "Extremelist," she speaks Palinese.

  20. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Who will they hate next; President Obama has barely 18 more months in office.
    If they don't get one of their clowns elected, a whole sector of the population should move to Canada, Australia, New Zeland, hell, China or Kenya. Then they can really be persecuted.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      And the rest of us would be SO happy!

  21. Boscoe3:35 PM

    hahaha I fail. I couldn't even bring myself to hit the "play" button. ;P

    Still enjoying the rush from last week's multi-awesomeness to smear it with undiluted ugly.

  22. Anonymous3:35 PM

    This stuff is so pathetic. Gay marriage is not going to harm this woman or anyone in her family. Someone needs to calm her down.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      I suggest a strait jacket and a nice long rest somewhere.

    2. Anonymous6:53 AM


      She needs a shot of cheap gin. Now! Better yet, make it a double.

  23. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Does she know that Jesus most likely came from what now Iraq?

    Has this woman ever heard of Adam and Steve?

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      I bet she doesn't have clue that Jesus was a dark-skinned Jew either.

  24. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I failed miserably :( I shut it down less than half way through as she was giving me a tremendous headache! I simply cannot listen to people like this where the whole world is against them and persecuting them for being christian. She is not christian, she is old testament crazy :(

  25. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Dayum, long time poster, no extra credit.
    I lasted 00:00:27.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Apply for a fractional IM credit. I would award you .666 IM credits but 27 seconds shows a definite need to toughen up. We all need to build intestinal fortitude for the 2016 presidential debates...

      says the person who could not even work up the umpf to press play on that video.

  26. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I watched about three minutes of this and decided she is out of her mind nutty. Seriously, out of her mind ... it has been overtaken by some really screwy Bible-thumping. I fear for us when I see people like her go off.

  27. Anita Winecooler4:13 PM

    Ok, so what would possess this "lady" to interrupt her wifely christian duties of "Light Housework" to have a nuclear meltdown? And tape it no less???? Hate to see her doing "Heavy Duty Housework".
    The sad thing about her and her ilk, is they vote.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      And they drink. I think she haz done drink.

  28. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Oy. I made it through, but it was a hollow victory. Just knowing that there are people out there like this, foaming at the mouth and spewing hatred because of perceived slights to their sadistic god, is bad enough. Seeing the depth of it is truly disturbing. Who's going to break it to her that many of the founding fathers were atheists? Her head would whirl right off...

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Good luck. She is so deeply involved with sky fairies she would not give you an inch on any facts of history.

  29. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I don't listen to miserable, angry, paranoid people. Poor thing.

  30. Some drag queen has already posted a parody of this. It's over on Joe My God if you're interested.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Reenactment of anti-marriage equality tirade by Becky Wegner Rommel

  31. Anonymous4:31 PM


  32. Anonymous4:40 PM


    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      It's just a Montana thing and it's a perfectly natural and expected outcome of the slippery slope caused by our activist Supreme Court and half-white extreme Islamist commander-in-chief Usurper. It's happened to millions if not billions of my rugged,not-at-all-gay fellow Murica-lovin' Patriots who might've watched too much of Hannity on Fox and also spending too much time together in a blind waiting to blast the hell out of some of DoG's critters will make even the manliest of men turn gay and want to have a wedding with a gay trio of grooms perched on top.
      Damn you Obammer!!! Now we done got penises on the brain and can't think 'bout nothin else!!! Friggin libruls.

  33. For those of us whom are unable to take more than a few minutes of Becky the Bible Bigot's rant without stealing meds from a psyche is a reenactment to be able to stomach Becky. Behold an adorable gay man's version of Becky's tirade which makes her vitriol ohhhh soooo delicious!

  34. I did it! Where's my free gift, Gryphen?

  35. lwtjb6:16 PM

    I am so sick of these vile so-called "Christians" spewing such hateful rants. This woman is completely off her rocker. No way I'm listening to all of this.

  36. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Four words: that woman is drunk. She will regret her video in the morning, just like a drunk texter.

  37. Anonymous7:13 PM

    God called and she wants you to start taking your meds..............

  38. physicsmom7:26 PM

    I only made it through 2-1/2 minutes. It was so bad, that I couldn't watch more than a minute of the reenactment either. It's all so loud and strident, it jangles my nerves. All these Old Testamentarians (OT's for short) need to confine themselves to a commune of like-minded characters so they can tell each other interminably that only they know god's will and they must follow it to the letter. (Except they don't, they cherry-pick the passages that they like, and throw out the ones they don't - like plural marriages are encouraged, or killing someone because god wills it). Movin' on...

  39. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Uh, well, I'm guessing the reason she's talking to a camera is because people have kind of drifted away, and the camera is all she's got left. Imagine trying to go out for lunch or to a movie with that.

  40. FrostyAK9:00 PM

    Drunk, menopausal, Talibangelical.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Ok, those might've been her excuses for the 90's, but what about since that time?

  41. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I made it through the whole family thing....rofl! She looks like Rexella Van Impe's drunk sister.

  42. And another thing, leave Britney alone!

  43. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Jesus died for your sins .... the God of Abraham SAYS don't abort , SAYS Gays can't marry .

    I blame her parents for not exposing her to be curious enough to ask questions if there was ever any proof here.

  44. Randall7:50 AM

    I got through the whole thing...

    This lady is more proof (as if we needed more) that belief in nonsense rots the mind.

  45. Anonymous9:17 AM

    What's your problem, Gryphen?

    Like many - perhaps virtually all people - I happen to enjoy a large tumbler of scotch when I tidy up the house. Or when I'm not tidying up the house, also too. How is that your concern?? Don't be a hater or an extremeless!

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Me, too. Except I hide a bottle of vodka in every room and take a few swigs after I before I begin each task. And after I finish one of the very few I ever complete and get checked off my list.

      See, my kids have to try really hard to smell the liquor on my breath or on my clothes or the floor which I've spilled in my stupor.

  46. Our Lad4:13 PM

    Holy and I do mean holy shit!!

  47. Anonymous7:07 AM

    She's one of the reasons why it's a good thing lead paint has been banned.


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