Friday, July 31, 2015

Michael Moore announces new documentary "Where to Invade Next" about America's need for infinite war.

Courtesy of The Guardian:  

Michael Moore’s new film, Where to Invade Next, explores how the US government maintains a state of “infinite war”, according to the Oscar-winning documentary film-maker. 

He said Where to Invade Next, which was filmed across three continents, was “epic in nature”, but made quietly with a small crew. “There’s usually someone chasing us,” he said. It seems the film, which premieres at the Toronto film festival in September, will cover some of the same ground as his Palme d’Or-winning Fahrenheit 9/11, a critique of the Bush administration’s “war on terror” detailing the various dictatorships that have been supported by the US administration in the interests of maintaining conflicts that profited America. Fahrenheit 9/11 is the highest-grossing documentary of all time, taking close to $120m (£75m) at the US box office. 

“The issue of the United States at infinite war is something that has concerned me for quite some time, and provides the necessary satire for this film,” said Moore in the Periscope broadcast. 

“[There’s] this constant need it seems to always have an enemy – where’s the next enemy so we can keep this whole military industrial complex alive, and keep the companies that make a lot of money from this in business. I’ve always been a little bothered by that, so that’s where the comedy comes from.”

Sounds like a very timely film.

Gee I wonder how the Right Wing will respond to it?

Oh yeah, we already know that don't we?


  1. I was just thinking about Moore the other day, wondering why he'd been quiet for so long.

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

    That photo of Palin and her former son in-law needs the graphic "Embarrassment" When your mother is caught checking out your fiancee's package.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Not the first time Bristol has experienced this. Sarah also had her cougar eyes on Levi.

  3. Thank you Michael Moore for your intelligence and commitment.

    1. His movies have educated a lot of people. Sicko, in particular, made a huge impact.

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Thank you, Michael Moore! Have always loved you to pieces! You have far more credibility than Sarah Palin has on her little finger!

  4. Anonymous7:09 AM

    American Sniper made more money than all of Moore's sorry assed movies combined.

    Don't believe it?

    Have one of your "sources" check it out for you.


    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Michael Moore is still alive, because he is not stupid enough to take a PTSD patient to a shooting range.Have one of your Palinbot 'sources' check it out for you. Bwahahahaha, Troll. suck on that.

    2. Anonymous7:26 AM

      And your point is...... what exactly?
      Run along, dear - the grown-ups are talking.

    3. aloha437:30 AM

      Bristol, that you? Sarah? Sounds like your stupidity.

    4. Didn't know that Sniper was a genuine documentary.
      If that's the case, what about Gone With The Wind?
      Dumb shit.

    5. Anonymous7:39 AM

      I liked Bradley Cooper before all those stupid calls to his wife during fire fights. "I'm ready to come home now baby!" Reminds me of "I just can't quit you" from BrokeBack.

    6. Anonymous7:40 AM

      7:09 And this woman made $262,000 for abstinence spokesperson.

      And she pals around with this woman.

      Bristol Palin's BFF.

      Bristol Palin the born again Christian Virgin, abstinence spokesperson, BWAHAHAHA. HAVE YOUR 'SOURCES' CHECK IT OUT FOR YOU.

      Have you found a job yet in St. Augustine, Florida, Alicia Mangelsdorf. Aren't Linda and James tired of supporting your sorry ass? BTW they are Democrats, right?

    7. Anonymous7:51 AM

      That was not a Documentry just a ra ra movie. FUCK YOU. Go back yourself and check ... Fools all....

    8. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Good Morning Sarah!!! You are up bright and early sniping off some of your school girl snark. A girl like you should never be out gunned when shooting off your mouth.

    9. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Michael Moore is alive, Chris Kyle is dead and we are not sure about John Snow.


  5. Anonymous7:46 AM

    The Troll (7:09) stalks this blog 24/7 because she has been banned from others. It must suck to be so lonely and have to depend upon her parents for a place to live. If they were not Democrats, she would be homeless.

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Sort of related, but I heard a piece yesterday about how when the Iran sanctions are lifted, Iranian oil will re-enter the world market and further reduce oil prices. NOW is know why the Republicans (i.e, Koch Bros.) are so against any deal with Iran. All about oil, which is often what all our "wars" are about. Looking forward to Moore's documentary.

  7. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Michael Moore's ironic quote:

    “There’s this constant need it seems to always have an enemy – where’s the next enemy so we can keep this whole >False Narrative Documentary< (military industrial) complex alive."

  8. Anonymous8:56 AM

    It is the republican's need to infinite war, not America's. i believe the majority of Americans are tired of the republicans endless need to invade other countries.

    Ted Cruz’s Hilarious Challenge to Debate President Obama on Iran

    All the crazies have come out of the closet empowered by Trump, encouraged by Huckabee. The trouble is, they sound silly, like a bunch of Minions, barely intelligible and just as clueless. I mean, you have to at least know where Tehran is, right, Tom Cotton?

    Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), no stranger to over-the-top rhetoric, who wants to shut down the government (again) this time over Planned Parenthood, put on his tough-guy persona and after accusing the Obama administration of “snuggling up to” radical Islamic regimes, repeated his challenge made on Hannity Monday, telling Dana Loesch that he wants President Obama to engage him in a one-on-one debate over nuclear deal with Iran, “and if he can’t be pulled off the golf course then he can send as a proxy Secretary Kerry.”

    “I challenged President Obama to debate me, not on the rhetoric he keeps throwing around, but on the substance of this deal,” Cruz claimed.

    So Obama is the guy throwing rhetoric around, not Republicans like Cruz? Like Huckabee’s “oven door” comments? Like Cruz’s accusation that Obama’s deal with Iraq is the ‘Jihadist Stimulus Bill’? That’s not rhetoric? That’s substance?......

    1. President Obama and Secretary Kerry are far too busy doing the difficult work of governing, something Cruz has no knowledge of and never will.

      However, I know a couple of high school seniors that are far more knowledgeable about Iran and other geopolitical matters than Cruz who could spare an afternoon to school him.

      Just let me know, Ted.

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    This is definitely a movie the American people need to see before thinking about voting another republican for president!

    Every time I see $arah holding that "F U Michael Moore" sign, it still shocks me that a juvenile moron like her came as close as she did to being Vice President of this country.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      It was never close.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      The fact that she was even on the ballot is too close for my taste.

    3. I'm still waiting for an apology from John McCain.

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    There's a Wikipedia page showing the timeline of military action from the birth of the country to the present day. Peaceful years between conflicts are very few and far between.

    One theory says the military wants grunts to experience live fire exercises in order to harden the future members of the officer corps. Note that many officers of every conflict have combat experience from a previous conflict. Officers with combat experience are more likely to have the confidence of the new grunts under their command. And so it goes...

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Also, many former military people go into law enforcement in their own communties once their combat stints are over.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      What a pervert Sarah Palin is. Checking out Doh the MOH and his hard on. Is that why her bucky beaver look and one thumbs up? Sarah is a real dick!

  11. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Sarah Palin needs some hands on experience in what war is really like. Her son, Track, obviously didn't really experience war from all data that is out there, but she has 'used' him as her focus of 'some' supposed knowledge.

    I'd personally love sending her out in harms way for the 'real' experience. Perhaps then, she'd learn to keep her mouth shut as to wanting war! That is - if she came back!

    1. Leland1:26 PM

      "...if she came back!"

      Highly unlikely, assuming she actually got near combat. But of course, she would never go within a thousand miles of any combat!

  12. She's not important enough of course, but I wonder what the result would be if Moore went after the Trig truth?

    Could he get a volunteer, 7 months pregnant, to reenact the two airline flights from Texas to Alaska, 26 hours in labor with her fifth live birth, and nobody notices she's about to deliver or even pregnant?

    On second thought, it's probably a job more for John Waters.

  13. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

    I admire Michael Moore's documentaries/movies. He's opened my eyes to a lot that goes on in the food industry and led me to avoid fast food, over processed, gmo's, and to eat much cleaner. I DO on occasion still eat meat and fish, But small portions in relation to the rest of my diet. I raise my own veggies, and buy local from growers I trust.
    The disrespect this man's had thrown his way from ignoramuses like the ones in the photo in your post just showcases their lemming mentality and bloodlust.
    I wish he'd do a Sarah film, with input from Gryphen and others, to expose the depth of her stupidity and abnormal psychological issues. Cuckoo for cocoa puffs used gun sites in her one finger salute? Look who she's posing with, ill tell you what she is. It rhymes with "famewhore wannabe". He left her daughter at the "altar", and she uses his image as a "shout out to Bristol". Poor Brancy doesn't get it.

  14. Anonymous8:43 AM

    The more I see that sign photo with Sarah & Dakota, the more I think she had the hots for him. That look on her face is very telling.


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