Monday, July 27, 2015

Newly released photos show that Dick Cheney watched the towers burning to the ground on 9-11 with his feet up.

So there are these newly released photos of the Bush administration on 9-11 that I think are supposed to show them emotionally distraught and seriously considering how they should respond.

But what struck me, was this one of Cheney with his feet on his desk calmly watching the screen as if he were watching a tennis match or something.

Now have little doubt that all of you remember how you felt on that day. Did any of you feel like leaning back in your chair with your feet up to watch these towers burn?

Speaking just for myself I was so distraught that I watched for much of the morning while standing in front of my TV to upset to even sit down. And when the first tower fell my knees literally buckled.

I spent almost a solid week after that day rewatching the footage until my wife finally pried the remote out of my hands and told me I needed to get the hell out of the house and do something to take my mind off of it.

Yet there sits Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States, with his feet up.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I read Snowden and Putin have lots of info on Cheney and 9/11 orchestration about to be dumped...

    1. The Lawman12:18 PM

      it probably is a Palin – they are in for a surprise no one can get them out of…they took money that didn’t belong to them…they committed crimes to hide the stealing of the money…and took out officials and others as well… now when that evidence makes it to the courts – they cannot lie about it…
      kind of like the Florida deal…they lied to the courts…the courts found the money…and now where are they? same outcome for the Palins soon… may be while they are taping it – the feds will show to arrest…that would be nice!
      But more than likely they will get served to appear…and they won’t…

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Lol at both of you. Don't hold your collective breaths... or do, whatever.

    3. Anonymous9:52 PM

      The comment from Lawman is older G!

    4. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Yeah really old...what's up with the recycling?

  2. I was never one to buy into conspiracy theories, but if there ever was one in our own government evil enough to conceive of 911, it was Dick Cheney. This photo makes it all the more plausable, doesn't it? Bastard should burn in hell, even if he didn't have anything to do with it.

    1. The Lawman12:19 PM

      And it’s raining in Alaska today…lol…calm down folks…be patient… incompetents cannot afford attorneys…

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Is Cheney in a bunker? I thought that was where he went to be kept up to date on what was going on?

    3. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Ok G did someone hack your site? Old comment from lawman dude...really?:\

    4. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Recycling the comments because....

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Give the guy a break. He was busy thinking about how he could use this event as an excuse to take over certain Middle East countries to exploit their oil deposits and enrich himself and his buddies.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      He had THAT all figured out. What he was watching was stage one of his plan coming to fruition. I never wanted to buy that the Bush administration knew about this, but these photos (and Bush just sitting in that classroom for how many silent minutes?) make me wonder. I would hope that finally justice will be done.

    2. Not an "inside job." My "proof"? Start with unpredictability. Consider if the people evacuating had panicked, for one thing. The death toll wouldn't have been 3000. It could have been 20,000.

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Agreed, not an inside job, but they did know something was going to happen. Bush's calm demeanor and failure to jump into action, Rumsfeld's face when the Pentagon got hit, the Saudi's immediate removal? They knew something was going to happen but they weren't prepared for how bad it would be.

    4. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Dick the Fuck Cheney designed it. Wake the Fuck up people!!!

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Richard Bruce Cheney is the anal wart of the republican party.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Speaking for myself, I was in high school and it was our Tuesday evening around 10pm in Australia. I watched live as the second plane hit and both towers collapsed while the newsreaders were even more lost than us. We were all literally sitting on the edge of our seats, leaning in and gaping.
    Body language says a LOT. He's without feeling, a typical sociopathic personality. I also question his intelligence. He should have known enough to show at least minimal outward expressions of emotion, such as taking an appropriate posture.

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    A ghastly man. Admiring his handiwork?

    There's also a photo of Bush and his "advisors" discussing the situation, with Cheney yawning a tremendous yawn, like a donkey.

  7. Martha again12:20 PM

    Cheney made millions on the war.

    1. abbafan12:44 PM

      correction Martha - the old bastard made BILLIONS from TWO illegal wars!!

    2. Anonymous9:49 PM

      It is Trillions.....

  8. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I thought he was in a bunker? Do bunkers have windows

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Yes, that does look like a window to me. I think Cheney is not in the bunker in this photo.

      I think Cheney was not swept down to the bunker until the second plane hit. There was a short interval when EVERYONE believed it was an accident. I think that is the picture that Cheney is watching in this photo. The first tower smoking.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      If you look at the other pictures with Cheney in his office, you will see the television also shows Bush speaking in Sarasota.

      This happened at 9:30 am in the library of the elementary school where Bush had been reading My Pet Goat to a classful of students a few minutes earlier. In the speech he made, he said “Today we’ve had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.” [Federal News Service, 9/11/2001]

      So, Cheney was still in his office (not yet in the bunker) and had to know this was NOT an accident at the time the picture was taken.

    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Bush is not a great actor of politics like ol Ronnie the Rambler...should have learned to ACT more surprised!!!

  9. Following on a couple of other comments here: should the caption read "Events Going As Planned."?

    1. abbafan12:54 PM

      Daisydem - damn right it was "Events Going As Planned"! The photo of that old prick dreaming of ill-gotten dollars makes me sick! Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Dubya read "My Pet Billy Goat" while the attacks happened; "President" Cheney was calling the shots from the White House bunker! I have always felt that Dubya was the puppet, and Cheney was the real wheeler-dealer! As the old adage says, "true power rests behind the throne"!

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM


  10. Anonymous12:35 PM

    He seems quite pleased on how his little choreographed project played out .. obviously ..

    that evil fuk needs to be strung and hung along with Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bush et al ..

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      How he contained his glee over his impending increase in revenue is beyond me.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Can't wait til he dies. I'll be baking a celebration cake - even if I am in the middle of a 6 day stretch with overtime.
      Can't wait to celebrate.

    3. Anonymous2:53 PM

      1:00, I will join you, in spirit!

  11. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Daisydem, I believe you have the perfect caption! After all, Cheney knew it was going to happen, and when, so there was no surprise there. There are no words to describe how despicable this man truly is. Hid body language is so relaxed, no concern shown at all. May he rot in Hell forever.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      If there were a hell, Cheney would be running it, from a desk...with his feet up.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Halliburton...look it up and see WHERE the money came from! Along with other DoD businesses...keep digging..hint...

  12. The truth about affirmative action

  13. Anonymous12:40 PM

    There were several photos -- including that pathetically damning pic of George "My Pet Goat" Bush -- released early on. The ones I saw of Cheney hit me the same way the Palin "pregnancy" pics did: too incongruous; too unbelievable; what's going on here...? Since then, I've always thought that Cheney knew; i. e., he knew in advance. (Yes, he's also a sociopath, but this was business.) How much he was involved in 9/11 via commission or omission, is still a mystery. But he KNEW.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      It's not that mysterious - but the media won't publish what is known.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      How could they NOT KNOW of the Saudi involvement??!

    3. They did. Remember? All the planes were grounded... except for planes evacuating back to Saudi Arabia members of the Saudi royal family, and the bin Laden family.

      Before the FBI got a chance to interview them.

      When it happened, I was glad planes were grounded. Anything overhead were our planes providing a ceiling for us. And then I learned about the expedited evacuation of the Saudis and the bin Ladens.

    4. Anonymous10:29 PM

      Planes were grounded when man watching school was taken into custody.plans were to take school as well. Chaos in streets.

  14. Mercedes D.12:48 PM

    Dick Cheney always has and always will be the personification of evil. This photo is just one more illustration of that.

  15. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I don't care for the guy at all, this case I'll go with the comments at the link below about an old knee injury (I'm plagued by one myself) and his general health issues.

    Even so...I'd still like to throw this right back in the face of those righties who were so quick to harsh on Obama for his feet up on the desk pics.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Or Palin bitching because President Obama saluted with a cup of coffee in his hand!

  16. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Where are the pictures of him in the bunker?

  17. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Well, since we're talking about terrorists acts, this is pretty awesome!

    ISIS Social War Machine: Here Are 26,000 ISIS Militant’s and Supporter’s Twitter Accounts

    Fighting ISIS on Twitter and the Internet

    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Same war mongers who did 9-11 fund ISIS...okay...follow the money!

  18. Anonymous1:30 PM


    Much narrative can be placed on pictures of anyone at anytime. A still captured in an instantaneous moment is gone the next.

    It might be entertaining and feed conspiracies and preconceived notions, but that is about it.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      None of the photos affect my opinion of a Cheney/Bush involvement. I believe it completely.

  19. Crystal Sage1:38 PM

    I still wonder why the Saudi aristocracy was quickly flown out of the US that day despite a flying ban in place. When I learned that, it sorta pushed me into conspiracy territory. I cannot even think about that possibility without getting almost physically ill - like I was on 9-11. I was in shock for days afterward as were many others. Then I remember too the expressions on the faces of Obama, Hillary and others as they watched the Bin Laden Raid go down. A far cry from Cheney's relaxed attitude.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      I don't think they orchestrated 911. I do think they knew there was going to be a terrorist attack that day, but didn't realize just how big and bad it would be. They knew something was going to happen and were banking on it to go to war for power and profit. Cheney didn't give a damn about any person who died that day or was otherwise affected as long as he got what he wanted.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Yes, agreed. Not orchestrated, but well known.

    3. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Tower 7 read up and the truth will make you shit your pants...

    4. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Dick griping if no one wants a war then by God I will create one! We will make billions! God Bless America and our accounts! Toast to Saudis...drink to it!

    5. Anonymous4:47 AM

      I have read up on tower 7 and did not shit my pants. I guess I have more intestinal fortitude than you. Or maybe I've been brainwashed by lizard people.

  20. Anonymous1:48 PM

    POS knew it was going to happen and profited greatly from the ensuing war. Criminal!

  21. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I'm not a conspiracy fan, but this does appear that the veep knew exactly what had happened. My personal belief is an oil deal gone bad over a period of time, threats made, etc., etc., and then threats made good.

  22. Anonymous2:04 PM

    He is all heart!

  23. Anonymous2:12 PM

    This picture basically sums up everything about Cheney's time as VPOTUS.

  24. The Monday before, after a nice steak lunch, my husband's sister and her husband started their drive back to Wisconsin. Those years they were routinely with us for a visit and whatever stock car race there is in Richmond around the Labor Day weekend. (My husband and I aren't into that.) Both that day and the next were textbook beautiful weather in Virginia.

    I slept till like 12:30 that Tuesday, and came downstairs to my husband, already home from work and transfixed in front of the TV. You actually had to watch it over and over again for the reality of it to sink it. It was exactly the kind of destruction that Hollywood had conditioned us to receive as entertainment. Die Hard comes to real life. Not even four months later, Weather Channel was advertising commemorative coins.

    We didn't see Bush in front of cameras until nightfall, Cheney not at all, and the best they could do for someone speaking from the White House in daylight was some female transportation or education secretary. Can't remember her name. Then we spirited bin Laden's relatives out of the country, no questions asked, during that same week no law abiding American could get on a plane anywhere. Why?

    Timothy McVeigh had just been executed only months before, and I remember thinking I wished we hadn't done that quite as quickly. He died totally unrepentant, and probably believing his 168 count would stand a couple generations as the greatest mass murder on American soil, and already he was soundly outdone.

    Cheney with his feet on the desk? Of course he's relaxed. Here's our ticket into Iraq and Halliburton dividends through the roof. He could have his hands in his pants fondling himself too, and nothing the vile creature did could shock me anymore.

    1. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Last paragraph sums up the 911 gig!

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      And when a certain someone finds out the HUGE account at Dain Bosworth was used for funding terrorism? Iran! What? It's called"can I get a witness"! See how that works? Haha...oh boy! ;|

  25. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I've always thought it a shame Cheney's still alive. However, if there is some justice coming down, I want him to live long enough to fear its arrival and then to feel its pain.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      It is unnatural. What kind of a heart does he have?

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Somebody else's heart. He had a transplant. Didn't seem to have changed his soul.

  26. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I live in Northwest Massachusetts, and watched the TV after my children had left for school -- a cloudless, perfect day. As I listened to the coverage, I realized that the first American Airlines flight had flown right over my house and on to the Hudson River, where it veered south toward the City. I felt an electric charge with the passengers of that jet, that had flown in terror right over my head.

    Another friend, who lived in the Financial District, came out of his apartment and saw and heard the bodies as they hurled themselves to the ground.

    Another friend watched the video of the high-jackers in the Portland, Maine Wal-Mart the night before the flight --- those pedestrian details; that she often used that same store.

    Plane traffic was halted for four days, and the eerie sound of nothing in the sky is something that few of us will experience in our lifetimes.
    The smoke from the city traveled up even 125 miles to our mountain retreat.

    And to my everlasting shame, I believed that the President would not be lying, that there really was a reason to go to war.
    Shameful for him, shameful for me.

    What a world we unleashed. They unleashed.

  27. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I thought he had a stand-up desk. Didn't he make the comment about the Guantanamo prisoner being made to stand for long periods that standing was not a big deal because he had a stand-up desk?

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      That was the other dickus maximus Rumsfeld.

  28. I know you're thinking of Alex Jones when I mention False Flag, bu don't be swayed by that. Building #7, Air Nat'l Guard on maneuvers too far away for protection, The impossibility of the towers pancaking the way they did without the use of placed explosive devices, and on, and on, and on.

    Suspend your disbelief, and research.

    1. It was an inside job - I have never doubted it. Too many engineers and demolition experts agree that those things could not have been coincidental.

    2. I further think Cheney was in on it.

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Saw a show called "Conspiracy.The.Missing.Evidence.S01E02.The.Twin.Towers" that had some pretty interesting things to say.

    4. Anonymous5:35 PM

      I've done lots of research and know the official story is the lie.

    5. Anonymous8:01 PM

      I read somewhere, one of the towers was faking a pregnancy to cover up it's daughter's pregnancy, oh wait, that didn't happen.

    6. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Lol...ok enough about snow hoes!

  29. War Criminal. He was happy he had an excuse he could "sell" to the American people for taking Saddam out.

  30. Frosty3:02 PM

    May he live long enough to regret everything he did just before, during, and after 9/11. And then may he pay the karmic price for all of it.

  31. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Gryphen, are you really that culturally uninformed? Really??

    Watching a human tragedy of monumental proportions with ones feet up is called The Burns, named for evil hunchbacked energy tycoon C. Montgomery Burns. If one chooses to enjoy an adult beverage or a delicious bowl of freshly popped popcorn at the same time, it's called The Big Burns.

    In the image you publish on your defunct blog that nobody reads, unindicted war criminal former vice president C. Montgomery Cheney is CLEARLY not enjoying an adult beverage and what appears to be popcorn salt on his desk is probably just a bad case of Monk's Tonsure Dandruff.

    Do not believe internet rumors that this phenomenon was lampooned on a recent episode of The Simpsons in which evil hunchbacked energy tycoon C. Montgomery Burns watched the collapse of the twin Shelbyville Towers with his feet on his desk while eating popcorn and it was referred to as the Big Dick. It didnt happen.

    Or did it?


    1. abbafan3:46 PM

      Welcome back Beldar; long time no hear!

  32. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I remember driving from Midtown Anchorage to downtown to pick my husband up from work as military aircraft scrambled around the city, flying low, due to the incommunicado Korean jetliner that was due to land at Anchorage International and was thought to have been hijacked. The plane was diverted to Whitehorse, YT, but in those tense moments downtown Anchorage was being evacuated and we went home to the valley listening to NPR the entire time.

  33. Anonymous5:08 PM

    At the time I lived less than five miles from a major airport. I could hear planes coming and going all day long - usually. I remember that night the "almost" silence with no planes EXCEPT the combat air patrol circling over head - F-16s from the local ANG.
    It was freaky and scary at the same time.

  34. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I rarely use the word, nor mean...however, I truly depise this man...
    ...however, his posture there, with one foot up and tilted to the R that way (see more pics in link) says to me pain relief, rather than casual insouciance.

    I looked on the Googles for his medical history, thinking he might have low back problems, sciatica, something like that. What seems closest was he would retain fluid due to his myriad cardiac problems; the stress of that day would have aggravated some of that, no doubt.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      The first half sentence, before the word "however" was perfect, the rest? meh. He bravely went to his non disclosed top secret underground bunker, well stocked with junk food, soda, etc and the finest pain specialist in the world, Dr Johnny Walker Red.
      He was a grown man, with medical issues, and it never stopped him from playing golf or hunting with his lawyer, or playing referee with his daughters and their spouses.

  35. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Dick was kicked back calculating how much he could earn from a new war.

  36. Anita Winecooler7:43 PM

    I love number 16 of 24. First Lady, Laura Bush, smiling broadly from ear to ear. Worth a thousand words, and none of them are good. Who smiled that day? Honestly? WTH?'
    And yes, Cheyney was heartless way before he got his life supporting costly pump while waiting for a perfect match. Where they found a heart originally is beyond me.
    Yes, there's something chilling seeing that photo. His eyes had dollar signs, and I'm sure they were all in shock like the rest of the nation and the world.

    Like you, I sat glued as I watched the horrid events unfold that day. Everyone remembers where they were and exactly what they felt that day. But then our President said the words that healed the nation "Go Shopping"..

    Oh, the humanity!

  37. Anonymous9:43 PM


  38. Nikogriego10:12 PM

    A shout out to all the truthers who wrote here. Hooray!

    There simply is no evidence to support the official story. It is a myth which has led us to endless war, huge profits for the war industry, and many, many needless deaths of US soldiers and Iraqis. People need to wake up. Read David Ray Griffin's books The New Pearl Harbor, or Debunking 9-11 Debunkers, or his recent book on WTC 7.

    Let's take a minute to re-acquaint ourselves with the official explanation, which is not regarded as a conspiracy theory despite the fact that it comprises an amazing conspiracy.

    The official truth is that a handful of young Muslim Arabs who could not fly airplanes, mainly Saudi Arabians who came neither from Iraq nor from Afghanistan, outwitted not only the CIA and the FBI, but also all 16 US intelligence agencies and all intelligence agencies of US allies including Israel's Mossad, which is believed to have penetrated every terrorist organization and which carries out assassinations of those whom Mossad marks as terrorists.

    In addition to outwitting every intelligence agency of the United States and its allies, the handful of young Saudi Arabians outwitted the National Security Council, the State Department, NORAD, airport security four times in the same hour on the same morning, air traffic control, caused the US Air Force to be unable to launch interceptor aircraft, and caused three well-built steel-structured buildings, including one not hit by an airplane, to fail suddenly in a few seconds as a result of limited structural damage and small, short-lived, low-temperature fires that burned on a few floors.

    The Saudi terrorists were even able to confound the laws of physics and cause WTC building seven to collapse at free-fall speed for several seconds, a physical impossibility in the absence of explosives used in controlled demolition.

    September 11, 2001 served as pretext to consolidate power, destroy civil liberties and human rights, and wage permanent wars against invented enemies for global dominance over world markets, resources, and cheap labor - at the expense of democratic freedoms and social justice.

    And Dick Cheney was the principal architect of these events.

    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Architect? Up to his eye balls profiteer. It goes back much further, the Bush Family, Reagans..

    2. abbafan4:40 AM

      Fuckin' A Bubba; spot-on, word for word!!!

  39. Anonymous11:45 PM

    The seeming lack of empathy from Cheney, who's been out promoting his new book, "Heart: An American Medical Odyssey," didn't sit well with some.

    "It’s a window into his utter entitlement and self-absorption, and he comes off as an even bigger monster than I’d thought," Salon's Joan Walsh wrote. "Most people would at least feign interest in the donor; Cheney can’t manage it."

    Cheney has had five heart attacks, four before he was sworn in as vice president in 2001. His most recent came in 2010.

    In an interview with "60 Minutes" last month, Cheney revealed that his doctor ordered the wireless functionality of his heart implant "disabled due to fears it might be hacked in an assassination attempt."

    "It seemed to me to be a bad idea for the vice president to have a device that maybe somebody on a rope line or in the next hotel room or downstairs might be able to get into, hack into," Dr. Jonathan Reiner said.

    Cheney said he agreed that the threat was "credible."

  40. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Did favoritism allow Dick Cheney to get a heart transplant?
    Former Vice President Dick Cheney shows equipment for a battery operated heart pump. The pump, which some people use permanently and others use as an interim solution while awaiting a transplant, helps the heart circulate blood. Mr. Cheney started using the pump in 2010.

    He has had at least five heart attacks, the first when he was just 37 years old.

    Dick Cheney receives a new heart

    For the last few years Cheney has been using a heart pump that doctors installed in his chest to keep his heart going. Eerily, because of the heart pump, Cheney does not have a pulse, which somehow fits in well with his creepy persona (this is true). He has been relying upon a mechanism of modern technology to keep his body alive, thus giving him yet another uncanny resemblance to Darth Vader.

    Cheney is many things to many people

  41. Anonymous4:26 AM

    As I recall both Bush and Cheney were totally silent on 9/11 and we were told that they were in secure places monitoring what was going on. I bet. Bush may well have been cowering under a table somewhere but Cheney was hard at work helping to mine the chaos to his advantage. And, despite his new heart, he remains a creepy and dangerous man.

  42. Anonymous9:24 AM

    As much as I hate this man he has a heart condition and may have put his legs up to avoid stressing his heart. If he really has a heart.


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