Saturday, July 18, 2015

Senate passes bill to overhaul No Child Left Behind. What took so damn long?

Courtesy of The Hill:  

The Senate on Thursday passed an overhaul of the No Child Left Behind education law, an action that senators on both sides of the aisle agreed was long overdue. 

 Senators voted 81-17 to pass the Every Child Achieves Act, which transfers more decision-making power to state and local authorities. 

While No Child Left Behind was passed under former President George W. Bush, the weeklong debate in the Senate over changes to the law was among the least divisive of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) six-month tenure as majority leader. 

He touted the legislation as the latest example that his party has been able to get the Senate working again ahead of the 2016 elections. 

"The pundits told us it would never happen. Republicans and Democrats will never agree on a way to replace No Child Left Behind, they said. But a new Senate that’s back to work is proving them wrong," McConnell said.

I want very much to be very excited about this bill, however anything that Mitch McConnell brags about passing through the Senate makes my Spidey sense tingle. And not in a good way. 

However having said that ANY improvement to NCLB should be welcomed.


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    It's pretty easy to get something working when all you have to do is stop being the reason it doesn't work.

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      My thought exactly. Considering Mitch and his cronies did more filibusters under this president than have ever been done. Nominees, legislation, u name it. Now he's taking credit because the democrats aren't acting like ass hats like he did?

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    For the Love and Sake of this country, may those involved of the sale of America? Leave this world today. May America return the spirit and backbone of our ancestors that fled DICKTATORS of UK. TODAY they our the greedy families running the show in America. How do you like it? We are not the civilized country in the world. We do not take care of our people. And today we are a speckle of the world today because of a certain group of old people, hateful people, and global greedy living in America. IT MUST STOP TODAY. VOTE. WRITE. SPEAK UP. DONT STOP SAVING AMERICA. Right to life liberty and happiness to all.

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM

    So what does it actually do? More decision-making power is a broad term and I, like Gryph, am leery of anything Yertle The Turtle touts.

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Giving more decision making to the states? Like rewriting history books and de-emphasizing slavery and the civil war? Already doing that in Texas.

    2. Anonymous5:58 AM

      ANd look at the Kansas idiocy.

  4. Anonymous5:35 AM

    I bet the didn't fund anything. It probably says that Common Core is the work of the Devil, and that states must oversee all education changes, and that no federal money will be spent except for charter schools.

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    What Democrats Lost In Bipartisan No Child Left Behind Rewrite, And What They Won

    1. Hmm. Sounds like all they did was slap some lipstick on the pig.

      I don't see any real reform here or anything that is going to help education.

  6. Anonymous8:45 AM

  7. I'm sure the reason this got bipartisan support were the Republicans and Democrats were looking for different outcomes.

    Putting more decision making at the state level means subverting Common Core, testing, allowing vouchers, more charters, all sorts of things.

    While NCLB was designed to ruin the public school system by setting them up for certain failure, I'm not sure this modification is going to help or hurt.

    If the punitive outcomes tied to unreasonable testing outcomes are still in place, this new law will do nothing to help and likely open the door for even more erosion of what was once one of the best K-12 public education systems in the world.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

      I agree, and felt it should have included funding for universal pre-k. I don't see any real impact, other than they can call it "bi partisan",


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