Friday, July 17, 2015

So this is what was greeted President Obama when he arrived in Oklahoma yesterday.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

President Obama was greeted by protesters waving the Confederate flag during his visit to Oklahoma.

Gee, it's a good thing the Confederate battle flag is not racist or anything.

P.S. By the way Oklahoma was not even a state during the Civil War. 


  1. Anonymous3:02 AM

    IGNORANT people. Roll alll of them together and they would not equal President Obama intellectually or ANY other way.
    They are like a "gathering of Palins!!

    1. AKinPA5:47 AM

      Anon at 3:02: "A gathering of palins"--- what a great way to describe them. I'm so tired of calling them "morans." "A gathering of palins" signifies so much more than mere stupidity. It also conveys the sense of it being a gathering of vulgar, crass, bigoted, proudly uneducated, holier-than-thou, hate-mongers. I have to steal that. Thanks.

    2. Nikogriego7:33 AM

      It's spelled "morons" not "morans."

    3. It's a meme, 7:33. Please google the "Morans" sign.

      Moran is an ironic way of saying moron. I usually use moran or maroon (Bugs Bunny) as these morons are just pathetic.

    4. I think of the Palins, collectively, as either a "clot" or a "bolus."

      Of course, a bolus, as in "a bolus of half-chewed food" involves some energy, however primitive, whereas clotting is an automatic physical function, at least for non-hemophiliacs whose platelets are normal.

      But either will do, if we're obliged to mention the Palins...

    5. Nikogriego8:45 AM

      Sorry. Hadn't realized that. This thread got out of hand quickly, anyway, after I posted my comment I read the rest of it and seemed like people were getting all riled up.

    6. Anonymous11:23 AM

      These people are paid to do this stuff.

    7. A gathering of Palins? Hardly.

      More like a Stupid of Palins. Or an Ignorance of Palins. Even a LIE of Palins.

  2. Anonymous3:14 AM

    They're just displaying toilet paper for the white house. They may think they're making a statement and the statement is "look over here, we're morons"

  3. Anonymous3:30 AM

    "By the way Oklahoma was not even a state during the Civil War. "

    Proving yet again, it's not about 'southern heritage' it's just pure racism.

    (unless, 'southern heritage' IS just pure racism)

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      As a native New Yorker, I always wondered about that "southern heritage" part, too.

      Because, aside from Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, it doesn't seem like the South has that much to brag about....and one of those guys they don't even like much at all.

    2. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Saying the south doesn't have much to brag about in terms of heritage is about the dumbest thing one could say. Why not use insulting uninformed stereotypes about an entire region to make a point about racism/prejudice? You are blind to your own hypocrisy. I would just sigh and say "typical Yankee" but then I'd sound like you and I know better.

    3. "By the way Oklahoma was not even a state during the Civil War. "

      No, it was Indian Territory (Google The Trail of Tears).

      Of "the Five Civilized Tribes", the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, and the Cherokee were divided, some fought for the South, some for the North. The Creek and Seminole fought alongside the Union.

      So, Oklahoma was partisan in the Civil War, even though it wasn't yet a state.

  4. Anonymous3:55 AM

    My friend in OK is the sweetest girl in the world and certainly no racist but I felt compelled to post that picture on her FB and tell her that I was shocked and saddened to learn that OKC is that kind of place....

    because if you aren't part of the solution then you're part of the problem, it doesn't matter how sweet you are.

    One thing I do know about Oklahoma is that most people there appear to be just plain dumb (my friend included); it's no surprise they would vote in an idiot like Mary Fallon for two terms so far, and it's no surprise that those creeps in the picture don't understand that the president had nothing to do with any flags at any time.

    Their need to express all the racial Hate in their black hearts has made them more stupid than usual.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Most people? How many people do you know here? Let's crack some numbers.

      I voted for Obama and stood in line for over an hour to do so. Does that make me stupid? Does that make me dumb? Again please put numbers to the amount of people you know from Oklahoma and how long you have lived here? I'm curious about your blind prejudice of lumping people together because of 10 people waving a stupid flag.

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Let's all take a deep breath here. I count seven assholes in a crowd of about forty people. That extrapolates out to about 56 million assholes in the whole country which sounds about right.

      There are many fine people in Oklahoma and probably even in Texas. Tough as it is sometimes, let's try not to forget that.

    3. Anonymous6:23 AM

      3:55. You are an idiot. And I'm not from Oklahoma.

      But you are an idiot.

  5. Can't remember if I've posted this before, OldTimer's disease maybe, but the meaning of the Confederate flag is stated clearly in the words of the man who designed it:

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      I'm glad you posted this link, whether it was posted before or not.

      I moved to the South a few years ago and I've heard the Southern version of "history" about the flag and I honestly did not know that the TRUE history was spelled out so clearly, and so clearly racist, so thank you for enlightening me and probably others.

      There was also an excellent article on from a Southerner, explaining how kids were indoctrinated to believe a version of history and Southern pride, not related to racism. (That's the version I've heard from Southerners as a transplant to the South.) "Lies I Learned as a Southerner..."

  6. Anonymous4:14 AM

    It wasn't President Obama who started the whole 'take the flag down' theme. Why are they blaming him???

    1. He's a) black, and b) has the gall to think he has just as much right as a white person to be president.

    2. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Isn't it obvious why?

  7. SallyinMI4:25 AM

    "Oh look. It's Halloween in July! I forgot the bring my white hood."
    How disrespectful can these morons be?

  8. Anonymous4:26 AM

    The inflammatory vile bile of tornado alley. What a bunch of DOPES. Seriously, do they teach history in that area? What are they trying to say? and to the usa president? I suggest that each of us tax paying citizens DEMAND that history is taught in ALL schools and that it is correct. and maybe a class in DNA, ancestry, finance, technology, science. It is a shame we have at least 2 or more generations of dense ignorant zero brain ubers coming out to wave a museum flag.

  9. Leland4:43 AM

    Like President Obama had anything to do with the rebel flag question!

    And, yes, I do understand what these idiots are trying to say. In my mind all it does is tell the world how stupid THEY are!

  10. Anonymous4:47 AM

    They checked the crowds for guns (I assume), but not for these racist flags -- disgusting. Some people are just shits.

  11. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Please 10 people out of 100s, this was blown out of proportion by national media. Also several civil war battles were fought in Indian Territory because of train supply depots. So yes we do teach history in my state, apparently some here don't understand it.

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      IMers don't understand anything but whatever bullshit feeds their little liberal agenda that makes them feel good. Facts de-damned.

    2. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Don't let the door hit you on your way out, 6:31 AM.

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      6:43 We aren't letting any door hit us on the way out. I am pleasantly surprised to see so many people from Oklahoma visiting IM. I have been here for years.

      The point is that there were only 10 or 12 people waving these flags. THEY got all of the media attention and the Hundreds of people who came out to support the President got zero press.

      I don't see the point of slapping down people who support the President even if we live in a red state.
      We were just trying to point out the problem with the media bias in this country.... negative vs. positive with the negative always winning. I would hope we could all agree on trying to fix that problem.

    4. These sterling individuals with their glaringly inappropriate flags must make rational, sentient Oklahomans grind their teeth. Some people need to have a beatin' with a rolled up newspaper. They make all Americans look really bad.
      M from MD

    5. Anonymous12:03 PM

      I whole heartedly agree with 8:31, I've witness many times when negative press is shown more than positive press. I kept asking myself why didn't they pan the camera out because it does look like a handful of people, you would think it was hundreds, thanks for the clarity now I know everyone in this town is not a stupid racist.

  12. It was a small group of idiots waving the hate banner. But they were among a much larger crowd of people who came out to see the President and cheer for him.

    And yes, what is now the state of Oklahoma was Indian Territory during the Civil War. It was also where Stand Watie, the only Indian to attain the rank of General in the Confederate army, raised his regiment of Cherokee

  13. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Wow the vitrol against my home state is pretty harsh from just a very small group who used their first amendment rights. No I am vehemently against the use of the Confederate flag. Yes I live in Oklahoma. I despise Mary Fallin and no I am not stupid. Thanks for painting an entire state with the actions of 10 people and calling your friend stupid! And please do you know anything about Oklahoma city, the devastation of those tornados or how many were killed when the Murrah building was bombed? Oklahoma city has really come far in the last 15 years but I doubt you have ever visited. Your hatred, blind prejudice and own stupidity is showing!

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      I think you may be stupid. If not, your comprehension isn't what it should be.

    2. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Lol! Read the thread, I responded to specific points. I think I must have scored higher on reading comprehension then you. Keep working on your GED, one day your parents will be proud :-)

    3. Anonymous5:57 AM

      I am very familiar with your state"s politics. That Oklahomans keep electing these kind of people certainly allows me to think that it's not a small group of people who are stupid but much larger.

    4. Anonymous5:57 AM

      What you say contains a lot of truth, however, the fact remains that something like this display would NEVER be seen anywhere in, say, the northeast, for example. Or Oregon. Or California. Or (fill in the substantial blank.)

      Regional cultures do exist, and certain mindsets are handed down and encouraged within them.

    5. Anonymous6:11 AM

      You called me stupid, a personal insult. In regards to the states politics yes they need to change and I will continue to fight the good fight without the helpful help of people like you. Stay in your little ivory tower and believe yourself superior, I'm sure the view there is fantastic!

      Until states like my own are changed, this country is ever at the risk of falling backwards. The fight needs to happen here, not Washington, Oregon, or California. But folks feel safer hiding in those states and doing nothing elsewhere and then wonder why each presidential election is a nail biter.

    6. Anonymous6:47 AM

      The west coast is hiding?
      Okay, if you say so. LOL RME

    7. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Gee 6:11...sorry I was born in MI, raised in Ohio, and still live in MI. Guess all of us who are against the racism in this land need to move to OK? Was that your point? That those of us fighting against war, against spying, against torture are 'hiding' because we aren't down there helping you fight against 165 year old flag and what it means? So sorry....but I don't think OK is big enough for all of us. Watch out for those fracking earthquakes. Yes, I'm fighting that battle for you too.

    8. As to why certain people keep getting reelected, my impartial suspicion runs to the pestilential practice of gerrymandering. That practice has been taken to undemocratic levels in too many states.
      M from MD

    9. Anonymous10:38 AM

      We don't need to paint a whole state with one brush, but let's not pretend there are only 10 people in OK who feel the same as these "protesters."

  14. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I think the confed flag is a modern day symbol of being a rebel. Yes, it is, was, and is also too about slave state and free state, and white supremacy. Yes, racism.

    However, I think people use that flag as a symbol of going against the system and being badass. As I'm a rebel and I just might go rogue.

    Oklahoma is a Native American state. It was an end a stop for the Trail of Tears. Lots of people of mixed mostlywhite and native blood that are bennie card carrying white Cherokee. They have their own hypocritical form of racism in Oklahoma and it isn't OK.

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      If they are such fine "rebels" then where were their "rebel, against the system, badass" flags when the president visited just a couple of years ago?

      The president was BLACK then too, you know.

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      "Oklahoma is a Native American State."

      What are you implying here? All the Natives come only from Oklahoma? What about ALL OF the US is NATIVE AMERICAN territory that was stolen from them? Native Americans are in every single state, you i...t!

    3. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Check out the Oklahoma auto license plate and their tourism ads where it is used as a state slogan. Native American. No diss of the slogan or Native Americans receiving benefits. However, my friend who is a white, very wealthy banker's daughter with a bit of native blood on her mother's side, has her card. Y'All call out the Palins for doing the same.

      Did I imply that Natives were only in Oklahoma. No. It may be a southern tradition of fly the Rebel Flag....but most of the dumb ass dudes that fly it or wear it were doing it to look badass. Just like the white kid what shot all those good people in SC. He posed with his guns and that flag and thought he was a real badass. That's when the racist boil on America's ass came to a pus and hate filled head.

      So 7:17 you are implying I am an idiot. Some of you sure get your Daisy Duke's in a bundle because you take things out of context. That's what ol' Sarah does when so goes off on one of her TeleVaginal Rants.

      I am waving the white flag of surrender and will never post here again.

      RJ in BBistan

    4. Anonymous9:10 AM

      That southern tradition of flying the rebel flag started in response to desegregation you fucking douschenozzle.

    5. Anonymous10:39 AM

      It's a very specific flag and a very specific symbol. It is not just about being "rebels."

  15. Anonymous5:25 AM

    When Dubya appeared anywhere, protesters were kept well away from him. Must not upset him, let him think the entire nation was on his side. At one townhall meeting, a young couple was escorted out then arrested for wearing anti W shirts! Every parking lot was checked, to be sure no anti W bumper stickers were in view. Now, we have a much superior President, and he gets all this SHIT thrown at him. People like PayMe, McCain and the rest of the gop racists are to blame for the discord in the country right now. McConell held the meeting while President Obama waas being inaugurated, vowing to prevent him from passing ANYTHING. He vowed to make him a one term President. This state of affairs is a direct result of the so-called "leaders" being openly acist and disrespectful of this well respected President. I am ashamed of what this country has become. The entire world can see it, why not these stupid Americans???

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM


    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      You nailed it!!

  16. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Speaking as a "Sooner born, Sooner bred and when I die I'll be a Sooner dead" 72 year old lady who respects our country and what it stands for and for the right of all citizens to freely express their opinions on all matters, and while I do not think this bunch of yahoos shows much class or respect in regard to not only our President but to the things this country actually stands for, please, please do not throw everyone in the state of Oklahoma into this group. There were many examples of our President being warmly and graciously welcomed to our State. Unfortunately, as is too often the case, the "bad" gets the attention and not the "good". Love your blog Gryphen - keep up the good work.

  17. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Yes we have racism here. However are you writing that because my family descended from, and our members of the Chickasaw tribe is white racism because we hold tribal membership cards? Because whites moved us, stole our property, practiced genocide upon us, had whites marry Indians so they could get property in Indian territory before it was a state that I'm inherently racist? Are you jealous of some sort of preconceived benefit we get because your ancestors killed mine and destroyed my culture, but yet have issues with the Confederate flag? Just trying to figure out your logic...? Is there any?

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM


    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Response to anon at 5:20 who had issues with Native Americans getting tribal benefits.

  18. Anonymous5:30 AM

    It's a shame when a few nasty people get to dominate what must have been a great moment for everyone else. What losers those Confederate flag waving idiots are!

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      The term "okie" was coined for a reason.

    2. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Lol! Yep as a clear sign of bigotry from Californians. Ever read Grapes of Wrath? People need a history check. Wow I'd always thought liberals, which I see myself as, were of a better education but on this thread we've seen racism and bigotry by folks who decry the Confederate flag as racist. Really a paradox in these comments.

    3. Anonymous6:50 AM

      The way they are using the flag IS racist. They sure aren't honoring great-grandpas who never fought in the Civil War. Come on. You think they'd have waved Confederate flags at Bush?

    4. Anonymous7:14 AM

      LOL at 5:57

      Perhaps you need to see yourself as conservative, you might be happier then. I know a nice website yo might be interested in, it's called c4p.

    5. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Your IQ 7:14 is actually much more suited to the C4P, you should go there.

  19. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Excellent point.

  20. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I responded to you down thread. I guess new Orleans shouldn't have had any assistance post Katrina from your logic. Bush sure did ignore Louisiana in its time of trouble, a state well know for its love of all things Confederate. BTW I pay a shitload of Federal taxes despite the stupidity of state leaders I didn't vote for.

  21. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Actually Oklahoma gets about $0.72, 73 cents back for every dollor theyy give. They are are giver into the federal system.

    Ooops 3:59. Looks like you are an idiot.

  22. Anonymous7:12 AM

    My sweet dumb Oklahoma friend's response?

    " Hmmmm don't know where that's at in Oklahoma? I haven't seen it lol "

    It's apparently amusing.

  23. Anonymous7:14 AM

    After reading the whole thread I went back and looked closely at the picture. Check out the two bearded guys with baseball hats. One has an American flag and the other a rebel flag. If they're not brothers then I have to side with the bigots on this thread....There is something in the water down there.

  24. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I won"t paint the whole state racist on account of a handful of folks exercising their right to free speech. I don't like what they did but it is their right.

    I have had two extended visits to Oklahoma and found the people consistently helpful. pleasant and low-key. The Oklahomans I have had the opportunity to work with have always been nice people and became friends.

    Those folks in the picture aren't my experience of Oklahoma.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Oh they are like this everywhere they are by a native reservation. Racist.

    2. Thank you. We aren't all like that. In fact, I was in Durant when the President spoke to the Choctaws and while I did see half a dozen flag-waving idiots, no one gave them any attention and instead focused on how cool it was to have the President visit.

    3. Anonymous9:14 PM

      At least one person drove from Texas to Durant to join the group of 'flag-waving idiots'.

  25. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Gosh what happened to the Patriot Act, the act that forbid us from protesting the Iraq war and GW Bush? Heaven forbid anyone held up signs.

    Has everyone forgotten the mother of the solider that died in the war, she protested when GW came to town and they arrested her under the Patriot Act?

    Oh right, GW Bush was white and these folks are only using their freedum of speech.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Oh thank you for reminding us.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      Cindy Sheehan and her deceased son, Casey. Bush avoided her like the plague, even on one of his "extended working vacations in Crawford Texas". He puts the chicken in chickenhawk.
      He son died because he sent him there, she deserved much better, but that's "Compassionate conservatism" at it's best.

  26. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Crazies! So Tim Mcvey is all happy. Sheetheads!

  27. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Born a southerner. During my youth, the way my old grandma (etc.) talked, one would have though the Civil War just wrapped up weeks ago. Had 3 relatives fight for the CSA...One died, the other's names still reside on the Confederate Monument in Hayneville Alabama. Was taught how much worse blacks in the north were treated, how it was all about 'state's rights' and we were fighting an invading army bent on our destruction, just defending our homes. No denying there's much truth in that justification. But let's scratch the surface beneath the bumper sticker/soundbite bullshit. The HORRIBLE TRUTH behind the sorry, now romanticized sense of the 'lost cause' and the ensuing apologetics, is the F-A-C-T, that The Civil War war resulted in MORE AMERICANS being KILLED - than all other U.S. wars COMBINED (between 620,000 and 700,000 in a nation of 30 million. That would equate to over 6 MILLION DEAD today!!! Must be pretty HOT to not want to work in the fields THAT BAD... - By comparison, Vietnam, with a U.S. population of 200 million saw 58,000 Americans die). A TRAITOROUS ARMY was responsible for over 300,000 Northern Soldiers dying - not to mention as many/more in the south!!!! (Where less than HALF of those fighting even owned slaves: Poor man's fight - Rich Man's War...Sound familiar?) And for WHAT?!? 'STATE'S RIGHTS'? BULLSHIT!!!!!!!! - Only for a state's right to OWN SLAVES! Of the 11 Confederate states, fully 8 of their state constitutions SPECIFY their 'right to secede' for the SAKE OF SLAVERY!!!! VP of CSA spoke at length on 'the inferiority of the negro' etc. Thus, if anyone would find solace in blunting your intellect, at the point of admiration for southerner's genuine historics and sense of sacrifice, it would be a Civil War buff with direct CSA ties like ME!....Yet, how can one not help but wonder: 'If I was BLACK - How would THAT FLAG (etc, et al) make me feel?" Why do we treat our fellow human beings/Americans with such indifference, and an utter lack of empathy, merely for the sake of some false sense of machismo pride? Shit, in the middle-east, Sunni and Shia factions are STILL in death grips over their bullshit 'heritage not hate' from 1,000 years ago...Time to LET IT GO AMERICA!!!!

  28. Sorry, but did Obama or Congress pass some sort of law regarding the Confederate flag? Seems to me the states are doing that. As for national cemeteries, again this is not something the president concerns himself with. It is a matter for a departmental branch of the government. Obama is not a micro manager and doesn't concern himself with every little thing.

    Now that isn't the issue here. This is a blatant racist insult to a president that is not white.

    Personally, I'm surprised they weren't holding ropes implying lynching.

  29. Anita Winecooler6:50 PM

    They're exercising their right to free speech, which I'm sure tshe President understands. They have the right to proudly display their racismy openly, only they think it's "Southern Pride", a heritage of hate, and they're proud they lost the "war of Northern Aggression". They're still fighting the civil war.

  30. As an Oklahoman, I am embarrassed by this show of ignorance and disrespect. When I heard about the flag "rally" Wednesday afternoon, I hopped in my car and drove an hour and a half to Durant. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but just felt I needed to go. Yes, those asshats were there - some pulled up right behind me - but they were by far the minority. I wrote a blog post about it, including video of the numbskulls, but also about the really cool Choctaw man I had the honor to meet.

  31. Anonymous3:53 AM

    When I see someone with the Confederate flag I think they are saying "I am a loser just like the South". Makes me smile instead of being pissed off.

  32. Anonymous4:44 AM

    To 9:10 AM

    FU. A virtual knee to the nuts. You don't know history and you are a baseless piece of shit.

  33. Anonymous1:56 PM

    These people don't care about our country and it's history, and they sure don't care about other citizens. They live in their small minded and bigoted world. That flag should and will be a part of our history, but remain in museums to help tell the sad story of slavery in America.


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