Tuesday, July 14, 2015

North Carolina Congressman claims that his "primary mission as a member of Congress" is to spread "the Gospel of Christ." Uh, no it's not.

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

Last week, Rep. Robert Pittenger joined several of his fellow members of Congress, such as Trent Franks and Louie Gohmert, as well as Religious Right activists "Coach" Dave Daubenmire, E.W. Jackson, and others in speaking at a week-long revival meeting in Washington, D.C., called "Celebrate America," organized by televangelist and "Holy Laughter" preacher Rodney Howard-Browne. 

Pittenger told the audience that his "primary mission" as a member of Congress is to spread the Gospel of Christ and that every issue of public policy is founded on the "reality of Christ." 

"The most important message that needs to be heard in this city is the Gospel and love of Christ," Pittenger said, adding that people who hold different political views "just don't know my Savior." 

"That's my primary mission as a member of Congress," the North Carolina Republican said. "Yes, to serve my constituents, to serve my region, and my state, and my country. But we're here as emissaries for Christ." 

You know perhaps I missed a day or two during my high school government class, but I always thought that the primary purpose of a United States Congressman was to make laws, NOT to proselytize.

I totally must have slept through the lesson on members of Congress needing to preach the Gospel.

To be serious religious zealots like this guy have no place in our Congress or our Senate, and should actually be barred from ever running for office in this country in order to protect us from their irrational thought processes.

Time and time again, whether it be addressing climate change, educating our children, providing civil rights to the LGBT community, or promoting science, we see these religious nuts voting in ways that significantly effect our country in a negative manner and hold up our progress as a nation.

And that shit needs to stop!


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Looks like he's from North Carolina? We have enough problems in Texas.

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    All that comes to my mind is "Fuck these Christian freaks currently serving in the U. S. Congress! They need to lose their next election.

    There is suppose to be NO religion mixture in our government.

    Plus, these supposed Christians are the furthest acting as ''christians'! The majority Republicans currently serving in the U.S. Congress are racist. And, the same goes for many of them holding seats in our state and local governments.

    Get rid of them ALL! Voting properly is the only way to change the horribly mess we find ourselves in throughout our country.


  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    A fucking revival? They obviously missed the main point of the separation of state in the Constitution. They also will be really surprised when it comes back to bite them in the ass as it is also a way to protect religious freedom.

  4. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The one politician who fully embodies the teachings of Christ is one James Earl Carter. He's 90 years old and still teaches Sunday school. He lives a life of service and commitment, whether its trying to ensure fair elections or combat illness. But he never tried to impose his beliefs on people. He was personally anti-abortion, but believed in the right to choose. He just celebrated 69 years of marriage. How many politicians can claim that?

    1. SallyinMI3:18 PM

      And the GOP has always despised him. He also served in the Navy. He embodies everything they pretend to be, and they hate him.

    2. Anonymous3:22 PM


    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      He was helping build houses with Habitat for Humanity until recently, too. A GREAT man. Too decent for DC, the people there are cut throat, money grubbing swines. Not a single former President in the gop swamp could ever come close to being the gentleman he is. Respected.

    4. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Jimmy Carter is probably the most decent man that has ever sat in the oval office. Perhaps he was too decent for the office. Bless him and his family.

    5. Anonymous4:46 PM

      I like Jimmy Carter, I don't understand his religion nor how such an intelligent person can believe those things but he is a good dude and does good things, but I think he would have anyway even if he wasn't brainwashed into christianity as a child. Some people are just born good and kind, not many, but some, and certainly not most christians. He's the exception to the rule when it comes to the religiously indoctrinated, kind and caring, instead of hateful and judgmental.

    6. Rebubs go on and on about wanting "a businessman" in the White House, time was they even specified "someone who met a payroll." Yet all the time Carter was president they derided him as "peanut farmer." By the way, only US Naval Academy graduate to be POTUS, ranked 8th in his class and was tapped by Rickover for the nascent nuclear Navy.

    7. First president since Carter to have actually "met a payroll"? I guess it's the "community organizer" huh?

    8. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      I remember how nasty people got, they made fun of Amy's looks, they judged President Carter based on his brother, Billy and whatever problems he had, but President Carter and his wife, always carried themselves with quiet dignity.
      This is a man who lived a full life in service to those he once represented and presided over. A man of this caliper came from modest beginnings, and never forgot nor compromised his values. A lesser man would have retired and travelled, played golf, etc. But to choose to lift the poor will be his legacy.
      Contrast him, for a second, with oh pick one, Donald, Scott, Huckabee, Cruz, etc. etc.

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    These are the same freaks who believe that their own army has come to Texas to attack them, simply because the CiC is black.

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    OT Sarah's idiotic comments of the day are late and I'm getting bored waiting. Come on, Sarah, we need a good belly laugh.

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Sarah apparently has become the official birthday greeter of the GOP and Evangelical Christian crowd. Seems like a job that she is qualified to do.

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      I'm still waiting to see who will be the face of the $10 bill. That contest winner should have been announced last week...but no, just crickets. I has such a sad, she no likey us, her very dedicated supporters. I hear she's just busy writin' that book of hers and such so I guess I can give her a pass because hey, 288 pages don't just write themselves, amiright?

      I support Sarah! Viva La Sarah! Vini Vidi Vici (oh, wait, never mind...)

  7. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Not an ounce of evidence that their 'religion' works or even exists yet they selfishly want to involve all of us as they carry on with their fairy tale beliefs.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Hey now, Jesus he's coming back any day, like maybe in 2000 (oops, nope), or 2035 or well, you know sometime and Jesus is a sneaky bastard so he won't let us know so we should exercise our best superstitious behavior and do things like pray and wail and also too touch the doorknob 10 times when leaving the house and always squeeze the dish sponge 20 times before putting it in its holder. Jesus and his dad like nothing more than superstitious repetitive behavior...not sure why they just didn't call their religion OCD.

  8. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Don't Republican legislators understand the meaning of the oath that they took to uphold the Constitution of the United States?

  9. Anonymous3:40 PM

    If the laws they passed were based on the real teachings of Jesus, and not on how to get your ticket punched for Heaven, then most progressives would be all for it. Love, mercy, forgiveness, generosity, helping the poor, not judging others . . . I could get behind that.

  10. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Ok, this one has put my over the edge! There must be some way for Americans to throw these religious nuts out of office other than through a vote. They totally fail to understand that America is not a country based on religion. Religion is a PERSONAL choice, not a government decree!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous4:15 PM

    It doesn't matter. Senator Vitter from Loseriana got busted for sleeping with hookers and he not only refused to step down, they reelected him. Elliot Spitzer did the same thing as Governor of New York and stepped down

  12. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Recall. Based on the Constitution. Oh, and take away his church's tax exempt status.

  13. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Brain dead moron, there is no help for him nor for the idiots that elect these idiots. Get a fucking clue people, religion is dying and soon to be dead, stop trying to hold on to your titanic as it sinks below the waves.

  14. Anonymous5:24 PM

    This is why the Koch brothers are so dangerous. They have a plan to get these kooks elected at the local and state level, where they can do more damage.

    Forget the presidential election, people need to get out and vote in local and state elections.

  15. Anonymous5:25 PM


    message from the moderators at C4P.....




    hahahahahahahaha and ha

  16. Randall6:19 PM

    "Belief without evidence" is the definition of "faith".

    ...and it's also the definition of DELUSION.

  17. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

    Hey, Phil, pick one and go with it, a congresscritter or evangelical minister. Doing both is just unconstitutional. I wonder if Rev Phil would have an issue with a muslim congresscritter unravelling his or her prayer rug and leading others to face Mecca in prayer?
    Something tells me he'd blow a fuse.
    Oh, and Phil, you're not representing ALL your constituents, just the "Jesus" following ones.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.