Friday, August 14, 2015

Found on the wall surrounding the Thomas Jefferson statue within the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.

A man well ahead of his time.

Hell, if he were a modern day politician he would even be ahead of THIS time.


  1. Anonymous3:01 AM

    A progressive minded man...who is aware we can't be

  2. Thanks G. Where did you find this picture? I want to post on my fb wall!

  3. That is really thought provoking.

  4. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Wow! I am going to work that into my unit plan on U.S. History (4th grade). I can't wait to hear what my students' thoughts are on the meaning within that thought from TJ! I know it will be the impetus for a great discussion. Thanks G!

  5. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Two words: Sally Hemings. It's been all but proven with DNA analysis that he fathered her children while she was his slave and the children were not freed until after his death. He was a huge hypocrite on slavery. He opposed the slave trade, but kept slaves of his own for economic reasons, and considered blacks inferior to whites.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Even great leaders are prone to human failings. Jefferson was a man of his time and culture and his behavior was reflective of that. I do not have to agree with his personal conduct to respect his political wisdom. Very few, if any of our greatest leaders would withstand the personal scrutiny.

    2. 5:39, he said modern civilization would advance beyond the beliefs of our barbaric ancestors. We did.

    3. Anonymous8:56 AM

      What don't you understand about HYPOCRITE? Jefferson, in theory, opposed slavery -- and yet, because in practice it benefited HIM, he continued to keep slaves and father slaves with a captive slave woman who had no choice but to allow him to impregnate her. Thomas Jefferson exploited the very inhumane institution he professed to oppose. It's very easy to issue lofty statements about the advancement of civilization AFTER one is gone, especially while one is currently benefiting from the very barbarism one is proclaiming against..So you go ahead and acclaim ol' TJ for his words. They do sound good, don't they? Too bad they are just words, but oh well. And I'll keep holding him accountable for his very DIFFERENT actions, i.e. going along with a monstrous institution.


    4. Here's another word for your glossary: sanctimonious.

  6. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I can't read it -- would you translate for us?

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Hold down the control key and use your mouse wheel to zoom in on it

  7. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Jefferson had views so repugnant that no excuse of being merely a man of his times excuses his horrifying opinions on his right to exploit and demean human beings. A slave woman was his ATM. He was an awful person.

    Many slaveowners, including Jefferson, understood that female slaves—and their future children—represented the best means to increase the value of his holdings, what he called “capital.” "I consider a woman who brings a child every two years as more profitable than the best man of the farm," Jefferson remarked in 1820.

  8. I just tried to imagine a teabagger reading this out loud, and it summoned mental the image of the apes confronting the monolith in 2001

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The problem for the theocratic right with this is that whole schtick is based on the Constitution being right up there with the bible as the inerrant word of god. Start evolving the constitution as per Jefferson's statement and all hell breaks loose for them. David Barton has built his "career" nailing down the god-give biblical basis for the Constitution as a major plank for theo-republicans to stand on. Unchanging Absolutes. Period. 'cept of course for the pesky details of how life, people, institutions, etc. all change and evolve in reality.

  10. Leland10:11 AM

    "Hell, if he were a modern day politician he would even be ahead of THIS time."

    If he were a modern politician, he probably wouldn't get elected!

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Wow, I never knew he said that and I consider myself somewhat educated. Thank you for sharing this. He was truly ahead of his time.

  12. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Wow, I never knew he said that and I consider myself somewhat educated. Thank you for sharing this. He was truly ahead of his time.

  13. Anonymous10:58 AM


    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Print it on rice paper and use soy ink, sprinkle with grated ginger, chopped scallions, and a smear of misu paste. Deeelish!!!

  14. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

    His views on institutional slavery and using slaves as chattel aside, his truth endured the ages. Can we tattoo this on all the rwnj's hands, or somehow make them understand how it applies to the "living document" we call our Constitution?


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