Friday, August 07, 2015

I don't usually do a "Moment of Zen" on this blog, but today I think this would be a most fitting first time to do so.

Last night was such an emotionally draining experience for me that I woke up feeling almost as exhausted as I had been climbing into bed.

We keep hearing folks trying to suggest that Jon Stewart is a phony, and a misogynist, and even most recently a racist.

But I am here to tell you that if any of that were actually true that we would not have witnessed the incredible outpouring of love that we witnessed last night.

Yes I know they are actors, but I also recognize genuine love when I see it.

Good bye Jon Stewart, and thank you so very much for everything. 


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I am going to miss him so much! The work he did to educate millennials and so many Americans will be sorely missed. Many days when the news was horrible or the Republicans had just pulled off some major indecency, I knew I could turn to Stewart to bring a return to sanity and hope.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      I don't know what I'm going to do at 11:00pm. It was always just me and Jon. Hubby was passed out because he gets up for work SUPER early. Even as a 50 something year old I got my nightly political news from Jon. I refuse to watch cable news as they are owned by the "1%" and agendas are definitely promoted.

      Trevor Noah is going to be under a microscope. I promised the husband I would give him 30 days (4 weeks of shows). For my sanity, I hope he does a good job.

  2. MSNBC has a special on about Jon Stewart in Rachel's time slot. It's really good. I have been depressed all day. The end of an era, for sure.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      I'm depressed too. I think it will hit really hard on Monday night!

    2. Crystal Sage7:42 PM

      Saw the tribute and then switched to Bill Maher. Better than nothing but I am in deep distress over Jon's decision to walk away from TDS. Can't blame him but I feel a little lost right now with an important election coming up. He was just sooo good at skewering the phonies and the hypocrites. Only time I ever watched FOX News was in the clips he mocked.

  3. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Ok. I have not seen all of Jon Stewart episodes. Even when the decision to leave came. May I respectfully ask. Is he ill? moving to new gig? running for prez of usa? What? He cannot just disappear completely. So what is he up too?

    1. He and his family are moving to New Jersey and will have a farm rescuing farm animals. Tracy Stewart, his wife, also has a book coming out in October on the subject. They also have two young children.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      His life is at the point where he needs to be dad 7 nights a week not 3.

      And I'm pretty certain he was feeling stale. Looking at the state of American politics,it's all repeal this or that, it's Benghazi, it's abortion, it's voting rights, it's threats to shut the government down. It's the same shit all day every day.

      I look forward to him being a guest on all the tonight shows.

    3. Anonymous10:20 PM

      I agree with you about feeling stale, 6:29. If you watched his penultimate episode, he joked about how he eviscerated Fox News, ISIS, etc. I think he was hinting about his real reason. He poured his heart and soul into exposing the hypocrisy of politics and big business and the war-mongers, and it's all just gotten worse. He was like "Was it all my fault?" I'm sure he doesn't believe that, but it's become a pretty fruitless mission. At least now he can make a small change that he can see close up.

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    hey ALICIA, look what they did to people like you in New Zealand

    It can't be long now until you're in jail where you belong.

  5. Anita Winecooler7:46 PM

    I couldn't bring myself to watch it, I have it TIVO'ed and will watch it when my husband comes home. Whoever replaces him has some big shoes to fill, he's a rare blend of comedy, educator, and political humorist. I'll miss those faces he makes, his timing and delivery and everything about him. He's had a long run, MSNBC did a nice tribute on RMS's time slot. Those who worked with him, those he ribbed, and those whose careers he's helped launch spoke of what he meant to them and to the public all these years. Their playback of his 9/11 coverage was soooo difficult to revisit, but he dealt with it with respect and a choice of words only he could find.
    I hope he finds something truly rewarding and worthy of his talent, he'll be missed.

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM big thing was his PASSION. You know O'Reilly and Hannity are saying what Ailes tells them to say. Whether or not Jon wrote all the words that came out of his mouth, we all know he believed in them, and he was just as passionate about it as we were.

  6. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I am trying to figure out how I will be able to get up in the morning if I stay up and watch Cobert... The best thing Jon Steward gave us.

  7. This is TOTALLY off topic but they are tearing each other to shreds in the pee

    They have divided themselves into anti/pro Trump factions over the Megyn Kelly thing and the spittle is FLYING!!!

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Donald Trump has been officially banned from one of the biggest gatherings of conservative activists after implying he received hostile questioning during the first GOP presidential debate because the moderator was menstruating.

      Trump was uninvited from the RedState Gathering late Friday after saying in a CNN interview that Fox News’s Megyn Kelly “ had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever,” while questioning him during Thursday night’s debate.

    2. Anonymous5:34 AM

      c4p has descended into the sewage processing plant that we always knew they were.

  8. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I know it hurts. And this might only make you feel worse, as it did me. Thing is, he was right. He never made one fuck of difference. He sure did try, though; didn't he.

  9. Anonymous4:19 AM

    I think Jon genuinely loved us, his viewers, and we loved him right back. He could be so funny and yet at times was so sincere, most recently after Charleston. When he spoke from the heart, it was our heart as well.
    (Big sigh)
    I liked the bit about an ongoing conversation, and I do believe Jon will show up again. Maybe an Election night guest appearance? At least Colbert is coming back soon.

  10. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I'm way more depressed over this than I was over my divorce. And I am not even joking.

    Monday night, I'm going to pretend Jon is on vacation or whatever it takes to ease my mind.

    But I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up pulling a Mae Whitman in "Hope Floats"; running through the streets of TriBeCa, randomly hoping to find JStew, screaming "come BACK! You LOVE ME, I KNOW YOU LOVE ME, COME BACK!!!!"

  11. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I think he did make a difference. He gave us a voice to our outrage. He let us know we are not alone. He was the antidote to the stupid on Fox. Even my 85 year old Republican mom changed sides after realizing how bad it's become.


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