Tuesday, August 11, 2015

If Mormon missionaries were honest.

(H/T to Reddit user ZuphCud.)


  1. Leland2:25 AM

    My usual answer to this question is polite unless they try to get pushy.

    "No! Not a chance!" And I laugh while closing the door.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      You are far nicer than I could ever be in this situation, Leland. But the ones I've been unfortunate to encounter have all been on the pushy side.

    2. Leland6:02 AM

      5:06, I didn't say I was always nice. Notice I said, "...unless they try to get pushy."

      If they come back, they generally only do so once.

  2. Zoe Bennett2:39 AM

    This is sooo true! I recently moved and in the 1st six weeks, my family and I have been disturbed four times by these people. This is despite the fact that they were told specifically not to bother us again the first time they came to our door. It is so aggravating!

    1. Anonymous4:55 AM

      I was able to stop all these sadly deceived fools from visiting my house permanently.

      After being disturbed for a few times one summer long ago, I told them very emphatically that we were ALL NUDISTS in this house, and they better be prepared for NAKED people the nex t time they knocked on the door.

      The Jehovah folks usually bring a young child with them, and that really disturbed them, although I was fully clothed when I announced that.

      The Mormon boys just turned around and left without saying a word.

      End of interruptions!

    2. Anonymous5:56 AM

      I no longer bother to answer my door unless I'm expecting someone. Works like a charm.

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      All members are to pay 10 percent tithe. of Course they are constantly recruiting people and calving babies!

  3. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Best summation of Mormon missionaries that I seen to date. Thanks, Gryph.


  4. Anonymous3:35 AM

    fortunately, our religion does not think vampire capitalism is a sin.

  5. Anonymous3:44 AM

    "The Good Word" always cracks me up:


  6. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Was just on a flight back from the UK with about 20 of them. Just wanted to shake them all and tell to stop spreading lies.

  7. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Actually, they've lowered the age to 18 for boys & 19 for girls. Have a grandson who literally graduated high school & put in his papers the next day (his 18th birthday).

  8. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Odio a todo los mormones.

    1. Isabella8:57 AM

      Estas mal. El odio enferma.

  9. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Very accurate summation. I feel so sorry for these clueless kids, but I know any argument, no matter how fact-based, will not get through to them. So I just say VERY FIRMLY "No thank you. Goodbye!" and close the door, shaking my head at human foolishness.

  10. Anonymous7:57 AM

    "oh, you're just in time, come on in and join us in a demonic burning ritual"...they hightail it out of my driveway faster than a toupee in a hurricane. And they NEVER come back. LOL!

  11. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I'm not sure this poster/ad is very fair. Most people don't know much about life at age 19. And as for being "forced" to learn the book of Mormon, no one is forced to practice any religion over the age of 18 - people are legal adults at that age and can't be forced to go on missions.

    And for the record I'm an evangelical Protestant, a political conservative, but somewhat liberal on certain issues. So I'm not a "wingnut" type.

    1. Leland9:28 AM

      I am going to try to say this nicely.

      Most people who come from religious families, by the time they reach 18 - especially mormons! - are thoroughly brainwashed. If you don't like the word brainwashed, how about thoroughly indoctrinated? And if that doesn't do it for you, how about programmed?

      My point is this: If you are in that state of indoctrination, it is extremely hard to break away once one becomes an adult. And if one does try, there usually is the peer pressure to contend with.

      I feel fortunate in that I began to recognize - at a very young age (5) - the disconnect between what they were trying to "teach" me and the contradictions in the writings and in the actions of the professed believers.

      I believe a person has the right to believe anything he or she wishes. I do, however, find the idea of being forced to "learn" at a young age quite disturbing. And in case you are wondering, forced means doing something one has no choice about. Huge numbers of children are in that situation every day because they are raised with no choice about going to church or synagogue or mosque or whatever.

      I wish we could make it so that no one can be taught a religion until they are of an age to be able to make wise and educated decisions.

    2. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Kids in the mo' church are babtised around 8. They came around when I was 10 and tried to get my parents to ground me from my horses unless I was babtised. My parents refused. I was eventually babtised. I am Christian,now.

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Boys in the main sect of Mormonism become priests around age 12. So they get perks early.


      In the LDS Church, the largest denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement, priesthood is recognized only in men and boys, who are ordained to offices in the priesthood as a matter of course once they reach the age of 12, so long as they meet requirements of worthiness. There are no other requirements for ordination, although prior to 1978, the church did not ordain men or boys who were deemed to be of black African descent, based on the mid-19th century teachings of Brigham Young, which the church felt it could not abandon without a revelation from God. (See Blacks and Mormonism).[29] The doctrine was eliminated in 1978 and the church now allows all men to hold the priesthood, subject to worthiness.

  12. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I am agnostic and none too fond of any Christian denominations but thus far the Mormons seem to be the most distasteful of them all.

    1. Leland9:37 AM

      Hhhmmm. What about Scientology? They don't necessarily come to your door, but heaven help you if you ever get in their clutches.

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      I think Jehovah Witnesses are as bad, if not worse. 3 family members through marriage are & I've learned enough to realize that they are full Of BS!

    3. Anonymous12:25 PM

      The Mormons make Scientology look sane.

  13. Matt Cale at ruthlessreviews blames 15th president James Buchanan for "his failure to wipe the scourge of Mormonism from the fucking globe when he had the means and justification to do so."

  14. Frosty10:06 AM


    When they come a-knockin' invite them in to join in a seance, or a Wiccan ritual.

    1. Balzafiar11:40 AM

      Or sex; that works too.

    2. "you're the male strippers we called for, right?" ...

  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The ones that come to my door have the title "Elder" on their name tags. I ask their names, addresss them as "Elder ..." and state that I have hear Mormon men have small penises. I invite them to prove otherwise.

    It's mean, but and "Elder" should be tough. I feel that I have contributed in a small (chuckle) way to their education.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Great idea! Can't wait to borrow that line next time they come round knockin

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Another oldie but goodie is "no polygamy is a deal breaker"

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Ha! "Hello, my name is Elder Price...."
      Yeah, I need to listen to the soundtrack to the Book of Mormon again!
      M from MD

  16. Anonymous1:50 PM

    It was not preplanned, but when two Mormon boys knocked on my door, I said, "I just finished reading a book on the Mountain Meadow Massacre ..." They turned around before I could say anything more.

  17. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

    We used to get inundated with JW's and Mormons, I tried to be polite, and ran their propaganda through the shredder in my foyer, after awhile, they got the message and moved on.

  18. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Thank you for trying to be polite and all but Mormons are not bad and if you aren't interested then say so otherwise they might not get the message. They are very friendly and kind. So why can't some people treat them as such?


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