Thursday, August 06, 2015

Neil deGrasse Tyson identifies the cherry picking of science by politicians as the "great tragedy of modern society."

Participating in a panel with other scientists and mathematicians, Professor Tyson was asked what scientists can do to prevent scientific idea from becoming partisan:  

Tyson said he did not have a problem with people believing in anything they wanted to. “But if that belief is not based on objective truths, you should not be creating legislation based on it,” he said. 

“One of the great tragedies of modern society is that we have politicians cherry-picking science in the interests of their own social, cultural, political and religious belief systems, and that’s the beginning of the end of an informed democracy.” 

If politicians and society had strong scientific literacy, Tyson said, there should be no debate within politics as to whether climate change existed. 

“If you’re trained to understand how and why science works, then the two opposite factions can have a genuine political discussion about how to react to human-induced climate change,” he said. “That’s where the debate should happen.”

I strongly feel that we need to replace the religious litmus test applied to politicians today (And yes trust me there certainly is one.) with a test on intelligence and a basic understanding of science, economics, and history.

I think if the candidates were well versed in those disciplines we would be far less likely to elect idiots like Louie Gohmert, Jim Inhofe, or a Sarah Palin.

Just imagine the civility in conversations about the budget, space exploration, and whether or not we should go to war.

You know if that change were to really take place, we might actually be able to celebrate American exceptionalism with a straight face.


  1. When Tyson states;
    politicians cherry-picking science in the interests of their own social, cultural, political and religious belief systems, and that’s the beginning of the end of an informed democracy.”
    ...he points to the crux of the problem, as expressed by Pres. Jimmie Carter earlier this week;
    We no longer are living in a Democracy. Since Citizens United we have been living in an Oligarchy.

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    OT - they are up in arms over at C4P claiming that the IRS targeted Bristol.

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    The indictments of Rand Paul's campaign people for actions when they ran his father's campaign includes charges that they disguised bribes by calling them payments for audiovisual equipment in their PAC filings. It's time someone took a very close look at the Palin PAC.

  4. TwoBlueJays8:23 AM

    Using an intelligence test would imply that those candidates also have integrity and a moral compass - and that caliber of individual would never get elected because they would not participate in the prostitution and sale of their ethics to the highest bidder. We get what we pay for here in America. Greed and ego will lead to our downfall as a country. Et tu, Roman Empire?

  5. Randall8:25 AM

    And I believe there SHOULD be a religious test for office:
    if any candidate or office-holder states that God literally speaks to them (GW Bush, Ted Cruz, among many others) should NEVER be allowed to hold office.

    Because they're sick in the head.

    HOW in the WORLD did we ever get to the place whre hearing voices in one's head in any way qualifies them for office?

  6. Anonymous8:30 AM

    OT maybe..the world is getting informed..

  7. Anonymous8:34 AM

  8. Boscoe8:55 AM

    WHAAAAAAT? You're saying we should *actually* BE exceptional, instead of just shouting USA!! USA!! and punching anyone in the face who disagrees with us?


  9. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

    We need more professors like him willing to educate people on the need for science.

    “But if that belief is not based on objective truths, you should not be creating legislation based on it,” is THE operative phrase, and I couldn't agree more. Dr DeGrasse is a national treasure, a gentleman and a scholar. I have fox news on in the background, and reading this is so surreal compared to the bullshit all of them are spewing.

    "Just imagine the civility in conversations about the budget, space exploration, and whether or not we should go to war."

    Amen, Gryphen.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.