Sunday, August 02, 2015

Sarah Palin being interviewed on an escalator, in Arizona, by some dude. Update!

Goofing around with Sarah Palin! Full interview will be posted on Monday right here. (I love her sense of humor!)
Posted by Rusty Humphries on Saturday, August 1, 2015
Hey is that the Toad? Damn I wondered where he got off to.

So Palin is just a "big time, full time mother" huh?

Well then where the hell are all of her children?

Update: From this guy's Facebook page on July 31st:

I just had dinner with Todd and Sarah Palin. Just the three of us. I have to tell you, they are two of the nicest, smartest and funniest people I have ever had the pleasure of spending time with. This is why I hate the media... I don't care your politics, if you sat down with this couple and just talked with them like real people, I don't know how anyone wouldn't just love them. She's so humble and down to earth... they had me laughing and thinking all evening long. Todd is such a stud and great guy. Sarah is even cooler and more down to earth than you would even hope she would be. 

Next time you hear somebody tell you something negative, I'm telling you from the most honest place in my heart, these are GOOD people!

Yes I am sure based on one dinner that this guy is now qualified to refute ever critical thing ever written or said about these two people. 

I think we can expect this interview that he is posting tomorrow to be just chock full of softball questions.


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The video isn't available - doesn't play! Just as well!!!

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Listen to the Governor’s Confirmation’s and we have David Parker from Wasilla for the only appointing in hiring judges?

      OUCH…that is a resignation of the Governor as soon as possible or else…

      A litigation will start in the courts for “violations of ethics” to start with…

      Add “abuse of power” with a check on the “other” nominations that are from Key areas of the Palin clan…

      OH…not so slick-em slingshots…Sean, Sarah, Dave, Dan…I could go on…

      I guess those court trials will have to start in the United Nations courts now…

      Like the CSI says – go from the outside — go full-circle…360 degrees in…

      What goes around comes around….head tilt…smirk…

      Keep up the momentum G…

      Corruptions stop progress of humanity…

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      So that guy had dinner with the "What's in it for us payme's"? Hmmmm what has he got to offer them?
      What's with Sarah's mouth? She makes all these weird movements with her mouth.
      I guess her drug use is catching up to her, meth and all, put down the crack pipe!

    3. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Dear Rusty,
      There are lots of words that come to mind when I think of Todd Palin but stud is not one of them. And you should go on a serious diet. You make Limbaugh or Huckabee look absolutely svelte!

    4. Anonymous12:13 AM

      fukin' skank's full blown certifiably insane ..

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I don't know what Palin is on, whether it's coke or diet pills, booze or all of "em any of"em but she is high. Look at her, messing with her hair, rubbing her nose and what is it with her mouth? her eyes alone say she is either a nut case or a druggie, seriously she has a problem.

    Any drug counselors out there? my guess is coke. No wonder she begs for money all the time.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Any drug counselors out there? my guess is coke. No wonder she begs for money all the time.
      used to have a friend who did a lot of coke and he called it "the bite"
      She sure has some uncontrollable movements going on with her mouth.
      We know she does meth or coke remember the blind item from Dec 2013?
      "December 9, 2013

      This former A list politician/reality star could barely sit still at a recent book signing. So much twitching and that runny nose was out of control. What the world would love is a photo of her using coke. I dare say it would be worth millions.

      Sarah Palin"
      There ya go in black and white! :) :) :)

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Bristol already made a comment that she can't control her face. As is well known, that is not all she can't control.

      Stay off the dope and if not too late you can come out of it a little better.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Omg, narcotic itches and cocaine sniffles. And yes indeedy, Todd failed to hide. Good thing responsible Bristol is holding down the fort for Piper, Triggy-bear, Tripp and assorted nieces, not to mention the menagerie of pets. Thanks, B, you're a champ.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      And who exactly was going to fill in had Bristol stayed in KY as Mrs. Meyers? I guess God's plan IS perfect.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      I heard Palin financed that movie that sparked global reactions and led to the murder of the Bengazi ordeal…so who is she focking now to keep her freedom…I mean you can only be tossed around for so long…then them boys want “new meat” and my guess is Pimping Palin sends that new meat…

    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      I thought someone said Jordan, piper and trig were in Arizona.

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Anonymous3:14 PM

      I heard Palin financed that movie that sparked
      Do you have a link? I was sure it was the Romney campaign. Thanks.

    5. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Like Sarah Palin would finance anything that wasn't about her? Not happening.

    6. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Pamela Geller and her crew (big shots that support Israel, Sheldon Adelson? and more) supported the movie. I would not be surprised if Romney paid in too, he is really impressed with Bibi Netanyahu's 'operatives' (h/t 47% secret taping).


    7. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Anonymous5:02 PM Dowl Romney met with Gellar almost a month before the movie came out. I kept waiting for "Oct surprise" and it to land smack in his campaign. Funny how all the GOP'r ignore the vid but scream Benghazi, benGhazi!!!
      Pam gellar is a hateful little troll I would love to see what Isis would do to her. It wouldn't be pretty.
      Why isn't she in jail for the Benghazi movie?

    8. Anonymous11:33 PM

      This creep says he hates the media...he is part of the media. That tells me all I need to know.

  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    "Video can't be played"

    1. That's weird it plays fine for me.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      It started working a few minutes later.

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      That will be a bump in the road compared to the line of questions coming in the federal courts…heard McCain already tried to shut it down and met up with slugger Joe Biden who said “ain’t happening John Boy” with a BIG smile…lol…wish I could of seen that…

    4. Anonymous8:07 AM

      If it doesn't work for you here, go to the guy's facebook page.Works there too.

  5. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Dayam! Sal looks near death! Look at the bones in her upper chest! Nice crooked mouth, tongues in her cheek moment. WTF is up with her doing that all the time?

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      At first glimpse, I thought it was someone trying to impersonate Sarah Palin. But then I saw Todd and knew that it was indeed her. The poor thing is just skin, bones, and a tongue.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      "Todd is such a stud" tells me in the interviewer was incapable of assessing people qualities. Sarah Palin would set off warning alarms in anyone with a shred of sense to detect a drug abuser.

    3. Anonymous3:31 AM

      The PayMe's can not be interviewed at their house, because it is too difficult to keep Bristles and all her children hidden. Isn't that Arizona house where all the childbirth action takes place? Then the babies are left there with someone to raise them. Any reporter seeing Bristles would ask when she is due, because she looks ready to pop. Once the baby is born, then the parade of DNA suspects will be sought. There are some anxious dudes praying to be cleared in this mess. We know Briistles is "slow" but is she bi-polar like Momma also, too?

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    What's really telling about her thinness is that the head of the humerus is well-defined. You shouldn't be able to see that. Also the deep cavity behind her collar bones only comes with extreme weight loss. Licking the lips makes one think of meth user. Also, she always seems to be cleaning food out of her teeth with her tongue. What's up with that?

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      For those of us who didn't take anatomy, humerus is the bone between elbow and shoulder ... I may be under-educated in some areas, but I know how to use Google.

      "The humerus is the long bone in the upper arm. It is located between the elbow joint and the shoulder. At the elbow, it connects primarily to the ulna, as the forearm's radial bone connects to the wrist. At the shoulder, the humerus connects to the frame of the body via the glenoid fossa of the scapula."

      Humerus Bone Anatomy, Diagram & Diagram | Body Maps

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Those tongue movements are common among meth addicts.

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      3:21 PM

      Yes. Even if they were able to get her off meth and give her medication, not all the ticks go away. There is a point of no return. No matter if they can fix her up for an appearance here and there, she is going down.

    4. From C4P:

      "Pete Petretich carolhaka • an hour ago
      I think a lot of women are VERY impressed with the way she controls her weight. This doesn't get talked about much, but her physical thin-ness is a great political strength...

      StandProudNow Pete Petretich • 30 minutes ago
      And undoubtedly, a source of much hatred :)

      Pete Petretich StandProudNow • 14 minutes ago
      There's also the factor of married women who don't want their husbands taking a sudden interest in Presidential politics b/c there's a hottie on the ticket."

    5. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Sarah Palin's weight was fine in 2008-2010. Fast forward to 2015 she looks downright skeletal.

    6. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Pete is getting more and more loony. I notice a lot of pee-ers ignore him or are nasty to him. He probably deserves it.

    7. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Funny, Sarah Palin was on the ticket a few years ago when she was young and pretty and America just pointed and laughed at her. My husband wouldn't recognize either the Sarah Palin of 2008 or the shriveled up old hag of 2015.

      It's easy to see why no girl on would ever marry Pete.

      I'm certain that no man would marry him either.

  7. Anonymous2:36 PM

    The Rusty Humphries July 31 facebook post about dinner date is a hoot!

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Saw that! LOL! He's quite the BS'er!

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      If they are the most intelligent people he has ever met, then I feel sorry for him!

    3. Anonymous2:04 AM

      That statement could be true. Would any REALLY intelligent people be interviewed by HIM? Chubby little nobody. He is the "Sarah Palin" of the interviewers. Taahhd and $carah got conned by another con artist!!

  8. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Definitely wonder if she was high as a kite in that clip

  9. Anonymous2:43 PM

    OMG She is definitely on something! She looks like hell and whatever she was doing with her mouth was just weird.

  10. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I wonder why the Palins would choose to stay in Scottsdale in July at 100+ everyday? Those who have another home leave for the summer.

    Is she working on her prayer book?
    Or doing green screens for the Sportsman Channel?

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Are you sure Bristol is in Alaska? The others have been in Arizona for awhile. I think Tripp has been with the Johnstons some and other relatives.

      Where is Trig?

      I suppose the Monday video will answer questions... lol

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      First of all I don't think she has any body fat left on her, so she is probable cold all time, also drug addicts are always cold so 100 probable feels like 70 to her.
      Guess she will be working on using up all the fat around her organs next-then it is bye bye Sarah. I don't think they can stretch her face anymore anyways.

      I have dial up, therefore the video is in slow motion, you could really see all the "facial tics" and her eyes were definitely blood shot and maybe dilated pupils.

      What was toad doing hiding behind the guy, taking down his license plate number and other vital statistics for future blackmail? Doing a quick background check to see what the guy is worth?

    3. Anonymous4:05 PM

      This was tripps weekend with Levi. I believe Sunday is when he goes back home

    4. Olivia4:55 PM

      No matter how hard she tries, Sarah Palin is never in the right place at the appropriate time. She is trying so hard to be like all the cool kids but just can't get the hang of it. She never has the right clothing and just can't manage to fit in. Remember Belmont?

    5. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Was Toad trying to hide out in Scottsdale?

    6. Anonymous7:54 PM

      >>First of all I don't think she has any body fat left on her, so she is probable cold all time

      And yet, there she was in a skimpy tank top in an air conditioned mall with no sweater, so while your body fat wasn't on display in this little video, though what you said made sense and reflects what I've been taught about how the body works.

  11. Anonymous2:48 PM

    OMG! "Sal" is in 'big time, full time' trouble what with the tongue snaking out the side of her mouth, the twitches and nose problems. And the collar bones! Wow.

    I'm with Anonymous 2:24 PM, any drug counselors on here who can or will weigh in with what she's on?

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      What the hell is she on???!!!! And she's a bag of bones. Looks 10'yrs older than she is

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      At c4p, they think she's so hot that women will get their husbands to avoid Presidential politics so they won't get the hots for Sarah Palin.
      C4p is always great for a laugh.

    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Only Carol at c4p sees the danger of her appearance. So, when she dies from an overdose or from the effects of anorexia, she can say I told you so!

  12. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Did you forget to say 'Shit Face drunk being interviewed on an escalator, in Arizona, by some dude?'

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Oh I think it's way more than booze.

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      No straight man nor many gay men refer to another man as a stud. They just don't do it unless they are makng fun of him. What in the world happened at dinner mister interview in a mall man?

    3. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Actually, once I personally heard one gay man referring to another gay man as a "stud" as well as a "stallion". So maybe there is something about this Rusty character that perhaps he's not telling his listeners or his wife. Who knows? It's a weird remark but maybe he was bowled over by Todd's stories of all his hunting exploits.

  13. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Great to see Palin was allowed out of rehab to go to the mall.

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      This rusty guy is one helluva bullshitter. And Sarah & Todd are eating it right up.

  14. Jim in Texas3:01 PM

    "Todd is such a stud and great guy."

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Allow me to add a Bwahahahahahahahhahaahaha!

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      "Todd is such a stud" cracked me up too. In all my days on earth, I have never, ever heard one man describe another man is being "such a stud".

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Conservative Republicans do it all the time. Ask Lindsey Graham.

    4. Anonymous4:56 PM

      It must be Todd's voice. It is so studly.

    5. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Only sarcastically, 3:55. But it sounds like this guy really meant it.

      Or maybe that's what Sarah told the guy to call Todd.

    6. Anonymous9:05 PM

      No man who tops out at about 5'2" could in any way be called a 'stud'.

      Not to mention one who sounds like Minny Mouse.

      But consider the source ... if he thinks Palin is smart, then what he is saying is she is smarter than him. LOL!

  15. Anonymous3:14 PM

    So the Palins invited Humphries to dinner to interview the attention-starved Sarah for some good media coverage. Was Humphries expecting them to be rude and mean? Is he too stupid to understand 'charming' and 'nice' can be mutually exclusive qualities, especially for politicians?

  16. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Todd is "such a stud"?

    Oh yeah, that's certainly the most important of the criteria with which I judge competent public servants and their mates.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Toad is not a stud. Shailey has shown him to clearly be a sexual predator and a bully. He is trying to make up for his lack of "studness."

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Such a stud?hahaha! that was just a roll of dimes in his pocket.

    3. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Try half a roll of dimes. Todd is envious of Curt Menard, Glen Rice, Brad Hanson, Joe Schmidt, and 1/2 of the Mugshot Saloon.

  17. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Chuck Heath at it again are ya old man? May be your dick should not have jumped out of your pants with Sally’s sister? That intel will be entered into court and Levi will be summoned to court as well to testify…
    So panic, freak out and go cry to your Idaho Aryan Nation buddies… you know they ones that hung the Nam vet…head tilt…grin…

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM


    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      What the fuck are YOU on, 3:17? You're certainly not hooked on phonics, that's for sure.

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Hooked on phonics- what a hoot! Haven't heard that in what, 45 years?

    4. Balzafiar5:54 PM

      @5:05 -- That's someone who sometimes uses the name "The Kid". Hangs around various places and posts stuff that's pretty much nonsense, trying to get rumors started. Just ignore it.

    5. Anonymous7:53 PM

      505, that was the laugh of the day. Thanks.

    6. Cracklin Charlie8:08 PM

      Why does it matter if Chuck slept with Sally's sister? Why would Levi need to testify in connection with such intel? Was that criminal behavior?

  18. Anonymous3:17 PM

    OK McCain. Sarh is in your neck of the woods. Time to have a "talk" with Sarah and the Toad in your attorneys' office. You know all their dirt by now. Just give the green light on Todd's prostitution ring and Sarah's fake birth of Trig. The truth will do much, McCain, to recoop some of y our gravitas, and the truth will set you free. She turned rogue on you; you can turn maverick on her. Tits for tats.

  19. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Most sociopaths and con artists are very charming when they want to be, no surprise there.

    Did he mention how much he is donating to SarahPAC in exchange for the interview?

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      No one needs to bribe Palin for an interview. She's desperate. It's the Palins who bribed Humphries with the promise of exposure to Sarah's 5 facebook and twitter followers.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      There's a woman who lives in Michigan now who lived near Sarah and Todd in the early 00s. She saw them frequently and has no ill words of which to speak. That said remember there are no humans who are friends with everyone. Especially when high profile caterers take off and people feel left behind. Famous people maintain their oldest friendships and Sarah's no different. It's unfair to make a claim that people have no friends. its not a topic that appropriate for public discussion since no blogger knows a random persons friends or thoughts.

      Why any of this is of interest is beyond me. Gryohen knows the Palins friends are frequently at their house because it's no inviting and open. What's the point in lying when the lies don't change the truth?

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM

      4:11, Are you writing in Palinese? Wtf???

    4. Anonymous4:39 PM

      4:11 -- spelling, punctuation, and logic are your friends. Use them.

    5. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Yep, Sarah's obviously d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-e for a little publicity. How many people did she invite to eat with her before this guy said yes? Most Arizonans have zero interest in her, especially the ones in the area where her multi-million dollar mansion is located.

    6. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Oh, Alicia! Hubby tells me yes we CAN go to Florida for a winter break this year. I'll be sure and stop by with the sheriff, maybe I'll even bring a reporter.

      Your parents share equal blame for knowingly enabling their mentally ill daughter's years of harassment of innocent people. They should both be sued. How would that be, a big gotcha class action against your parents for all of your evil stalking over the years?

      And you should be locked up.

    7. Anonymous7:27 PM

      4:11 Ha Ha, they also say the Mafia makes the best neighbors.

    8. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Don't mind Alicia. She's got a spread sheet on her computer that lays out every the comment the Palins have made and every comment made about the Palins. She's a poor, pathetic thing.

      Alicia is most likely on a watch list (as many "#1 fans" are), so the Palin home certainly wouldn't be inviting or open.

    9. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Alicia Delain Mangelsdorf/4:11 When was the last time that you were invited to visit the Palins? You have never been to Alaska.

    10. Anonymous9:11 PM

      "Especially when high profile caterers take off and people feel left behind."


      So poor lil' Sarah Lou had her widdle feelings hurt when her CATERER quit?

  20. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Just a few million votes and one heart attack .... and that creature on the escalator would have had her finger on the nuclear launch button.


    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      +1,00,00,000. May they rot.

  21. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Sociopaths and psychopaths are notorious for their 'charm' and manipulation when they want something. This guy got completely snookered. They put on a show for him and he bought it hook, line and sinker.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Anonymous3:27 PM

      Sociopaths and psychopaths are notorious for their 'charm' and manipulation when they want something
      NPD's also,too!

  22. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Sarah must have gone to the mall to shop for wigs.....

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Settles the question about what she looks like without her wigs!

  23. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I hope the guy took them to Hot Dog On A Stick for dinner.That's all they're worth.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Chick-fil-a and a big gulp!

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Or pizza on a paper plate with plastic utensils, just as Donald Trump treated her in '11.

      Remember four years ago when she was pretending to consider running for President? Hanging out in an
      Arizona mall in August should, finally, signal to c4p that she's done with all that, forever.

      That people think she looks like Tina Fey is a joke. Fey is lovely, has an animated face, a smile, and you can see the intelligence shine through. Sarah looks like a tired old dog.

    3. Anonymous6:35 AM

      She used to resemble Tina Fey now she looks like Tina Fey's great grandmother on crack.

  24. "Blah, blah, blah, blah Todd is such a stud...Blah, blah, blah, blah.

    Wait, what?

    All righty then.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Todd is a stud, what kind of man says that about another man unless they're teasingly saying it about a young male relative or their male dog? That's just creepy plus my toy poodle is more studly than todd.

  25. Anonymous3:55 PM

    So Rusty Humphries is some AZ bot who arranged with "Sal" to show up at the mall and be filmed....and then had a, what would you bet, Olive Garden dinner with, gosh, just the three of them. He fell in love all over again with the hockey mom.

    Her mouth, her eyes, her skin-and-bones all show that this is not a normal person. She's on something, and it's not food.

    Anyone who would think that she's charming should go back to charm school. She's vamping for the camera like the rank amateur that she is.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Seems strange to me that the Palin's wouldn't have invited him to their Scottsdale home for a home cooked meal. I am sure they sell hotdogs in AZ for Sarah to try to slice and stuff with processed cheese like she did for Greta in AK.

    2. Anonymous6:41 AM

      For dessert she could have baked her "homemade" cinnabons. You know the recipe where she throws pecans, sugar and cinnamon in a frying pan and burns it as the topping. For some reason I think the dolt forgot a very important ingredient for the "sticky" topping.

  26. This interview is worthless.

    Sarah Palin is a psychopath. What most folks don't understand is that most psychopaths are NOT disheveled old guys with straggly beards who stand on the street corner, talking to the lamppost.

    Most psychopaths are articulate and charming. When a psychopath interacts with an interviewer, a counselor, or a therapist, the psychopath tells the interviewer what they want to hear. That's EXACTLY what goes on in this interview.

    Did the interviewer ask Sarah about:
    -- 90,000 dead black babies?
    -- Bristol's bastard children?
    -- The Dakota Meyer engagement fiasco?
    -- The collapse of Sarah Palin Channel?
    -- The coming bankruptcy of SarahPAC?

    Of course not. The interviewer asked softball questions and clearly was in awe of The Great One.

  27. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Check out the number of "devotionals" books already on sale.
    Then check, when Sarah's book comes out, how many of them she's copied or plagiarized. You know nothing in her "book" will be original, because she hasn't a thought in her head.

  28. I am pretty sure you could find a number of people who met Ted Bundy or Jeffery Dahmer once who thought they were really nice guys.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM


    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Ann Rule! (rip)

      "The Stranger Beside Me"

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Spot on. This guy needs to amp up his asshole detector. But, considering his resume, I’m just not into him.

    4. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Anonymous4:40 PM

      Ann Rule! (rip)

      "The Stranger Beside Me"
      WHAT??? Ann RULE is GONE????? WHEN? How? She was such a awesome investigative forensic writer! I am really sad to hear this.

    5. Anonymous8:18 PM

      A few people thought Ted Bundy was a nice guy...and then he killed them.

    6. Anonymous6:44 AM

      5:35, she passed last week she had been in poor health for some time. There were recent issues with one or more of her kids trying to coerce her out of her money. So sad.

  29. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Rusty Humphries

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Ralph Edward "Rusty" Humphries (born August 29, 1965) is an American podcaster, conservative political commentator, and songwriter. He hosts the Rusty Humphries Rebellion podcast for The Washington Times.
      that explains everything!!!

  30. Anonymous4:14 PM

    G-dawg, any insight into the new book about secrets from th White House? I hear there's more juicy shit on Hillary and the poor way she treats people around her. Isn't that up your alley to report on since she's running for office? Is there a reason you ignore stories about democrats?

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      You are on the wrong site, idiot. You should taken a right at Albuquerque.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Democrats (536) is how many tags there are to do with Democrats. Take your concern trolling and shove it up your sorry ass. You keep posting some book you obviously want to bring attention to with these vague innuendos, making you a dickwad.

    3. Anonymous8:17 PM

      That book is a year old and here's a link for you:

      The weird inaccuracies in Ronald Kessler's new book on the Secret Service

    4. Anonymous8:22 PM

      4:14 PM Is stalking Gryphen. Must be a Palinbot. How is your idol, Sarah Palin and her 4 and a half bastard grandkids? Does Bristol Palin know any of the Daddies, or does she guess where and when? Will any of those kids ever know who their Daddies are and their exact birthdates?

    5. Anonymous6:46 AM

      4:14 try to stay on topic you addle-brained idiot. Did you get lost on the way to that dead dope addict, breitbart's site?

  31. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Isn't it a little late for Sarah to be a full-time Mom? Her kids are hoodlums - all of them. I don't consider Trig her child, and she doesn't either. Piper diaper is the only one left. Will Sarah now mold Piper into her new MiniME? Why is Todd trying to hide in the video clip?

  32. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Piper and Bristol do call their parents the funniest people.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Yeah, they are the funniest excuse for parents!

  33. angela4:15 PM

    Did he really call Todd a stud?

    Ok, let me step away while I throw up in my mouth. Well, its easy to question anything he has to say.

  34. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Here's his Twitter account. He's really into himself. lol

  35. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Humphries is a very part time fart bag blogger with the ultra conservative Washington Times.

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Ralph Edward "Rusty" Humphries (born August 29, 1965) is an American podcaster, conservative political commentator, and songwriter. He hosts the Rusty Humphries Rebellion podcast for The Washington Times. At its peak, Humphries' former nationally syndicated radio show, The Rusty Humphries Show, aired on over 250 stations through Talk Radio Network.

      Humphries has hosted as a substitute radio shows in New York, Dallas, San Diego, Atlanta, and Fort Wayne, Indiana.[citation needed] He has also substituted at radio stations in Chicago, Los Angeles,[1] Seattle, Kansas City,[1] and Portland, Oregon.[2]

      Humphries was named one of "America's 100 Most Important Radio Talk Show Hosts" for 12 years in a row, and he was nominated as "Talk Personality Of The Year" by Radio & Records in 2006.[3] Humphries was inducted into the Nevada Broadcasters Hall of Fame as its youngest inductee ever.[3] He was ranked number 14 in the Talkers Magazine "Heavy Hundred" for 2013.[4] After leaving terrestrial broadcasting, he was not ranked in 2014 or 2015.

      After his two "Rusty Humphries' Salute to the American Veterans" concerts drew a sold out crowd on Veterans Day in 1999 and 2000, Humphries was named "Reno's #1 local entertainer."[2]

      In addition to his national program, Humphries simultaneously hosted a local show in Atlanta on WGST for 2011 and 2012.[5]

      Humphries has produced five musical albums, including Bomb Iraq: Rusty Humphries Takes On the Terrorists, and Greeting From America: Wish You Were Here, a compilation album made for American troops serving in Iraq.[citation needed]

      After his syndicated radio program was ended by Talk Radio Network, Humphries has shifted to podcasting as the host of the Rusty Humphries Rebellion for The Washington Times. Episodes are made available through their website and iTunes.

  36. Anonymous4:30 PM

    A guy calls another guy a 'stud'? Jesus H. Christ!!! Todd Palin is hardly a stud - he's has a tiny dick that is reported to be two-toned in color.

    "That" and he hardly fit the 'stud' definition for an Alaskan male! We'd laugh him off the stage up here! Plus, he has a voice like a girl and couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag!

  37. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Rusty Humphries [ there is a dirty joke here somewhere] is a conservative radio jock who never went to college and has released 5 musical albums with titles such as Bomb Iraq, Rusty Humphries Takes On The Terrorists and Greetings From America: Wish You Were Here, made for American troops in Iraq.

    He was arrested on January 15th 1991 trying to smuggle a fake knife, a gun and hand grenades into the DFW airport as a publicity stunt.Sarah's kind of guy, a real idiot and cheaper version of Rush Limbaugh.

  38. Well yeah, she looks horrible, decidedly worse than the O'Reilly appearance less than a week ago. But there was more notice for that and time to disguise the weight loss.

    But, imagine being told, "Mom, the baby might not be white..." and you'd need plenty of numbing drugs too. What's it been, a month, and clearly she still doesn't want to publicly acknowledge things?

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      "Mom, the baby might not be white..." but he could grow up to be President, like Barack Obama!

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      In your dreams 5:16.

    3. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Make that SHE could grow up...

    4. Anonymous6:51 AM

      I'd say her future will probably look more like Bobbi Kristina's than the presidents.

  39. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The video wouldn't play for me but I clicked on his name and that took me to his Facebook, where it did play. I wasn't logged into Facebook.

  40. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Nothing says washed up like giving a MALL interview...
    Wow! How the briefly mighty have fallen. And I thought Mario Lopez was a low point!

  41. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "TRN Yanks Rusty Humphries For Talking Woes
    Only five minutes into his show Monday, Talk Radio Network yanked Rusty Humphries off the air and substituted a previously recorded show from the host after he began to explain the troubling times facing the talk radio industry, according to InsideRadio. "

    " A frustrated-sounding Humphries says he hadn’t mentioned Talk Radio Network by name and had no intentions of making malicious comments about the struggling network.

    Rather, Humphries says he wanted to explain to listeners how advertiser do-not-buy lists are hurting talk radio.

    “I was just talking about difficulties in talk radio, with the attacks by liberal groups on advertisers and radio stations, in a way that I thought was going it be positive for TRN but I didn’t get a chance to get there,” Humphries tells InsideRadio. "


    Flush Rush burned this assole too!

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Fucking trouble maker just like sarah, always trying to stir up shit to bring attention on themselves.

  42. Anonymous4:49 PM

    You can see the video on Humphries Facebook. The thing that struck me is what a mess Sarah's face is. She literally swallows her lips. She can't feel her face. She is pure manic. And, her bones show. She's a mess. Of course she and Todd put on a great show, taking that guy to dinner. Look at the size of him. Food is his friend, and the Palins yucked it up to make up for a clumsy interview. Clumsy? Who interviews someone come up an escalator in a mall?

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      What are the odds that a right-wing Palin fan-boy would just happen to have his equipment ready when a very elusive palin just happens to be riding up on the same escalator. And then, why would they be giving each other stage direction at the bottom before they climb aboard the moving sidewalk. I'm just to go with poorly staged photo-op that like everything else with this nasty hag simply fails.

  43. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Rusty is a big ole repug and is tied to the Washington Times, a site that is a go to for the pond scum at c4p.

  44. Olivia4:49 PM

    Humble and down to earth is fanboy talk for what the rest of us recognize as stupid and narcissistic

  45. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Humphries is some Todd Starnes type tea party radio host.
    When his late wife died there was some commotion because the police thought he was involved in her death.
    He remarried not long after.
    Trump threw Palin under the bus today on ABC's This Week.
    Jonathan Karl asked Trump about Palin as his VP.
    Apparently Trump didn't care for her slobbering FB.
    Two takeaways.
    Trump doesn't think Palin is " terrific " and he dismisses her as VP material.
    Not that he's presidential material.
    And Trump speaks in the same kind of incoherent world salad that Palin does.

    KARL: Running mate: Sarah Palin said some very nice things about you,you've
    said some nice things about her. Will you consider her as a possible
    running mate?

    TRUMP: Well, I don't think she'd want to, because at
    the -- the answer is -- you know, I like Sarah Palin a lot. I think
    Sarah Palin has got the very unfair press. I think the press has treated
    her very unfairly
    .But I would pick somebody that would be a terrific --
    you know, you have to view it as really who would be a good president
    in case something happened. But I would -- there are many, many people
    out there that I think would be very good.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM


      But I would pick somebody that would be a terrific --
      you know, you have to view it as really who would be a good president

      Rather than

      But I would not pick somebody that would be a quitter--
      you know, you have to view it as really who would be a good president and not quit when the shit hit the fan (or she when got caught with dirty money and was about to be impeached...another Troopergate..and they were already found to be in contempt the first time...and so Ohio Dan

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      I couldn't stop laughing! Trump wouldn't even consider her for his running mate. In the next couple of days, Sarah might want to try sucking up to Ted Cruz...again.

    3. Anonymous8:39 PM

      When his late wife died there was some commotion because the police thought he was involved in her death.
      Now THAT is interesting. Maybe there WAS a reason for "What's in it for me" Todd?

  46. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Yes I am sure based on one dinner that this guy is now qualified to refute ever critical thing ever written or said about these two people.
    He deduced that Todd is a stud. I wonder what it was that made him think that? Probably the same "loser sense" that told him Sarah was "cool"


    1. Anonymous10:34 PM

      If Rusty thinks that Todd is a stud, could Rusty be gay? As Jerry Seinfeld said,"Not that there's anything wrong with it."

  47. Anonymous5:16 PM

    What an idiot! He’s just like every other mouth breather I’ve met who thinks Sarah Palin is a "breath of fresh air." They usually are absolutely devoid of critical thinking skills and Sarah Palin’s prattle reminds them of their crazy grandma who after a few beers goes off on aliens and the plains of Nazca and is a fundie racist. As to Sarah being aware of every significant political issue? Yeah, according to her BFF Glenn Beck and her newest Koch, er, John Birch Society newsletter. Can you say “echo chamber”?

  48. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Well, color me surprised. This is the first time I've ever felt sorry for Sarah Palin. This is lower than she's ever scraped. A mall interview with a fake-budget Rush? The banter was cringeworthy, she looks horrible, he's a middle aged man who says "like" between every word, and...oh gosh Sarah, no. Just no/

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Au contraire!

      Go right ahead Sarah and do like Barstool would- HIT IT!

  49. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sunday, August 02, 2015

    Sarah Palin being interviewed on an escalator, in Arizona, by some dude. Update!
    - Immoral Minority

    Is Rusty Humphries some dude off the streets interviewing Sarah Palin on a escalator?

    Says Obama's Birth Certificate is Fair Game!" on YouTube

    If you google Rusty Humphries and Sarah Palin you would think Rusty has the hots for Sarah Palin.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:48 PM

      Didn't Gryphen just post an hilarious video of Trump and Mrs. Trump on an escalator?

      And then, like magic, some dude Rusty just happens to run into Sarah and Todd somewhere on an escalator, with a camera, cameraman, and microphone for a spontaneous interview, and a face book post about how great she is?

      And we thought she only copied other women politicians. Might want to look for Rusty's name on SarahPAC filings in the next reporting period.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Rusty Humphries Videos

  50. I'm not remotely interested in listening to Sarah, but I am wondering: who paid for dinner? Because I'm betting Todd and Sarah didn't!

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Could they have been trying to get the video from him? Possibly Todd realized how bad she is looking. He might take someone to dinner. Not that he would pay.

    2. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Since $he was 'interviewed', her PAC probably paid for it...

    3. Anonymous10:33 PM

      Since Rusty is supposed to live in the Phoenix area, do you think that Palin contacted him to set up the "surprise" interview? She doesn't have her SPC any more and maybe she is looking for other ways to get notice.

    4. abbafan4:34 AM

      Ivyfree - the dumb slob fell for the schtick, so it is a safe bet he picked up the tab! Remember the grifters' mantra, "what's in it for us"??

    5. Anonymous7:01 AM

      10:33, pretty good guess. I doubt he was hanging around the mall in AZ with his video equipment on the off chance that Cindy McCain, Jan Brewer or sarah would just happen to be there.

  51. I've thought for some time that Sarah Palin is showing signs of tardive dyskinesia. It's frequently seen as a side effect of being treated with certain psychiatric drugs, usually anti-psychotics.

    If you think back to the reports in Game Change of her mental status, reports that she was curled in a fetal position on a bathroom floor, other reports that she was practically catatonic, I think it's possible she was treated with some powerful drugs.

    I'm not being sarcastic or trying to be funny, I am not an expert by any means but I have seen this type of neurological disorder. It includes grimacing, chewing motions, tongue thrusting, blinking, sometimes vocal oddities, etc. I really believe this could have something to do with Sarah's tics.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Interesting take.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Tardive dyskinesia

      Tardive dyskinesia is a disorder that involves involuntary movements. Most commonly, the movements affect the lower face. Tardive means delayed and dyskinesia means abnormal movement.

      Tardive dyskinesia is a serious side effect that occurs when you take medications called neuroleptics. Most often, it occurs when you take the medication for many months or years. In some cases, it occurs after you take them for as little as 6 weeks.

      The drugs that most commonly cause this disorder are older antipsychotic drugs, including:


      Other drugs, similar to these antipsychotic drugs, that can cause tardive dyskinesia include:


      Newer antipsychotic drugs seem less likely to cause tardive dyskinesia, but they are not entirely without risk.

      Symptoms of tardive dyskinesia may include:

      Facial grimacing
      Finger movement
      Jaw swinging
      Repetitive chewing
      Tongue thrusting


      When the drug is stopped early enough, the movements may stop.

      Medications to reduce the severity of the movements may also help. Botulinum toxin (Botox) injections may be effective.
      Outlook (Prognosis)

      If diagnosed early, the condition may be reversed by stopping the drug that caused the symptoms. Even if the drug is stopped, the involuntary movements may become permanent, and in some cases, may become worse.

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      So that means she's having side effects from long term treatment of an extreme mental disorder.

      >>Tardive dyskinesia is a serious side effect that occurs when you take medications called neuroleptics.

      Antipsychotics (also known as neuroleptics or major tranquilizers)[1] are a class of psychiatric medication primarily used to manage psychosis (including delusions, hallucinations, or disordered thought), in particular in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

      I've suspected for a long that she was bipolar and suffered from some form of psychosis. Connect the dots. Barbara, I believe you absolutely nailed it.

    4. Anonymous7:39 PM

      I have a relative that is so anxiety riddled, low self esteem and yet a huge ego. She acts just like sarah, though I doubt she knows who she is. Even a similar neck rash when she's nervous. Same nervous inflections and face contortions, mostly because she knows she's faking it.

      I think old sarah knows she's out of her league but wants to be in the "cool crowd" so bad. She's terrified anybody might find out.

    5. Anonymous9:39 PM

      I agree 5:45. It is shocking how people seemed to gloss over the breakdown Palin experienced during the campaign. She strikes me as bi-polar tendencies as were described by Bailey — Todd Palin calling ahead to her co-workers and letting them know her state of mind on any day ... Very telling. Her grimaces are particularly interesting. McCain must have been truly concerned she would blow up and become even more a liability than she was. It all makes sense. She seems shallow, flip and has the persona of a 10th grade cheerleader when one meets her. This man clearly knows very little about Palin. Just try talking to us in Alaska, we know her and we turn away.

    6. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Sarah's shirt tail cousin told many of us before the campaign that $arah was being treated for Bi-Polar.

    7. It's something I've been thinking for quite awhile watching her on television or on blogs. I found it helpful to turn the sound off and concentrate on her movements, and not be distracted by her word salad. You start to see repetitive movements, there's a grimace she makes with a sort of slow blink coupled with a weird mouth stretching. Then there's a tongue motion that looks like she's trying to dislodge either food particles or chewing tobacco, there's also lip chewing, lip licking, etc.

      I think she was a hairs breadth away from a psychotic break during the 2008 campaign. I think a doctor with the campaign prescribed a major tranquilizer and I think were seeing the effects today.

    8. Anonymous10:31 PM

      What's a shirt tail cousin?

      I agree that Sarah is probably bipolar. Most of the time we see the manic side. There must be times when Sarah realizes that she is so out of her league that it overwhelms her and she crashes.

      I also saw on-line comments that Sarah took Adderall for ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Sarah certainly has a learning disability because she does not process information. She heard a lecture about Paul Revere and five minutes later, she couldn't remember the story. She can read people but she cannot read for information.

      Adderall is speed, which has a calming effect for ADHD folks and helps them concentrate. Evidence for its use was Sarah's dry mouth. She was always licking her lips. (Unless she was teasing the men in the crowd). She probably abuses it, making her more hyper than normal.

      I agree with the comment that Sarah seem shallow, flip and operates at a 10th grade level. That's also probably due to ADHD. Sarah cannot process information. She needed note cards for her debate for the governors race in Alaska. She needed note cards for her interview with Couric. Sarah cannot finish a sentence without wandering off in different directions. Her speeches are a jumble, even with the text written out for her. To show how sick she is, someone from her family has to accompany her when she travels.

    9. Anonymous3:50 AM

      No. It is not tardive dyskinesia. Just youtube what that disorder looks like. This ain't it.
      She just is very affected in her mannerisms and on street drugs. Trust me.
      Been a nurse for 30 years

    10. Anonymous7:13 AM

      3:50, thank you for pointing out that whatever dumbfuck Palin has it is not tardive dyskinesia.

    11. Anonymous7:15 AM

      The bottom line is that she NEVER should have been allowed to run for any political office without a full psychological evaluation that included a list of the antipsychotic drugs she was on. That rinky-dink, bullshit letter from that incompetent ob/gyn quack should have resulted in her license to practice medicine being yanked.
      That's the one who holds as much responsibility as mccain, schimdt and wallace for attempting to allow a psychopath to hold the second highest office in the land. The idiot media is to blame as well, remember Eagleton? Long before the internet but the media did their job in those days. Exposing something like that is in no way smearing anyone it is letting folks know what sort of person holds their future in their hands.

    12. Anonymous8:25 AM

      I agree with nurse 3:50. I've seen a lot of people who did meth, crystal, etc. so much that even when they quit left them with permanent facial tics, mouth movements, etc. just like Sarah shows.

  52. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Someone please send a copy of this video to all the top candidates. The only sure-fire way to make sure they write her off forever.

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Why don't you do it yourself?

  53. Anonymous6:06 PM

    He has the grammar and vocabulary of a twelve year old.

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Most Teabaggers do.

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Maybe he had to feign it to be able to talk to sarah and tawd on their level.

  54. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Hey Sarah, you're a fucking joke!


    PS - We just legalized RU-486...cheers!

  55. Anonymous6:09 PM

    "Sarah is even cooler and more down to earth than you would even hope she would be."

    How does he explain the "down to earth" Belmont Girls?


  56. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Why can't she just speak normally?

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

    Yeah, silly sarah, the "tina fey" similarity died the day after your famous SNL appearance. Now you're a stick figure bobble head with a dead animal stuck to your scalp.
    "She's down to earth and humble" says the idjit hump fries. Maybe from the knees down, but not so much the other direction. She's an uninflated Macy's parade balloon with dry rot and helium from ear to ear.
    Someone shut her up, the bats are crashing to earth because her voice screws up their sonar abilities.

  59. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Well, I looked him up online and Rusty isn't just anybody and I really doubt he happened to cross paths with her. The guy's a conservative writer and commentator. He makes it sounds like he is some regular joe off the street with no real experience in communications. Why can't people just be straight- up anymore. Ugh.

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Conducting an interview on an escalator was stupid. It was a set up. You can see Sarah and Todd mugging for the camera as the video starts. It was a cheaply made video.

    2. Anonymous4:52 AM

      Its a copycat of trump and his blowup doll announcing his bid for pres. on the escalater to Paid supporters.

    3. Anonymous7:18 AM

      I hope tRump sees it and takes offense.

  60. Anonymous7:09 PM

    hmmm? a long list of past friends, workers, relatives and hired help, might disagree.

  61. what a bunch of bullshit. who even writes that way?

    Eau du desperation

  62. Usually I think most of the posts on here are nothing but hate filled rants. I watched the video and Silly Sarah is definitely looking like a meth addict. She would fit right in with the Faces of Meth campaign.

  63. Anonymous8:24 PM

    the upper lip!!!! lol....collagen is so cheap & FAKE! lol

  64. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Poor woman looks like shit. WTH happened to her. The drugs have made a mess out of her & no matter how much Botox or work she gets done, it doesn't seem to help her. In fact she looks all Fuc*d up & Todd looks like a true pimp.

    1. Anonymous12:11 AM

      poor woman my ass !
      think christina taylor green, et al ...

      the crosseyed hunchbacked reptile can't come to her demise soon enough ..

    2. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Stroke,stroke,stroke. And a very slow death.

  65. Anonymous11:38 PM

    From private jets with 100$ speaking fees, bendy straws and all, to painfully obvious "spontaneus" elevator encounters.... wow. Just wow.

    No wonder Todd the Pimp was trying to hide.

  66. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Acting SO presidential Scarah. Sheesh....what a total wreck of a human being you are. You think you are SO cute and SO beautiful. Look in the mirror, you snake. We all know you are half bald and flat as a board. Your suitcase must be full of so many hair pieces and boobs you must worry every time you go through security....oh, that is probably had $arah PAC pay for another private jet.

  67. Anonymous12:09 AM

    haven't read a single comment but it sounds like todd probably sucked rusty's dick .. ? ..

  68. Anonymous6:21 AM

    She's a big full time mother all right...

  69. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Why is everyone always picking on me?

  70. Anonymous8:06 AM


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.