Thursday, August 13, 2015

So true.

You know that's the thing about Donald Trump. He makes everybody else seem much more sane by comparison.

It's like when you stand next to an obese person and suddenly feel thin.

But yes Megyn Kelly was definitely wearing her reasonable journalist disguise during that debate. 


  1. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Hey, Gryphen, I just heard that none other than Jesse Ventura has come out as saying he'd consider being Trump's running mate! Yeah you know Jesse. He's the one that sued Chris Kyle for slander for lying about him. Chris Kyle as you know was shot dead by a fellow soldier but Kyle is one of Sarah's 'heroes' and Sarah even called Ventura a jackass for suing Kyle and 'taking money away from Taya and Chris' children'. Oh, this won't sit well with half-term, half-wit!

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Taya, whose claim to fame is her dead husband, was just named a judge in the Miss America pageant. What, Bristol wasn't available?

    2. Anonymous5:55 AM

      Jesse Ventura has blown his credibility now.

    3. Ellen H7:33 AM

      I cannot stand Taya Kyle. She has two kids that she should be busy raising, not running around trying to extend her 15 minutes. She also strikes me as someone who may be plotting a future in right wing politics but like Palin, is dumb as a post.

  2. Anonymous5:06 AM

    She might have been wearing her reasonable journalist disguise when annoying The Donald, but most of us weren't fooled by that. She's still a shill for Fux News, nothing more, nothing less.

  3. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Kelly is a right-wing insider Republican spokesperson, not a journalist. Trump is an outsider, even though he spouts the same shit they do, and is no more misogynistic than they are, and appeals to the same audience. But Fox cannot allow him to win the nomination, because they know he's not electable in a general election. Hence Megyn Kelly pretending to be a real journalist, when in reality her role was to handicap Trump.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Spot on Anon.@ 5:13! Trump is not electable and not controllable.

  4. Anita Winecooler1:34 PM

    Megyn "the professional journalist" Kelly at her best, ever.

    "Don't make me cut your mic...... Don't make me cut your mic" LOLZ

    Yeah, she had her "good journalist" costume for the debate, but she's a paid shill for Fox News, a "news reader".

    Kelly trying to "control" Sarah Palin in an interview.

    A battle of wits!!!!


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