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"Ya wanna here that story about Trig's birth a gain?" |
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is coming to Utah next month to headline the Pregnancy Resource Center's annual "Banquet for Life" fundraiser.
But just how much the Christian faith-based, nonprofit organization is paying the former Alaska governor for the appearance is not being made public.
"We are very, very limited in what we can say," said Kevin Andrews, the center's board chairman, citing the terms of the contract signed with Palin. "I can't get into it. I can say it was very reasonable given our expectations."
Andrews said the organization is also obligated to pick up "very nominal" expenses for Palin. He said the seven-member board has already covered both her fees and expenses, through donations as well as from their own pockets.
Tickets to see Palin mangle the English language, or in her words "speak American," are going for $100 a pop, $1,500 for a table of ten, or $5000 if they also want to see her play with the food on her plate.
It would only be a guess as to how much these idiots are paying Palin, but I would not at all be surprised that based on her dwindling popularity they found themselves losing more money than they bring in.
Which considering the fact that this is yet another one of those organizations that lie about birth control causing cancer, and prophylactics failing 50% of the time, is probably not a bad thing.
As I said in an earlier post these appearances are Palin's last refuge. And even though WE may know that the Trig birth story is full of holes, and that she is an absent parental figure in his life, these people will not be swayed by facts.
This is how the hoard chairman describes the event:
"We are stepping up in faith with this event because we believe there is an extreme need in this valley and this state for the services we provide," Andrews said, describing his organization as a "life-affirming" ministry for pregnant women and their families.
Yeah when somebody says they are "stepping up in faith," you can be sure that the critical thinking skills were left at home.
They will never learn. They are blind.
ReplyDeleteSo sad and so true.
DeleteNo one's given her a penny yet. I predict a sorry turnout.
DeleteWow! Great pic Gryph! She looks truly, RILLY DEMENTED in that pic, and a clown also,too!
DeleteWe should all write letters/posts to the Utah Center and make them aware that $arah has not donated one penny or her money or one minute of her time to DS or pregnancy causes. ... How Trig gets no special care or teaching, how he was unable to even eat a Cheerio last year, according to $kank's own words ... how he can't speak --- SO much negligence with that poor child. Someday the truth will out!
DeleteIf they pay that idiot 2cents it's way too much.
ReplyDeleteSarah will get part of the gate. If no one shows up, she gets diddly. Expect to see ticket prices deeply discounted.
DeleteOk lets go to this event in Utah. Who lives near this venue ?
ReplyDeleteAny reason for Sarah to avoid caring for trig in any wy shape or form is a good enough excuse for her to avoid going to Alaaaaaska.
ReplyDeleteBTW Alaska, down here in the lower 48 we have littering laws, come down and pick up your trash.
Fools and money, etc., etc.,
DeleteHey asshole, blame Idaho and enjoy your billboards!
DeleteIdaho doesn't want them. Good riddance to nasty trash. Didn't they leave Idaho right around the time there was that Weaver blow up in n.Idaho?
DeleteShame they didn't book Bristol. She could have flown in, given a speech while having contractions, leaked some amniotic fluid, flown for hours back to AK, bypassed big city medical centers, and given birth to a preemie miracle, gift from God. But, no one would believe such a ridiculous story, nor would any caring mother risk her unborn baby by taking such risks.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of flying while in third trimester, did you notice that Bristol, in 2008, flew quite a bit during the canpaign? Almost nonstop from October on through election night. granted they were in Alaska for December but still. Doctors on the planes or not, is that weird?
DeleteMy theory at the time was she was trying to get away from her fiancé and it always looked like she was having second thoughts on marrying him even before the birth. But she probably just wanted to be near family. Wasn't she at the grandparents a lot sorting gifts before joining the trail? And then in December when everyone had to go to Juneau? Did she EVER see Levi?
She wasn't pregnant that fall. And the whole Levi love story was cooked up by the campaign to cover her butt: oh look, two teenagers in love who made a mistake, but love wins. They were awkwardly holding hands at the airstrip, but otherwise, I don;t think we saw them ever touch, let alone speak to each other. He looked like a deer int he headlights. The only time they looked happy was when she was holding Trig, and he was huddled not he other side kissing him. So where was Tripp through all this?
Delete10:58 "She wasn't pregnant that fall."
DeleteYes! You've also exposed Gryphen as part of the intricate conspiracy to deceive. He's on record that he doesn't think Bristol is Trig's birth mother and that Tripp was born in Dec. 2008.
It's beyond obvious that Bristol birthed premature twins Trig and Tripp sometime well before April 2008. Trig was presented in April while Tripp was preserved as a newborn in ice-- a secret procedure known only by, and used under the direction of, elite 'pro-life' fundamentalists, assisted by Franklin Graham and 'Bud' Paxson--until Dec. 2008.
Speaking of flying while in third trimester, did you notice that Bristol, in 2008, flew quite a bit during the canpaign? Almost nonstop from October on through election night.
Yet another inconvenient observation. Certainly there was no real "need" for a supposedly pregnant high schooler to accompany Sarah on the trail to fail in 2008. But if the young girl was not pregnant anymore, then there was no real risk, either to the baby or of having the truth exposed, thanks to the media cone of silence.
And, 10:58 AM, Levi Johnston published his own book (a good read!) in 2011 entitled "Deer in the Headlights" - My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs.
DeleteThe kid (and his family) went through pure hell during the McCain/Palin campaign loss - way too young and inexperienced to fight and counter them!
Plus, who knows, perhaps Sarah and Todd paid him off to keep his mouth shut.
Thank God, Levi married a wonderful and beautiful woman, Sunny, and they are raising a beautiful family!
11:37 get a grip.
DeletePart of the intricate conspiracy to deceive?
You are the one who has deceived yourself.
I will believe until proven wrong, that Bristol gave birth to Trig in early 2008 and Tripp in early 2009. I do believe that she was pregnant during DWTS. What she is up to now is perplexing, but she sure doesn't appear to be 6+ months pregnant, if the photos she is releasing are recent.
DeleteWow you all are still at 'the big mystery' lol.
DeleteMystery has already been born. Now it's the scam to have a Large preemie nine months after the moh hookup.
Delete12:56 PM Bristol pregnant in 2007:
Bristol Palin pregnant in 2010:
Why didn't Bristol announce her 2007 and 2010 pregnancies? That is a mystery.
3:32, you are to be laughed at.
DeleteWho in thier right minds spends so much time on conspiracies about such a nobody family?
@anon1137, now that was funny. "Newborn in ice"...major giggles.
DeleteSome of the rest of you might want to consider growing a sense of humor. Just sayin'
It's the PRC of Salt Lake City, on Oct. 2, and they want everyone to dress in "semi-formal attire. " Guess Sarah can wear the black penis jeans with her sparkly off the shoulder number, and her flat shoes with the pink fuzzy purse. Perfect! Oh, and Willow can do up her cleanest wig with glitter. Bristol can give her manicure and facial, and be paid to fly along and slap on makeup. Heck, take Tripp out if school for the week.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of takers.
Semi-formal? Oh, I think she'll go for the Pleather 'n' Lace Inflateabutt Skirt that wowed all the slugs at CPAC.
DeleteShe'll crank the Belmonts up to 11 and just float around behind the lectern like a Halloween witch party balloon losing its helium.
As you said, her locust-like clan will bumble along with her, grabbing everything not nailed down between Utah and wherever she takes off from.
Her voice will shatter light bulbs and all in all she will leave convinced that everybody looooves her and that now Barack will finally wave his big stick at her.
Yuk yuk yuk....
DeleteHysterical imagery -- and right on the $.
I can just see her behind that lectern, bobbing around directionless, senseless, and without an ounce of gravitas.... ;-D
and fakers, Sally in MI
DeleteSo, in essence, what he's saying is Mormons screw like rabbits and are not necessarily monogamous as their religion dictates? Why else would they need "services."
ReplyDeleteShe could open with, 'I fill' your pain. Hell, I think one of mine is knocked up again, also too.'
DeleteI love that you can pay $100 for one seat, or if you buy a table for ten, you get to pay $150 per seat. It reminds me of the little store that sold flip-flops for $1 each or 3 for $5.
ReplyDeleteSuch a deal!!
DeleteThe banquet prices are common. And I've seen stores like that too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
DeleteFundamental(ist) math!
DeleteI love that you can pay $100 for one seat, or if you buy a table for ten, you get to pay $150 per seat.
DeleteFor some people, getting to control who you are seated with is worth the premium price. Think about it.
Ooops! Didn't read the comments before I made a similar statement beflow. Sorry!
DeleteHe said the seven-member board has already covered both her fees and expenses, through donations as well as from their own pockets.
As the saying goes, a fool and his money..
As long as we see Trump's numbers going to a level I could never have imagined a few years ago, I will not believe that Palin is harmless.
A laughingstock to anyone who has bothered to be educated and has some sort of analytical thinking skills, yes, but the population of idiots supporting these clowns is shocking. Hard to believe the same country that elected our President could fall so far into the trash can in such a short time.
Mildred, I just hope as the race nears the end it becomes apparent the fringe nut jobs are shown to be the Donald supporters. The bigots, racists and homophobes might just be feeling empowered at the end of President Obama’s term and swarming together in unnavigable waters.
DeleteThe horrid racist bashing against President Obama, who has done nothing but serve America extremely well, has driven me nuts throughout his almost completed two terms!
DeleteAnd, now the same group is after Hillary Clinton with the email baloney! I expect her to be the nominee to run and that she will win. I know that I can hardly wait to cast my vote for her.
Surely, Americans (majority!) are not stupid enough to put a nasty and lying Republican in the high office? Just look at the folks they have to draw from - frightening to say the least!
NO, but it might not be Hillary, it may well be Bernie Sanders. Not sure why Gryphen hasn't been paying attention. Bernie's ideas and integrity are very in sync with much of this blog.
DeleteAmerican Pharmacists Association gives award to homophobic pseudo-scientist, plugs his book
Posted on September 13th, 2015. Bristol Palin’s Deranged Stalker Is Back!
This is the old engagement ring stalker from Texas, Michael Cummings. January 3, 2013
Stalker Alert — Bristol Palin Gets A Restraining Order Against A Man Claiming To Be Her Baby's Daddy After He Ships All His Belongings To Her House!
This time Cummings sent his coffee pot to the Palins. He thinks he is Cletus papa.
How many stalkers has/does Bristol have? she sure knows how to attract them.
TMZ has it too:
The comments are hilarious.
Hey, it just may be Bristol's last chance to actually nab a husband and he is certainly the only man that has steeped forward to be lil Cletus' baby daddy.
DeleteThinks he is the baby daddy? WHICH ONE?!
Deletebullshit.. she keeps making up shit with imaginary stalkers...like everyone wants her, yet no one wants to marry her!
DeleteShe begged, gino, joey, levi, ben, etc etc etc....
Bristol may have slept with him during her cross country barhopping, but can't remember.
Delete11:19 AM
She wanted $300K to attend & speak at Ak army units Christmas party years ago, that might be an indicator of the kind of fees she wants to recieve.
ReplyDeleteI seriously doubt she is paid anywhere near that today. Gryphen, do you know or have verified info?
DeleteI wonder if the super top secret nature of the deal stems from the fact that the speaking fee is embarrassingly low. These numbers always seem to leak, and you betcha Palin would find a way to make it known if she were commanding the kind of fees that she pulled in during her glory days (all 30 seconds of them). By insisting on non-disclosure, at least Palin can give people the impression that she is still riding high.
DeleteYeah, another group who cares about the pregnant woman and her baby----until the kid is born, then forget about the mother and child. Then they are considered users and takers. But they are willing to hand over money to one of the biggest users and takers of all, Palin.
ReplyDeleteC'mon folks give sarah some credit.It takes a lot of money to look that cheap. Hat tip to Dolly Parton.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the pee ponders have zero issue with calling Obama and his administration brown shirts and Nazis they are very upset about one of their own equating Palin and trump to Hitler. A lot of gnashing of teeth at the pond over this article.
ReplyDeleteGrow up and get a life, 10:28. Did you complete Middle School?
DeleteThese groups are self-serving and useless, only existing so people can foment their own vain delusions about the sanctity of life beginning "at conception." They check out within days of birth after unloading a pithy stack of used diapers and baby clothes.
ReplyDeleteWhen her shit finally blows up in her face, I will party. Probably not as hard as when Cheney kicks off, but I will give it my best effort.
ReplyDeleteMe too.
DeleteIt is never happening. She will continue doing what she is doing, and continue making money at it, and continue to thumb her nose at all you nobodies.
Delete12:51 pm Nobodies? Posted by anonymous? Who pissed in your cornflakes, troll?
Delete'nobody' pissed in my cornflakes.
DeleteI find you people still hanging onto all that is Palin amusing.
6:07 and you are still hanging around here waiting for the same thing we are aren't you? So piss off because NO ONE finds you amusing or intellectually stimulating. Before you try throwing your ill mannered crap my way think again. You HAVE NIPO IDEA who any of us are and your false bravado is hidden behind anonymous like the rest of us. Your life is so vacant of anything rewarding you come here and work to get any human interaction you can-pathetic and so very sad.
DeleteRelax 802. It is very simple. I hold a mirror up for you and prod you into seeing youself. Of course you don't like what you see, it must be frustrating and makes you angry. So many years wasted, that carrot beckoning, keeping you going, thought you were so close to the Palin pot of gold. You were promised more secret anonymous tip info right?
DeleteBut there is no Palin pot of gold.
BTW where did I say anything about having bravado, or trying to amuse you or provide intellectual stimulation (as if that is even possible)? Nope nope, you got that all wrong.
Only reason to be here is for my own cheap cheap pleasure. However if thru my self amusement, I help a few of you gain self awareness and manage to kick the Palin addiction, well then bully for me right mate?
Fraudulent Freda needs to stay home and take care of her grandson Trig for a change. It is bs lke this that still makes it important to keep exposing her outrageous lies and birth story. John McCain must be as dumb as she is to not have seen right through her.
ReplyDeleteAs time goes on I am kind of glad that the media ignored Babygate in 2008. Obama gave his classy statement that kids and family are off limits and mothers have been covering for daughters' out of wedlock pregnancies for generations. I think many people (even non-evangelicals) would have seen it as mean to further embarrass Bristol back then. They did not know then how completely dysfunctional that family was. Also, it could have come back to hurt Obama and the Dems since the GOP is so good at spinning inconvenient facts as hate for the child or hate for family values, blah, blah, blah.........
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, since 2008 the Grifter and her daughter have been a toxic influence on this country and need to be exposed!!
Yes, he pushed it to the side as an adult would.
DeleteThe juvenile will remain the juvenile.
So if you are in SLC better stock up on the tomatoes before Sarah comes to town!
"Sarah Palin not only annoyed leaders of the Utah Republican Party when she didn't have time for them during her book signing stop in Salt Lake City last week. She also took off from her hotel after arranging for a last-minute hair appointment without paying the hairdresser and leaving her to cover her own valet parking."
Whoops, wrong Palin stupid! Also too:
"Rappaport stopped at the Salt Lake City Costco to do some shopping, unaware that Palin was scheduled to be there for a book signing. ...
While going through the check-out lane, again with no wait, she told the clerk she forgot to get some grape tomatoes, which she loves, so she would be right back.
That's when the bells went off.
The clerk told her they had no tomatoes that day.
No tomatoes? At Costco?
As she was leaving, she noticed a man with a store manager's name tag and asked him why they had no tomatoes. He informed her the store did have tomatoes, but they were taken off the shelves for a few hours.
It turns out that Palin had been pelted with a tomato at an earlier stop on her book tour and the management at the Costco was determined it wouldn't happen here.
The manager told an employee to go into the storage area and get Rappaport some tomatoes, which he gave her for free.
So, because of Palin, Rappaport not only got to shop with no lines, she got free tomatoes. "
11:27AM - Thanks for that!
DeleteWell, so what if they take the tomatoes off the shelves for a few hours. Get some eggs instead (and leave them out in the sun for a few days...)
DeleteGryphen, when are you going to release the info you have on Sarah Palin? She's been going on and on and on - I'm so, so bored with her! I really thinking you are helping her in some odd way!
ReplyDeleteNow would be perfect timing anyone who has proof-positive of the babygate fraud to come forward and tell the truth. Just about four or five days before the big event should cause a huge scandal. I can't think of anyone more deserving than Miz Sarah Palin. Someone needs to drive the last stake into that wrinkled old vampire.
DeleteHahahaha. Poor 11:32.
DeleteStill not getting it are you?
Balzafiar not getting it either.
DeleteHahaha, poor 12:49/1:25 What is it that you are 'getting'? Fuck off troll.
DeleteScreech is her own worst enemy.she,herself will be her own undoing.
DeleteTell you what 2:47, hold your breath till Gryphen 'releases the info', then maybe you will start to get it.
DeleteSarah is getting minimum wage, plus a percentage of the gate. That's why the ticket prices are in fantasyland.
ReplyDeleteThat's how most pro wrestlers get paid.
off topic
ReplyDeleteTeabaggers in Michigan very butthurt about the teabagging couple of Cindy "Sindy" Gamrat and Todd "The Toad" Courser being kicked out of the leg!
Allegan County Tea Party head: Ouster of Cindy Gamrat the same as 9/11 attacks, Michigan Republicans worse than terrorist jihadists
"On 9/11 2015, the terrorist network in Lansing Michigan (sometimes called the Republican Party leadership), has taken down the Twin Towers.
It took more than a few box cutters to destroy the foundation, but included well placed explosives in a true conspiracy to cover the truth.
Justice has not been served in this matter, but destroyed."
Calling the two deposed teabag lovers from Michigan the "Twin Towers" on September 11? Hey go after the whole party too why doncha!
“The Republican Party leadership is far worse than the terrorists who attacked New York,”
Hit the link to see how abortion figures into this tirade. You might be full of sh*t there @$$hole preacher!
Too bad Keith Olbermann doesn't have Worst Person In the World anymore.
Hope this "ordained Baptist preacher and nuclear engineer," guy doesn't work anywhere near the actual fissile material either. Because he seems a little unstable and subject to sudden decay.
I'll bet Courser called Gamrat the "Twin Towers."
DeleteI live in Michigan. Good riddance to both of the sleaze buckets.
I know the county - it's a bunch of mudpuddle lakes, and if it weren't for the Chicagoans and Hoosiers with second homes there, the economy would be even worse than it is. A couple of wineries, and the beach to the west and that's about it. Mostly defunct downtowns, a few orchards and a whole lotta double wides.
DeleteA knocked up teenager is one thing. Things happen. Mid-twenties, second verse same as the first, is quite another.
ReplyDeleteDon't tout your family values, $arah. While you're on the road, your family crumbles. What an absolutely idiotic narcissist you are. You live NOTHING of what you preach. The proof is in the pudding, sanctimonious bitch.
If some of her fees are being paid by donations, are most of those donations from SarahPac? It would be nice to see who is donating....
ReplyDeleteShe does this with her books, her SarahPac buys a ton of them.....
DeleteIf this group really wanted to do some good, they would give the money to children who really need help, instead of wasting it on that skank! They are all about money and don't care about the babies after they are born.....same sad story about anti-abortionists everywhere! Sickening.
ReplyDeleteSee who is on the board, and then look for the links.
DeleteThis pregnancy is NOT Bristles second. DWTS she was obviously pregnant, plus she had a child BRFORE Tripp and Trig.
ReplyDeleteYep -- the 2006/2007 green sweater pregnancy.
DeleteBut of course, and isn't it interesting that Miss "Babies No Matter What" has said nothing, NOTHING, about the second publicly announced knocked up?
DeleteBristol's original statement that she really screwed up this time, that was two days later changed to blessing from God, makes one wonder just what the heck was the plan beforehand.
Bottom line: When you portray yourself as a God fearing, Constitutional Conservative, yet dress like a tart, use sexual innuendo in speeches, your HINO is involved in prostitution and Lord knows what else, and your kids are a mess, we're supposed to listen to you??
The fur-tile little hoe!
Delete1:25 bingo!!!! Bristol's latest little oops has messed with skank's dreams of being a teevee evangelical personality and also too and therefore-this oops just before the release of her book of devotion also doncha know? Seems to me skank sees one baby to be not so much as a blessed little angel does she? Afta dark baby angel doncha know:)
DeleteSain't Sarah and Clan are always up n' bossing somebody else's vagina.
ReplyDeleteIt's the anniversary of the first Tina Fey SNL impersonation of Palin...
Two bits, four bits, six bits, a buck
ReplyDeleteUp here in Yootall, we're all dumb as fuck
Ya can't cure stupid. Hopefully she will soon put all of these idiots out of business with her $$$ demands for spewing incomprehensible word salad.
ReplyDeleteMaybe somebody should contact the local newspapers with the files on IM?
The Board chair said: " He said the seven-member board has already covered both her fees and expenses, through donations as well as from their own pockets."
ReplyDeleteI was executive director of a faith-0based non-profit for several years. You always want to have on your board some wealthy people -- the wealthier the better -- who are able to write BIG checks to kick of capital campaigns and who are able to write smaller checks when you need money to bail you out.
This comment leads me to believe Sarah is asking more than they budgeted -- possibly MUCH more -- so, some of the Board members pulled out their fat checkbooks and covered the difference.
Or, could it be that her PAC donates to this "charity" and that those are the donations which in turn pay her fees? And if yes, is that money laundering?
DeleteHow do we know it's a lot of money?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are sworn to silence because The Hag doesn't want anyone to know just how much she has fallen from the glory of her 100K bendy straw days?
Talk about damning with faint praise. From Deseret News:
"That shouldn't be a problem if the response to Palin's 2009 stop at a Salt Lake Costco during a national tour to promote her book, "Going Rogue," is any indication. More than 800 people stood in line for Palin's autograph, some overnight.
(Yeah. 2009.)
Chris Karpowitz, co-director of the Brigham Young University Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy, ... said Palin "clearly feels passionately about the issue of right to life that have touched her own family" and should be able to attract a crowd despite declining support in Utah for her tea party politics.
"This is an issue she'll find a friendly audience for in Utah," Karpowitz said. "I don't know that people take her seriously these days as a candidate for the highest office in the land, but that does not mean she won't be an effective advocate.""
So, basically, as "her" child has grown is she discussing his achievements and potential?
ReplyDeleteShe is still stuck on marvelous and brave she was for choosing to take on this immense burden blah blah blah.
Her maternal narrative regarding Trig has never progressed beyond her pregnancy, her brave nobility, her birth story bullshit, and his defects, and how wonderful she is.
She is so disgusting.
WORD nefer!!!!
DeleteWell, those guys just admitted that their donors must be 'Morans' (sic) who cannot even do simple math. Why would I be able to get a seat for $100, but then pay out $1,500 for a table for ten, if I can have the same for a measly $1,000 (10x$100=$1,000 according to my math, not $2000 or some such thing that would make the $1500 a bargain!
ReplyDeleteI can have the same for a measly $1,000
DeleteNot the same. If you pay the premium you are assured that you and your associates all get to sit at the same table, which will likely have a nice sign with the name of your group. Think about it.
Well....why don't you edumacate them? You have all the facts at your disposal, and what you don't have, you know how to get. Send them a friendly packet of the truth. Somebody might read it and catch a clue. How great would that be?
ReplyDeleteHey Palin, don't show up looking like you did at your book
ReplyDeletethingy. You looked like an old cougar with dementia who
escaped from the assisted living home.
We are very, very limited in what we can say," said Kevin Andrews, the center's board chairman, citing the terms of the contract signed with Palin.
ReplyDeleteLet it be very clear to the world that there is such a thing as the Sarah Palin Nondisclosure Agreement Form.
You get hired to put on Sarah Palin’s makeup for a public appearance, you first have to sign the Sarah Palin Nondisclosure Agreement Form. Sarah Palin doesn’t want the truth to get out that she's starting to look like her mother.