Saturday, September 12, 2015

Conservatives plan to shut down the government again unless they stop funding Planned Parenthood. What is the definition of insanity again?

Courtesy of 

A conservative House of Representatives faction led by Champaign County GOP Rep. Jim Jordan announced Thursday its members will vote against any federal spending bill that contains money for Planned Parenthood, dramatically increasing the chance of an Oct. 1 government shutdown. 

"Given the appalling revelations surrounding Planned Parenthood, we cannot in good moral conscience vote to send taxpayer money to this organization while still fulfilling our duty to represent our constituents," said the statement issued by the House Freedom Caucus, which Jordan heads. 

Jordan and his group are angered by the release of videos that suggest Planned Parenthood profits from selling tissue from aborted fetuses to medical researchers. He and his supporters want to redirect Planned Parenthood's share of federal reproductive health care money to clinics that don't perform abortions. 

The stance by the Freedom Caucus' roughly 40 members will make it harder for Republican leaders who control the House and Senate to a pass a bill to keep the federal government open after current government funding expires on Sept. 30. 

"No one wants to shut down the government, but I believe that Congress should take the money that is currently going to Planned Parenthood and give it to federally qualified clinics that are providing more comprehensive care to women," said Jordan. "If President Obama and Harry Reid want to shut down the government over an allegiance to that one particular organization, instead of funding our troops and funding women's health care, then that's a sad commentary on their priorities."

Okay when this jerkwad talks about "federally qualified clinics that are providing more comprehensive care to women," what he really means is "Religious based anti-choice clinics that push abstinence only education, adoption as the only alternative to an unwanted pregnancy, and of course offer numerous pamphlets that shame women for being such sluts."

I don't think I still need to point out that those Planned Parenthood videos were heavily edited in order to smear Planned Parenthood, but for anybody still on the fence here you go.

If these idiots go through with their threat this will be the second government shutdown under Barack Obama, and like the third or fourth time the conservatives have threatened to do so since he took office back in 2008.

I seriously doubt that the administration is going to buckle under to this kind of hostage taking, especially since their reasons for doing it are based on ignorance and ideology.


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I love how the names for these asshole groups is ALWAYS "Freedom" something. What a joke !

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Tell him what you think!
      Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) | Twitter

  2. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Vote every Republican out of office that you can! On national, state and local levels!

    They have proven themselves to be nothing but ostructionist, racist and anti-women's rights!

    Fuck every one of them!

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    The conservative assholes who want to defund Planned Parenthood are showing their lack of intelligence and inability to think rationally. The videos have been discredited many times plus every state who has reviewed Planned Parenthood have found that they have done nothing wrong. If they think shutting down the government is the answer, they are the problem. As far as I'm concerned, everyone one these idiots can go to hell, if there is one. I hope they all lose their seats in 2016.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I wish that Planned Parenthood would sue the fake organization that made and released these videos.

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Good Lord. Again? Another round of lies, and tanking our credit rating? Another 23 billion wasted for nothing? These guys need a swift kick. Can 40 people really get away with this? Breitbart needs to be shut down. Maybe the current employee who was trying to build a bomb will be the one to bring the whole operation down. This country is better than that. Or was.

  5. Anonymous12:20 PM

    F they shut down the gov't over PP, they are guaranteed to lose the Presidency & Senate! And who know how many state, local seats....women are not going to forget! Nor the men who love them!

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    These ranting morons want any excuse to shut down Planned Parenthood. If there truly was abuses of fetal tissue donation programs in this country, then there would be an outcry to oversee those programs. Fetal tissue donation is NOT the target. The target is SLUTS, SLUTS, SLUTS.

    Women in the lowest economic brackets are the most in need of family planning. They need Planned Parenthood.

  7. And, yet these same idiots are the ones that yell the loudest about any loss/adjustment to monies sent to Israel. Someone needs to VERY publicly ask them about the abortions that the Israeli government pays for. Very few questions are asked before these abortions are allowed. If the Israeli government can afford this, they do not need so much money from the US.

  8. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Rep Jordan is right. We need to give that money to clinics that provide more comprehensive care to women, like contraception advice and services, STD prevention, testing and treatment, cancer screening and treatment, general health care and preventive health care. I wish I could think of an organization that provides all those services.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Gee, i think that organization has a name: Planned Parenthood founded over a century ago.

  9. Boscoe1:30 PM

    Ultimately the revealing aspect of this is that it is absolutely clear that 97% of what PP does has nothing at all to do with abortion. And as we've seen, anything else they're doing is LEGAL, otherwise the GOP would be calling for PROSECUTION, not just defunding.

    So, even if those videos were true and accurate, the CORRECT, RESPONSIBLE reaction would be to work on legislation to regulate or stop those specific actions that you're offended by, NOT kill the whole program outright, costing jobs and wreaking havok on the lives of millions of women who rely on it for health services.

    This is just more pathetic smokescreen grandstanding from a party that KNOWS their views are unacceptable to rational Americans.

    The hilarious thing is that 2012 lulled them into a false sense that this is a winning strategy for them. 2016 is going to be a painful awakening for them...

  10. Why does it always seem to be a man spearheading this issue? Amazing how this subject won't go away and overshadows all other necessary HUMAN issues such as: vets, homeless, education to name a few. Shut down over those!

  11. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Every couple of weeks the lazy good-for-nothing GOP majority in Congress wants to shut the federal government down. A few weeks ago it was the Iran agreement, today it's Planned Parenthood, what will it be next week? If Republicans do not want to govern they should resign and let the adults run the country. I am so proud of my refusal to ever, ever vote for a Republican for any office.

  12. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Like a bunch of over=privileged brats throwing a tantrum!

    I am sick of these bullies. Kick out these snot-nosed "young guns." Send them back to kindergarten where they might learn to behave.

    I am an old lady too, and I DO vote!

  13. Randall3:45 PM

    Write your congresscritter and ask them why they don't just pass a law making the sale of fetal body parts illegal.'s NOT, you know.

  14. Anonymous4:47 PM

  15. Anonymous4:52 PM

    What's the definition of insanity? Today's GOP

  16. Anonymous6:35 PM

    The Government May Shut Down Again, And Rand Paul Says Democrats Are To Blame

  17. Anonymous7:10 PM

    It appears that the republicans only shows up to work when the issue is based on a lie. They voted to go to war based on a lie and they plan to shut the government down based on a lie.

    Boehner is always threatening to sue the president based lies about the Iran deal.

    I wish, we the people, could sue them for shutting the government down based on a lie.

  18. Anonymous7:33 PM

    So the real reason to shut the government down is to plan the democrats, nothing to do with planned parenthood.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      'plan the democrats' ??

      It is another attempt to distract stupid Americans from the GOP's total lack of governing capability. They won't manage to do shut down the government, but if they did, again, won't those stupid Americans blame the GOP for stopping their welfare, SS cheques, etc, etc.? Just asking.

  19. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Even Forensic said the PP video was edited, what more proof do they need? oh I forgot this is the repubs

  20. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Planned Parenthood received $528.4 million in federal funding last year. The last Cruz shutdown cost us $28 billion according to Standard and Poors. Do we need to do the math for republicans ?

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Yes. Math is hard, and just an Obama lie.
      But 28 BILLION !! WTF.


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