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"Brancy who?" |
“I’m interested in the cases where religion actually moves people to do horrible things … although they themselves might not be horrible people, they might be actually very righteous people,” Dawkins said. “They believe they’re doing right.”
That’s when he launched into an example surrounding the September 11 attacks to illustrate his point.
“I think the 9/11 hijackers all sincerely believed that they were doing the right and proper moral, religious thing,” he continued. “They were not in themselves evil. They were following their faith — and faith is pernicious because it can do that to people. It can do that to otherwise decent people.”
Richard Dawkins is a scientist with an analytical mind and the question of how religious faith can drive people to do both incredibly selfless and incredibly terrible things is of course fascinating.
So how could anybody take issue with his attempt to understand how religion both inspires and condemns people to act in certain ways?
Well if you are Nancy French that question is easily answered, you're an idiot who views the world through the eyes of a child.
Here was French getting her granny panties in a twist over Dawkins' remarks:
Regardless of your religious beliefs or lack thereof, it’s absolutely ludicrous to say that men who chose to train for years with the sole aim to kill as many people as possible are somehow not evil. I would say their actions are the very definition of evil.
It is an incredibly dangerous thing to downplay the motives of the hijackers or try to normalize them. They were not normal men. They were radicalized jihadists. And, yes, their actions were evil. If their actions are not evil, then one cannot even fathom something that would actually be evil.
This is the problem with radical atheists like Richard Dawkins. Their agenda is to attack people of all faiths. And Dawkins has to fit even something as obviously evil as the terrorist attacks on 9/11 into his own radical agenda.
So the radical atheist ends up defending the radical jihadists, because according to his crazy ideas, they aren’t evil – they were just brainwashed.
There's more but I think this gives you the gist of French's argument, which is "I see the world as simply a struggled between the magical forces of good and evil, and if somebody challenges my childish concept of evil it undermines my entire world view. So just stop it, stop it now!"
And this speaks to the real problem with seeing the world through a primitive superstitious prism.
The same fundamentalism which inspires a person to murder and destroy in the name of their god, even at the cost of their own life, is the same sort of fundamentalism that makes it impossible for a person to see the complexities of human emotion beyond the simple unsophisticated characterizations of "good" and "evil."
The truest statement in this ridiculous rant is the following:
"If their actions are not evil, then one cannot even fathom something that would actually be evil."
And the reason for that is because while there are terrible things occurring in the world everyday, simply labeling them as "evil" demonstrates a lazy intellect that does not want to get to the real questions as to why they actually happen.
One of the first things you learn while working in the mental health field is that simple labels are rarely appropriate, and that people's actions and behaviors are often driven by complex biological, developmental, and social issues that are not apparent at fist glance.
Richard Dawkins is a man who is fascinated with learning the truth. Ipso facto he became a scientist.
Nancy French is a person who is defined by a deep faith in a primitive superstition who views the world in stark shades of black and white. Therefore she is a hack writer, attacking her intellectual superiors, while hiding behind the facade of others, in return for money grifted from idiots who fail to recognize that they have been taken advantage of by a con artist.
There is no comparison between the two.
P.S. By the way if you think the above interview upset Brancy, just wait until she gets a load of this one:
During the exchange, Dawkins was asked if he thought religious people were “mentally ill.”
“It’s hard to use the word ‘mentally ill’ when there are so many of them,” the Briton responded. “If they believed what they did and they were the only one they would undoubtedly be called mentally ill.”
Oh yeah, that is going to drive her, and her fundie buddies, right over the freaking bend.
Nancy French isn't smart enough to comment on what Dawkins says. It's hilarious that she thinks Bristol would even be able to comprehend that Dawkins is speaking English. What a farce.
ReplyDeleteThat was my first thought, it's asking a lot of French to think above the 3rd grade level...A high school kid could decipher this argument...plus, it's great rube fodder
DeleteLately there has been a flurry of activity on Bristol's facebook where she links to Patheos posts. Of course all of this is created and written by Nancy French, but so far, Raw Story posts the material as if Bristol, herself, was actually reading about Richard Dawkins and thinking about him.
ReplyDeleteWhy are they making this big effort to create the impression that Bristol is capable of writing these political comments-- especially with Sarah Palin fading away. Could it be that no one would notice Nancy French, the professional ghost writer? Could it be that the name "Bristol Palin" attracts some kind of attention? For what? Having children out of wedlock? Bristol is an uneducated, simple person who exists through instagram photos and fu comments.
I’m with you, this activity is for French not the Palins. Nancy French is as much a narcissist as the Palins and she will milk that gravy train until it is a puppy piss puddle.
DeleteI grew up believing it was wrong to pretend to be what you are not. Also if others portrayed you as what you are not, you would not just go along with it. What happened to being yourself? Once upon a time that was a good thing.
DeleteWe need to keep exposing the fact that it's Nancy French ghost-blogging. Not Bristol. The more French's name is brought up in this regard, the better!
DeleteI think Bristol's page must have the best pay per click.
DeleteNancy French as Bristol Bristol Palin pontificating on World Affairs
There are not enough LOLs on my keyboard!
#:45, I think it's pretty much common knowledge for anyone who reads on-line. I've seen it mentioned on Salon, Mediaite, Huffing ton & Politico. I don't go to the Daily Beast anymore since they've done away with "comments". That's always at least 1/2 the fun.
DeletePalin's Ghost is looking for publicity. Don't pay attention to it, and maybe the haunting will stop. If you've ever heard of the banshee, you'll know that such wailing bode ill for those who hear it.
ReplyDeleteXtians don't like it when they're called out on their bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWhat? No Hillary? Were they all a sleep? How about catching up with the latest GOP?
ReplyDeleteGOP-Led House Science Committee Launches Benghazi-Like Witch Hunt Against Climate Scientists
Maybe Sarah will have Bristol be the next GOP neurosurgeon to run for office.
That position will go to Dr. Willow Palin, LSD.
DeleteI wonder about people like Nancy French, who uses religion to promote her own agenda. Her posts condemn other people while even the Pope asks, "Who am I to judge?"
ReplyDeleteFundies don't think Catholics are Christian.
DeleteBut those Jews are! (Or will be, before little Nancy can get to Heaven.)
DeleteI would be astonished to learn that actual Bristol even knows who Richard Dawkins is.
ReplyDeleteI would be even more astonished to learn that Richard Dawkins knows of, or gives a shit about, Briston Palin.
DeleteWell, I'm sure Sarah told her he's the "funny" looking guy in the wheelchair.
DeleteYep, what a laugh. The baffoon bpalin has her best friend an online hooker and we are to believe she writes at all. LOL!
ReplyDeleteWe were born at night bristles but not last night. The fact she and her mom think everyone else is as dim and uninformed as they are is a riot.
DeleteAs if Bris actually wrote that. Old Frenchy isn't even trying to make it look good anymore.
ReplyDeleteWords like, ludicrous, radicalized, fathom and jihadists are just not in Miss Mensas vocabulary.
Hey Bristol, why are you letting people make a fool of yourself
Almost daily?
Bristol thinks having a period makes her Mensa material.
DeleteBristol doesn't get many periods. Period.
DeleteGood one, Crystal!
DeleteOne further point: Dawkins never said their actions weren't evil. He said their personal motivations were not evil. That's precisely where religion comes in, and a huge part of what makes it so potentially dangerous.
ReplyDeleteOf course, one could not expect someone like Nancy French (or, oh please, Bristol) to be capable of understanding that distinction.
And yes, I would say that if someone, out of the blue, came up to me insisting that his friend had just died, been buried, risen from the dead three days later, and ended up being snatched up into the sky on a cloud----uhhhhh, well.......insanity would most probably be my first reaction.
Calling 911 might be my second.
"Anything can happen when human beings allow ideology to trump their humanity, when they elevate an idea above the lives of individuals," so said Anna Quindlen in her first Newsweek column after 9/11. That instance, it was Islamic extremists, but any blinded-by-faith soldiers would have been as capable.
DeleteIf they'd just stood safely on the ground and knocked down four planes full of passengers with shoulder rockets, that would require only evil. To get on the planes themselves, knowing they're going to die with however many other deaths they engineer, that requires religion.
To remain alive, whether or not they are caught and punished, to watch and revel in the horror they cause requires only evil. To sincerely believe their actions would place them among the exalted elite in some unimaginable paradise, that takes religion.
Reporter to Bristol ... "what Richard Dawkins books and articles have you read?"
ReplyDeleteBristol ... "Who?"
"Uh...all of them...." is the standard Palin answer.
DeleteThe girl can't find waldo, for christs sake, you're expecting her to actually READ? The only "Doctors" she's skimmed through are Spock and Seuss.
DeleteThis is O/T Gryphen, but did you see this? They are such goddamn hypocrites, these right wingers...they grilled her for a fucking 11 hours over private emails and THIS is what gets uncovered about them!
ReplyDeleteWhy Is Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy Refusing to Talk About His Private Email Address?
Hypocrisy reigns in demands that Clinton turn over her personal email.
Amid the press furor over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton opting to use private email, and not a government email address, some are now raising important questions about if those who are investigating her – such as the chairmen of congressional committees who deal with sensitive information during the course of investigations – are themselves using private email.
Take, for example, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), who succeeded Rep .Darrell Issa (R-CA) to be head of the House's Government Oversight committee. Chaffetz's business card lists a Gmail address, as shown here by ABC News:
But Chaffetz may not be alone in doing official business with private email. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who heads the House's Select Committee on Benghazi, is leading the charge in calling for investigations of Clinton's email.
Yet it's important to note that Gowdy maintains his own domain treygowdy.com. For example, one campaign contact email he used was info@treygowdy.com.
IOKIYAR...always and until we raise the alarm. This committee may yet serve the public good by exposing the corrupt, lying bastards in the GOP.
Deletenote that Gowdy maintains his own domain treygowdy.com
DeleteThe article that 9:46 AM links to states, "We also inquired about where his personal email server is stored and how it is secured." Apparently they received no response in 48 hours. A little bit of typing shows (FWIW) that email to that domain goes to maila42.webcontrolcenter.COM at IP address A web-based utility (one of many such) shows that this address is provided by CrystalTech Web Hosting in Phoenix AZ. Of course, the email account info@treygowdy.com at CrystalTech could be configured to forward incoming email to anywhere at all—even Gowdy's .gov account, or to a machine in his home. The most likely assumption, though, is that he lets it sit at CrystalTech and accesses it with a web browser.
FWIW, the names treygowdy.com and www.treygowdy.com both map to the address This address is also provided by CrystalTech Web Hosting in Phoenix AZ.
DeleteBristol does not have time to write blog posts. She has been trying to figure out who is the baby daddy.
ReplyDeleteShe is quite proud that she has narrowed the daddy guess list down to twenty-seven guys and one transvestite.
We understand, Bristol.
Delete"All the men had rifles, but only one shot the duck."
I wonder what Bristol would call people who set fires to medical offices, murder doctors and commit other crimes in the name of their god?
ReplyDeleteAnd,burn their own church.
DeleteExcuse me, Brancy, but have you even studied history AT ALL??? Have you ever heard of the Inquisition, or the Crusades?! All those atrocities were committed in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! Just because Dawkins refers only to 9/11, which is the most recent huge atrocity, it does not mean that CHRISTIANS did not do the same!
ReplyDeleteHow about all the Native Americans right here in the western Hemispheres in "near Real Time" last 500 years. CHRISTIANS ARE MURDERS, RAPISTS, FUCKTARDS!
DeleteThey still treat them like shit today. Privileged fucks.
Even as intellectually challenged as Nancy French is, she's a mental giant compared to the undereducated, inarticulate Bristol Palin. Nobody in their right mind could seriously believe that Bristol Palin wrote this. It's simplistic crap, but it's still way above Bristol's ability.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Nancy have her husband write some of her bull?
DeleteI have no idea, 10:46. Does she? Either way, we know Bristol Palin didn't write it.
Delete--10:09 AM
Why the Tea Party is the American Taliban
If what Nancy French says is true, then there is no such thing as redemption. Fundamental "Christian" concept. I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteO/T but "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" on NOR had Neil DeGrasse tyson on to do their quiz. He missed two of three questions, and said, "I'm glad I missed them. Had I gotten them all right, I would have learned nothing. As it is, I learned two new things today." I think that should be on every school bulletin board in the country!!
ReplyDeleteThis is what the "new" student centered education methods are about. Guide kids (don't preach at them) and let them make mistakes. It's the only way to ensure deep learning.
DeleteDoes anyone else remember Sarah Palin's gigantic goof when she confused Richard Dawkins with Stephen Hawking about a year ago and said that Trig wouldn't make fun of how strange he looked? It was in response to a statement by Dawkins (taken out of context I'm sure) about not carrying pregnancies to term when the mother knows there will be an issue like DS. I thought that Sarah's ridiculous and ignorant response was a priceless gem! I'm sure she's never seen the magnificent film about Stephen Hawking, "The Theory of Everything."
ReplyDeleteBeagle mom
Yes. She showed us how shallow she was by bringing up his appearance.
DeleteDefinition of evil - Talibangelicals, who use the internet to spew their hate of all unlike themselves.
ReplyDeleteThere is NO difference between the Islamic Extremists, and Evangelical "Christians". Both have perverted views of their Bible. Both pick, and choose the parts of their Bible that suits their hate. Both think that they are doing "God's Will". They are not. What they do, what they display is pure evil, and IF Nancy was a real, practicing "Christian", she would know that God is not evil, therefore, would not approve of any of the hate, and lies that she spews.
ReplyDeleteI challenge Nancy to show me exactly where in the Bible, Jesus says to spew lies, to hate, and condemn others who do not believe in her perverse view of the Bible. It has to come from the New Testament because to show me Scriptures from the Hebrew Scriptures would make you NOT a Christian. It would make you a Jew wannabe.
Didn't Pope Francis recently observe that all religions have their extremists? I wonder if this isn't a reaction to that.
Delete(And, yeah, the idea that Bristol Palin could put that many words together is too d@mn funny.)
The nuns at my parochial school trained for years to use their religion to damage me emotionally and intellectually.
ReplyDeleteIt sure helped that their weird attire and saintly expressions camouflaged their vicious activities.
Religion is horrible weapon at disposal of evil people.
"Richard Dawkins is a scientist with an analytical mind"
ReplyDeleteSo what! Bristol Palin has a GED from Wasilla High and has her own blog. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
LOL! Too bad the Bristol Idiot can't even write her own blog. She relies on the fake Christian, Nancy.
DeleteI haven't seen the GED certificate. All I know is she hangs out with commie pinko russian sex workers and has a "job" in a "skin office".
ReplyDeleteYeah? It is OT. Why do you think this is relevant to the conversation?
Delete11:36 is either trying to clutter up the blog or made a mistake. It's a completely irrelevant news item folks.
DeleteAs much as I would never EVER buy it, as with the rest of her ghostwritten crap, the upcoming devotional release next month should be a real knee slapper.
ReplyDeleteThese evangelical types are stuck in the Old Testament, it's not funny. They have no concept of Jesus and His teachings, let alone The Sermon On The Mount. It's called the difference between law and gospel, and they understand NONE of it, let alone even attempt to live it.
Republican = Old Testament
DeleteDemocrats = New Testament
(Personally I don't believe Jesus existed, but at least a lot of the sayings attributed to him sound humane and nonjudgmental.)
I believe Jesus existed but he wasn't the savior nor the only son of God. He was a good and compassionate man with a whole lot of charisma.
DeleteThere's no historical evidence he existed. None.
DeleteOne man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
ReplyDeleteReligion is a tool used by extremists to give meaning to senseless slaughter and coerce young and old to war. Good vs evil? Same thing. It is an attempt to make it somehow OK.
Aint this special?
I think the question of whether religion has done more harm than good throughout human history is a very complex one, and one that can't really be answered satisfactorily. The main reason is that while we can measure most of the harm done in the name of religion, it is far harder to measure the good done - especially in terms of getting people to be virtuious. If a teenage girl refrains from premarital sex because it's against her religion (obviously not talking about Bristol here!) and this prevents an unwed pregnancy, isn't that good? If a man refrains from adultery and maintains his marriage that helps lower the divorce rate. There are many times when a Christian wants to get revenge on someone and will remember the words "vengeance is mine saith the Lord." Yes, we easily see when people cheat on their religious morality. But it is harder to measure how often the world is made better by morality caused by religion (which is not the same thing as saying that you need to be religious to be moral - we all know some very decent and upright agnostics/atheists. Gryphen shows his decency by letting me post here!)
ReplyDeleteAnother example: we've all heard the expression "you only live once." Often this is used to encourage people to be self-indulgent and think of the immediate. The subtle implication of this statement is that this life on earth is all we'll ever get,so we shouldn't deny ourselves too much. But people who believe they have life in the next world DO have a reason to practice self-restraint.
Of course, there are also the good things that religion accomplishes that CAN be measured - like soup kitchens, charities, etc.....
So true. All the good they've done and people still remember the crusades and pedophile priests and such.
DeleteDoin the hin out of fear versus out of real morality never changes character. And thatbisbthe problem with religion. It creates lesser humans and stifles intellect. E.g. Rochester in Jane Eyre. Religion told him he couldn't divorce his wife. Yet 99% of thinking humans would say, wait a second. He can divorce and still provide for her care, but marry Jane. Jane almost dies because of Rochester's religious beliefs.
DeleteA suggestion for a post by Grphen: "Some easy things Bristol could do to regain her dignity." Yes, I know. How can you regain what you never had?" But you never know. If Bristol or any of the Palins read this blog we just might be able to help her. As I said, EASY things to do. There would be no point in telling her to get a college degree - it takes too much time and work.
ReplyDeleteI'll propose one thing: When Bristol (or Brancy) wants to comment on any topic that Bristol should be the last to offer an opinion on, say, sex, pregnancy, marriage, babies, contraception, she should acknowledge the obvious irony. Then she should link to someone who has the same opinion she has and can do a far better job of arguing the position.
Example" The Surgeon General's comment to day about sex education in our schools is probably the weirdest comment ever made by a Surgeon General. I have a lot to say on this topic, but I understand that my past behavior makes me the wrong person to speak on this issue. So I provide a link here to Ann Coulter's blog, where she did a bang-up job explaining where Dr. ____ errs in his thinking."
Bristol is not capable of writing anything longer than a tweet or an instagram comment. Nancy's talents are limited to sounding like a teen aged girl. Her own writing is trivial. When it comes to a deeper thought (something with a couple of paragraphs) she links to her husband, David French's post.
DeleteIt's so HARD being the daughter of a politician, to make whole sentences, especially when your chin is in one zip code and your pregnant belly is in another and there's people like Abby Huntsman, Chelsea Clinton, Alexandra Pelosi etc out there who don't need some random and randumb ghostwriter to kiss her boo boos and make it all better, at mom's expense. Kind of pathetic, don't you think???
Delete>>>When it comes to a deeper thought (something with a couple of paragraphs) she links to her husband, David French's post. <<<
DeleteHow they do it in the bible also too. Wimmens knowing their places, keeping sweet, and whatnot.
Brancy simply exemplifies the standard low-intelligence mode of thinking: "If I can't understand it, it can't be understood and only my own point of view makes sense and is normal."
ReplyDeleteConservatives in particular, due to their utter lack of empathy, have no capability for grasping how someone else's point of view could be just as valid to them.
To a conservative, a Palestinian setting off a bomb or attacking someone with a knife is "an evil terrorist". To other Palestinians, they are " a hero, who is fighting against their oppressors". That is why the Israel/Palestinian issue is complicated for us, and simple to conservatives. That's why they can believe utter stupidity like the idea that we could eliminate ISIS with bombs without realizing that this kind of strategy is what created ISIS in the first place.
This is possibly the wisest and most insightful comment I have read on this thread. Thank you.
DeleteKind of hard to play limbo with the bar on the floor and no one holding the ends, But Nancy'll keep trying.
DeleteGreat post, Boscoe. Children see the world in black and white; to mature adults it's a sea of grays.
DeleteRegardless of your religious beliefs or lack thereof, it’s absolutely ludicrous to say that men who chose to train for years with the sole aim to kill as many people as possible are somehow not evil.
ReplyDelete- Bristol Palin
(Wink wink)
How can you tell Bristol didn't write that post?
It doesn't have the word "A W E S O M E" in it
The 9-11 hijackers were nothing but a big bunch of HATERS, just like the libtards. If your too stupid to see that, foad.
Delete(There, I Bristolized it.)
Our snipers randomly shoot people and donkeys to increase their body count, in competition with other snipers, after training for years and years with the *sole* aim of killing as many people as possible.
DeleteDoes Bristol think that Track's buddy was evil?
How about drone operators who have trained and practiced, for years and years, targeting groups of people for maximum damage and intimidation?
They are evil, also, too.
And they are cowards.
Ahahahaaa!!! Thanks 2:20, for a good laugh. (I'm truly impressed with your translation abilities,---you captured it all, content, style, spelling....did it hurt?)
DeleteDid it hurt? Only a little =) . The painful part was imaging what it must be like to actually think like that, 24/7
DeleteWe can tell it wasn't written by the barstol. Of course it was written by the tundra twat because once again the bitch makes no sense. Are you saying your sniper buddy was EVIL as well?
DeletePart of being "brainwashed " is setting emotions side,Sarah. Such a Bimbo.
DeleteNot Bristol...no gfk, or gfy, or such like.
DeleteWell Jeb! just shot himself in the foot...again.
ReplyDeleteJeb Bush Throws A Fit And Tells America He Has Better Things To Do Than Be President
Jeb Bush has ‘a lot of cool things’ he’d rather be doing instead of running for president
...These are confounding days for the Bush family and the network of advisers, donors and supporters who have helped sustain a political dynasty that began with the Senate victory by Prescott Bush, the older Mr. Bush’s father, in Connecticut 63 years ago. They have watched the rise of Donald J. Trump with alarm, and seen how Jeb Bush, the onetime Florida governor, has languished despite early advantages of political pedigree and campaign money.
Delete...This weekend, generations of Bush loyalists planned to descend on a Houston hotel for a gathering for Jeb Bush’s campaign, featuring both the 41st and 43rd presidents. Strategists were eager to reassure them and highlight the campaign’s relative organizational strength, fund-raising capacity and ability to endure a delegate battle that could last well into spring.
But those who have long been in the Bush family orbit are also being forced to reckon with a party that seems to be moving on from them.
Goodbye Jeb! you ARE the weakest link! How sad now that Trump is slipping in two polls, and has begun his own descent to obscurity. Watching their pissing contest has been kind of fun.
DeleteI'd say that we as a country need to skip at least one Bushit generation.
DeleteTrouble is I said that in 2000, and well aw Dubya Bushit happened. DICK cheeny also too.
It sure looks like we will be skipping Jeb! Bushit.
Hopefully we keep skipping every generation of cheeneys also too.
Am I the only person who thinks there's a serious disconnect with the idea that "it’s absolutely ludicrous to say that men who chose to train for years with the sole aim to kill as many people as possible are somehow not evil", when her ex-fiancé trained for many years with the sole aim as killing as many people as possible? Isn't that what people in the military do?
ReplyDeleteArchie Butt
No, you're not the only one. These people seem to have almost no reasoning ability at all (let alone self-awareness.)
DeleteThey only respond to dog whistles and red meat.
Correct. These are people that are of very limited abilities,as in barely able to feed,bathe and eat and care for themselves. These people NEED sarah/brancy to think for them because they refuse to educate themselves.
DeleteNancy French is the epitome of mediocrity. She takes money grifted from the ignorati in exchange for pretending she is Bristol. Nancy, it has become obvious Bristol is a 24 year old GED 'educated'(maybe) know-nothing. Other than the circle of idiots you surround yourself with, who do you think thinks otherwise. Do you think any of the pap you pen convinces anyone that you, too, are not an amoral individual of limited abilities. You should be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's the limit of Nancy's writing ability--pretending to be an uneducated 24 year old girl.
DeleteNBC released a teaser trailer Wednesday for an upcoming episode of their popular long-running crime show Law & Order: Special Victims Unit that is loosely based upon the real-life molestation scandal involving the Duggar family.
ReplyDeleteKeeping with their history of stories “ripped from the headlines, ” the Duggar family tale was inevitable for the Law & Order franchise devoted to sex crimes.
With the Duggar’s 19 Kids And Counting TV show off the air after it was revealed that eldest son Josh had admitted to molesting several of his sisters when he was a teen, the Law & Order episode comes on the heels of a TLC special on childhood sexual abuse that starred two of the Duggar daughters.
Introduced as a “reality TV family’s shocking scandal,” the clip shows a squeaky-clean and very large all-American family as Det. Amanda Rollins explains, “One of their virgin daughters is knocked up, so there goes their TV show….”
The clip then cuts to their 13-year-old daughter before the mother of the Duggar-esque family tells Det. Olivia Benson, “We don’t see it as a crime. We see it as a blessing.”
The episode, titled “Patrimonial Burden” is slated to run Wednesday.
Watch the video below via YouTube:
Poor Nancy's been playing the part of stupid Bristol for so long, it and religion have rotted what's left of her brain. Were clergy carefully taught for years to sexually molest young children in their care? That's got to be the ONLY explanation according to her warped world view, but then she's a woman of a certain age, married, and has children, attends church often and soothes her conscience about belonging to a radical group of christofascists who only see things in black and white with no shades of gray whatsoever. The pablum she's been fed is to blame, NOT the "person" Nancy French, science denier and scripture expert. I'm surprised she didn't cite some bible verses to bolster her "beliefs".
ReplyDeleteIf you want to throw great parties, always invite at least one of these brainwashed fools with an agenda. Guaranteed laughs!
I've often wondered what kind of mentality it would take for someone to not only ghostwrite books for mommie, but also speak on behalf of a 25-year-old when it is clear that none of them live what they preach.
DeleteOther people nailed it: she's clearly every bit as big a narcissist and flaming hypocrite as the people she pretends to be. The only difference is, she can manage to put two words together. Also she doesn't have her own SuperPAC so she's gotta make a living somehow -- and it's not like she has the brains or the talent to be successful any other way.
DeleteYeah, I want to live by the bible,, that was thousands of years ago and for people who lived forever ago. Nah. But I know soul truths like empathy.
ReplyDeleteDoes Bristol Palin even know who Richard Dawkins is? I doubt that she has read anything that he has written. Thanks, Nancy French, for trying to make Bristol look smart, but it's an epic fail. You realize that Bristol could not hold a conversation for one minute about any of the things that appear on Patheos.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with Faith is; once one starts believing - really believing - in nonsense (i.e. virgin birth, walking on water, healing by touch, etc.) then where does one stop?
ReplyDeleteI hypothesize that mental health and lack of is a factor in how people interpret religious teachings and even teach it. Consistent black and white thinking is a cognitive deficit blocking the ability to reason. People who think in extremes of black and white are also defensive their thinking is right/white and healthy shades of grey/critical thinking is wrong/black.
ReplyDeleteNancy French or Brancey is incapable of complex processing of facts to comprehend what Dawkins meant. She asserted it is evil/black and Dawkins assigned it is not evil/white which is not what he said.
I detest how unhealthy people split people as polar opposites then supply fact to fit or prove it even if they make it up.
One key hallmark of mental illness is the lack of adherence to, and appreciation for, cultural norms. So if you grow up surrounded immersed in delusional thinking, you tend to follow suit, especially if you're raised in a culture that fosters ignorance. An individual blessed with a keen intellect might eventually find their way out of the darkness, but no way, no how, will the Bristol Palins of this world ever rise above it. I do agree with Dawkins, though: it isn't mental illness, "just" brainwashing combined with stupidity and ignorance.
DeleteOn a day to day basis, we are exposed to far more hypocrisy than evil.
ReplyDeleteDespite all the claims here by atheists and agnostics that they believe in "nuances" and see "shades of gray" I rarely hear anything (at least on this blog) that shows genuine respect for anyone who has faith and the intellects of such people. All I hear is religion = evil/stupid/ignorant, atheism = rational/sound/knowledgeable. OK, sometimes you'll say that religious person x writes at a 3rd grade level and that religious person Y writes somewhat better at an 8th grade level, but in general you show no understand of how an intelligent person could read and study secular ideas and theology and still emerge a believer. I have always been a Christian in one form or another, but I have no trouble at all understanding how someone could be an atheist or agnostic.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for "nuances," I have never heard anyone say "it's complicated" and then offer to explain or say something like "I don't know if you'd be interested in delving into this further, but if you are there's a really good book I could recommend" The "it's complicated" argument usually means "any thinking person would take my position on this issue." It tends to cut off discussion rather than expand it.
Contrast Trump’s criticism of Reagan to Sarah Palin’s elevation of Reagan to a hero. While her praise of Reagan at his birthday celebration was filled with errors, it was clear that Palin has always held Reagan in great esteem. Even though she has publically indicated she actually knows little about Reagan, Palin has only spoken of Reagan with great reverence and praise....
ReplyDeleteThe inconvenient truth is that Donald Trump and Sarah Palin will say anything that they think will increase their popularity and celebrity status. Trump has indicated he’d find a place for Palin in his cabinet, even though Palin says if picked for Energy Secretary, she’d get rid of the department ....