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Robert Lewis Dear |
Even Sarah Palin did her part to play down any connection:
Our prayers are for Colorado Springs and the families of the three killed there yesterday, including a heroic police officer who put his life on the line for others. Such a horrible, evil act perpetrated by a deranged man who'd been repeatedly investigated by law enforcement over the years. Senseless acts of violence involving stabbings, beatings, shootings, etc., are equally evil, abhorrent, unacceptable. The evidence isn't all gathered but it appears yet another criminal mind ignored all sensibilities and all laws to fulfill his mission to kill. Pray that our culture receives wisdom in dealing with any dark intention that is manifested in ugly violence - using any weapon - and that glorification of death and violence - using any weapon - is wholly condemned. We must have a collective commitment to reversing the trajectory we're on towards creating a hard-hearted, selfish civilization. Yesterday's crime was so wrong, so terrible, so tragic - as is every deadly act of violence we sufferably witness everyday here and around the world. May God comfort Colorado Springs' victims.
Did you notice that there was NO mention of Planned Parenthood, and the emphasis on "any weapon" so as to distract from the fact that this was yet another senseless act of violence using a firearm?
Pretty clumsy misdirection for a journalism major don't you think?
Sadly for Palin, and her ilk, there is at least some circumstantial evidence of why Mr. Dear did what he did:
In one statement, made after the suspect was taken in for questioning, Dear said "no more baby parts" in reference to Planned Parenthood, according to two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the case.
Now I am going to err on the side of caution and remind everybody that we still do not have definitive evidence as to what Mr. Dear's motives were, but I can tell you that if he did NOT go on this shooting spree because of abortion, then he is really going to disappoint his new fans:
Like I said we don't know what this guy's motivations were for sure, however there is still plenty of evidence that demonstrates an uptick in violence against Planned Parenthood since the release of those videos:
Back in September, CBS reported that the FBI had noticed an uptick in attacks on reproductive health care facilities since the first video was released by the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress (CMP). There were nine criminal or suspicious incidents (including cyber-attacks, threats, and arsons) from July, when the videos first came out, through mid-September.
An FBI Intelligence Assessment at the time found these attacks were "consistent with the actions of lone offenders using tactics of arsons and threats all of which are typical of the pro-life extremist movement." Moreover, the report said it was "likely criminal or suspicious incidents will continue to be directed against reproductive health care providers, their staff and facilities."
Less than two weeks after CBS reported that, another abortion clinic was firebombed in California. It was the fourth arson at a Planned Parenthood location in as many months.
"The toxic rhetoric directed at Planned Parenthood has dangerous consequences," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein in a press release at the time. "It sends a signal that using violence to close clinics and intimidate healthcare professionals and women is 'OK.' It is not."
So even if this guy was NOT there with guns blazing in response to those videos, it is really only a matter of time before somebody will be.
Update: Here's a little more from HuffPo:
Planned Parenthood said late Saturday that witnesses said the gunman was motivated by his opposition to abortion. An official who has been briefed on the investigation told The Washington Post that the attack was "definitely politically motivated."
Still not case closed, but once the police release their statements I imagine the conservative media might have an awful lot of crow to eat.
Palin's post is hysterical.....apparently the result of a jr high assignment to use a thesaurus for the first time. On further analysis, the absence of non-possessive plurals with apostrophes and the presence of hyphenated compound adjectives leads me to believe she gave this assignment to someone else. Oh yeah them mass stabbing and beating slaughters with 14 victims really suck.
ReplyDeleteConveniently leaves out that it was at a Planned Parenthood clinic,of which both Brancy and she incited outrage/payback over fake videos.
DeleteGabby Giffords maimed in the Tucson shooting that left six people dead after gun sights she posted on her page encouraging like nut jobs' focus.
AIP Palin. If you think she's found God, snort, and she is far from being done.
"Still not case closed, but once the police release their statements I imagine the conservative media might have an awful lot of crow to eat."
ReplyDeleteYes, and 10 minutes after that feast the Rapture (which I don't believe in) will occur.
I hope it does- removes the nut jobs from the planet so the rest of us can live in peace.
DeleteUnsurprisingly Dear and dear Sarah share some fans, judging from comments on her Face page.
ReplyDeleteWhat if someone drunkenly beat up on the owner of a house, because the person was asked to leave. Would that qualify as a "Senseless act of violence involving a beating" that is "evil, abhorrent, unacceptable"? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteNow, stop trying to make this all about the Palins... that's THEIR job. ;P
DeleteThere is much evidence in the form of right-wing commenters to prove they condone violence against Planned Parenthood.
ReplyDeleteReally? A Senseless beating with fists is "equally evil, abhorrent, unacceptable" as shooting a person with a gun?
ReplyDeleteSo Bristol is just as evil as Robert Lewis Dear?
DeleteWant to see how far the right can twist what they hear and read? There is no hope for educating them.
ReplyDelete"If the Colorado Springs shooter (who sounds like a lunatic) entered the Planned Parenthood clinic/abattoir and began shooting out of a window at people outside PP, wasn't his intent to kill everyone but PP staff and customers?
So this guy could just as easily be described as a PP supporter and protector....."
"There is no hope for educating them"
DeleteVery accurate statement. And, they are at war with us. They see it as a noble cause and if you are PRO-CHOICE, you support killing babies, so you are evil and your life is insignificant.
This Planned Parenthood facility evidently had a safe room that staff and clients could hide in. That is probably what saved them from being shot. Obviously the shooter is insane.
DeleteHuckabee: Pro-Lifers Are Victims Of Planned Parenthood Shooting Because This Makes Us Look Bad (VIDEO)
They are not pro-life they are pro-fetus and anti-choice and anti-woman.
DeleteThey are pro forced-birth and anti support- the-child.
DeletePro-life equals constant pro-war.
Delete"the conservative media might have an awful lot of crow to eat."
ReplyDeleteSigh. Oh Gryph, you never learn. They'll blame it on the "in the tank for Hillary liberal media" for taking all their anti-PP hysteria "out of context" by reporting it verbatim.
The one truth to hold onto is that Rs make up less than a quarter of the voting public. SO VOTE!!
DeleteYeppers, he's a lunatic, a lone wolf, a sociopath, never received a slight dog whistle from gop candidate or sycophant ....nothing to worry about folks.
ReplyDeleteCarly Fiorina & the GOP - you own this.
ReplyDeleteSurely the asshole was taped as he surrendered. FOIA the tape and let us hear for ourselves if it is "politically motivated" or if it mirrors Carly's lying rabid rants.
ReplyDeleteIf Dear had been a Muslim, the head line would have read "Muslim terrorist shooter kills three and wounds eleven". Nothing has stated "Christian terrorist shooter…" The hypocrisy of the news media and Christian right is appalling. The biggest terrorists threat to the citizens of our country comes from the Fundamental Christian right. The right is frustrated with our President because he won't say Islamic terror while the republicans and the news media will not utter the words Christian terror.
ReplyDeleteYou bring up a valid point. Where are the christians speaking out against this? Trumps lies about hundreds of Muslims cheering in Jersey City the day the towers went down? And what the hell was Trump doing on the shore of Jersey City at the same exact time this was going on?
DeleteAccording to those tweets, any young woman seeking birth control, a pap smear, a breast exam, deserved to die, since she was in that office?
ReplyDeleteI can only hope these people have some blowback in their lives. I wonder how many of these people are Christian? Disgusting.
Really? Is there any doubt in your mind that they are all christians?
DeleteThat PP didn't even perform abortions, which tells you all you need to know about the shooter's motives. He was out to kill women for being all uppity (thinking they had a right to seek medical care and take care of their own bodies) and he knew his fellow right-wingers would support any horrible actions he took.
DeleteThe conservative media never eat crow. They just wait to be told what the next Benghazi or contrived political scam is.
ReplyDeleteyou mean can't "wait to be FED what"
being shoved down their throats daily. GOPeers eat that SHIT up.
P.s. Crows are too "smart" for the GOP.
I don't see the need for a background check. Just look at that guy. He looks crazy! Who sold him the gun? Oh, and he had a history-- domestic violence.
ReplyDeleteAn abortion rights leader is calling out anti-abortion activists who spread lies about -- or incite violence against -- abortion providers, then act appalled when violence actually transpires.
ReplyDeleteIlyse Hogue, president of advocacy group NARAL Pro-Choice America, derided two anti-abortionists in the wake of Friday's shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood that left three people dead and nine injured.
'Sorry, David Daleiden. You don't get to create fake videos and accuse abortion providers of "barbaric atrocities against humanity" one day and act shocked when someone shoots to kill in those same facilities the next.
And you, Troy Newman -- using Operation Rescue to call for state-sanctioned execution of doctors who serve women -- and then crying crocodile tears when someone takes that vision into their own hands.
It's America. You are free to have your speech. The language you choose matters. You are not free from the judgement of the consequences of your hate-filled rhetoric. '
As was so eloquently put on AIP PALIN's Facebook page:
Delete"Today, try to remember it’s our responsibility to always tell the truth—including calling a sin a sin."
I am beyond words.
Don't forget Sarah Palin with her crosshairs map that brought on the deaths of six and the severe wounding of many more followed by her Blood LIbel video. The right incites the nuts to viiolence then they stand back, wring their hands and whine "Who me? I wouldn't hurt anybody. I am the victim".
DeleteThis was Republican sponsored terrorism. Period. And we should not let up calling it what it is and tying the two together.
ReplyDeleteThis xtian terrorist is from North Carolina. What was he doing in Co. Springs? Moved there? Visiting? Big xtian terrorist rally? Buying pot? Playing extremist militia games in the woods? WTF was he doing there?
ReplyDeleteThey showed his ramshackle hut out in the middle of nowhere on ABC this morning. Why he picked Colorado Springs to relocate to, is unknown. Mecca for wingnuts?
DeleteBuying POT? FUCK STOP putting down CANNABIS. More like BUYing MORE FUCKING GUNS, CIGS AND BUD LIGHT. Taking ALL the PHARMA BULLSHIT DRUGS givin to him by "the good guys". Beating his wife and shooting dogs. ALL of this PAID FOR in the END BY ALL OF US. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE.
DeleteThe shooter lived in North Carolina from 1997 to 2007 according to news accounts. He's been in Colorado for "a while" (I don't know exactly how long) and has been registered to vote there for a year. He lives off grid in an RV outside a small town called Hartsel. The New York Times has a picture of his property.
DeleteThanks Liz. Interesting.
DeleteAnyone who doesn't believe that Big Tobacco will eventually get a piece of the cannabis pie is either hopelessly naive, or refuses to get their head out of the sand. 8:08, you need to wake the fuck up.
DeleteWell, it sure seems odd to me that someone would travel from North Carolina to Colorado to rob a bank! It makes more sense that he would have traveled there, especially to Colorado Springs which is a far-right Mecca of sorts, to attack a Planned Parenthood office. I wish that PP had sued the video perpetrators early on. The discovery process of the litigation would have been most interesting - finding out who was behind the bogus videographers, who was ginning up the fracas the most and who was profiting the most from it, and so on. It is certain that women under the age of 55 were suffering the most. Planned Parenthood should have taken the whole thing a lot more seriously from the beginning.
You know you live in a fucked up country when people of faith calling themselves patriots while applauding some guy who killed three people over a medical procedure they don't agree with..
ReplyDeleteStuck in the Old Testament and do not follow Christ's principles at all.
DeleteYou know, I've been wanting to say this forever, but I never understood why they come out against the Koran. They believe just like them!
SEE SARAH? You DO have something in common with Obama.
ReplyDeleteHe and your daughter both use the same college savings plan.
That would be a great marketing ploy for the college savings plan, we don't discriminate. We're approved by democrats AND republicans.
What the fuck are you talking about???
DeleteWTF? Get a life. 3 people were killed. Not everything has to be about the vile woman.
Delete8:31 AM, the "vile woman" will always be mentioned because she encourages it. Think I'm crazy? Wait until next year.
DeleteAnonymous9:33 AM,
DeleteShe will always be mentioned because people keep mentioning here - a self-fulfilling prophecy. At least post something relative to the story - what does three people dead have to do with sharing Obama's daughters college savings plan?
Like $arah had one to begin with, 9:33 AM. Pretty poorly taken care of if she did. Hair and cosmetology school?
DeleteThe Obama girls are studious and will go to the BEST universities like their parents did. There is your difference.
As a follower of Christ, me and many others are frustrated at this cult of christianists that exponentially popped out of the woodwork these last 7 years. They've been empowered by people like Palin, Tom Tancredo of World Net Daily, right-wing radio/tv, militants, white supremacists, independents who hoard food and are preparing to live off the grid because they think liberals and socialists want their properties and guns.
ReplyDeleteThis cult has totally gone off the narrow path of the true gospel. They've sold their humanity and soul for their idol America. They are the ones the prophets spoke of, those christians who would be sent a strong delusion. Prophecy warned of this day coming, where these groups would stray and become enemies of the true church.
This man had to have mental issues, but certainly he's a programmed product of the Fox News/Breitbart machines that brainwash gullible angry white men into psychopathic rage, and hope they'll terrorize, while the dog whistlers who edge them on are comfortable and safe behind their fortified homes.
This is domestic terrorism, falsely using the Name of Christ, started by haters of liberals, colored people, and anyone who doesn't kneel at the altar of extreme patriotism and the U.S.
military might. Don't think for a moment they won't start coming after those who don't agree with them, those who don't look like them, or don't act like them. They are dangerous, wrapping themselves in the flag and using God as a justification for their evil. Guns and bullets and exceptionalism and wealth mean more to them than anything else in the world. God is last on their list.
Then I would ask of you what you ask of moderate Muslims… Speak out against the extremists in your religion.
DeleteEarth to 8:33 AM. I think he/she just did.
DeleteComprehension problems?
Anonymous9:12 AM,
DeleteI don't mean in some anonymous blog. On here it means squat. I mean at his/her church, his/her social environment. Why don't you do a little thinking yourself before snarking and jumping down people's throat?
11:44 AM,I am sorry I misinterpreted. Why I quit going to church. I have a fundamentalist sister (unmarried, no kids, over 60) who told me the first weekend of October that, for issues in my immediate family, it's because I was not obedient enough to God that this happens. If I tell any family she said so, more bad karma coming my way. Yeah, right.
DeleteI used to love church, but these days more "we'll pray for you" because they want to know the gossip to spread, not that they actually WILL.
Again, my apologies for misjudging.
Thank you anon 11:01 for your civil discussion without name calling.
DeleteYou're welcome!
DeleteInteresting how the christian cult, comprised of many wolves in sheep's clothing, like the moral majority voices and family values and freedom heritage groups, are responsible for inciting psychopaths with guns to such anger, by subtlety and dog whistles. I wonder if these right-wingers ever consider how close they are to appearing like the Hitler regimes before the invasions. I wonder if they realize that many of their followers have secret hatred of not only blacks, but, also of Jews. Are they aware that many of their followers are Nazi/white supremacists?
ReplyDeleteThe same christian cult always show loyalty to and allegiance to Israel by their words, and by selling books and making money off the Christian/Zion coalition, like John Hagee and CUFI do. But, in reality, these groups don't know how much many of their donors and followers do not support Zionism and are secret Nazis. The militant christian cult is a very dangerous thing, that was birthed and now is coming out in full view.
I would like to point out that not one GoPee candidate said one word about the murder of the Police Officer ( haven't they been all hepped up on defending officers of the law lately) in Colorado.
ReplyDeleteI also find it interesting that the police officer was some sort of evangelical part time pastor and no one on the religious right has spoken out against the mass murderer.
Of course, it is just so "right to life" rightwing christians to cheer on mass shootings
‘No More Baby Parts’: Shooter’s Words Prove Right-Wing Rhetoric Incited PP Attack
ReplyDeleteAspiring GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina doubled down on her assertion that Planned Parenthood was harvesting fetal parts for profit, while at the same time stating that linking the shooting at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood to anti-choice activists was “typical left-wing tactics.”
Guess she has lots of time to Facebook due to the lack of interest in her book tour. The Barnes and Noble site no longer has info on her Dec 2 signing in Dallas Tx, so it looks like she cancelled that one too. The only chance now to get your books signed is Dec 5 at the Oak Tree Gun Club in CA, and it's rather doubtful she'll spend the time or money to travel to CA to sign a few books. Facebook on Sarah, looks like it's the only outlet you have now...
ReplyDeleteyou are just absolutely obsessed.
DeleteHey we were exposed to her nonsensical Facebook rant on this blogpost so I think this falls within the realm of the topic.
Delete11:45 AM What is your beef? If you don't like it, don't respond.
Delete“Oh, Waiter! One Order of Crow!,”
Carly Fiorina Vilifies Planned Parenthood And Liberals In Response To Terrorist Attack (VIDEO)
Homeland Security Chairman: Planned Parenthood Shooting Not ‘Terrorism,’ Merely A ‘Tragedy’
...To reinforce the delusions that attacks on Planned Parenthood aren’t terrorism, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) went on ABC News to assure fellow Republicans that an anti-Obama lunatic who walked in to a Colorado Planned Parenthood and opened fire, then later explicitly said he did so to “stop the baby parts,” was not an act of anti-abortion terrorism, but merely a “tragedy.”
“It’s a tragedy… It’s, I think, a mental health crisis,” said Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) on ABC News’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”
“I don’t think it would fall under quite the definition of domestic terrorism, although I’ll leave that to the Justice Department to make that determination,” he added.
Like clockwork, McCaul began pushing the tired narrative that any and every mass shooting committed by a white guy with a grudge is simply a mental health issue. There’s no gun problem in America. There’s no right-wing terror problem in America. Just an unending torrent of “lone wolves” who are mentally disturbed.
‘Screw Reality,’ Say Conservatives — Planned Parenthood Shooting Was A Bank Robbery (SCREENSHOTS)
ReplyDelete...Sorry, conservatives, Mr. Dear was not concerned with robbing a bank. He, spurred by David Daledein, Carly Fiorina and the rest of the GOP clown car, right-wing media, and you — yes, you — decided to champion a cause that was important to him. To Dear, this attack was a crusade against an evil cabal that butchers babies, selling their parts on the black market for Satanic rituals or whatever you do with “baby parts.”
In short, You own this.
It’s time for the American Right to step up and admit that their misinformation, their hate speech, their outright lies all contributed to Dear’s decision to start shooting.
At some point, doesn’t it become at least a little embarrassing to repeatedly inspire men like Robert Dear, Dylann Roof, Jerad Miller, and others to open fire in the name of your various causes?
Snarly Liorina is just as guilty as Robert Lewis Dear. The GOP owns it as well since none of the cowards will call her out on her lies.
ReplyDeletePregnant Chrissy Teigen backs Planned Parenthood in wake of mass shooting and gets into to heated f-word argument on Twitter
'We are in the end times': The paranoid online ramblings of Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter who ranted about the apocalypse and quoted from the Bible... while seeking sadomasochistic sex
Coordinated inflammatory partisan stunts like the fake Planned Parenthood videos provide motivation of mentally unstable domestic terrorists who subscribe to the extreme right-wing agenda and treat Republican lies as truth to attack.
ReplyDeleteThose Republican members of Congress, who plotted and carried out the campaign against Planned Parenthood, are indirectly responsible for an act of domestic terrorism.
Donald Trump and other Republicans are trying distance themselves from the domestic terrorist by calling him a maniac, but Republicans can’t escape the fact that the shooter was inspired by their attacks on Planned Parenthood.
ReplyDeleteColorado Springs police say they will not disclose why a gunman opened fire at a Planned Parenthood clinic, killing three people.
Police say in a statement Sunday that they are sealing the warrants related to the case against 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear. They say they are not providing information on the weapon used in Friday’s shooting, a timeline of events or a motive of the suspect.
Planned Parenthood shooting suspect Robert Dear appeared to solicit sex, rant about apocalypse online
How ignorant can one woman be? Blah blah blah says a woman SO pro life, she put gun sites up, leading another equally wacko towhead to take up arms and kill and maim people. THEN made it about her and her "blood libel". Something tells me your God's got plans for you, none of them good. Proceed, former Governor and quitting Grandmom who'd flunk the credentials to be a wal mart greeter.
ReplyDelete"Pray that our culture receives wisdom in dealing with any dark intention that is manifested in ugly violence - using any weapon - and that glorification of death and violence - using any weapon - is wholly condemned."
ReplyDeleteEver notice that when the perpetrator is a Christian with a gun we should PRAY that God takes care of the matter - but in every other case we should bomb, execute, and/or otherwise kill them?
I think the prize goes to Carly Fiorina who managed to give lip service to the tragedy while at the same time blaming the victims and doubling down on the hate speech toward "liberals".
ReplyDeleteMy deepest praise goes to this message:
"Ilyse Hogue
Washington, District of Columbia · 2,208 followers · 22 hrs · Edited ·
Sorry, David Daleiden. You don't get to create fake videos and accuse abortion providers of "barbaric atrocities against humanity" one day and act shocked when someone shoots to kill in those same facilities the next.
And you, Troy Newman -- using Operation Rescue to call for state-sanctioned execution of doctors who serve women -- and then crying crocodile tears when someone takes that vision into their own hands.
It's America. You are free to have your speech. The language you choose matters. You are not free from the judgement of the consequences of your hate-filled rhetoric. #ColoradoSpringsShootings #DomesticTerrorism"
Yeah, I want David Daleiden and Troy Newman standing right beside Robert Lewis Dear when they are all prosecuted for murder. About time we started to use our domestic terrorism Patriot Act laws and send a message at the same time. Your hate speech results in deaths? You are responsible.