Saturday, December 19, 2015

Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin back in court on Monday. Hopefully for the final time.

Courtesy of the Frontiersman:

Bristol Palin and former fiancé Levi Johnston have a court date together for the first time in more than a year. 

Court documents detailing a years-long custody battle between the former couple show a hearing listed on the Palmer court calendar for Monday at 11 a.m. 

“The parties have reached a final custody and visitation agreement for residing in the same community and have executed, personally and through their attorneys, a confidential stipulation regarding custody,” a notice to the court filed Nov. 16 reads. “Therefore, the only pending issue to be addressed by the Court is the matter of past and future child support.” 

The Frontiersman goes on to lay out the various legal wranglings that have gone on for almost seven years now. I think most of us here are well aware of them so I will not bother to go over them again here.

However I will say that this is one of the longest, most drawn out custody cases that I have ever known.

My own case took about two years, and that seemed like an eternity, but THIS one seems to be never ending.

Hopefully after Monday this whole thing will be over for the Johnstons and they can move with their lives, while Bristol pops out another little one and focuses on making somebody else's life miserable. 


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Someone needs to get current pics of Miss Bristol...

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      OMG, that chin is enormous!

      How on earth could someone loathe themself so much that they do that to their face? That is one sick woman.

    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      I haven't been impressed with the maturity or judgement of either party in this case, but one would hope they would come to an agreement that is in their son's best interest. That may be too much to wish for. They all need to grow up.

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      2:46 PM CLAIMS 'Oh she's still pregnant and looks very uncomfortable.'

      People in Wasilla are too dumb to know how to operate a camera, or they lie and give some other reason.

      If Bristol dressed up and went to some place with people her mother uses for her business, who can say Bristol wasn't putting on an act?

      She has never looked pg at all. Except for whatever is to be the belly. That could be her belly or another empathy belly.

      Fact is there are no credible pictures.

    4. AKRNHSNC4:48 PM

      When Bristol & Levi were engaged for the 2nd time, they were paid for the pictures they took. The money was supposed to be split 50/50 and yet Bristol and her attorney ran over Levi, in essence stealing half of his money and keeping it with Bristol telling him it didn't matter because it was all "their money" now that they were getting married. Yet only a few days later, she broke off the engagement. I hope the $25k she stole from him is deducted from his share of child support. Gryphen, it might be worth a mention, if you can, to Levi. This has always bugged me because I'm certain Bristol knew at that time there was not going to be a wedding. She and Sarah will take all they can get and leave everyone else high and dry. All we have to do is look at SarahPAC and the mishandling of that!

  2. I hope someone goes to the courtroom to verify her pregnancy. Can't be too careful with these Palins.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      That was my reaction too. Maybe it will be attorneys only. Who knows?

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      I wish it were a requirement that the parents must show in court. Then we would know whether Brissy has given birth or not. Of course, there is always the fake preg belly. It must still be around the compound somewhere. Geez, what a mess.

    3. Janice A Soderquist9:12 PM

      If Bristol didn't show up because she said she needed to stay home and rest with the baby coming so soon, would the judge ask for a doctors statement to this? Would a doctor want to get involved with this situation and thus maybe causing the doctor problems? Is there even a doctor involved with Bristol's pregnancy? Would the judge just take Bristols word of mouth on her condition?

  3. Anonymous8:47 AM

    No way is Bristol going to make it to a court date on Monday. Who is Sarah's lawyer now?

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Who pays Brissy's legal fees? Sarah PAC?

    2. Passage. That's what pays everyone.

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    She will be appearing via phone

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Bristol is a spoiled brat living off of money the family business steals or defrauds from the gullible.

      She will not show up for court.

      It is already worked out, right? It only means they are signing off on the agreements they settled on.

      She may have already signed the papers she needs to sign.

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      @10:40, If it was settled and agreed upon they wouldn't be going to court.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Wanna bet Bristol is 'in labor' on Monday and can't be bothered to make the court appearance???

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Yepper. Scarah will need to call her script writers and reschedule the private celebrity's revirgined birth.

    2. Yep. She'll be having some "contractions" but they'll stop and then the baby will be "born" on Christmas Day. With a full head of hair, fingernails and looking about a month old. I'm sure they've saved some pics from the actual birth to release.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I think Sailor will say her first words within hours after birth. "Daddy, Dakota". See, proof who the daddy is. He can keep his pie hole shut.

    4. Anonymous1:13 PM

      I want to know who the parents are of the "newest great-grandson" whose photo Jr. posted this week.

    5. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Anonymous 1:13 PM

      I agree, it is very interesting.

      Especially when it shows how Chuck Jr. is operating.

    6. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Chucky's little homespun blog for family and values and friends that mean so much to both the Heaths and the Palins. He can't inform his followers who the parents are? He's a poor sad nut sack.

    7. Anonymous8:16 PM

      The timing is too special for good old boy Junior to be tossing into the mix another mystery baby. What an A-HOLE!! He was rotten enough to cheat on his wife and kids and screw a subordinate while playing a school teacher.

      Look at his blog and how pitiful he is to the people who comment and are some kind of supporters of his family. He is rude and thoughtless. He is all about being creepy with that old folksy front the Heaths put on.

      So much for the Heaths being Thankful at Thanksgiving.

  6. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "The parties have reached a final custody and visitation agreement for residing in the same community......."

    So if Bristol happens to be living in Wasilla this seems to dictate the terms of custody. But what about if she just up and decides to relocate or flit around for a while trying to act like a celeb like she has been. What protections does Levi have now from that stuff starting again?

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      That may have been how Sarah sweetened the deal for Bristol to move to Ky and marry for the Medal Sarah wanted.

      Bristol thought she could get rid of the Levi problems if she really did move.

      I was never convinced there was any chemistry between Bristol and Dakota Meyer.

      I think the deals they all made were not ever about a love match or even a sex match, if they tried do that or not.

      Dakota had used a marriage before. He went silent before and tried to hide the marriage that was part of his scam to get the Medal he does not deserve.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      If I was a toughy Marine guy that has Dakota's history with women and wife. Also how he got the Medal he does not deserve. And any number of other things to hide.

      If I was all that, I would do exactly what Dakota Meyer is doing.

      STFU. Forever STFU Dakota, just like a strong Marine would do in this situation.

      Dakota, Fuc_ Sailor by leaving her with the Paymes and being part of giving her a life built on quicksand and lies.

      I think Todd knows more about Dakota Meyer than Bristol ever did. Neither of them will talk about that part of this mess.

    3. " But what about if she just up and decides to relocate or flit around for a while trying to act like a celeb like she has been."
      Typically, custody agreements address such issues and if they don't, when one parent leaves in a way that will affect the other parent's court-ordered parenting time, the affected parent can go to court and request remedy (more time when the other parent is in town, the leaving parent having to pay travel expenses for the child to return to the parent who remains, and so on).

      In other words, the agreement is conditioned on them both living locally. Should one of them want to move or travel in a way that disrupts parenting time, it is grounds to re-visit the agreed upon arrangement.

    4. Anonymous12:33 PM

      @anon 12:10pm

      Well Dakota should leave Sailor with Bristle, otherwise it would be kidnapping since he is not the baby Daddy. And as a Marine I hope he demands a paternity test, which he can do based on gossip alone ( men do have rights).

    5. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Dakota can't do anything about what the Palins do with the baby they want media and the world to think is a Meyer. That would mean Sailor is related to the grandparents that won't mention Bristol's name. In Sarah's world, Dakota's grandparents are some kind of cold to also exclude their own blood.
      Just because they are not blood to Sailor and maybe they can say her name doesn't matter when it comes to the Christian, Christmas birth. The Palins will have a Christmas birth and they will have Dakota Meyer as the father. He is as close to Christ as they could find.

      Dakota can only care about a child that is his former fiancee's baby. Sailor is not Dakota's baby.

      If he could settle and establish in public that he was not the father, that part of the Palin game would be over.

      Instead that part of the game, the fraud, will never be over. Sailor will be born into it and must live the lie. She is a center piece in that fraud. They can keep Sailor behind, like they did Trig or just keep her so brainwashed she will never care.

      Since these are public figures and the Palins are creating their version of this birth for people who will send her money or lift her up to be a politician. They don't care about the h8rs and that is not who they gear their act toward. Sarah can do things like CNN and create herself as functioning and part of the political scene. Not everyone agrees with the IM consensus. Sarah may need spies to monitor IM and others, but she doesn't write this birth story or care about h8rs.

      Dakota can only establish that he is not the father. He has not done that.

      That would leave the fact that Bristol is a whore for all to know. Bristol as a whore and the Palins lying to their knucklehead$ would only matter to knucklehead$ with an ounce of self respect left after being abused by the Palins for so long.

      The way Dakota is doing his part means that will never be dealt with.

      Bristol will have a wonderful miracle baby that God planned. Although Bristol wanted credit for planning this baby at one time. She could never say if she planned the baby alone to trap some sucker or if she planned the baby with the father. In Sarah's world Bristol and Dakota planned baby Sailor. Dakota only has to go on being a star in that show by staying silent.

      Dakota don't ever change. Let Bristol have her Christmas miracle.

  7. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Saturday, December 19, 2015
    Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin back in court on Monday. Hopefully for the final time

    Going to court is Bristol's way of hooking up with Levi.

    Bristol get over it.
    A) Levi will not take you back

    B) No Sunny will not share you with Levi

    C) Sunny IS Tripp's stepmother

  8. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Fuck you, Bristol. As with your mother, you'll make people pay eternally, even at the expense of a child, for crossing you. Good luck in his teen years; you're going to need it.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      What a tragedy that she would keep him from a loving father and family that gives him the base he needs.

  9. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I hope the judge rules that Levi grossly overpaid child support the last seven years, and Bristol must reimburse a large part of it.

    I agree, no way she shows in person; what is she, about 10 or 11 months pregnant now ? The Judge might say "You're pregnant again Bristol ? Guess I'll be seeing you in here again before long. Do you know who the father of this one is" ?

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Immaculate conception coming right up!

    2. Oh, that would be great.

      Next hearings will be for DNA testing for Valentina Sayler Cleatusia.

    3. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Valentina Sayler Cleatusia.

      "Fuc_ Marines" Bristol

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    When will the Palin news stop? They are the most hypocritical family ever..the do exactly the opposite of what they preach.
    Curse upon the American people by McCain.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Only six days to go until the miraculous (already born) sent from heaven new bambino arrives! So special, born on the same day as Jesus himself, of whom was actually born in the spring.

      Play it, Paylins, you're so damned stupid to think that educumated people fall for your schtick!

    2. Anonymous12:22 PM

      We can all use a Christmas miracle. think I'll watch 'It's a Wonderful Life'.

    3. Anonymous1:10 PM

      I'm telling you, they are going to claim that this baby is another virgin birth, just like Jesus. I;m surprised they aren't naming her "Mary" or "Precious" or "Gift from God."

  11. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Levi whatever happens don't hug Barstool or she will claim you are her fetus's seed donor.

  12. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Bristle has a completely different face, following her plastic surgery.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Barstool is still young and the worst is yet to come for the work she has had done.

      I saw a woman that was injected, fillers, silicon, you name it she couldn't stop on her quest for beauty. She now looks more like Sarah Palin but she was younger and began earlier than Sarah.

      That is what Barstool has to look forward to.

      I don't think Barstool can go to court because she has been worked on after giving birth to Sailor.

      She wants to look like the perfect just gave birth mother of two. There were rumors she was 'fat', did anyone see if she posted any fat pregnant pictures?

      I saw nothing of her being fat during this pregnancy. It will make a better story if she can claim she was fat with Sailor and then she pops. Suddenly Bristol has back her instant skinny figure.

      She needs to do the nursing mother look if she is going to fake that she is nursing.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      How will Bristol explain the c-section scar seen on her in photos? Where is that baby and does she take the fathers of her other bastard babies to court for support and custody?

    3. Anonymous12:01 PM

      11:08 AM

      It already looks like she has that scar. She can always do the 'modest' card. Remember she is to golden child and how modest and humble.

    4. Anonymous12:21 PM

      How old will Sailor be when Bristol starts getting her plastic surgery?

    5. Anonymous2:54 PM

      When they tested early for DNA Bristol had Dr. Michael Suckmeoff start restructuring Sailor's chin. It is never to early in life to be beautiful. Lord, forgive her if she birthed an ugly baby. That Bristol is grounded and her plans and priorities are in order.

    6. Anonymous6:07 AM

      @Anonymous 12:21 PM

      '''How old will Sailor be when Bristol starts getting her plastic surgery?'''
      If Sailor inherits Bristle's old chin, there will most likely be a scheduled chin reconstruction surgery for Sailor in the future.

  13. Janice A Soderquist9:43 AM

    Is Levi going for joint custody too? Does he have a good attorney?

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Careful, Janice, the "obsessed" troll will accuse you of not having a life. You ask too many questions, don' cha know.... :)

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Fuck Alicia

    3. Anonymous11:04 AM

      @10:45 AM That is Alicia's problem, no one wants to.

    4. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Hopefully he did. But at least it seems he has stopped Barstool from dragging Tripp around the country just so she can find someone to fuck her.

    5. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Levi didn't stop Barstool from dragging Tripp. God or Dakota stopped Barstool when they knocked her up and she had to stay put.

  14. A nony mouse10:20 AM

    Doubtful that this is the last court appearance for this custody case.

    The palins will do everything in their power to financially destroy Levi and Sunny. Keeping this going in court is the best way to do that.

    Does ANYone think that bristles will honor the court's rulings? She has never done so in the past.

  15. Anonymous10:20 AM

    This will look good - as the barely recognizable Chin waddles into a court room with a second child who $he's clueless as to the father is. .. Will she lie about "working full time for six years" at Doc Jack MeOff's? Will $he lie about how much money she has made from "her" postings and other "work" via SarahPAC? I hope there is a transcript of the court hearing so everyone can enjoy how 'articulate' BrisDull is. I can hear it now:, ahhhh.... Um.... victim victim .... Like ..... Ahhhh, Um ..... I hope all her deceitfulness plays out against her.

    1. Janice A Soderquist12:17 PM

      Well, the judge could ask for old income tax returns showing her income and work receipts showing how much she made per year from the doc. The judge could wonder how she bought a new house, has all new furniture, new truck and able to travel anywhere, Hawaii just recently and how she can say she is broke. I hope he followed her and Levi's online FB, Instagrams, etc. to see her lifestyle.....Levi's shows a loving father and stepmom.....she had to spend a fortune of designer items and her plastic surgery. I hope the doctor checks out everything.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Janice, I think that is what has happened, a final realization that Bristol has made nearly million bucks off DWTS, her book and other income sources. Finally they are giving Levi and his family a break from the extraordinary child support for the kid named after Todd's whore.

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Why would she lie about Jack Meoff?

      Bristol never went any place with her skin skoole degree. She could have been licensed and moved up.

      Mommy got her a job with a tea bag family she has sway and control over. We are not going to see what the court sees.

      Jack Meoff or his daughter Kelly. Actually, the Coombs woman, hold the keys to that palace and Coombs will do what they tell her to do.

      Coombs can make it look like Jack Meoff and Kelly are doing some charity work and hiring this newbie. She is being trained for free or the state pays them to program her.

      People like this are scam artists. Everything will work out the best possible way for them. It happens everyday.

    4. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Bristles isn't mature enough to go to court without mommy or daddy to speak for her.

  16. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Levi gets better looking with every year. Bristol gets more plastic.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      I agree! Levi is one handsome man...and his wife Sunny is so beautiful, inside and out. Brisket, all plastic on the outside; all ugly on the inside.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      You know when Levi first cam on the public scene( or was dragged there by the Palins) in 2008 I thought he was a good looking boy, but he has sure matured into a handsome young man.

    3. Anonymous3:25 PM


    4. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Levi may be very handsome but Sunny is stunning, sparkling and too gorgeous for words.

      Pregnancy takes its toll and Sunny has two baby girls. She still looks like she lives vibrant. Not just some BS talk about it like the Palins do.

  17. "For residing in the same community".

    So if Brisket decide to reside somewhere else all bets are off?

    And there is that pesky confidentiality clause again.

    This won't be the end of anything.

    Personally, I think Levi should have started proceedings for full custody proving Bristles is an UNFIT MOTHER.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      That drunken tape from last yr and knowing Tripp was along should have been enough for any judge, but it's Alaaaaska and the Palins.

    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Yes, in any normal place the judge would have rethought the whole scenario after the drunken brawl.

  18. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Did Dakota Meyer EVER dodge a bullet.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      He may have dodged a bullet but they can slowly feed him Ricin or nuke him one day. He is hardly safe from that family. You think Levi also dodged a bullet? Yeah, it may appear that way for a time.

      I think the Palins are quitters. I don't believe they quit on everything.

  19. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Bristol is a prisoner. She can't go anywhere outside of her lock down.

    The new mother will be acting like a normal hardworking single mother of 2 after her leave of absence from the Skin Cancer job? I doubt it, the fraud must go on. She is such a joke, as is all of Wasilla and all the pink and brown shirts that work for the fascist business the Heaths and Palins operate out of little Valley/Anchorage area.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Bristol is no prisoner. She was more than happy to ride the fraud train to fame and fortune. The "I'm in the house slone," when SS were right outside. The parking garage in LA ,white SUV, on the phone to Mommy, "make it stop" for paparazzi.

      Every last one of this Kardashian-wannabe tribe could go away if they wanted to. Fact is that they thrive on it, and cannot handle being a cheap imitation and the ridicule that comes with it.

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Neither was Patty Hearst a prisoner. She wasn't 'happy' and she didn't love her perpetrators. So much she wanted to be and look like them.

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Brissy is no prisoner. She's greedy, selfish, shallow, and immature, and she appears to have a long term drinking problem.

      She wants money and celebrity but she doesn't want to work for either. She has made many poor decisions, and now she's at a dead end. But that doesn't make her a prisoner, just a fool.

    4. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Not that any of them can admit it, I see them all as prisoners. Sunny and Levi and their children. If they are living full lives and can speak and stand up for themselves with out constraints for anything of Palin, then they may not be prisoners. Hell, the whole town of Wasilla acts like they are in prison.

      Some of them may like to live the lie and they are rewarded and love their prison. To each his own.

    5. She can't claim she works because then she'd have to produce W2s to show income. She wants to live off Levi in the manner to which she has become accustomed. If she has income, that will cut down on child support. Why should he pay 100% when he doesn't get Tripp even 50% of the time?

      Then there is the matter of the second little Ooops. Bristol is going to have to prove that she isn't using Tripp's child support for both kids, plus that she can support the new Ooops on her salary from that job she says she has.

      Bristol is screwed every which way from Tuesday. And no way can she pin Cleatus on Dakota. She is going to stay away from DNA like the plague.

    6. Anonymous2:46 PM


      You don't know what you are talking about. 99.9% of our town of Wasilla has neither contact nor interest in what the white trash family with the big houses on the lake do. We don't care, many of us never cared. The Palins are just another white trash family with money and really they are more in the national news now than they ever are locally. I'm a little surprised that the Frontiersman printed this story as the Palin reporting up here is few and far between. Ignorant over-breeders and underachievers, any of 'em and all of 'em.

    7. Anonymous3:18 PM

      2:46 PM

      You may not be considering what it is like to be in a cult or even the area around a cult that you don't belong to.

      The AIP Palins need to be on Homeland Security terrorist list. Everyone in Wasilla would be advised to look out for anything and report any thing.

      Whatever you want to call it religion, political, cult whatever the cancer is. Too bad it isn't on a list and the community be properly advised.

    8. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Track Palin has been suspicious for years. Why is it no one is tracking him? How huge is his arsenal by now?

    9. Anonymous9:57 PM

      318 what do you think Sarrry is so cranky is crawling up her ass she can't keep up with the ointments for relief...and it's just gonna get Skarry?

  20. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Did the Palins ever take Dylan Kolvig to court for child support payments? What about Joey Junker for the DWTS baby?

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      I think Gino was the baby daddy of the DWTS baby. Where did he disappear to?

  21. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Will Tripp/1st born, Trig/2nd born, Tristan/3rd born, and Sailor/4th born go to court with Bristol?

    1. Tri-G was first, then Trigg. Then either one or two more. Then "OOps".

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Trigg, mlaiuppa?

  22. Anonymous11:28 AM

    She’ll be there again with Johnson in the coming year looking for full custody and that monthly check. But, don’t plan on a showing of Bristol before the bench this time. No way will she show up to this hearing. Like her mother, she is a coward and avoids anything that might place her in a position where the veneer is shed and she is exposed for the ignorant tramp she really is.

    1. She can't take a chance the fake belly might slip, revealing the newest bastard came a month "early" according to their faked timeline.

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Bristol Palin's court dates always come when she has publicly embarrassed herself, like the Palin Family Brawl and the advanced pregnancy of a street baby.

      Bristol gives judges a lot to think about in respect of what's best for Tripp.

  23. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Somebody up there in Alaaaaska go to the courthouse and try and get a glimpse of her baby bump lol.
    I bet she pretends to go into labor Sunday night, early monday am as an excuse to miss the court date.s

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      If she is a normal mother you will find her at the store. She would be going out and doing what anyone else would be doing.

      If there were photos, by those outside of the frauds that are supportive of the Palins and their crimes, we would see the photos that are not staged.

      If Bristol has to hide, that is another matter. The good people would not see her.

      We will only hear the same old bullshit from those that are complicit in the palin tricks. You know, I saw her she was miserable and huge, that crap.

  24. Don't count on it. Money, Palin whores...anything can happen.

  25. Be real. Bristol cant make anyone's life miserable with this baby as shed have to admit the father isn't Dakota. The only way she can hope to hide that embarrassing fact is to keep her big mouth shut and hope no one notices that she's not hitting Dakota up for child support. That fact should be a big fat red flag for anyone following this.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      You are privy to anything the Palins and Meyer would work out in private? So you know whatever they have or know about each other is what is in the press?

      I guess you are right because we don't know a dern thing about what agreements, contracts or what the nuts they have arranged in private that means we know there is no way she could be getting money out of Dakota.

      There is more than one way to skin a cat. Dakota doesn't have to be Sailors's DNA father. If he broke any kind of private agreement he may need to pay up with his silence or money or both.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Ask yourself, why did Dakota suddenly send her and the brat packing back to AK even without their stuff? He found out something that made her unsuitable for him marrying her, because really, he was into her a few months prior, but all of a sudden he just tells her to leave? I have a feeling that Dakota knows he can't get girl pregnant and that Cletus, the Bristol Fetus, was a no go, because there was no way it could be his.

    3. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Bristol was different looking with past pregnancies. She may have HIV or something dreadful and that is why she looks so unhealthy. Although she has people who can do make up and cover up a lot of it. She didn't look that pregnant and she lost any sense of seeing herself as she looks to others. Addicts can look like Bristol, also someone with serious disease. Charlie Sheen has HIV for 3 years. He has kept it a secret and he wasn't honest with his close relationships.

      Dakota may have also learned about what all meds and or drugs she was using.

      I think his relatives woke him up to things. I don't know exactly what all that would be. I do think he did know he could not be Sailor's father. A man in love can forgive a situation like that and raise his love one's children. So I think it is more than Dakota is not a father.

      I would not want a liar with a communicable disease around my elderly family.

    4. Anonymous7:12 PM

      I agree. I've known of too many young men that fall in love. They are fine with taking care of other men's children, as was Dakota with Bristol and Tripp. Occassionally, they love a woman that has a child and gets preg with another man's baby. I am not saying my generation would have been cool with that.

      Absolutely, Dakota and Bristol's generations are likely to be fine with it.

      I do not think that is all there was to the Dakota and Bristol sudden split. I think it is much more and much more shocking. They both have a great deal more to hide.

    5. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Yeah vehicular tampering does Darkota? Dumbfuck!

  26. Janice A Soderquist12:12 PM

    I bet she doesn't appear for court. Her attorney will stand in for her with a note she is ready to pop and needs to stay in bed..... will the judge buy that?

    1. Anonymous9:52 PM

      considering the judge crawled out of that political bed...yeah..

  27. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Does anyone in the Johnston family have an IQ over 100? Just wondering why the hell Levi would agree to any confidentiality agreement. How is that in his best interests at all? Makes no sense and he's going to be screwed over again. That boy never learns!

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Levy was protecting his mother from the Palins.

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Levi and Bristles were ideally suited to each other intellectually.

    3. I agree. Levi has made one bad decision after another this entire time. I no longer have any sympathy for him.

    4. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Do you remember Taylor Johnston? Check her out. She has an IQ of 101 and she knows what all and plus what is going on. Her dad, her work all of it. She is up on it all and not missing a thing. Hot chick! Hot yoga! She could clue you in and make your hair stand on end. Big Daddy, also, too. He is not out in the snow.

      Don't miss the neighborhood. It is all so close and nobody knows what is going on down the lake at the Palin compound. No one see Track's stash. No one in Wasilla cares.

  28. Janice A Soderquist12:23 PM

    I would think that the judge realized with all of Bristols luxury items, everything she has bought, all new, designer, etc.; he would realize she doesn't need Levi's child support cause she is super rich. Hope he gives them joint custody or lowers Levi's support to $100 a month.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      If he gets joint custody she may be paying him.

    2. That would be priceless. If they get 50/50 and Bristol ends up paying Levi.

      Wouldn't they both have to produce their tax returns for the last three years?

  29. Janice A Soderquist12:39 PM

    Is this the same judge who made Levi pay such high payments? Is there any fair judges in Alaska who could do the right thing or are they all in Sarah's corner. I would take it to the Supreme Court if Levi gets trashed again in court and does not get his support lowered.

  30. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Barstool gave birth months ago; and there is no way in hell she will personally show up in court, the Paylins are "above" such things.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Oh she's still pregnant and looks very uncomfortable.

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Tell her to take out the Sponge-bob pillow @ 246. She feel 1000 pounds lighter.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      2:46 PM Liar.

    4. Anonymous9:04 PM

      It didn't take Bristol long to respond.

    5. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Hey Barstool may be the one that made mommy cry and resign will show up to see you in court! Watch your back now!

  31. Anonymous2:42 PM

    So she's giving Levi a break in child support since she knows she has another guy on the hook to keep her in Louboutins. She's the worst kind of woman, one whose lifestyle is based upon grifting off the guys that were dumb enough to have unprotected sex with her.

  32. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Does Bristol have to be there personally? I bet she wears 15 layers of clothes under a huge coat and doesn't take any off.

    Also, too, the scarves. Gotta have those pregnancy scarves.

    Anyone volunteering to go with a camera? Be sure to have a buddy help cover all the entrances and exits.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      This is all the Frontiersman said.

      PALMER — Bristol Palin and former fiancé Levi Johnston have a court date together for the first time in more than a year....

      That's all!!

      Like it could not be canceled? This is a family court matter.

      It could be that all, EVERYTHING, has been worked out with the parties. This is a formality.

      Court can be done in chambers and mediation. Everything isn't a showdown or show up. They do not need to tell the public how things go.

      It would be nice if Levi and Sunny were free to express what they really think and feel. May be they can give a thumbs up if they are satisfied. Or they can do nothing. I am of the thought that anyone involved with Palins or living in the vicinity of a Palin is indeed a prisoner of some sort. I doubt that Trig realizes he is a prisoner, there are many in Wasilla like that.

      Many have shut down and just go with the "We don't care."

  33. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I haven't read the comments, but my did Bristol trade down! Levi is one handsome hunk, and her current "donor" must be butt ugly. The chin will pull a Sarah and appear on tv, she's too chickenshit to face him in person after all the evildoing she's responsible for all these years. Playing tug of war with your kid, refusing visitation, etc. isn't putting Tripp first. As far as I know, there's one adult who's matured and never wavered while fighting to see his kid.

  34. Janice A Soderquist6:22 PM

    If Bristol does not attend the court hearing because she is claiming it would be a burden on her because she is ready to pop with her baby and later it is found out the baby was born earlier, she could be in great trouble for lying to the court. If we find out she did not appear before the judge because of her pg condition, I would say she is still pg. What is more important to her, lying to the judge or save her reputation?

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      She will not need to lie or be in court.

  35. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Levi may be handsome, but he is completely brainless. Frankly, he and Bristol deserve one another.

    1. Janice A Soderquist7:33 PM

      Why is he brainless. He grew up, works really hard and has found a great new lady in his life. Remember he was just a naive kid when he was with Bristol who never grew up. No, Bristol does not deserve him either...

    2. Janice A Soderquist7:37 PM

      Bristol just posted a picture on Instagram where she looks huge. Boy she grew that stomach fast. She is playing games and posting all these pics because the forums are discussing them and it keeps her in print. She loves all this.....

    3. Anonymous8:03 PM

      @ Janice
      Does that big belly look a bit high to you for being due in a matter of days? It does to me.
      But I love Barstool telling people to Fuck off, I guess that's her "good christian" upbringing lol.

    4. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Bristol must know she is doomed or she wouldn't fall back on this.

      Poor thang needs a prop to shield her. It is bad enough for Sarah to use Trig, Bristol has no other ideas? SOS @ December 19, 2015 4:19pm

    5. Anonymous4:49 AM

      bsmp2 Instagram photo
      bsmp2 about 13 hours ago
      It my daughter's father wanted to be a part of her life, he would @trisha.s10

    6. Anonymous7:29 AM

      In no way does Levi deserve the Palins. He's a decent man and a good father.

  36. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Same belly? Two props.

    December 19, 2015 4:19pm (5 days)

    December 6, 2015 12:46pm (2.5 weeks)

  37. Anonymous11:44 PM

    9 months ago

    momma2makiah05 9 months ago Baby #2 on the way?

    March 29, 2015 11:15pm

  38. London Bridges3:29 AM

    If Bristol was really due on Christmas, she would have asked for a different date. Thus, it appears she is using the court appearance date as part of some sort of Palinesque scam. Stay tuned!

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Her lawyer requested she be able to "phone in" rather than show up in person.

    2. Janice A Soderquist7:03 AM

      The judge can still ask her questions and I bet her attorney will take all the documents requested by the court, income, income tax returns, salaries, etc.

    3. Janice A Soderquist7:04 AM

      Why phone in? It is ok, but if she is using her pregnancy as an excuse and she already gave birth, she is in big trouble.....

  39. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Levi is so stinking cute in that picture.


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