Friday, January 22, 2016

Here is that ABC News report showing Sarah Palin arriving in Alaska and doubling down on blaming Track's military service for his domestic violence arrest.

Here is what the  dimwit says starting at the 2:15 mark:

"My family is no different than other families that are dealing with some of the ramifications of war. And just really appreciate people who will support our troops and make sure that they are treated better than illegal immigrants for one."

ABC then reports about the SarahPAC e-mail asking for more money so that she can keep traveling and " endorsing anti-establishment candidates who will not play politics as usual."

It kind of sounds to me as if ABC News is not buying the Sarah Palin mooseshit.

By the way Palin's remarks are so ridiculous and out of line that even the White House felt the need to chime in: 

White House spokesman Josh Earnest, asked about the comments at a news briefing on Thursday, said the instinct of many people is to "make light" of some of the rhetoric on the campaign trail, particularly from Palin. 

"The fact is domestic violence is not a joke. Gun violence is not a joke. Problems with addiction are not a joke and the ... sacrifices that many of our men and women in uniform make, for our safety and security, are not a joke." 

Earnest said while the fodder may come easy, "in this case, the issues that she's talking about are quite serious and are certainly issues that we take quite seriously here."

And everybody SHOULD take PTSD seriously.

But just like Down syndrome, if Palin can use it to deflect criticism, then she WILL use it to deflect criticism.


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Don't forget, Trump agrees with her and he needs to face the same backlash. These two are dangerous to this country!

    1. Boscoe7:43 AM

      I wonder which part of "personal responsibility" conservatives don't understand?

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Oh, the 'pubbies understand personal responsibility just fine...they are all personally responsible for pointing fingers and shifting the blame to you, me, President Obama, anyone who doesn't vote for them or contribute to their slush, I mean campaign fund....

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Nice to see she suspended her self-funded campaign activities to be by her son's side.

      (This is snark folks)

    4. 66gardeners8:36 AM

      Don't worry. The voters will hold him accountable by electing Hillary Clinton President of the United States.

    5. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Remember - President Obama was elected both times. Money and constant negative press did not stop Americans from voting for him both times.

      The Republicans failed both times in all the hate and racism that was spread (much by Sarah Palin!).

      They are going to fail again. Trump will not be elected POTUS if he is even picked by Republicans for the primary race. It's a minority of the Republican party that favor him.

      The majority of Republicans, Independents and Democrats will not elect him!

      Plus, he's already lost the minority races within America due to his racist public statements.

  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Track needs to be the one to defend himself and reveal the truth about his mother and father. Do an interview with Barbara Walters or Diane Sawyer, Track. The truth will set you free! Spilling it is the only way to move forward and heal. You can't exist peacefully or happily for the next 60y living a life of lies. Be brave! Exhibit the courage a vet is supposed to have!

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      He can't he depends on $carah for support, just like his sisters do. I would like someone to expose the military records, showing EXACTLY where Track was (supposedly) stationed during his 3 stints in EyeRack.

    2. Balzafiar6:52 AM

      Given the path Track is on, unfortunately he isn't likely to live another 60.

      His problems are exacerbated by the fact that he isn't self-supporting so can't extricate himself from the toxic environment he finds himself in. In order to do so he would have to make some very hard sacrifices, but that's a decision only he can make and he would need someone to help him financially, or -- write an expose to raise the funds.

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      He is incapable.

    4. Anonymous8:37 AM

      stupid breeds stupid

    5. Anonymous9:05 AM

      There is no defense for assaulting another person, there can only be an admission of guilt and he pleaded not guilty in our court system.
      He is either a typical republican that is unable to take person responsibility for his actions or it's another case of "affluenza" where he has gotten away with so much that he thinks there are no rules he has to follow.

      BTW, I have a husband that left one kidney and about 10 feet of his intestines in 'Nam and a son that lost a leg in Afghanistan.
      Neither have ever hit a woman, both came back to be productive members of society unlike drunk Trackmarks.

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    trump is way smarter than scratch. I'll bet she never even got to corner Dakota in LV.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      OMG! Cruz is "two faced"? Let us all hope his other face is one whole HELL of a lot better looking than the one we have been seeing. He is one ugly man.

  4. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post has a great column about how Palin never takes responsibility for anything.

    1. 66gardeners8:41 AM

      GOP voters: This is the party you helped to create, bit by bit, vote by vote, year after year.

      Republicans aren’t passively accepting their own self-destruction. They engineered it. They gerrymandered a lock on Republican seats, wooed the ignorant and resentful voter, and did everything they could to ruin Barack Obama’s presidency.

      They wasted time trying to kill affordable medical care rather than insure needy people. They signed pledges promising to bankrupt the country, turning on the taps to fill Grover Norquist’s bathtub, gleefully pushing us in and holding us under.

      They created the chaos that broke the government. Now the only people left to run for office are the destroyers who were propelled to positions of power. The only voices voters hear are the ones that drowned out rational discourse.

      Conservative must now reap what they’ve sown. They can’t rebuild a party simply as a reaction to the dysfunction they caused.

      Trump and Cruz have sucked all the air out of the Republican balloon. There is no “candidate C” for the party to rally behind. None of them can stand against fundamentalism, or accept that climate change is a looming disaster, or welcome immigrants, or support women’s rights. They can’t begin to stop gun violence.

      Republicans are facing an existential threat. They need to fail in order to survive.

    2. "Geniuses of the Dada movement would have been humbled by her deconstruction of the language and her obliteration of the bourgeois concept we call logic."

    3. Anonymous11:05 AM


      Is there an article link to that or did you write it? Thanks!

  5. Anonymous6:28 AM

    So I'm sure the first things Scarah did when she got home were to secure all those loose guns in her home, make sure Track took full responsibility for his actions, and scheduled a stint in rehab for him plus immediate emergency psych evaluations.

    Yeah, right. Instead Track pleads not guilty and nothing changes.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Nah, she likely poured them both a drink, and complained about the liberals who ruin their lives.

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Sarah probably wishes Track would crawl into a hole and never come out.

    3. Anonymous8:08 AM

      She probably screamed at him for ruining HER big comeback...and never once mentioned his girlfriend or getting him help.

    4. Anonymous8:42 AM

      $arah fast tracked it home to check on her stash of pills

    5. Anonymous10:06 AM

      She probable is plotting how to blame it all on Jordan, the snitch that called the police and exposed the families dirty laundry.

    6. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Again I say, Sarah would LOVE for Track to kill himself. One "problem" gone and Sympathy.

  6. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Not many people know this but back when Track was a pissy little poorly behaved brat, Bill and Hillary Clinton were causing him to start acting that way. Poor little guy! These Democrats have just ruined his life from day one.

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Ahahhaa, but you're right! That's what caused his actions now, also, too. Not only did he have to deal with Obama, but Hillary is back on the scene as well!!

      This is way too traumatic to expect any person to deal with...hence the PTSD. Hence the beating. What other behavior could be expected?

    2. Anonymous10:09 AM

      I knew those Clintons had something to do with this.

      The excuses that keep on giving.

    3. Anonymous10:55 AM

      The bus incident happened in December 2005, this looks to have been W's fault.

      He was born during the Daddy Bush administration, so I'd have to say the Bush influence is much stronger ;-)

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Perfectly handled by Josh Earnest. It's clear who the grownup in the room is. And while being the adult, the WH managed to send a subtle message about Palin's horrific parenting.

  8. Anonymous6:29 AM

    This might just be Sarah's Waterloo. Judging by all the media, left or right, and all the commenters, I can say that on a bi partisan basis, almost to a person, we all want Sarah to go home and shut the fuck up.

    America is tired of Sarah's lies and Sarah's hate. We are tired of Sarah's ignorance and we tire of having to hear about her drop out, no count kids who cannot keep a job. We are tired of Sarah as a victim and her kids as a victim. The only victim is the American people who have had to endure her nonsense these many years.

    Keep that trash in the MatSu Valley. I have had enough and I am by no means alone.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      It gets old hearing the weekly chorus of "This event is going to finish her! It's really true this time!" By now, we should all realize that the GOP is all about tribalism. Nothing that ordinary humans judge important will cause them to veer from their tribal identity -- not bad policy, not bad behavior, nothing. Yes, she's getting slammed by the Cruz fans now, and that's fun to watch. And yes, she doesn't have nearly as many admirers as she used to have, and that's great. But there is a certain percentage of America that will defend her no matter what she does, because it's all about the tribe you belong to and there's no such thing as objective standards for these people.

      Couple that with the Palins' utter inability to feel shame, remorse or embarrassment, and you have a family that's not going anywhere as long as there is a single dollar still to be mined.

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      They do not get jobs, let alone keep them!! Unless you count the perenially pregnant Bristles, who has worked for Dr. JackMeOff for 6 years!! Why is he not supporting her claims? Maybe he is now Dr. BumpMeOff?

    3. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Did barstool file taxes for those Six yrs employment with Dr. Handjob?

    4. Anonymous7:54 AM

      That's very true, but only up to a point (a very far-away point, but still).

      Just look at David Ritter of IS possible for their own behavior ultimately to topple these people. Even if they've seemingly overcome the "likes to wear diapers with prostitutes" kind of thing.

      Eventually people just get fed up. Even within the GOP.

    5. Anonymous8:33 AM

      david Vitter

    6. Anonymous8:53 AM

      It took a while for Bill Cosby to fall, but if the crimes are egregious enough they will fall in the end. The Palins are on borrowed time.

    7. Anonymous8:54 AM

      David Vitter never had the cult of personality Sarah has. And a big piece of it is looks, of course. Even though she looks "rode hard and put away wet" now and is getting worse week by week, there's really no denying that she has the basic goods in bone structure, figure, etc., and that in 2008, she looked good despite the tacky orange makeup and big hair. Men wanted to bonk her (and the saddest sacks still do; it's embarrassing to see them eagerly "Hi, Sarah!"-ing on her FB page). Women wanted to pretend she was like them, a loving mother. Both men and women fell for her fake religiosity.

      She had/still sort of has the full package for a base that never thinks with its whole brain. A goodly percentage of those people will never walk away, no matter what she's accused of and even proven to have done. Their identity is too wrapped up in hers.

    8. Anonymous9:17 AM

      That doctor that Bristol supposedly has worked for all these years, has a horrible reputation in Anchorage and has had it for years. Plus, he's a boozer.

      He was manipulated by the Palins in some manner. That should be investigated big time. Bristol is just like her mother, but what should we really expect?

    9. Anonymous10:11 AM

      As long as the lamestream media keeps giving her the podium, she is not finished.

  9. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I'd love to know if there are military websites that offer reactions from actual soldiers and their families to the Palinanity that Sarah spewed about her son's PTSD being the cause of his violence. Anyone know of some resources? I would value real input from real people, not just sites like Gawker or Wonkette, who offer amusement, but not thoughtful discussion.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Yesterday IM offered a post with a tweet from a vet who happened to share a barrack with Track. If you open the tweet it has all the "lovely" comments.

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Go to Military Times.

    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      It's my understanding that that other vet did not serve WITH Track, only that (during HIS separate time) he was in the same barrack and I think he had a similar position.

    4. Anonymous9:07 AM

      @ anon 7:41 am
      If they were on the same base then they "served" together.

    5. Anonymous9:14 AM

      'Lovely' comments about Track Palin? What a weird word to use! Hardly the case, 7:09 AM

  10. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Good for ABC. It looks like they are not buying Sarah's bull. She is still on this "veterans are treated worse than illegal immigrants" crap. I wish someone would ask her for some specific examples of that.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Begging for travel funds? That should be on a GoFundMe site, not a political Pac site.

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Not one American (or Alaskan) should give the bitch one dime!

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      No Alaskans have donated to her PAC for many years. I think there was one guy back in 2012, but that's been it these last few years.

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Did Sarah Palin loose Perk Number 1?

    Perk Number 1. That's whats great about being a governor. One of the perks is your children won't be arrested for drugs, DUI's, domestic violence, breaking and entering and anything else until you quit and everybody hates you. By now Track would be a felon if Sarah wasn't a politician when her children were growing up.

    Perk Number 2. Other perks would include things like husband won't be arrested for human sex trafficking, family state personal information is sealed from the public like who is the real fathers and mothers, how many births, birth certificates and real birth dates are sealed and more.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Wouldn't these sealed records need to be opened if Trump chose her as his VP?

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      If Track ends up with 1-1/2 years or more jail time we'll know Sarah has used up all her perks.

  12. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I wonder if Track's girlfriend thinks it's Obama's fault that Track punched her. I bet not.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      I doubt very much she will blame Track, much less leave him. The girl is clearly a mess herself.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      She's only 22 years old. One would hope her family is lending her support rather than letting Sarah shift the blame onto her. Interesting how she's able to bamboozle young people like Jordan & Levi but has met her match with Dakota. I'm hoping he comes out of the shadows and makes a stink about his infant daughter being around a firearm wielding victim of ptsd. Oh wait, the same thing could have happened at Dakota's house. That poor little baby.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I wish some news outlet would interview Track's girlfriend. Wonder how and what they are doing to keep her away from them and her mouth closed?

      Surely she has learned by now that being a part of the Palin klan brings nothing but pain. Surely she is not experiencing happiness!

      I'd recommend she move on as quickly as possible and eventually publish a book about Track Palin and his parents!

    4. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Yes, has anyone heard how Jordan is doing now?

  13. Anonymous6:44 AM

    For someone who has supposedly been training for the Iron Dog coming up in February, Todd's looking a little portly. Maybe he intends to scratch early in the race as he did last year.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      He's cheated in that race - as Alaskans well know. He'll do it again if he runs. He's getting up there in age - isn't training for it (no one has seen him doing so this year) and he's no longer regarded well by Alaskans.

      Having Sarah Palin support him in the race would now bring hoots and hollers that would be very anti Palins!

      The Iron Dog Committee would not enjoy having that type of behavior shown nationally. Doubt very much that they'd encourage his running the race. He'd have to 'quit' more than likely if he did try it again.

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      But that's the excuse Sarah used throughout the latest book tour for his absence. He's up there in Alaaaska, trainin' for the big snow machine race.

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Im sorry... Please explain the training involved in riding a snow mobile a long time? Does he need to find the right medication regimen to keep him awake and feeling fine? I dont get it.
      As a health care worker working during this blizzard in the East, we nurses will be on our feet and mentally alert for days at a time..... Seems a hell of a lot harder than riding a machine.... And NO performance drugs for us.. Coffee only.

  14. Anonymous6:44 AM

    @6.29 AM - If only this were Sarah's Waterloo; however, as we've seen so many times before, whenever it looked that that was the end of her she returned with a vengeance. I fear that we will never see Sarah's Waterloo.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      I (ever) hopeful this could be it. Track punched his girlfriend in the face. This wasn't just about self-destructive behavior, but violent behavior toward a woman.

      The best thing Sarah could have done is to excuse herself from the rally and shut the hell up.

      Instead, she made it political, made excuses for her violent son, and blamed the president.

      There are so many veterans who actually saw combat who are actually dealing with their demons and they don't want to be grouped with a guy who gets drunk and violent and smacks around his girlfriend (and then his mommy makes excuses for him).

      Sarah misjudged this one. She thought she'd get sympathy from veterans and for veterans, but she's getting raked over the coals.

    2. There will always be a place in this world for a lunatic grifter. Palin is the poster girl. She will do anything for attention.

      Screw her kids over.
      Politicize them.
      Make people think they have political ideas via ghostwriters.
      Buy them off and shut them up.

      Personally I don't want anything to be her Waterloo. Everyday in every way her un-parented kids, her mouth and her unending need for attention just makes her look more insipid and embarrassing every time. The GOP
      owns this loon. We can only mock her.

    3. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I suspect that Sarah also thought The Donald, with all of his billions, would be willing to pay for her travel expenses to support his campaign. Probably never crossed her mind that he is a business man who won't squander his campaign funds in the manner to which Sarah was expecting. When she screeched for over 20 minutes during her endorsement speech, it sure looked like Trump was wishing she would keep it short.

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      There will be no dramatic Waterloo for Sarah. There will eventually be a fading away, with the sounds of her screams growing ever fainter (see West, Wicked Witch of, for an illustration). In a way, it will be more satisfying, because she won't be able to keep stoking public fights with the people she thinks have wronged her. The public will just stop caring, no matter how she shrieks.

    5. Anonymous9:02 AM

      She and Todd deserve every bit of the ridicule. They truly are white trash and idiots.

  15. TwoBlueJays6:50 AM

    Please keep following up on the discharge code.

    1. Dropzone Bill6:58 AM

      The discharge code was for completion of service. He only signed a two year contract did his time nothing weird on the DD 214

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      I didn't know you could sign a two-year contract with the Army. My nephew had to sign for four active and two more with the national guard after that.

    3. TwoBlueJays7:32 AM

      The separation code AR 635-200 covers multiple issues for discharge, none of them 'honorable'.

    4. Anonymous7:34 AM

      I thought Sarah said he went back to Iraq recently..?

    5. TwoBlueJays7:36 AM

      From the National Guard FAQ (

      Guard Soldiers may also choose to volunteer for active duty assignments (for example, Border Patrol), and again, the length of deployment will vary. Your total enlistment period will be eight years, but you can serve as little as three or six years, and spend the remainder in IRR Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).

    6. TwoBlueJays7:51 AM

      US Army terms:

      Depends on your job assignment (MOS).

      Was Track Reserves or regular Army?

    7. Anonymous9:13 AM

      2BlueJays is correct
      The AR 635-200 discharge code is NOT an honorable discharge and has been used in the past to drum out "don't ask, don't tell" military members and cases of "affluenza" rich kids who did something very wrong but were "handled" for parents with connections for things normal soldiers would be court martialed for and given dishonorable discharges.

    8. Anonymous9:15 AM

      He signed up for the reserves.

    9. TwoBlueJays7:32 AM,

      The separation code AR 635-200 includes general or honorable discharge.

    10. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Track's discharge was honorable--the Army kept him on reserve status and he later enlisted in the AK National Guard.

    11. Anonymous11:03 AM

      He signed up for two years active duty, completed that, and then continued in the Reserves until September 2015.

  16. Isn't it hilarious seeing them almost sneaking back into Alaska in the dead of night with hardly any media or adoring fans to greet them? Oh how the mighty has fallen!

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Looks like the Donald does not screw around. When he is DONE with someone, he is DONE. Get them outta here.

    2. Yeah "DontHate"...loved when Baldy spotted the camera...thought she was going to stop and jump back in the shadows! Wonder what they said to her before the shot of them in the truck??

      Probably pimp daddy Toad pulled the RNC/McCain card and squashed that footage! I said it once I'll say it again....Baldy still has some sort of protection....she's gonna have it for life or until McCain croaks...whichever happens first!

      My money is on Baldy croaking first!


    3. Anonymous7:25 AM

      No private plane for her return. I guess Trump couldn't make one available for her.

    4. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Why did Todd choose to stay with Sarah and Trump rather than fly home to take care of Track?

    5. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Todd's grandmother also passed away while they were gone. Family does NOT come first with them.

  17. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The best part of Eugene Robinson's commentary is when he makes the point that Track Palin served in Iraq during George Bush's presidency. Snap!

  18. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Your comments on this article bring up NETGEAR FIREWALL. What's up?

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      That is your computer

  19. kraftysue6:57 AM

    I wish there was a way to determine if Track has ever been treated for PTSD? Someone in the press should ask Sarah about his treatment--where and how long he's been treated.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Then ask Sarah about what kind of therapy they got for Trig's DS. The answer will probably be the same. Therapy? We don't need no stinkin' therapy.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Yeah. I mean, no one, absolutely no one, in the media has questioned things. Reporters are all referring to "Track's PTSD" as if it is a fact. I get that people want to be careful, but she is getting away with a lie by way of how she's wording things to imply the PTSD and they're not making her clarify herself on it. She has been yammering on about vets and the "warriors," etc. for years. no one in the media wonders why there's never been a mention of track's Iraq experience as having had consequences that he and the family have been dealing with for six-plus years?

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      When Sarah spoke at Mighty Oaks she said that Track loved the place and went there for a week to pray away the PTSD. That's their program.

    4. In Alaska there is massive misdiagnoses of mental health issues and treatment for PTSD can add another layer of trauma. Serious.

    5. Anonymous10:38 AM

      His PTSD is from Sarah forcing him to enlist because " you owe me".....

      End of story.

  20. Anonymous7:04 AM

    When Sarah got home she told Track, "For getting arrested, I am cutting your monthly money in half and not buying you the house"

    Track replied, "Fuck you, if you do that I will go to the press and tell them who is Trig's real birth mother and tell them Curtis is my real father".

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Those two issues are no longer of any interest to anyone but the readers here, but the matter of WHY she quit being governor might have some legs.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Oh I don't know. I think people would be interested to know the whole story of Grifter's rise to importance.

    3. Anonymous8:50 AM

      7:59 AM Who made you spokesperson for all of us? When did you become the 'all things Palin' expert?

    4. Anonymous9:31 AM

      You're saying when people find out she lied about birthing Trig AND about Track's paternity, nobody will be interested?

      Maybe other people have given up the search for the truth, but when it comes out, everyone will be interested, especially given the rest of her skeletons.

    5. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Wrongo but thanks for playing.
      I only care about the faked pregnancy and CBJ complicity.


    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      YES. Love seeing this pre-service behavior being report in popular press. It's a start, anyway.

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Yeah, if only on TV they'd report on Track's long-time behavior. But they aren't.

  22. Anonymous7:22 AM

    O.K. you snarly, nasty ass bitch, is it Obama's fault your skanky daughters were in that drunken brawl? Or that trackmark got his ass kicked is same brawl? Or that bristol spread her abstinence legs again? Maybe you should ask trump to big a Yuuge wall around your shitty house so your shitty children and their shitty parents can't sneak out and cause havoc in the rest of the country.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      It's Obama's fault that Track couldn't make it through a whole hockey game as a teenager because he was too angry and violent.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Well, since we know (from Trump's investigations!) that baby Obama got his birth notice put into the Hawaii papers from Kenya, along with an address listed to his parents, the man is capable off anything!
      He saw little Track Palin from Harvard Law. See, Harvard's hockey program casts a wide net, and they had their eyes on the little scrapper. So they hired Obama to pay the other kids to taunt Track and make him fight. It was to toughen him up for the life ahead, when he made the Ivy League hockey team!! And then of course, Obama realized what a threat his Mayor mother would be down the line when he was President, so he had to pay off Track's teachers to give him and grades, and then he paid off Track's friends to turn him into a drunk who vandalized school property. He paid off Britta's parents to allow their daughter to sleep with the stellar citizen, and get pregnant, even though they are good Christian church leaders. He even paid Britta to divorce Track to make Sarah look bad.
      I mean, President Obama is so afraid of Sarah that he paid off the Alaska police so they could force Track enter the National Guard and get shipped to a war zone!!! Horrors! He could have been shot!
      Fortunately for our hero, his mother also has money, so she paid off the commander so old Track's big responsibility was driving the general around and then getting drunk. Easy peasey for Track. After his year was up, neither the President nor Sarah could buy him a combat medal, but he still got PTSD from being away from his loving home and his girlfriends. So under his mother's loving hand, he helped other vets at a vet rehabilitation center, until he got sent home again.
      Next our hero tried fishing with his father, but that was a lot of work, and Daddy had other things to do. That left Track basically unemployable. What's an uneducated combat vet to do with his time? He had lots of cash, and a place to live, but no life. So he bought guns, cars, booze, and hung out with like-minded Wasillians.
      A year ago, Obama crept into his bedroom and whispered in his ear that there was a big birthday party, and Obama had a limo outside. Track was pleased to find his parents, his sisters, and his young nephew in the limo, along with several bottles of his favorite brew. You know the end of that story.
      And now this. Track is so lost that he is now suicidal. I guess Obama has been inhabiting his dreams? I know he's in Sarah's dreams.
      Thanks, Obama! You beat this woman in 2008, and now it looks like her sick hatred of you is going to finish her off.


    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      It's OBAMA'S fault track's Rill dad would have to show up early to see his son play before getting kicked off the ice!;)

  23. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Mommy why are you coming home now? Why aren't you in Oklahoma?

    Mommy did Donald Trump's campaign people tell you that you are a negative embarrassing lightening rod because the news and blogs like Immoral Minority are revealing the true you? Sarah Palin first, Trump second, SarahPac third - family fourth, concerned mother last?

    Mommy I beat my girlfriend's ass days ago, I tried to commit suicide days ago, arrested days ago. Why are you coming home now? Need more thongs? Need more shoes?

    Mommy don't try to be a concerned mother now, that ship has sailed.

    Mommy why are you blaming President Obama for my condition? That he didn't take care of me? Mommy you are a multi-millionaire with the funds in your pocket to seek help for me. You need to take blame yourself.

    Mommy now you ridiculed me, yourself and our family to my fellow vets because they are the ones who knows this is not President Obama's fault and now you are using me and the vets for your political use.

    Mommy why are you coming home?

    Mommy I'm not your 2016 Trig.

    (Trump or Track did not make the comments above. Probably thought about it.)

  24. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Maybe sarah will get a lawyer who can use a double whammy defense. Obama and afluenza.

  25. Anonymous7:26 AM

    ha ha ha Trump deserves Sarah the stalker. She clearly embarrassed him but that's what you get when you hire a grifting "rogue". In her head she thinks she's on a ticket and sooner or later bound to slip & say "Palin & Trump 2016". She's trying to hard for attention and it's pathetic to watch - even the conservatives say so.

    I was reading a conservative forum and they were trying to count all the dislikes and unfollows she was getting by the thousands. Now they sound exactly like the rest of us did back in 2008 talking about her screeching voice. Several admitted they never liked her voice all along but that now it was unbearable - they either had to turn the sound down or off. Looks like Sarah is getting it from all sides. Big backfire for both her & the Donald.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      The funniest thing it was a matter of hours between the time it was publicly known that Sarah was endorsing Trump and she and her crazy family undermined the whole thing.

    2. Balzafiar7:47 AM

      Aside from her normal screech, her voice to me sounds like she's under a huge amount of stress.

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      It didn't sound worse due to stress to me. It sounded like she was hyped up on something and beyond giddy to be in the spotlight.

  26. Anonymous7:31 AM -$arah now too broke to pay people to clean up negative comments from her Fakebook page, or are the insults just so fast and furious that they've given up? They are really letting her have it!

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I think Sarah thought she was going to have a paycheck from Trump. LOL< he used her for free and sent her on her way.

  27. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Track had "PTSD" before he ever went into the military.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Having a sociopath as a mother will do that to you.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      He suffers from Post Traumatic Sarah Disorder

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      No, Track was an angry, violent thug before, during, and after he went into the service, he does not have PTSD.

  28. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Sarah Palin left Anchorage to go to Donald Trump's side in Iowa by private jet.

    Does anybody know how Sarah returned to Anchorage? Was it by private jet or by commercial flight?

    Does anybody know how the press knew the date and time Sarah would be arriving in Anchorage for her concerned mother photo op?

    Does anybody know why Sarah is returning home now? Is it because her poll numbers as a mother dropped?

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Same jet. TWY123

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Trump has his "people" tell her, sorry, but the private jet isn't available for her trip home.

    3. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Trump will talk about her nicely, but won't have her as his VP and I'll bet doesn't put her in his administration should he be elected (and that is a big IF!).

      She was a disaster with the endorsement - there's nothing but negative rhetoric going on about her now and he got a taste of her using alcohol and/or drugs at the time she gave her endorsement speech.

      Found it interesting and a kick in the ass that he didn't send her back to Alaska on the Trump jet!

      Do you think she got the message?

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      It's amazing to me that they didn't attend the funeral of Todd's grandmother, but I don't think any of them in the 'native' family have one bit of use for Sarah and her racists ways!

      Sarah and Todd have proven to be horrible children to their parents and extended family members, horrible parents to their now messed-up children/young adutls, and horrible examples of being a 'supposed' married couple.

      They have lived lies for years and tried to cover things up, but all that is changing BIG TIME now!

      Things are leaking and the media is no longer interested in hiding their past for them!

      Sarah is no longer regarded well nationally - especially after that endorsement speech for Trump (when she was drunk or on some type of drug) - she embarrassed Trump - and, then Track acted out in Alaska (as an adult) once again!

      Sarah and Todd are deserving of every negative thing currently coming their way!

      They are liars, frauds, and non Christians in every way. They have not lived a 'christian' life at all!

      Sarah (especially) and Todd have done harm to so many. Remember the word 'karma'! It sure is evident currently.

      Sarah and Todd brought it all on themselves! They have no one to blame but themselves. And, they need to stop blaming President Obama - it's old rhetoric and no longer working. Plus, he has one year left in his second term and the media is supporting him!

      Sarah, you are really going to eat crow when President Obama goes down in history as being one of our best POTUS!

    5. Anonymous9:28 AM

      He was never going to have her as his VP and probable not anywhere in his administration. Not that he has any chance in hell of becoming POTUS.

    6. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Looks like they were exiting a hanger, not at the main terminal, so they flew charter.

  29. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Sarah are your poll numbers down
    Were you told to get off the campaign trail? Why are you home?

  30. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Veterans Aren't Having Sarah Palin's PTSD Scapegoating

    "Palin is using PTSD as an excuse to shift blame away from her son's domestic violence."

    A day after Sarah Palin appeared to blame President Barack Obama for her son's domestic violence charge with comments she made about veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, those very veterans are setting her straight.

    ...A day after Sarah Palin appeared to blame President Barack Obama for her son's domestic violence charge with comments she made about veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, those very veterans are setting her straight.

  31. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Conservatives against Trump

    Read more at:

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Trump Rails Against 'Failing' National Review Over Its Anti-Trump Issue

  32. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Conservative Writers Explain Anti-Trump Manifesto: ‘Terrible Face of America to the World’

  33. Anonymous7:53 AM

    The funniest thing it was a matter of hours between the time it was publicly known that Sarah was endorsing Trump and she and her horrible family undermined the whole thing.

    What a surprise! Trump's people could NEVER see that coming. /sarcasm

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      We Immoral Minority readers seen it coming.

  34. Kathi in NJ7:53 AM

    I cannot find the comment (there have been so many in the last week!), but I distinctly recall Cousin saying she was told that Sarah would make a public statement to blame PTSD and then she was done with him (Track). Seems to be exactly what's happening.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      I think we all saw that one coming, so not exactly evidence of "insider" info.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      9:14, As Trig would say, "Bullshit."

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      @9:14 AM What could be more 'insider' than telling what will happen before it happens? You probably don't believe anything that is posted by MALOE, but she makes more sense than all of you anti-IM trolls. The TRUTH is sometimes hard to accept. Track has been fucked up most of his 'CAINT GET RIGHT' life, and everyone in Wasilla knows it.

    4. Anonymous11:10 AM

      I commented that Sarah would play the PTSD card before Cousin's comment on the same thread.

      This wasn't the first time she's claimed Track had PTSD. And given her pattern of running from responsibility and turning a Palin perpetrator into the victim, it was her only option to try to diffuse the scandal and minimize Track's anger and violence issues.

  35. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Was there ever any credible info re why she quit the governorship? All the quotes in the MSM just give HER reasons. Doesn't anyone know by now?

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      People know. They aren't talking.

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      I'm surprised that Sarah got away with as much as she did when she was governor. Even before McCain picked her to run as his VP, she was in the national news because of Troopergate. She tried to get her former brother-in-law, Trooper Wooten fired because of a messy divorce with her sister. When the guy in charge wouldn't fire the trooper, Sarah fired him. There were recorded phone calls of Todd, the Inforcer, threatening people, making those calls rfom his own special desk in Sarah's governor office.

      That's just a start. Sarah had some ethics violations, such as charging the state to take her family along on state visits, as if they were family vacations.

      She chose not to live in the governor's mansion in Juneau where all of the governors lived. The people who work for the state live in Juneau. No, Sarah invented some "rape threats" which were never reported to the police as the reason that she should live in her own home in Wasilla, and be paid a per diem to live there. She had to pay these thing back.

      Eventually, there were so many ethics charges piling up that Sarah started her own legal defense fund, designed to pay for the governor and her family against all of the charges that were starting to pile up. She and Todd were found guilty in trying to get Trooper Wooten fired. The problem with Sarah's legal defense fund is that she used her office as governor to raise money that would benefit her by paying her legal bills. She was forced to close the fund and return the money. At the same time, the offers from Rupert Murdoch were better than staying on as governor. So, Sarah took the money and quit. She became a star! She became a star for a little while, but sometimes stars explode, crash and burn. And so she did.

      Maybe Griffin will write a recap post about Sarah's brilliant political career in Alaska and how it brought her fame and fortune, while neglecting her family.

    3. Anonymous10:16 AM

      9:35 am. Thanks for that succinct recap!

    4. Anonymous10:52 AM

      She is a low IQ asshole and no one challenged her. If she was never challenged or corrected, of COURSE she'd keep right on going. Why would she stop??
      It is all our fault for not speaking up. It is Eapecially Alaskans' fault.
      Sorry. You built this.

  36. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I think Sarah returned to Wasilla for her:

    1. Concerned grieving daughter-in-law phot op. Sarah must have just read in her Facebook that Todd's mother passed away days ago and Sarah needs to get home to organize her Eskimo Bingo game at the funeral reception?

    2. Her poll numbers dropped?

    3. Concerned mother photo op? Someone told her Track was involved in woman beating?

    4. Time to payoff the girlfriend Track assaulted so she will remain quiet and won't press charges?

    There has to be a reason for Sarah's unexpected return home?

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I think Trump's people had enough. She made every speech about Obama and her, and not about The Trump! She was supposed to gush over his achievements and his strength, his millions and his business acumen. And the nutty Trump folks are too dumb to know she can't ever build up anyone but herself.
      She'll sue the excuse that 'family comes first,' but we all know the truth.

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      @8:13 Palin did talk about Trump. She said that he built big buildings, this big, big enough to touch the sky. She also said that he was a billionaire, not that there is anything wrong with that. Best of all, Sarah said that Trump was not an elitist. If you have your own airplane, billions of dollars, gold plated houses and lots of investment property, you just might be an elitist.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      I don't think that Palin's return home was unexpected. I understood that she was just going to appear with Trump in Iowa and Oklahoma. If they were supposed to travel with the Trump Bunch after Oklahoma, then Trump sent her home because her speeches hurt him more than they helped him. Now Trump had to take credit for saying that it was Obama's fault that Track had PTSD.

    4. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Trump fired her, her sins were many - tacky clothes, tacky jewelry (google images of his women - limited tasteful jewelry, designer clothes, real hair, tastefully applied makeup)
      -word salad speech, lunatic rambling, mispronunciations, failure to STOP after a reasonable period making him stand there looking like a fool
      - favorably mentioning other candidates, she went on and on about Rand Paul
      - the Track surprise, bet Trump was totally caught off guard
      - her use of substances, Trump would hate that

      I think the only reason she showed up the second time was because the press was all over him being the fool and being humiliated. He had to win that situation.

      I do not think she will ever appear for him again, the worst sin was trying to make money off him.

  37. Anonymous8:00 AM

    White Palin's extreme narcissism relied on a posse of faithful supporters and close friends, aides, in the past years, that posse of faithful must be jumping ship and she's finding herself with no one to cheerlead her on.

    These statements this week have sealed her fate. She is deservedly being called out. All she will have is Todd and the few con artist friends and nefarious business dealers they communicate with. She's alone and she knows it.

    A thought occured to me that Trump might quit the GOP and file as an Independent candidate. It's very possible.

    Then, Palin won't have any friends or donors left.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Independent candidate? But...but...he signed a pledge. Surely you're not trying to tell me that King Donnie is not a man of his word? His pet dingbat said he was.

  38. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I think I know why Sarah returned. Is there a Miss Wasilla Beauty Pageant this weekend and Sarah wants to be a contestant?

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Scholarship money! She's going to finally get that degree!

  39. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Cruz wants to listen to the advice of national security exports. The party of dunces.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      I caught that too..and gee, what about the rest of America's problems, or does Cruz think he'll spend all day with generals and admirals and not have to deal with poison water lines, weather events, crumbling infrastructure, jobs, and everything else that we need to address right here? The GOP is so tired..all they have is's their answer to everything. The thing we need to be kept safe from is the GOP.

  40. entitlements galore8:09 AM

    Just to make sure, you mean that someone who gets free health care for life, a family who has a member who gets free SSD for life, and a person who gets PTSD treatment free from the VA is worried about an immigrant getting to send their kids to public school?

  41. Anonymous8:18 AM

    No need for Sarah to return to Wasilla. The Wasilla Police Dept has everything covered. Too much press to be bought off or to cover up Jordan Loewe's domestic violence assault.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Was Jordan charged with assault too and also?

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      One of the first things that shot through my mind. How long before Jordan is slapped with an assault charge?

      Because damn it, you know the real story is about to pop. How she pulled a gun on poor, poor damaged Track, pistol whipped his face, (causing him to defend himself with his fists) and probably called him all kinds of bad names, like pussy boy. How she is and has been such a bad influence on their boy. She has done nothing but drag him down and make him party and drink and do drugs and and everything. And how they hardly know her, since they have only met her once.

      Wait a minute. Have we heard this story before? Wait till they get to the part about how she raped him in a tent.

    3. Anonymous10:25 AM

      There's more, when Jordan tried to drive away in her car, Track jumped onto the windshield.

  42. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Why did Todd go with Sarah and friends to IA and OK when he knew his grandmother was dying?

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Christian family values of course. He asked, "what's in it for us?" and there was more money coming from Trump.

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Why did Todd go with Sarah and friends to IA and OK when Track had been arrested on some pretty serious charges?

    3. The purse, he has to carry the psychopath's purse.

  43. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Is there a Miss Wasilla pageant tomorrow? What type of flute will Sarah be playing in the Miss Wasilla talent contest?

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Is there a skin flute competition?

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      She's been blowing the trumpet lately. An old bloated trumpet.

    3. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Sarah blows. Well. Better than most god told me. But her flute playin' sucks.

  44. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Free VA Health Care
    Free Native Alaskan Health Care
    Is Track covered under his parents health care because of his age?
    His mother is a multimillionaire who can afford the best help for Track

    Why is it President Obama's fault that Track beat up his girlfriend so bad she was scared and hid under a bed until she was rescued?

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      I don't want to play "blame the victim," but Jordan has gone to college. Her father is a doctor. Surely the Loewe family has heard about the dangers of domestic partner abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse. Until a day ago, Jordan and Track had a wedding notice that they were getting married July 4, 2017. Even though Jordan is supposed to be an adult, she gets as drunk as Track. Doesn't her family care about her safety at all? Did they think that it would be a feather in their caps to be associated with the Palin Family?

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      With a discharge code of AR 635-200 he most likely cannot access VA services.

    3. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Hey 9:21, you can't negate blaming the victim by prefacing your comments with "I don't want to 'blame the victim'". You just did.

      Lots of people get drunk, lots of people fall in love and stick around with people who don't always behave well. Doesn't mean they deserve to get punched in the face.

    4. Anonymous9:49 AM

      9:21, Jordan seems to be a thrill seeker. I think that's the main reason she hooked up with Track. Hopefully she's smart enough to realize she needs to get out now! And I hope her parents are encouraging her to do so. I read somewhere that her brother is very upset about this last episode and Sarah using PTSD as an excuse. Did anyone see the interview she was supposed to do with a TV station in AK? There was reference to it in a previous thread but I can't find it now. Please post a link or maybe Gryphen will post about it, if it indeed happened. Would be very interesting!

    5. Anonymous10:22 AM

      @9:39 AM Bullshit, it depends upon which subsection he had.

  45. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Sarah if your thongs are ripe, no need to return home. You do have SarahPac credit cards and they do sell thongs at the grandmother section at the department stores in Oklahoma.

  46. Anonymous8:38 AM

    When Sarah shows up to Todd's mother funeral, can the Native Alaskans record the Native Alaskans hollering at Sarah what fuck are you doing here bitch?

  47. Anonymous8:43 AM

    If only I was computer savvy enough to
    accomplish computer graphics.If so, I
    would create a graphic of an actual Banshee,
    screeching and jumping up and down .
    I would then replace the Banshee's screech
    with all of the screeching parts of Palin's
    speech , On a close limb, I would have the
    red Orangutan (Trump) doing the facial
    expressions that Orangutans do, the top lip
    flipped up under their noses showing their
    teeth and more. Then I would put it all
    on U Tube. I was picturing that scene while I was watching them on TV. I am
    almost 80, and hate to use that fact
    as an excuse for not doing this myself.
    I am so proud of you young ) people for
    all of your (way beyond me) computer abilities.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      8:43 I get some pretty wild mental visions myself.

      I too have limited puter skills. It's probably a good thing. Knowing me, I'd get my badass self into all kinds of trouble if I had total control over my machine. Especially in the hacking department.

  48. Anonymous8:51 AM

    The media has fallen for Sarah Palin's victimhood ruse yet again. Instead of calling her out for blaming her's son's possible PTSD on President Obama, the media repeats her accusations and then pours on the sympathy. Poor Sarah.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      I know. It's making me sick how the TV stations are referring to the PTSD as if it's a fact and as if the family has been dealing with it for quite some time. Such a load of BS.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      I agree, Victim Sarah calls for privacy except when she is given the chance to spew more hatred about Obama.

      Sarah is always complaining the big, bad, liberal government is interfering in our lives, yet when he son gets caught beating a woman, it is the fault of the government not respecting him and denying him help.

      What happened to your personal responsibility rant? Can't have it both ways, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Why I am so darned sick of the media. They don't investigate anything. and bullshit like this that she spews is taken as gospel.

  49. Anonymous8:57 AM

    She should be asked when her son requested treatment and when that treatment was denied.

    And let's see if it is requested after this incident.
    I can't imagine, that if her son was denied treatment as a Vet, she would have remained quiet about That!
    It would have been one more weapon she could have used against POTUS Obama.

  50. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I know several veterans who suffer from PTSD and they are LIVID. They take Sarah's comment to mean that all those with PTSD are women beaters. Something that is obviously not true at all.I think she really stepped in shit this time.

  51. Interesting that Sarah would risk calling out Obama when the Army did not give Track a very good separation code on his discharge form. AR 635-200


    - See more at:

    Looks like they thought he had problems too. How many years ago Sarah? Under Bush?

    1. Balzafiar11:02 AM

      His DD-214 clearly says "HONORABLE" and further states he is SUBJECT TO RECALL. They don't do that when a person is undesirable.

  52. Anonymous9:16 AM

    One day, and hopefully sooner than later, the world will be free of this despicable and evil Bitch. She made her bed with that ignorant brood she calls her family. Now it is everyone's else fault that they turned out so fucked up. Nothing like personal responsibility huh Bitch.

  53. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah Palin's priorities meant staying with the Trump campaign for a few days instead of going back to Alaska and finally paying some attention to Track's problems. Todd could have gone home if Sarah needed the applause from Trump's crowds.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      This is somewhat OT but definitely worth a read, but I warn you, don't try to eat popcorn as you read it - you will choke.

  54. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Dakota Meyer



  55. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Anyone else notice how old the pic is Bristol posted of Todd's Grandma? No recent family pictures with Grandma???? Obviously she disowned Todd and Sarah many years ago. Smart lady, may she rest in peace.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      I saw a post from someone who was probably a member of that side of the family that supports that. Basically saying that the Palin's only acknowledge the Yupik side of the family when they need something.

  56. Anonymous10:13 AM

    She lost people after her blood libel video and now her remnant see the same behavior, as she digs her heels in and unapologetically repeats and reloads.

    It's a mental disease. People who can't admit faults are unstable and dangerous.

  57. Anonymous10:14 AM

    What's with all the people posting about "discharge code" AR 635-200 ? This is nothing but a document spelling out all of the different reasons for discharge and the process. Come on people there's no pinning a reason for his discharge based on that document.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      The AR 635-200 is a less than honorable discharge, it is relevant. Better find another talking point.

    2. Balzafiar10:58 AM

      His DD-214 clearly says "HONORABLE". Check it out in an earlier thread on this blog.

  58. Anonymous10:22 AM

    a simple explanation of Army discharge code AR 635-200. It does represent discharge following unsatisfactory performance or behavior, and likely involved separations and transfers to different units.

    This could well explain Cousin's observations that Track was home frequently and did not arrive home with his unit. It was reported in the press and on the blogs with photos ---- Track had been home for several days prior to the big welcoming home reception his unit received and that Sarah attended. His absence from that celebration was weird and no one could explain why he arrived home earlier than the rest of his unit.

  59. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Even Sarah's friends at Newsmaxx are calling her out...

  60. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Look who is getting married AGAIN. Sarah's dysfunctional BFF Kristan Cole...

  61. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Isn’t it odd, having access to all the media outlets, her facebook page, her “tv channel”, Ms. Palin has never once complained that her combat vet son has not received adequate treatment for his PTSD until the police were called about him beating a woman. Surely she would have wanted to inform her fans about this problem.

    Could it be that Ms. Palin is lying? Naw, she would never lie to protect her image, would she?

    She can be smug all she wants and believe she just got away with pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes again, but at the end of the day she still has the alcoholic, woman beating son and unless the judge in her pocket, they are going to have to prove otherwise


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