Tuesday, January 05, 2016

So now Dakota Meyer is claiming he is Sailor Grace Palin's dad and wants child support! Update!

Courtesy of TMZ: 

Bristol Palin's new baby daddy may no longer be a mystery ... her ex-fiance says he's the daddy, and he's gunning for some serious custody. 

Dakota Meyer flied legal docs, obtained by TMZ, in which he claims he's the biological father of 3-week-old Sailor. 

Dakota wants a judge to award him joint legal and physical custody. 

Bristol has never publicly revealed the identity of the father. She and Dakota broke up 3 months after conception. 

Bristol's baby daddy wants one more thing ... child support. 

Holy shit!

I will have to assume that Dakota got a DNA test and based on that wants to get his parental rights established and a little cash on the side as well.

Man you KNOW that Dakota is in for the fight of his life, but the great thing is that ALL of the sympathy will be with him, and if the Palins attack him they will be smearing an honest to goodness war hero.

I literally could not have made up a more satisfying scenario if I tried.

Update: So yes I visited Court View and Dakota did indeed file for custody with the Alaska courts.

I'm going to start popping the popcorn now.


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Okay, so 'three weeks ago' would not have been in November.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      "3-week old" would prob mean at the time of the prep of the docs. If TMZ just got ahold of the docs, that does not give us info on when they were written.

    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      He would have had to wait for a paternity test, then had his atty write up the documents and get them filed. Sounds just about right for a November birth, since he would be unable to do any of those things until after the child was born. So another thing is pointing towards Bristol lying about when the baby was even born, that will not sit right with a family court judge.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Do the Palin want to argue about the birthdate in front of a judge? lol

    4. Anonymous2:04 PM

      lol awesome sauce

    5. Anonymous2:16 PM

      This still doesn't explain why she paired up with him in the first place, quickie engagement and gave him the shaft as soon as she was no longer abstinate. Family Values right? With a mom and dad household and not a Half dozen half siblings for Trip? Why would she leave him before the wedding if she was pregnant with his baby?

      The Palins are so freakin odd

  2. Pass the popcorn. This is getting fun now. Unlike Levi, it will be nearly impossible to smear him.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      yeah, he is all about honor


    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      @ anon 1:44 pm
      I think you are forgetting Barstool's drunken brawl from last yr that she dragged her other child to.

    3. 66gardeners2:10 PM

      I guess now we know why Bristol's post "proving" Sailor's birth date disappeared.

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      I think you are forgetting Barstool's drunken brawl from last yr that she dragged her other child to.


    5. Anonymous2:32 PM

      You apparently don't know that much about this creep. From all I can tell, the story that got him that medal is a bunch of bull. This poor kid doesn't have a chance.

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I haven't had this many lols for a while!

    Can you pause the blog wile I go buy a yooge supply of popcorn?

    1. 66gardeners2:05 PM

      I hear you. The drama factor is off the charts.

    2. 66gardeners2:08 PM

      Looks like Dakota trumped the Palins with the grift factor.

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Amen!! Best laugh I've had in a long time! Can't think of a more deserved new year's gift for bp and the whole crew!!

      Sorry for the child; another innocent dragged into the ugliness of it all.

      We will be here waiting for the next surprise! Wonder if she'll try to prove he's not the father, now? Hilarious!

  4. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Wow, sucks to be you, Bristol! Thought I'd just put this little comment from a cousin who left this little tidbit on an earlier thread (the original Sailor birth date post. Happy New Year!

    "Anonymous5:52 PM
    Anon@1:40 yep, it would be really easy to scan. And then it would be really easy for my aunt to flip her shit again. She already lost it because I told info about Bristol's baby being at thanksgiving and said what she would be wearing in photos that weren't supposed to even have occurred yet.....but really I don't even care about that. As I have said on here, Bristol and my aunt piss me off and I have kinda enjoyed slapping their dicks by posting here. The truth is I heard that someone can get your exact location based on a photo you upload or email or text. Some of my aunt's ass lickers are straight up crazy. I would be scared to do it only for that reason.

    There is something else, the baby was not originally called sailor. Nevaeh was the original name. Dunno when or why it was changed.

    And I'll say again for fucks sake!!!! Stop saying Bristol has "at least 6 kids". Isn't it whorey enough that she has 4 by 4 different dudes? She has Trig, who has a full time nanny on the weekends and Tripp who curses and is violent as shit because he's always trying to get Bristol's attention, and Tristan who is just a quiet lil girl and now Sailor who is a good and calm baby who deserves better than a mom who is surgically attached to her i phone.

    That is all. No "Disney land baby". No "twin of trig". 4 kids, 4 men. (Dylan, Levi, Gino, and ??? but I think Joey now that I have seen the baby after she looks more normal and not so squashed from being born)

    And if anyone comments claiming to be me, saying that I made this up or I'm showing you how easy it is to "sell bull shit", I will borrow some words from my cousin and say FUCK OFF. I have not nor will ever backtrack on anything I have said. I told you the baby was 3 wks old @ thanksgiving and it's true. I told you Bristol was bottle feeding and you can see from photos it's true. I told you before any photo was released, what the baby would be wearing in one of the photos and it's true. I told you Dakota has an arrangement to not deny but not confirm and his statements have showed that is true. I have proven myself to be genuine and trustworthy and the treatment I have gotten by trolls claiming to be me and backtracking over everything I say is a very good indicator of why more family members do not speak up even though they want to.

    Gryphen I know for sure my aunt did not graduate college and Bristol's diploma was literally bought and paid for. Can you do some kind of thing on that? I want to puke every time my aunt mentions her "degree" or when I see Bristol's diploma hanging at the lake house.

    You guys are hypocritical bitches auntie & B.....and it's no use running to my mommy and trying to bully her into taking my phone away. She already said she could care less what I say here and it's about time you two had some of your words and deeds bite you in the ass.

    Better not lose your temper again while holding the baby, Bristol......wouldn't it be ashame for someone to get you on video screaming "bite my cunt" into your phone while holding your new child support check I mean baby, when you're pissed because your sister is telling you not to stalk Levi's wife on social media. Yes that would be ashame! ;p"

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Poor "cousin" best watch their back. All Palins will be hunting for bear and the nearest enemy will be a target. Dakota is thousands of miles away.

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      So is this cousin one of Diana Palin's kids, or is it one of Heather's kids? There aren't too many choices, unless it is Molly's young daughter McKinley. I can't wait to hear who it is if it indeed is real.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Well I believe you, cousin.
      And cousin, I suspect the people trolling you might be your own rellies in damage control. You have a lot of courage, girl.

    4. Has anyone thought about the original name, Navaeh? Check out what is spells backwords. Oh you slick little Christians you!! LMAO Wonder who had that idea?

    5. Anonymous3:05 PM

      "Neveah" (note spelling) is a stupid, old, used-up trend that died about 10 years back, so of course Barstool would latch onto it.

    6. Then they need to learn how to spell. Heaven = Nevaeh.......you would think these good christians could spell that word at least.

    7. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Where is Tristan in this mess?

  5. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Now Sailor is '3-week-old. I hope one of the adults can establish the actual date of Sailor's birth before she is out of pre-school.

  6. Anonymous1:43 PM


    And what a time for Boopsie's resolution to stay off the internet. Or better yet WHY.

    Looks like Nancy French is gonna be busy in 2016!


  7. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I literally could not have made up a more satisfying scenario if I tried.

    So the Palins can knuckle under and pay up to baby daddy? Or they can fight it in court? with depositions?

    Please Proceed!

    At least Josh Dggar hasn't been mentioned as a part of this hot mess!

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Whatever it is about I love the part about asking for child support.

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      I think this has actually been the real plan all along. Sarah convinced Dakota at the "Big Family Unity BBQ" not to tell everyone that Bristol was pregnant with another mans child and she got Dakota to agree to take responsibility for the baby.

      He's suing for custody however Bristol will end up with full custody because it's really her baby, Dakota will be awarded visitation, all the specifics of the case will be sealed so no one will ever know the exact details. The "child custody" is the hush money Sarah agreed to pay Dakota for claiming to be the father even though it's most likely Junker's baby. There won't be any DNA test, they want the world to believe Dakota is the daddy and he wants to collect those monthly child support payments!! He's going to make a lot of money and he's not going to have to do anything!!

  8. Anonymous1:44 PM

    He and the military have a lot at stake on the paternity of this baby. IF the baby is his, the baby is a Medal of Honor dependent and what military (government) benefits is she entitled to?

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      If Dakota has joint custody, baby will have what is her due. It should not go to Bristol at all.

      I hope one day Dakota and Levi can get together and stand up for the children enmeshed in the Palin cycle of pain and lies.

      No one person may have the full story but together they may be able to get some truth.

      What man would want his child, or any child they cared for, to be exposed to chronic liars and a family that publicly shows they are abusive and neglectful of children.

      Bristol could have supervised visitation but seriously a man would want his child and others out of harms way.

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Speaking of Bristol's horrible track record as a mother, just imagine being Tristan, a now-5-year old little girl whose birth, whose very existence, whose presence in the family is a permanently hidden fact. Not present in any family photo, not present in any family discussion, not getting any time, attention, or love, all of which goes to your older brother Tripp. Just imagine being that child, unable to have any birth certificate for public school, not having any outside social relationships with other children, and, to top it all off, having the Palins for your family. This girl will grow up having problems that will, in comparison, make Bristol look like the Brownie Scout of the Year. So now will Dakota be able to bring evidence of THAT kind of mothering before the child custody court (not to mention, her abandonment as a mother with respect to Trig)? The brawl and Bristol's relationship with a prostitute, as well as her prior known drug use, may be fair game, too. After all, child custody decisions are based on parenting skills and track records.

  9. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Maybe Dakota asked for DNA testing and Sarah said .."fuck off" and then Bristol said ... "eat my cunt".

    By suing Dakota will get court required DNA testing that I believe will show he is not the daddy.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM


    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I agree 100%
      This is too good to be true.
      Good for you Dakota.
      Beat the Palins at their own game.

      If you take them down, you deserve another medal of honor and I will say "thank you for your service" although I hate that platitude.

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      I don't think the court requires DNA. Check Ak and Ky law. Perhaps the birth certificate says Dakota Meyer is the father.

      If another man steps up and says he thinks he is the father he could ask for DNA. Dakota can ask. I don't know it is required.

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Exactly. He's just forcing the issue and eventually Brissy will have to admit publicly that he isn't the father. That's all he wants.

    5. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Dakota might not have claimed the baby as his own until the DNA test results were in. Or maybe DNA hasn't been analyzed.

    6. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I think by asking for palimony, he is pre-empting them. Now, if Bar$Tool says she does not want to pay, she cannot say it is because he is not the daddy. Otherwise she proves right there that she is a slut that tried to trap him.
      She also cannot say that she has no income, because it is all over the Internets (sic) that she 'has been working' for Dr. JackMeOff for the last six years. Also, too, she has been bragging about all her houses and her pontoon boat and the Candie's imcome, as well as the $$$ she got from DWTS.
      Can't have it both ways, Toots!

      So, either Dakota gets the child support and the joint custody, or she will have to prove that he is not the father.


    7. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Dakota will need his war-time experience in order to slog through this. Unlike Bristol, he has loads of very close buddies – a very good support system. She has only Marina and her extremely dysfunctional family.

    8. Anonymous3:12 PM

      One sad thing, if Dakota were awarded child support payments, I envision Levi and Sunny handing over his hard-earned money, that should go to support his own family, to bp who, in turn, just sends it to Dakota. That would be a travesty, in itself.

  10. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The Pay-Lin clan is officially BOUND. A word of protest or manipulation from them will result in catastrophic alienation by their beloved Republican Party. Not a soul on the war monger, gun totin' folk will allow them to touch this man.

  11. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I've got this crazy notion that Dakota suffers from male infertility, and is just having a ball pulling the Palin's chain.

    I could be wrong, but just thinking about it makes me smile.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      I don't know about his fertility, but he's most definitely playing with them.

  12. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Maybe he has NOT had the DNA test yet. This is a great way to FORCE her to get one...genius.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      I was thinking the same. The Palins could be alluding to it being his for the sake of saving Bristol's face, but refusing in private to prove it is his. If so, well played Dakota Meyer. well played.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      It really is and soooooo much more than I could hope for.

    3. Anonymous2:25 PM

      And force her to stop trying to insinuate that he's the baby daddy.

      No wonder Brissy was so concerned about the iv date. The poor idiot still thought she had Duhkota on the hook.

      Turns out, he's playing her perfectly.

      Lol, and Sarah thought 2015 was a bad year.

    4. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Yup. Shit or get off the pot..

    5. Anonymous2:38 PM

      If MOH is on the birth certificate and he dies. Sailor's legal father would be MOH, whether he is bio-pop or not.

      Had Bristol married MOH and he died, he would have been legal pop and Bristol would have been due his widow benefits.

      The Palins may have been arranging things so Bristol could still get as much of the MOH pie as they could salvage from the break up.

      We'll see how all this plays out.

  13. I'm betting he didn't get a DNA test. There is no way that the Palins would voluntarily allow this. I'm betting this is his way of forcing the issue.

    1. You know you might be right.

      That had not occurred to me.

      To me that suggests that Dakota is getting some solid legal advice.

      Good for him.

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      The Veterans Administration may be helping as they also have a stake in the dependent of a MOH. IF the baby is his, what benefits is she entitled to? Way to go Sarah - you can't play the "government" like you could Levi.

    3. Anonymous2:09 PM

      I think he and his lawyer saw all the manipulation put forth on Bristol's IG last night to try and make it look for certain that Dakota was the bio-dad and then Dakota and his lawyer were like "what, why are they so hell bent on trying to correlate the birthday to our engagement by providing an obviously faked IV tape date"? Yep, the Palins stepped in it last night and Dakota and Lawyer have called their bluff and they will find out once and for all to whom this baby's paternity falls to and if it IS Dakota he will get his due.

    4. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Of course he's getting solid legal advice. He's a MOH recipient. The military gave him that honor because they needed a recruiting tool; they're not going to let some two-bit whore like Bristol ruin that.

    5. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Passive aggressive approach by Dakota and his legal team?

      Put the Palins in the position of arguing he isn't the baby daddy?

      Or maybe Dakota hopes to have have the judge order a paternity test that may prove Dakota isn't the father after all?

      If there has been no paternity test yet then why hasn't there been one?

      Remind me again where that picture in the hospital with the date on the IV was apparently posted first? (This passive aggressive tactic by Dakota is something I actually suspected when Dakota first posted the pic that caused the shit to hit the fan. What could the Palins do to him about it? How did Dakota get that pic anyway?)

      One more thing, if Dakota is actually the baby daddy, or had real reason to suspect he was, then what happened to cause the wedding plans to be shitcanned? What was Granny Palin discussing with Dakota at the bbq with her finger pointing? This might figure into the custody...

    6. Anonymous2:21 PM

      If $arah hated the government before, she's really going to hate them now!

    7. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Would like to add: as if the local family court judges were not sick to death of Bristol Palin already, due to years of unnecessary legal harassment of Levi – which has unnecessarily taken up the time of family court judges. Bristol has by these actions already messed up her situation for this new set of circumstances. The judges all know she is a manipulating, cowardly liar by this time.

    8. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Run Bristol Run!

      Run to Arizona!

    9. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Gryphon I think he most definitely is forcing their hand. Good for him. The Palins aren't used to being the ones. Without the clout , but here they are

    10. Anonymous3:16 PM

      this will be awesome, as a M.O.H. Sgt.Meyer has the JAG office looking after (one of their own) him,
      cost will not be a factor
      this could be the start of the serious fucking the palins have had coming to them all this time...
      go ahead sara, try your ricky hollywood bullshit with Dakota...
      what a great start to the new year


  14. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Is this their new show - "Life's A Custody Battle for Sailor?"

  15. Anonymous1:49 PM

    EX-FIANCE SAYS I'M THE DAD And I'm Layin' Claim to My Kid

    Where are the legal docs and why are they hidden?

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      With the barstools track record,the kid will be living in Kentucky and she will be paying him.

  16. Anonymous1:50 PM

    And the conspiracy theorists take a beating. So much for "born November 4," "Dakota isn't the father," "the baby's bi-racial," etc.

    In particular, I never bought for a moment that a man would post a message saying "Best Christmas gift ever, so proud of this blessing" about a child that wasn't his.

    I'm not a troll, I'm a long-time IMer and I find the Palins just as annoying as everyone else on this site does, but the tin-hat conspiracy theories were just too much.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Whatever bro.
      Dakota is fucking with Bristol.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Oh I think it fits the Nov birth date perfectly.
      He would have been unable to request a DNA test until Bristol gave birth, then it would have taken an atty a few weeks to get the paperwork in order before filing said paperwork.
      FYI, I am not an atty, but I have 3 siblings that are and it fits the timeline.

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Invest in popcorn, @1:50. It's going to be quite a show.

    4. Anonymous2:13 PM

      I was having fun with them, kinda sorry it ended so soon.

      Seems like everyone is having instant amnesia all of a sudden about their recent comments, lol.

    5. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Not so fast there, cupcake. I, for one, still think she was born earlier than the Palin's are sayiny which would have given him plenty of time for a paternity test. His lawyers may have simply outsmarted her lawyers. Since he has access to some of the best, that wouldn't surprise me. No wonder the grizzled one wanted to give up the internet because of all those broken people. Haha

    6. Anonymous2:19 PM

      The TMZ report is nothing. It could be, but so far nothing. I can also file legal documents for child support. I know I am not the father.

    7. Olivia2:35 PM

      I don't think the message "Best Christmas gift ever, so proud of this blessing" meant that he was happy to be a father. I don't think he is the father, I think it meant that he can now move forward and give them a taste of what they have been doing to everyone else. Sarah Palin, you have met your match and you two deserve each other. WOOHOOO! No matter what they do, they are fucked. The only thing they can hope for is that he will accept a payoff to disappear.

  17. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Honestly, I am inclined to believe that both sides are probably not nice people. I've thought for a while that Meyer is probably a controlling dick who doesn't have the most progressive attitude regarding women (which is why Sarah picked him for the arranged marriage). Bristol was probably told soon after moving to Kentucky that her friends were unwelcomed and perhaps he wanted her barefoot and pregnant, she rebuffed him and left.

    Being a stubborn ass who can't admit to being wrong about anything, Dakota took a "My Way or the Highway" approach and refused to contact her lest it be seen as weakness.

    The attempt to get child support from her is just another dick move.

    I'm not defending Bristol--I think these people were all made for each other. It's just important to remember that Dakota is cut form the same cloth.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Cut from the same cloth - yes - which makes it all that more fun :)

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      You don't think the noncustodial parent should pay support to their child(ren)?

      I see Dakota as a man that never got over his Dad walking away even though he had a wonderful stepDad. He is going to fight tooth and nail for his child.
      BTW your description applies to Barstool perfectly.

    3. Anonymous2:14 PM

      If the baby is Dakota Meyer's, then it was very "not nice" to pick "Sailor" for name of the daughter of a Marine.

    4. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Yeah, this is right on. Bristol Palin being a vicious uneducated drunken bigot with no self-control does not equal Dakota Meyer being a good guy. He lied about his MOH firefight, he has issues with violence, he's an irresponsible gun nut who reflexively criticizes Obama and everyone who's not a wingnut...and so on. They're both total assholes. That's why they got together in the first place.

  18. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Wouldn't you think that if TMZ has the legal docs that they would say if a paternity test has been completed? Maybe the legal docs are the first step for him to determine "true" paternity and this was the only way he could force a DNA test.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      This was the only way he could force a DNA test that was supervised by a court of law – as opposed to a DNA test that was manipulated by the Palins.

  19. Anonymous1:52 PM

    This time, Momma Grizzle won't get away wit smearing a man on video as a "Deadbeat Dad".

  20. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sounds like Bristol, Sarah and Todd are going to get the Hell paid to them - which they so richly deserve.

    The father knows his rights and the Palins are finally going to meet their match (the military is behind this father, don't forget!). They aren't going to be able to roll over this father like they did Levi!!! Yea!!!

    Could not have resulted in a better scenario - something like broadsiding the Palins!!! Hip, hip, hooray! I hope Bristol has to pay out her nose too! JHC but this is going to be fun to watch!

  21. Fucking awesome! A little taste of your own medicine, Bristol! Ha!

  22. Anonymous1:56 PM

    While Sarah and Bristol were out shooting guns yesterday ... Dakota dropped an atom bomb on their heads.

    Dakota filed his custody case in Alaska court.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      How do you know this about being filed in Alaska?
      Just curious.

    2. 66gardeners2:13 PM

      Laughing hysterically

    3. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Someone posted the court filing on the European blog.

    4. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Alaska court view, look up Dakota Meyer or Bristol Palin and you will find it.

    5. 66gardeners2:21 PM

      What other state would it be filed in? The baby is in Alaska.

  23. Anonymous1:56 PM

    D is just calling her bluff. If she wants to play games so can he.
    DNA tests in the near future will show he wasn't the daddy. He's just pressing sarahs buttons, just like in Vegas.

  24. Janice A Soderquist1:57 PM

    Is this why Sarah is selling her house? I wonder now if Bristol will deny this too. She will have to change Sailors last name to Meyer now. Yes, joint custody does not give her child support. She will die if she has to travel back and forth to see her daughter. I hope Dakota is getting big bucks for this news to TMZ. He beat out Bristol getting there first. Yes, Dakota will be on everyone side. My question is, is there any way he could get joint custody?

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      He could be awarded full or joint custody. Personally I am glad to see him step up to the plate to care for his child.
      He has as much right to the child as she does.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      He might know how to get full custody if he doesn't want the curse of the Palins dogging him. Better to cut them off.

      May be he can work out a deal for Bristol to visit a supervisor in Kentucky for her to spend a little time with Sailor. Her little family, she is complete now.

      You really have to wonder what kind of crap Sarah and her lawyers fed the dimwit Bristol. She hasn't had a chance to escape her parent's grasp, this only makes it worse.

      In the future it is likely Bristol will have a complete breakdown and Tripp will be with Levi and Sunny.

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      The brawl tape alone is evidence of Bristol being an unfit parent since she allowed Tripp to witness her inebriation. Two unplanned pregnancies with two different sperm donors? Upping and moving to KY on a couple weeks "friendship?" All that evidence of her parenting skills in Life's a Tripp?" and teh Rivers show?

    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      >>>All that evidence of her parenting skills in Life's a Tripp?<<<

      But we just taught Tripp to say faggot for the tv show! We don't let him say that word for real!

      His grandma saying bad racist words about the president in front of Tripp? About the president's wife and daughters also too? well...

  25. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Yee-haw, ride em cowboy!

  26. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Did he have a dna analysis done? This is all so weird. Good luck with his legal pursuit. I can't imagine Bristol or Sarah going for that plan! Oh no! Not their little cub!

  27. Janice A Soderquist1:58 PM

    I don't think he wants Bristol at all, I bet he read everything on all the forums and will use that against her and give it to a good attorney. He may have some scoop on her too that we don't know yet, like what did Sarah say to him with her finger?

  28. Anonymous1:59 PM

    All the more to drain the Palin coffers!
    I wonder how this will affect granny's "big announcement."

    1. Otto Katz2:20 PM

      What "big announcement"?

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Postage fees on SarahPAC will go up astronomically this year.

    3. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Otto - who knows? That she's running for the Senate in AK is 1 pee pond rumor.

    4. 66gardeners3:08 PM

      About a week ago, VG said Sarah would be soon making a big announcement

  29. Olivia2:00 PM

    How fun! So if he really is not the father, will Bristol fight his claim and tell the world that she and her mother tried to frame him?
    If he really is the father, custody and support will give Bristol a taste of her own medicine.
    I wonder if Sarah and Bristol have enough money left to pay him off.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      They still got at least part of the $12Million that she got from her first book deal. Much of it, most likely though, hidden in one of their dozens of LLCs.

  30. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Oh my god, there's no way anyone could write this!!! The plot thickens...

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      This is great! Beat them at their own game.

  31. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I hink this is giant FU to them - any of the Palins, all of them, who tried to fuck him over.
    He will go for custody and support.....Bristol will either have to pay or balk and say he is not the father...then get a DNA test.
    THis is almost too good to be true and such a gift!
    He is toying with them like a cat with a mouse.
    Good for him.
    As much as I dislike him, I love that he is gonna beat them at their own game.
    This is fun!
    I have a big recertification test to study for tomorrow..........can't this diversion wait lol??

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      What are his chances of child support? Does he have to show that he makes less $$ than Brisdull?

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      In spite of all his negative points, he would still be a better parent than Bristol, who totally ignores her already-existing daughter Tristan. The court can assume that Bristol would treat Sailor with the same degree of neglect that she has given to Tristan. She has made her bed, and should now have to lie in it.

  32. Janice A Soderquist2:03 PM

    We will see Sarah and Bristol pissed like we have never before.....

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      And won't that be fun!!!

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM


    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      They have already been losing it big time.

  33. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Good for him. He has as much rights to the child as she does. And with her track record of brawling while drunk with her other child present he has a good chance at full custody.

  34. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Yeah, I say he's calling her bluff. Nice.

  35. Anonymous2:04 PM

    G, There's always hope for more drama. Maybe Dakota Meyer will take over the "abstinence only" gig.

  36. Otto Katz2:05 PM

    I am cackling like an old biddy right now! I haven't had a drink in three months, but I think I'm going to have one tonight!!!

  37. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I love, love, love this news! It's just too funny. The nerve it took for her to post "our family could not be more complete" about a day-old infant whose father was going to be left out of her life. Just desserts, Bristol. Hope you enjoy them.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      If she wanted to rule DM out as the father, why did she set the delivery date to implicate him? Color me confused.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      The twitter sphere is getting ready to do to Bristol and the Palins what it is now doing to the Oregon "militiamen": roast them in comedy.

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      She didn't want to rule him out, 2:39. She wanted to imply that he was without saying anything concrete that could be actionable if he's not. And she just got beaten at her own sick game.

  38. Janice A Soderquist2:06 PM

    Why does Dakota feel it is his baby. Did he get a DNA? He filed in Alaska, does he plan to move there. Why didn't Bristol hint that he got a DNA, wouldn't she have to know?

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      He might have filed there because that is where Sailor was born...

  39. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I think Dakota is probably nuts. She left him for a reason, very suddenly, I wonder if he exhibited violent side. I am hoping that is not true, so that I can be GLEEFUL over this....she will have to get the DNA test now.

  40. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Will Mama Grizzly be able to pay to make this go away?

  41. Anonymous2:07 PM

    KARMA! finally!

  42. It's legit!

    I visited Court View and there it is big as life.

    Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit and Petition for Custody.

    Both filed yesterday.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      G, thanks... pls put this as an update to the post.

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      It makes sense to ask for both custody and child support right off the bat. His trying to get all the issues settled early.

      Levi Johnston should have had this kind of legal advice in 2008.

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      And what is the doc number that you referenced when searching? What does this do for your date-gate argument?

    4. Anonymous2:23 PM


    5. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Maybe Levi could just send his check directly to Dakota and cut out the middleman altogether. :-)

    6. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Any mention of a DNA test? I wonder why he didn't file where he lives. Sarah doesn't own the judges there.

  43. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Note to Palin Family.... If you have to pee, don't do it into the wind!

  44. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Bristol has never said publicly that Dakota is the father and Sarah said her name was Sailor Grace Palin BUT they have implied and created a timeline to point to him as the father. IF he is not the father and the birth date was actually in November, he has them by the balls.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Yes, that's it. He is yanking their chain. This is gonna be so great!

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      He will be able to know what the birth certificate states.

  45. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Dakota filed yesterday, January 4th, in the Alaskan court system. Judge Herman Walker, Jr. is assigned as case judge (appointed by Gov. Walker).

    Happy 2016 Palins!!!

  46. Janice A Soderquist2:12 PM

    Would Bristol have to give permission to him for a DNA test since she did not claim him as the father?

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      No, once the child is born( and not inside the Mom's body) any potential father's can petition for paternity testing.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Here's a theory: what if Dakota, knowing Bristol's past with Trig, Tripp, and Tristan, upon finding out Bristol was pregnant, decided to call off the marriage until he knew for a certainty that the child was his? Knowing his grandparents' strong Christian traditions and strong dislike of Bristol, this is not outside the scope of possibilities. Oh, the irony of that thought.

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Court order- which is likely why it was filed in AK.

  47. Janice A Soderquist2:16 PM

    Can Dakota get a fair judge in Alaska if he filed custody there? Now, do you think he knows Bristol is a whore after reading all these blogs?

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      We don't know where he filed, but where ever he filed that is where they will hear his case.

  48. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Having met her a few times and seen her on TV I do feel that Bristol is special needs, higher functioning, but seriously lacking in impulse control and basically mentally retarded. I think much of what happens is the family trying to protect her and her serial pregnancies and cover up all of her activities. There is no way that she is a normally functioning woman, not with what we know now about all of her babies and what seems like a woman that cannot care for herself. They put her up in nice homes, give her access to her fancy clothes and shoes and try to make her look normal through her Nancy blog but really, this girl is in familial care nearly 100% of the time (Marina is perhaps part of that care). The girl just isn't right and I think that Dakota realized this pretty early on and all of a sudden that pretty face became a "the simple girl" they were trying to pawn off on him.

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Yeah, sounds like he figured things out and wanted nothing to do with any Palins. His family also realized that they're all freaks. But then there was the fetus and she would have created such drama if he hadn't waited things out. Now, if the kid's his, I can't imagine that better lawyers than the Palins' won't help him get what he wants and has a right to.

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      I'm on board with this. Bristol and her mother are both retarded. I think it's from inbreeding.

    3. Anonymous2:59 PM

      I think you summed it up well, 2:17 PM. A special needs person with an alcoholic and drug-using past, and an 'attitude' to boot. What a combo.

    4. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Basically, she is a slut. OK I get it.
      Thanks for the summary, nice.

  49. Anonymous2:21 PM

    This is a bigger game - Military benefits for a child dependent. The military will support Dakota to determine paternity of this child.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      They will also support the MOH in this custody battle.

  50. Janice A Soderquist2:22 PM

    Well, he sold the story to TMZ, what will Bristol sell? He is going after her hard...

  51. Anonymous2:22 PM

    There's a picture of Dakota Meyer holding a baby/child while there is a gun on a side table right next to him. I'd make a big deal out of that if I were trying to fight custody.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Thong dresses,lost sunglasses and the beatdown at the hoedown? Tripp running around on an active runway? Anchorage Police?

      You betcha!

  52. If there is a Tristan Palin (Bristol's 2012 baby) who does she live with and where?

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      I think Tristan became Kayla Grace and is being raised by Britta, Track's wife of just a few months.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Is this right? Perhaps the Palin "cousin" can clarify. While plausible, it is hard to imagine the average woman would take on this huge responsibility (basically adoption + single motherhood + non-disclosure agreement) as well as the stigma of having conceived out of wedlock (it is my understanding that Britta is a Christian). Do photos exist of Britta's pregnancy?

  53. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Poor delusional Sea Oh Pee folk. They want Sarah in Trump's cabinet SO BAD. Unfortunately, a high profile custody case is NOT what the Donald needs at this time. Boo hoo.
    When they begin to comment on this story, it will all be about Saint Sarah as savior.

    Oh, and on another note, VG has stomped his whiny foot again and STRONGLY admonished his cult NOT to have discord or he MIGHT have to leave the site again. As if anyone cares.

  54. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Jeezus. I never ever thought I would say this-but I'm on Bristle's side here. From everything I've read about Meyer, he's a first class doosh. A dishonest, wayyyyy right wing gun loving doosh. The fight will be interesting, for sure, but this goofball, who thinks it's okay to leave his gun on the nightstand while he plays with a kid, does not need custody of a little baby. No. I think that very pic will come into play if he keeps pushing this. Damn.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      LOL, he sounds like a Palin to me.
      I think Bristol's drunken brawl last yr when she dragged Tripp along will come into play.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM


    3. Anonymous2:54 PM


      How do you resolve Bristol playing with guns all day yesterday, Monday 1/4/16, while her 11-day old infant was with a caretaker? Hmm? Doesn't really paint a "caring mother" type portrait now does it? Also too, remember when Tripp was upset, in a limo while his mother was drunk, fighting, cursing and being dragged away from confrontations, right in front of his little 6-year old eyes? I think that Dakota has a strong case for majority custody of this latest baby, if indeed the DNA proves his paternity. If not, the well, he's off the hook and whatever other poor schmucks that stuck it to her during that time period might have to either step up or go into hiding so as not to have the Palins after their ass for child support.

    4. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Bristol AND Meyer share in this mess! Bristol spread her legs for him - got pregnant - delivered and here we are today! I'm sure he had to get a DNA test because Bristol has a reputation for screwing around w/many guys!

      Feeling so sorry for Bristol's kids reading all this info years from now!

  55. What a hilarious conundrum for the Palins. If, he is the father, a custody battle will ensue, and they won't be able to treat him like they did Levi. If, he isn't, then everyone will know what a slut Bristol is. Either way, a paternity test will be done, and I doubt the Palins want that to happen.

  56. Anonymous2:33 PM

    If Dakota's the father, then he absolutely should be paid child support and have shared custody. He should not be paying it. I love how he's been so restrained and handled things all this time and now is going after what he deserves. The Palins will be looking for connections to help them get out of this, but chances are even a connection won't want to play dirty when it involved MOH. Bristol and Sarah are so used to being in control and saying a big F-you to people, and that's how she handled this second pregnancy, but now they won't just keep getting away with it.

  57. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Thanks to person above. Dakota did file in Alaska which means we can follow the action.


  58. Anonymous2:37 PM

    So Bristol Palin the abstinence spokesperson, family values, pathos blogger has two custody cases in the AK courts with two different daddy's and two different kids. Only in Conservative 'Merica!

  59. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I hope Dakota learned from the Palins and got money from TMZ for tipping them off.

    01/04/2016 Initial Judicial Assignment: Honorable Herman Walker
    01/04/2016 Petition for Custody Receipt: 1254695 Date: 01/04/2016
    01/04/2016 Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit
    01/04/2016 Domestic Relations Procedural Order and Assignment
    01/04/2016 Summons and Notice to Both Parties of Judicial Assignment
    01/04/2016 Information Sheet - Confidential Document per Civil Rule 90.1(f)(1)

  60. Anonymous2:37 PM

    The paperwork if we can ever see it will show date of birth.

  61. I was really wishing and hoping that 2016 would be a very good year. Looks like my wish may come true.

    Welcome to the Karma Cafe, Sarah and Bristol. There are no menus. You will get what you deserve. Happy New Year!

  62. Janice A Soderquist2:43 PM

    Is there any chance, maybe Dakota said something, that the judge could ask for Triggs birth certificate. She may have to supply the certificate to prove she is not the mother.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Wouldn't that be a kick in the butt to learn about? So many questions could be answered due to this mess of Bristol's - regarding her and her mother, Sarah Palin!

    2. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Mother of four. No job. Lives off the support of others.

  63. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Could there be any better lesson on the hazards of willy-nilly reproduction? Now you have a baby who's already a subject of conflict and stress. Poor kid. She probably has this to look forward to for the rest of her life. Never once will the parents put her first. It will always be about them and about money.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      That is all the Palins have EVER been about! Money and name recognition - be it good or bad. Ask Alaskans!!! Sick, sick family!

  64. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Dakota has not presented himself as the best "father" image, but who knows, IF the child is his, he has strong family support in Kentucky. Probably a much more moral family than Bristols. And, a child just might make him a more upstanding citizen. Children sure didn't make Bristol a better person.

  65. Janice A Soderquist2:46 PM

    Well, we don't have to wait any more. All the media will pick up on this super fast. We can just sit back and read from now on.....Gryph.. you did excellent work here.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Job well done,Gryph!

  66. Anonymous2:49 PM

    This whole thing with the discrepancies regarding the baby's birth date can only help Dakota if he is in fact the dad. If she had that baby a month earlier and kept it secret, wow. But even if it turns out she had the baby on 12/23, her handling of things throughout the pregnancy and with the birth has shown her to be so shady and so questionable as a primary parent to Sailor. No decent judge wouldn't give Dakota half custody and child support.

  67. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I think he THINKS he is the father because he swallowed the birth date story hook line and sinker. If he signs an affidavit of paternity, no DNA and case closed. She might just let that happen to avoid a DNA test. If, however, he has any kind of a competent attorney, this will force a DNA test.

  68. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Dakota messed up huge by posting the picture with the date on the IV. Bristol was steaming mad at him and told him he needed to fix it. The arrangement is now over and Dakota wants out. He has already lost way more then what he was told would happen. He is losing speaking gigs and his public pages are full of hate directed towards him.

    By filing the documents the lies will be exposed but only on Bristol's part.

    It will show that Bristol had been sleeping around.

    It will show that Bristol lied about the birthdate.

    Dakota will come out of this whole thing with massive sympathy.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Yeah, ever since this date scandal came out, I have been so thankful that he did post that baby pic. She never thought he would. She really goofed.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      I wish Sarah were still on her book tour. As far as I can tell, she only mentioned the baby's birth in terms of a date as "last night" in writing when Bristol published a note from her mom. But that "last night" could have been a last night a month before. I will be eager to hear Sarah swear to someone on TV that the birth happened on 12/23. But I haven't seen Sarah anywhere on TV and haven't seen any posts from her that do clearly have her saying when that baby was born. She's a former governor and supposedly honest, so why not just come out and say that she knows the baby was born on 12/23?

  69. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Ha ha Bristol-you lose.

  70. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Ha Ha Bristol!!!

  71. Raven2:52 PM

    Hahahaha goodness! This is madness!

  72. Anonymous2:54 PM

    O/T, but Trump now making a big issue of Cruz's birth in Canada, as he well should: both of Cruz's parents became Canadian citizens BEFORE he was born there. They HAD to, in order to do business there. In that year, there was. no. dual. citizenship. You could not become a Canadian citizen without first renouncing your American citizenship. Dual citizenship provisions only became enacted the year AFTER Cruz was born. Look it up. Cruz is currently violating US law by even being a US Senator. He is not a natural born US citizen because he was born to two Canadian citizens IN CANADA. Does anyone really think this story should NOT go viral – and THEN some?


  73. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Dakota has every right to that child if a DNA test proves she is his...and, I suspect that has already been done. We don't know what Sarah Palin (the bitch) did behind the scenes, but I think this young military man is going to run them around the block and win!!! Hope he gets money out of the Palins too! Is there a god after all?

  74. Anonymous2:57 PM

    The discovery phase should be interesting.

  75. Anonymous2:57 PM

    In a rush and can't read through the whole thread, so maybe this has been said: I wouldn't assume he's demanded and gotten a DNA test. He could just as well be trolling for one publicly. If it's his baby, he gets custody or at least visitation, and if it's not, he's just forced her to make that humiliating fact public. Hilarious.

  76. Anonymous3:00 PM

    This is like watching alien vs predator. I am not rooting for anyone.

  77. Anonymous3:00 PM

    So this probably explains why Bristol took down the IG picture with the "new date" on the tape. She knows it's a lie and now she has to go to court and give the real date. If this is the case, she was totally caught off guard with the custody filing. I'm loving this!

    And Sarah said that 2015 was her worse year. I'm thinking 2016 will be in the running now.

  78. Janice A Soderquist3:05 PM

    What if Dakota is not the father and is just going with the dates. Wouldn't a good attorney demand a DNA test first before his filing?

  79. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Tmz says Sailor is 3 weeks old. I think they mean 2 weeks?

  80. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I am going to look at possible outcomes and choose this one only for the sake of Sailor: Brisdull and Duh decide to get married.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      I hope for Sailor's sake that Dakota gets primary custody.

  81. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Ok, this is getting better and better, but look at it this way: here's this MOH recipient, big tough talking Marine wanting Bristol Palin to pay him for child support! This soap opera will be worth popping the good popping corn! I would give anything to find out what it was that the grizzled grifting granny was telling him at the failed engagement barbecue!! It had to have been a threat of some kind. Folks, sit back and watch the moral, family values Palins squirm under pressure to keep all the details of this sordid affair out of the press!

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Every noncustodial parent should pay child support, even when the man is the custodial parent.

  82. Anonymous3:14 PM

    What if there was no DNA test yet. And the Palins started in on him for money. And he called their bluff. Two can play that game! Either way - very entertaining! Now Barstool knows what it's like to be on the other side of the custody battle. As soon as tape from her family brawl comes out it should be an easy decision.

  83. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Was her instagram account removed? When I click on the link in a previous article, it says the account doesn't exist.


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