Saturday, February 27, 2016

Donald Trump threatens to change laws so that he can sue journalists who write unflattering stories about him if he becomes President.

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch: 

At a rally today in Texas, Donald Trump said that if elected president, he would push to significantly change libel laws so he and others can sue journalists who write stories he finds “dishonest,” apparently not concerned with the Constitution’s First Amendment protections of free speech and the freedom of the press. 

Trump told his supporters, who have become notorious for threatening journalists and demonstrators, that he intends to “open up the libel laws” in order to file lawsuits against reporters — particularly from the Washington Post and the New York Times — and “win money.” 

“One of the things I’m going to do if I win, and I hope I do and we’re certainly leading, is I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposefully negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money,” Trump said. “We’re going to open up those libel laws.” 

Gee I wonder if this law will be made retroactive so that  President Obama can go back and sue the crap out of Fox News for all of the outright lies they told about him during his presidency?

Clearly Trump neither understands nor respects what makes this country great.

The very idea that he would threaten our first amendment rights simply because he is too thin skinned to deal with a little criticism is pathetic.

What a fucking crybaby!

In fact Trump is so pathetic that none other than Mitch McConnnell is threatening to not only pull Republican support away from him but to even help Hillary Clinton defeat him in the general: 

While still hopeful that Mr. Rubio might prevail, Mr. McConnell has begun preparing senators for the prospect of a Trump nomination, assuring them that, if it threatened to harm them in the general election, they could run negative ads about Mr. Trump to create space between him and Republican senators seeking re-election. Mr. McConnell has raised the possibility of treating Mr. Trump’s loss as a given and describing a Republican Senate to voters as a necessary check on a President Hillary Clinton, according to senators at the lunches.

Still think Donald Trump has a chance against Hillary?


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    tRump as President(fuhrer) would be equivalent to Germany under his hero Hitler.

    Dog help us!

    1. That's what I've been saying.

      He doesn't want to be President.

      He wants to be Chancellor.

    2. fromthediagonal3:04 PM

      Naw, Trump (who really needs to be Dumped on his Rump) wants to be Emperor, with all of the privileges and trimmings that he thinks come with it. Just look at pictures of his gilded properties, bought and paid for by a number of scams on gullible, greedy investors which later ended in Bankruptcy Court in various States. He is the ultimate Snake Oil Salesman of the late 20th and early 21st Centuries. VOTE Dammit!

    3. This confirms it: he has a yuuuge bet with his rich cronies that he can say anything and not lose support. This election is just a big joke for him.

  2. Anonymous12:07 PM

    If McConnell TRULY will do anything to stop a Trump presidency, then it will be the first and only time I would consider to call him a "patriot". He's as much responsible for Trump as the rest of them, considering he's demeaned both President Obama AND the office of President the last 7 years.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Never, never, NEVER trust McConnell!! He's a snake! He's just trying to save his own skin. He's never been a "patriot" and never will be. Oh, he's all concerned about the country now. He'll roll over and support Trump. Mark my words.

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      I agree, 1:10 PM! Also, do not trust McConnell!

      I have never gotten past how horribly he treated President Obama from the minute his first oath was uttered!

      I'm still sure that McConnell is racist and if he'd been able to have our first black (only half!) POTUS murdered (and kept his hands lily white!) he would have done so!

      America would be in far better shape had McConnell never reared his ugly puss in our U. S. Congress! Shame on you, Kentucky voters!

    3. So he'll basically support Hillary against Trump.

      But he still won't allow Obama to do his job as outlined in the Constitution.

      He's still a putz.

  3. I'd give the talking wad of bad hair every cent I have and would never mention his name again-- if only he would stop talking.

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Gee, Donald, good luck with that. Truth is truth; ask the blood sucking leech attached to your butt how well her threats of suing worked.


  5. The Furor wannabe wants to gut the First Amendment. Is he that stupid, not to know that any changes to the Constitution would require a Constitutional Convention? Does the idiot know that it would take 2/3 of Congress, OR 2/3 of all 50 states to call one to change an Amendment? Does he think that as POTUS, he can do it? What a whiny little idiot.

    1. Olivia1:19 PM

      He is that stupid.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      He doesn't know, he doesn't care and neither do his supporters.

      Wanna bet the Donald couldn't pass a high school government test.

      Isn't anybody else sick of listening to this blowhard?

      It is time for the media to get off their butts and start digging into his past and hold him accountable for every ignorant statement he makes or has made.

    3. The university sham is a start. How about his use of illegal immigrants....?

    4. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Trump wouldn't be able to pass a civics test as we knew them back in the day! (I'm in my 70's.)

      Remember, folks said the same thing about the Palins - Sarah, Todd and Bristol!

      Flunkeeees, big time!

    5. Actually, it's Fuhrer.

      But I think Furor works much better for Trump.

  6. Anonymous12:45 PM

    How low can you go? We're witnessing it because President Obama was that good.

  7. Crystal Sage12:45 PM

    I had tuned in to MSNBC to see if there was a discussion about the South Carolina primary and I got to see Trump blast the media (on its free airtime) and make crude remarks about Rubio's appearance (my he has big ears and sweats alot) and also use the media air time to explain to his supporters how he is being sued re: Trump University because he is sooo successful and rich. I had to turn it off as my ears were bleeding and the hypocrisy meter was on overload.

    Certain members of the media played a big role in creating an atmosphere for assclowns like Trump to become the front-runner for the GOP. Can anyone imagine what President Trump would do if a leader of a foreign nation criticized him? He'd nuke 'em for sure.

    I still believe that I'm in some kind of alternate reality and that I will wake up and Trump will just be a blowhard reality TV fool and nowhere near the presidency of the US.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I so wish we had a real "liberal" TV news channel. But no one thinks it would be profitable! It makes me so sad.

    2. The media loves him because viewers equals money. So the more outrageous he is, the more they love him.

      And do not be naive. The media has the power to make or break a president.

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    This beta male has no idea of what a president can or cannot do.

  9. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Why can't that huffy orange blob just keel over.

  10. Anonymous12:49 PM

    The guys is such an ass! What about freedom of the press? He'd lose in Court, waste his money and he knows it.

    He truly is sounding more and more like Hitler every day! Be aware, America!

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    If he is elected and tries to pull too much crazy shit via Executive Orders the Dems, the Republicans and the TeaParty Republicans will finally unite and vote to impeach him.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      They won't. He should have been taken down a long time ago but no one has the balls to do it. We are fucked if he wins.

      Pardon my language, Gryph.

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Who will Trump pick as Vice President then? If it's Kripie Kreme Ann Coulter will be loving that. If Trump is impeached then we will be left with effing Krispie!

    3. They can't impeach him for executive orders.

      They can impeach him for violating the Constitution. Which if he does what he says he will he will have violated multiple times, not to mention international law and the Geneva Convention.

      I think it's likely that would be how it plays out as the man has no clue what is in the Constitution and will not listen to anyone that contradicts him. I imagine he doesn't take advice well at all. Especially if it is counter to what he believes or what he wants to do.

  12. Thanks, Mitch. But I don't think we'll need your help come November.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Contrary to what Gryphen says, Mitch isn't trying to help Hillary. He's trying to hang on to a senate majority. He will allow Republican senators in tight races to run ads against Trump so that people in their state will think the Republicans running are not aligned with, or supportive of,Trump. Thinking that, voters will be more likely to re-elect them, according to Mitch's logic.

  13. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Although the last person I should want to see Hillary up against, if she gets the nom, is Rubio, I just cannot bear how embarrassing Trump is and I just want him gone and am willing to risk Rubio winning. I know most people don't think Rubio will get it, but I think he has appeal. He's smart and has a heart (I'm putting some issues aside as I say that).

    I really want him to make Trump look like a fool about the sweating thing. I loved how Rubio let it be known that Trump needed powdering during a debate break--that was great. But why can't he make a comment about perspiring being very natural for many people from hot climates. It's true of my husband and all the men in his family. They're from the tropics. It's a normal part of life. Rubio could use this sweat thing to advantage and make Trump look like a fool for not understanding how people in different parts of the world don't all sweat the same, and sweating doesn't mean just what Trump wants it to mean.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      If you're willing to risk President Rubio then you're on the wrong blog.

      See ya.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      I'm not convinced he's smart or has a good heart. But he's better than Donald Trump.

    3. Anonymous1:30 PM

      How can Rubio who was losing before now win that he is trying to be mini Trump? Either people like Trump or they dislike Trump--so acting like mini Trump is not a winning strategy for Rubio. Also, he's been truant from the job that he was elected for. Can't stand these people's work ethics and they have the nerve to insult those who work for minimal wage as having bad work ethics.

    4. Anonymous1:31 PM

      How can Rubio who was losing before now win that he is trying to be mini Trump? Either people like Trump or they dislike Trump--so acting like mini Trump is not a winning strategy for Rubio. Also, he's been truant from the job that he was elected for. Can't stand these people's work ethics and they have the nerve to insult those who work for minimal wage as having bad work ethics.

    5. Anonymous1:46 PM

      At least a Clinton-Rubio match would be meaningful and about what an election's supposed to be about. If you don't possess a sense of pride in the tradition of the election process and the governing process and don't want the election to be what voting for a president is supposed to be about, then save your vote and stay home on election day.

    6. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Rubio is a teabagger, don't be fooled by his so called "moderate" position. He is just as dangerous as Cruz.

    7. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Marco Rubbio doesn't like to do work. He's too lazy to vote in the Senate and doesn't think he has any obligation to do so. He's got no sense of finance whatsoever and has some serious money issues of long standing. God, the GOP leadership is so lame!

    8. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Marco Rubio = Scott Walker; both are bargain basement Koch-fueled soul corroded sold out to oligarchs wooded-headed puppets.

      That is important to remember.


    9. I hope it's not Rubio (or Cruz) because then Hillary will feel compelled to name Rafael Castro (of Texas) as her running mate and I really do NOT want Castro on the ticket. No more Texans in the White House. I think we've had quite enough Texans to last us a very long time.

  14. Anonymous1:16 PM

    He would be more upset if nobody ever spoke about him at all. Imagine that-if he was simply ignored.

  15. Anonymous1:21 PM

    1, 2, 3... Is that a new Palin spout on her Facebook bunker wall?

    Poor, poor pitiful me. Attacked mercilessly by those evil liberal writers and defunct bloggers. I suffered and know what Trump is speaking about.

    Me. Listen to me. If Trump thinks he has it bad he should listen to me. Me. Me. Me I tell you. Meeeeeeee

  16. The media hacks usually get upset when one of their own is attacked (by a democrat). Wonder if any of them will denounce trump - or simply say that is "not their job"

  17. So sue me Donald. You'd be an unmitigated disaster for this country.

  18. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I read that trump felt he was being audited because he is Christian.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Last time he went to church, he didn't know the difference between a communion plate and an offering.

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Yes, I read the same thing. How stupid is he? Religious and Christian are probably the last two adjectives anyone would ever use to describe him.

    3. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Trump doesn't strike me as a practicing Christian. Married multiple times - affairs - lying - screwing people out of money - telling all of us he is something he isn't and on and on!

      Hell awaits, Donald! Never, ever gonna be POTUS! No way - no how!

    4. Anonymous2:53 PM

      The evangelicals love trump and therefore lose platform credibility.

    5. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I don't wish hell on anyone, believe what you will and do good to others. It's the hypocrisy and quit talking God when you live nothing of the sort.

      "I'm forgiven as long as I say my prayers at night." Bullshit.

    6. Yeah, that's the line he's spewing to gain the Talibangelical vote. They love them some martyrs.

      Funny how Trump has become so religious the longer he runs for president. By November he'll be wearing a yamulke and fingering a rosary.

  19. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Here's the dill. If Sarah had taken people's advice and just stuck out her Governorship--which she had the gall to quit on us Alaskan!!!--If she had just done a little bit of work, she could have been living the Trump dream 4 years ago.

    Surely she sees that Trump is a mirror image of her and all the crazy things she said just to rile people up and pander to her people.

    Sarah, this could have been you! You could have beat that Obama if you'd only stuck out the governorship.

    You would have gotten your bots, women (who didn't read), anyone else who didn't read. You would have been a shoe-in against that blahh man.

    You blew it, baby. And the only one to blame is you!

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      $arah would have never beaten President Obama and that's why she won't run. She'd have her @ss handed to her in a heartbeat and "baby in the corner" couldn't handle it.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Her face is looking extra waxy. Whats going on with her upper lip? Is she a zombie?

    3. Anonymous3:45 PM

      She's always wearing nude lipstick with what looks like Vaseline on her upper lip. The shine goes above her actual lip. She wears that nude color and looks like she has no lip. You can only tell it's there because of the Vaseline.

    4. No, she never would have had a chance in that race.

      But....if she had stuck it out and even gone for a second term as governor, she might be Donald's running mate instead of Chris Christie.

      Poor Sarah.

  20. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I just read a Politico piece on Trump's many misspellings of late, including when saying on his site that he's been endorsed by "Sara" Palin. Poor Sarah. Who noticed before Politico today?

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Call me crazy, but I see definitely signs that Trump has dyslexia. He has nothing on paper. Everything is off the top of his head. He is as bizarre as Jeb Bush was.

  21. As the battle between McConnell and the Republican Party heats up over Trump, I can see Trump spitting from the party and running on his own. Of course, that would be nothing less than great news for the Democrats and Hillary or Bernie.

  22. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Nobody honestly believes that Trump can survive months of head to head against Hillary Clinton:

    1. The minute the old goat starts bleating "Benghazi, Bill Clinton, bla blah", everyone except his small base will be looking around for something to throw.

    2. The trumper tantrums will be legendary.

    3. The old fool has no policies.

    4. When he gets some policies they will be full of holes (his campaign is extremely slapdash, e.g. "Oaklahoma") and he won't be able to articulate them anyway because his word salad is almost as bad as Sarah Palin's.

    5. Trump and the truth are not close friends.

    6. It's beneath him to compete with a woman.

    7. With the extra attention on him, his weird hair arrangement, his facelift, his eyelift, his piebald facial coloring, his orange make up and his very strange chin implant will be noticeable to most people. Even if they can't tell what's wrong with his face they'll be aware that something is not right.

    8. Mrs Trump.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      The pinkywhite eyelids and pinky-white puffy parts under his eyes, with invisible eyelashes and that pinched-closed inner eye shape--that alone makes me want to hurl.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      word salad = dyslexia

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      I think Trump is horribly unattractive physically. He has a double chin - fat face - I don't think he's had facial surgery. If you look at him in a side shot of his face, he is one truly ugly dude!

    4. Anonymous2:47 PM

      I saw a photo of him in his golf outfit, he is really dumpy, not in shape at all.

    5. Anonymous3:21 PM

      I agree. can't stand his down-turned pouty mouth, fish hole mouth when he talks, pink rimmed eyes, horrible hair, too long tie, hand gestures. He's a disaster on the debate stage. God, imagine him as the leader of this wonderful country.I think he's had cosmetic surgery. I saw a side photo and his hairline was pink, indicating surgery to remove skin.
      As much I can't stand Malaria, I feel for her having to cuddle up to his doughy flacid body.

    6. Anonymous5:23 PM

      As much I can't stand Malaria, I feel for her having to cuddle up to his doughy flacid body.
      I wonder if she has managed to find an excuse for separate bedrooms.

      She did "her duty" and produced another heir. He gets the trophy wife. Now it is a business arrangement not a marriage.

    7. The first debate he'll let loose with some demeaning derogatory sexist dig at Hillary, who will be calm, cool, collected and presidential.

      And it will be over for him.

      And you know he will because she can talk policy rings around his dumb ass.

      Trump can't stand a woman that is smarter than him or that upstages him. And she'll do both.

      If he continues his usual debate tactics of interrupting, talking over his opponent and never shutting up, it will kill his campaign. Even Republicans will choose Hillary over him.

    8. Anonymous10:06 AM

      I doubt his wife cuddles up to him. God forbid! I'll even wager they have separate bedrooms!

      He showed her disrespect the other night on TV - admires his daughter much more and it's so obvious. The guy makes me want to barf every time I see his fat face on TV!

  23. Anonymous1:43 PM

    The thing that makes me the maddest is that bitch sitting on her self-perceived throne on the dead lake. She's behind this, "I don't need a title," and her SNL 40 hint of what was to come. Planned for a long time. That so many are buying into it? Good Lord, while she licks her chops. Satan incarnate.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      $arah's shelf life has about expired. $arah's been replaced by Chris Christie who can string two sentences together coherently, unlike she or Trump.

  24. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I truly detest this pompous cock-sucker.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Oh man, c-s is so right, and he looked like he was in the act yesterday when imitating Rubio with the water bottle. Did you catch him with his mouth open for it?

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Check out the c-s here:

  25. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hey, 1:43 PM! No one is buying into Palin's crap anymore. Most could care less about her and her klan! Especially in Alaska!

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      I know. My issue is what goes on behind the scenes. I still think she's into this up to her eyeballs considering tRump thanked her in his tweet post SC.

      I always have paid attention to what's behind the curtain and this stinks to high hell.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I don't think Trump will waste his time with Palin. She brings him nothing and he already found that out when she made that horrible speech! He couldn't get away from her fast enough.

      Proved himself to be smarter than I thought! She's the kiss of death!

    3. Anonymous3:38 PM

      3:18pm He's obviously tossed her to the curb.

      I can hear him now "Sarah Palin she's a terrific person, I've met her family they are terrific people but they have some problems and they need her now to be home and be a strong mother more than I need her to be with me, on the campaign trail, and I wish her and her family the best and I'm sure she appreciates that I have Chris Christie now who can help me win this while Sarah does the most important job and that is help her family in this tough time they are going through. I love family and family comes first and I've told her 'Sarah you need to be with your family now'."

    4. Anonymous3:47 PM

      I still see him standing next to her in Iowa as she did her speech, his facial expressions, then to Oklahoma where he chose wisely to stand offstage and she hasn't been back since.

      Comedy GOLD.

  26. Anonymous2:20 PM

    The biggest problem with Trump's "plan" is that there are no libel "laws." Libel/defamation law in this country is primarily common law through the state courts. As president, how does he expect to change state court decisions?

  27. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Never thought that Bush could win, you under estimate Trump at our country's peril.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      you under estimate Trump at our country's peril.
      I don't think anyone is underestimating Trump at this point, the problem is no one has figured out how to get rid of him.

      Well I have, but it isn't legal :)

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Alternatives are: hang him, shoot him or don't cast your vote for him should be become the Republican nominee.

      He is the same as Hitler!!! How frightening. He should be put out of his own misery!

  28. Shouldn't someone have a basic understanding of the Constitution (they are going to swear to uphold and protect) before they campaign for president?

  29. Trump: Christie's Support 'Meant A Lot,' Usually Endorsements 'Too Much Work'

    Donald Trump on Saturday morning told "Fox and Friends" that he was "honored" to have New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie endorse him.

    "Everybody wanted Chris," Trump said. "Chris called up out of the blue and said, 'You’re the one that’s going to win.'"

    "He’s the one endorsement to me that really meant a lot," Trump added.

    Trump contrasted Christie's endorsement with the typical process he's experienced in receiving endorsements. He was asked if voters should expect to see more big endorsements soon.

    "Frankly, sometimes they want have dinner, and ‘Let’s get together for two hours,’ and ‘Let’s go to a movie together,'" Trump said in response, describing what typically happens when people want to endorse him. "It’s too much work."

    "And I’m not sure what endorsements mean," he added. "I’ve never really understood it."

    Sounds like Trump thinks Sarah was too much work. This has got to sting. lol!

    1. He's the one endorsement that truly meant a lot.

      Poor Sara. I mean Sarah. Sarah Plain. Right?

  30. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The MD that performed Trumps circumcision must have errored and removed too much skin. Damn, what a fucking candy assed whiner he is.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Trump has no dick. No balls either.

  31. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Before you even click on that video that Gryph posted, take one long look at that mug and ask yourself if you would be proud of that leading your country. I sure as hell don't, but many do and may their god help them when it comes to fruition.

  32. Chenagrrl3:32 PM

    Donald Trump has all the substance of the vapid reality star he is. Clearly he has bought his own bullshit.

  33. Anonymous3:37 PM

    So Donald thinks he can change laws all by himself. Someone really needs to school him on 1) the Constitution, 2) American and world history, and 3) how governments, esp. in countries like ours, work. I fear it will be an impossible task but someone has to do it. Any teachers willing to take on the job?

  34. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.3:52 PM

    There are state libel laws, based mainly in common law, but the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1964 in the landmark case, Sullivan v. The New York Times, that public figures -- those who politicians, athletes, or those who've thrust themselves into the public arena (Bristol Palin) can win a libel suit only if three conditions are met: that they are public figures; that what was printed was completely false; and that the newspaper or other news outlet knew it was false and printed it anyway ("absence of malice").

    Subsequent decisions have better defined the definition of "public" and "private" individuals, but the right to have a free and open exchange of ideas is sacrosanct.

    In any event, the President has no power to overturn accepted law and centuries of precedent all on his or her own! Trump clearly does not know much outside of real estate deals, nothing about law, and nothing about the way
    laws are created and maintained.

    Trump's tweets, by the way, could be proved to be libelous if they met the three conditions.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      I think you mean that they can win if they are NOT public figures, and they must also show malice.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Just like the Republicans cannot do away with the 'law' of Obamacare! They can make amendments to it, but not negate it as they constantly say they will.

      Donald Trump knows nothing and I truly question his business abilities. He must pay well to have folks run things, because personally he's too much of an idiot and bully to do it well himself!

      Cannot fathom him as a boss - know I'd want to kick him in the balls and tell him to go to Hell on a daily basis!

      His poor family members - he is an embarrassment to all of them and I wonder if they even know it!?

  35. Anita Winecooler3:58 PM

    Poor Donnie, he can dish it out, but he can't take it. Yet he picks some lobotomized lobster clawed thwunk from Alaska with a degree in what? Journalism! for an endorsement. A journalist, who, btw, famously slept with someone she was paid to interview. Can Rice sue retroactively for embarrassment and whatever it cost for penicillin at that time?
    Donald the Clown doesn't have what it takes to be POTUS, but you gotta hand it to him, he's got a thick skin /s

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Nope, he doesn't have thick skin! He's going after Rubio now like a baby because he can't stand what he is saying.

      Hate to say it, Donald, (you fat bafoon!) but Rubio is saying the exact same things you have!

      You are far from being presidential material and would be a horrible representative of the American people.

      You love the KKK, are a known racist (having admitted it on camera (!) to include blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, etc.) and will never win IF you are nominated by the Republican party.

      The only folks that might vote for you are the elderly, white, Republican folks that are dying off.

      Go Hillary Clinton and tear him to shreds during the campaign (IF he is nominated to run!).

  36. Anonymous5:58 PM

    . . . and that's why we call him Adolph.

  37. Anonymous9:35 PM

    This is one of two things-he's either doing performance art, or he's losing his fucking mind.

  38. Anonymous3:51 AM

    What an asshole bully. He is an embarrassment to America and stands for nothing.


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