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The day the trap was sprung. |
According to the court papers, Palin has 'repeatedly invited Mr. Meyer to see his daughter' but stipulated that the grounds be set so as not to disrupt her breastfeeding schedule.
Her response to his emergency custody motion explains: 'Ms. Palin is currently breastfeeding their two-month old daughter and plans to continue doing so until she is at least a year old.
'It is in Sailor's best interest that breastfeeding continue and that Mr. Meyer's visitation be fashioned so that he may begin bonding with Sailor without disrupting her breastfeeding schedule.'
Meyer had originally sought to see Sailor for four consecutive days, between March 19 and 22, away from Palin from noon to 6pm on March 19 and then from 8am until 6pm on every other day.
He also argued that a decision needed to be made quickly to allow him to make travel plans from his native Kentucky to Alaska where Palin and his child live.
But Palin's lawyers asserted: 'Sailor's best interests trump Mr. Meyer's interest in prearranging his travel plans.'
Dakota better get his head out of his ass, because he is being manipulated by a woman who learned from the best.
The article goes on to say that Dakota will start to have visitation with Sailor every two weeks starting on March 18.
Gee I wonder if he would like to go hunting while he is up here? If only there were an experienced hunter in Wasilla willing to take him.
Any ideas?
Update: So I just received some texts from my friends in Wasilla, and the scuttlebutt is that Bristol has been spotted NUMEROUS times bottle feeding Sailor in public.
In fact at least one person is adamant that she has NEVER breastfed either Sailor OR Tripp.
So the entire Daily Mail post is full of shit and clearly an attempt to manipulate Dakota and make herself seem like the better parent.
Update 2: So if Bristol's breastfeeding schedule is so important, and cannot be altered, then is that Piper's bottle then?
Those texts are awfully formal. Were they written to be released?
ReplyDeleteWhere are the official court-ordered DNA test results? 99.9% chance Dakota is NOT the father!
DeleteIs that anything close to Bristol's writing?
DeleteYou noticed that too?
DeleteCorrect punctuation and no abbreviations? (Other than bs'ing instead of bullshitting.)
No obvious grammatical errors???
I believe the texts from Bristol are written by someone else, with a lawyer's guidance. The texts from Dakota sound like a wise man being cautious about what he says, probably also with legal counsel.
DeleteDidn't we see Bristol holding a baby bottle in the Christmas pic of the five Palin "girls" on the ugly green couch that Sarah posted. I highly doubt she is breastfeeding. She is far too vain.
Nursing? Oh right. While she's gone back to work AND is taking diet drinks? The girl is far too selfish to nurse a baby-and for a year? I nursed both my kids for a year, and they had NO bottles and no babysitters during that time. Neither would take a bottle, nor did they need pacifiers. Do you not think if dear Holy Mother Bristol were nursing, that there would be Madonna-like photos out there of the wonderful moments? This is the biggest lie since Trig.
DeleteAlso "you're" - I don't think any of the Palin kids know the difference between your and you're.
DeleteEven the tone doesn't sound like Brissy.
I know a woman, an attorney, who played very ugly custody games with her ex. These texts are 100% written "for the record," to influence the court of public opinion if not to actually be used in court. The claim of breastfeeding is also 100% a ploy to make it more difficult for Dakota to have any real time with Sailor (following along with the narrative that he is the father, which I don't believe for a second.)
DeleteYet more absolutely despicable behavior from Team Palin: yet another innocent life sacrificed on the altar of their greed and ambitions. Does nobody close to the situation have the guts to speak out and truly protect the innocents by putting a stop to this?
Breast feeding?!? What a fracking liar!! Bristol would not be substituting meals with weight loss shakes if she was breast feeding Sailor. Her top priority was losing the extra baby weight and hawking the weight loss product. You can bet your ass Sailor is drinking formula from a bottle.
DeleteOf course they're formal. These two hardly know each other.
ReplyDeleteQuite easily since she doesn't work nor does she breastfeed.
DeleteThank you. If she is pumping breast milk then I see no reason for that poor baby's father not to be able to see her. I feel bad for the child. Bristol is manipulative and Dakota is an idiot.
DeleteMaybe it's good for business at the Jack-Me-off clinic?
DeleteThis really makes her look and act like a nursing mother with a new born.
DeleteJanuary 4, 2016
'home defense and safety' gun course - two weeks after giving birth to daughter Sailor Grace
'Bullseye': Bristol, who wore jeans and wedge booties for the outing, also shared a video of herself shooting a handgun at a set of targets
Good point-they were obviously there for a number of hours, since the background changes in the photos from dark to light. Such a pitiful liar.
DeleteIs this even for real? You can name someone anything you want on your phone. These texts are too well written to come from either of them.
ReplyDeleteBrisdull can't write well. No way this is her. Also the baby doesn't look like dokotex. They just dogs. The whole lot.
DeleteYes. There aren't abbreviations, but clear, full sentences and paragraphs. No one I know texts as though she's writing a term paper (something Bristol's never done).
DeleteBreastfeeding schedule? What a lying, manipulative bitch.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you getting so worked up over someone you don't know?
DeleteI know,right? I mean, you live in the same house and you know for a fact she bottle feeds the baby cause you've seen with your own eyes. Snort.
DeleteOh, and I loathe Bristol but on here anything that seems remotely supportive of her gets you labeled a flying monkey troll, which is pretty amusing.
Bristol's nursing schedule is every time DUH tries to see Sailor, Brissie needs to nurse. In private. Because she is so shy and whatnot... lol
Deletebtw meghan, regarding your very own personal troll, wear them like a badge of honor. You really get under their lizzard-like skin, and that is something to be proud of!
It's the lamest excuse yet...
Delete9:38, go bother someone else, liar.
DeleteIf the aka Maloe is reality, she should be ____ for not being vetted and doing something to save those kids. Not just the crazy crap bristol is doing regard the Sailor/marine dramas.
DeleteRemember the guns that are around the Palins, possibly Bristol's house. Kids learning that gun safety from nut cases with alcohol and drug problems.
Are all the relatives and friends of the Palins child abusing lunatics?
It is just that it is weird to be so personally and emotionally invested in the lives of these d-list reality star nobodies meghan, people that you don't even know and never will. There are probably much more useful and productive activities you could be doing in your life, activities that also wouldn't get you so oddly angry.
DeleteIf a mother works and is breast feeding a newborn then she would also be pumping milk while at work. If she allegedly works full time and is breast feeding she certainly could pump while the baby is with another adult.
DeleteShe can do that but she won't contradicting her texted words. She knows how to mentally torture people. Sick
11:38, why don't you take your faux concern for my wellbeing, shove it and ask yourself what you get out of commenting of every one of my posts like I'm a crazy person, when mine are the tamest on any given thread.
DeleteHe should ask the court to have her do random drug testing while breast feeding.
ReplyDeleteAgree, add alcohol.
DeleteI remember McCain said that he observed Bristol breastfeeding trig to help out her mom. Bristl=christlike
DeleteJordan and Track were hanging out at Bristol's house on January 18. Nursing mother had the drunk argumentative couple over how often?
Delete"Nursing mother had the drunk argumentative couple over how often?"
DeleteThe couple is frequently at the house. She is his half sister after all.
Occasionally the couple have a drink or three.
Very rarely they have a ot more drinks, and then some random thing gets them all wee wee'd up.
That's what we call SHTF time.
But it's all good also too donate to SarahPAC to stop OBamma now.
I remember McCain said that he observed Bristol breastfeeding trig to help out her mom.
DeleteWait a minute, he thought Bristol was a wet nurse for her mom? Doesn't he know milk comes in AFTER pregnancy, not before?
I don't recall the McCain commenting on the seeing the new mother Bristol nursing? Do you have a link?
DeleteAll those lies were for Sarah and McCain.
Sarah and Bristol had to lie to help John McCain become president. You know how that worked out for all of them.
"And he cannot 'consume or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during his visitations with Sailor.'"
ReplyDeleteBut it's okay for drunk, violent, gun-toting brother Track to be near the precious infant.
Yep. Track was posing with Bristol's boys right before he was arrested.
DeleteBristol deleted Track's photo with her boys. If that doesn't tell you something...
The Wasilla police are already screwy with any evidence of anything that night. Still Dakota and Jean need to get all the info they can.
DeleteThe police should have checked on the kids and where all the drunk driving was going on. There should be drug tests.
Was Piper the responsible adult if Bristol was drunk?
Sailor was young she must have been eating and pooping on a frequent schedule. What was she being fed?
The Anchorage police had been totally neglectful of Tripp when he was seen drinking beer and running around a runway and in the midst of a brawl.
Dakota also brawls and he may not be man enough to look out for the best interest of a child. He really needs to pull himself together and do his all and all for Sailor. Even if she turns out to not be his child he still has an investment in her and the children he cares about. He can still do somethings for children he learns are living in danger and with threats, being neglected or abused.
Mothers have been ordered to stop breast-feeding to turn over custody to the father of the child before. She's not as smart as she thinks.
ReplyDeleteShe'd better stay off of all intoxicants and anti-psychotics while she's breast-feeding. That would be child abuse.
Well she isn't breastfeeding and if she was he could buy breast milk off the internet. In fact, I am sure there are many breastfeeding military wives that would donate breast milk.
DeleteWasn't she drinking with her brother the night he beat his girlfriend?
DeleteShe gave Tripp Benadryl
Why would she not raise Sailor the same?
Duh may be real slow and want to believe his fantasies.
Hopefully, someone can reach out to Jean Meyer and help them learn about how the Palins live. She needs to know the threats that baby is living with.
Duh rolls with guns around babies so he is not going to care about things like Track, drunk and with assault guns.
The grandmother may care about drugging a newborn.
The baby also needs to be drug tested.
"And he cannot 'consume or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during his visitations with Sailor.'"
ReplyDeleteBut it's okay for her to be in a drunken brawl while her son is in her custody!
It's also okay if her druggie, alcoholic brother gets drunk at her house and starts a fight with his girlfriend while Sailor is there.
DeleteIt is also okay for a breastfeeding mom to drink wine and get drunk. Hey you have to start those Palin kids early!
"And he cannot 'consume or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during his visitations with Sailor.'"
Again, she is slamming the father of her child that she soooo wants to be involved in Sailor's life.
I wonder if there was anything in Dakota's docs requesting drug testing on Bristol, while she is "breast feeding" for the next year :)
Bristol is speaking out of both dies of her mouth. If she really wants Dakota to see the baby and not interrupt her breast feeding schedule, she can express some milk for Dakota to use when Bristol is not around. It looks like she is continuing to put up obstacles. Bristol is such a piece of work.
ReplyDeleteShe can go to work (farce) but not find a way for father to bond see child all this time. Blaming her alleged nursing schedule.
DeleteYeah like she did to Levi.
DeleteI thought she was bottle feeding..anyway there's no reason to use the breastfeeding excuse..they make breast pumps..she can give him breast milk to feed her when Bristols in not around..I don't believe for 1 second she is breastfeeding anyway!!
ReplyDeleteShe isn't breastfeeding, at least not exclusively.
I can't see the link. How about a screen catch?
DeleteThe keyword is "formula". This is on her FB page:
DeleteBristol Palin
23 hrs ·
SPRING CLEANING! Just donated most of Sailor's newborn clothes, diapers, formula and maternity clothes to our nearest Pregnancy Center. Don't forget options like this when you want to donate gently used items. #ProLife #momshelpingmoms
So breastfeeding is now more important than meeting her father? O_____O
ReplyDeleteIf breastfeeding is so important for Bristol she can pump to keep her milk flowing (which she would have to do at work anyway - if she really works).
For the baby being exclusively breastfed isn't that important:
He could buy breast milk.
DeleteThat would be relevant except she is not breast feeding her 4 month old daughter.
DeleteI kept my breast milk in the freezer in case I had to get a baby sitter. All breast feeding mothers know this!
DeleteMoney down on this bet.
ReplyDeleteThe first time that Dakota buys plane tickets and visits Alaska Bristol and Sailor will be driving to Arizona in a Uhaul to pick up some things from the Arizona house.
Dakota will be SOL and Bristol and Sarah will be lol as Marina posts it all to IG.
This is exactly why he should wait for the interim visitation and custody order from the court.
DeleteIt seems he is doing that.
Certainly he can sit by, even in the next room, while she spends hours nursing every day. After all, he's already had the milk, why not see the cow nursing his daughter?
She is not that good of an actor. She does better when someone just writes her scripts.
DeleteHey Brissie, it's known as a BREAST PUMP. get one and use it.
ReplyDeleteYep. And she used one for Tripp, and not for a second do I believe she's not using one for Sailor. It's just her attempt to keep the baby from Dakota.
DeleteShe texts while breastfeeding?
ReplyDeleteUh huh. Tell us another, lying Brissy!
Please see Dull's FB page where she talks about donating Sailor's FORMULA!
DeleteBreastfeeding...that is one of the lamest excuses I have ever heard. Does no one in the court system in AK have any common sense? Why just yesterday Bristol posted the following on her FB. Formula?
DeleteWhat a gal!
Bristol Palin
21 hrs ·
SPRING CLEANING! Just donated most of Sailor's newborn clothes, diapers, formula and maternity clothes to our nearest Pregnancy Center. Don't forget options like this when you want to donate gently used items. #ProLife #momshelpingmoms
3 more weeks until SPRING!
DeleteAt the top of the message screen it says Messages (132) Dakota Meyer. This seems to fly in the face of her claim that he has been ignoring their outreach to get him involved in the child's life.
ReplyDeleteGood catch.
DeleteThat's what I was wondering about. How long have they been saying 'he' doesn't want anything to do with Sailor? Bristol, Marina and I think Sarah chimed in.
DeleteIt is also curious that Sally and Chuck, who you would think would be over the moon with another great grand baby, one so near in age to Aksel. Why have they gone so dark?
They may think they are too old to star in another hoax.
Chuckie Jr. adores Dakota. He could handle posing for photos and taking photos. Why is he not being supportive of the blessed new one in the family?
Better start pumping & freezing, Bristol!
ReplyDeleteShe's not nursing. The "milk" is deliver to her door for the baby. The baby takes a bottle.
ReplyDeleteWith the Daily Mail's reputation as a tabloid combined with the Palin penchant for lying....I wouldn't bet any money on this story being accurate in the least.
ReplyDeleteApparently Ted Cruz has offered to drop out of the POTUS race in exchange for a supreme court appointment. This is bombshell information that needs to go viral and could change the campaign as we know it.
Cruz used a high-priced attorney to confidentially request that Rubio’s team promise Cruz a Supreme Court appointment in exchange for Cruz exciting the race. This is in addition to recent reports that the candidates’ wives have been in contact, discussing why someone dropping out is essential.
This is unprecedented, but Cruz has to be well aware that the political establishment is lining up behind Rubio. Fox News has a pro-Rubio tilt, and the powerful Koch brothers just sent a number of their top operatives to Team Rubio in hopes of defeating Trump during a contentious convention fight.
Meh, internet trolling by Trump's bunch.
DeleteRubio can't promise a supreme court appointment. at least not a final one. There's a confirmation process, and Cruz is hated in the senate.
DeleteBristol is no more breastfeeding than the man in the moon. Who's she trying to kid?
ReplyDeleteBristol does not look like she is nursing. None of her posed picture look like a nursing mother.
DeleteIf she is nursing it is more serious since she would be on a bad diet and taking all those skinny pills.
You know she is lying about breast feeding. If she really is though, it's called pumping--not an excuse that is going to fly. I don't believe it is his baby.
ReplyDeleteDakota or a smart relative would have Bristol's milk tested for drugs.
DeleteThat may be one of the reasons why she is delaying.
OK, who has all the photos saved showing the baby bottles? I can think of several offhand, but didn't save them.
ReplyDeleteMoms who work and pump milk then have caregivers use that milk in bottles. From what I've seen at my daughter's it's quite a complex procedure, keeping everything sterile and the milk frozen until needed. I doubt the presence of bottles is proof of anything- but no, I don't believe she's breastfeeding either. It's a very time consuming and unselfish thing to do.
DeleteEverything in her texting sounds so scripted. That is just not natural texting there.
ReplyDeleteShe's acting as if she never uses a pump even and at all times is available for Sailor when Sailor gets hungry. Supposedly, nothing in the world ever makes it necessary to pump milk, and supposedly Sailor has never tasted formula.
And she acts as if it is impossible for her to travel. She easily could have gone down to the 48 with her mom and allowed Dakota and all of the Meyer relatives of Sailor to meet the baby.
She's obviously using the breastfeeding as a way to keep Sailor from leaving town and to have as much power and control as possible.
Check out the blurb from an old People article when Tripp was born. She had no problem using a pump and formula then:
She breastfed her baby for a month, pumping milk before class and rushing straight home to feed him. And she worked two part-time jobs to help pay for the diapers and formula her parents otherwise supply.
She is the picture of health. At 2 weeks she was shooting in those funny shoes and not feeling a bit of pain or discomfort for all the nursing she was doing.
DeleteWho in their right mind would engage in such a text message conversation with a known publicity hound like Bristol Palin? If Dakota Meyer really did those texts, he knows they would go to the internet because he knows Bristol well enough. The stupidity of both Bristol and Dakota staggers me. Sailor is in for horrifying public life.
ReplyDeleteDid he not have an attorney at that time?
DeleteI do not believe Meyer has agreed to the visiting schedule described in the Daily Mail article. He just filed a motion for expedited consideration of an interim visitation order and joint custody that's waiting for the judge's ruling. The judge could rule for him to have the visitation he asked for. There's no incentive for him to be doing deals with Palin. I also think those texts are manufactured. He's got no incentive to communicate with Palin directly when he has attorneys and 2 open cases. In fact, I'm confident his attorney(s) have advised him not to contact her and not to engage if she contacts him.
ReplyDeleteShe spels so gud! :D
ReplyDeleteBall is your court Dakota. The bitch is giving you the Levi treatment. Don't take the bait. #neveroutgunned.
ReplyDeleteThis is nothing for Bristol. Maybe he is waiting for her to inflict more pain on the Grandma.
DeleteWe all know that breast milk can be refrigerated and also frozen. Dakota could visit and Bristol could take off with Marina and have a nice romantic weekend somewhere.
ReplyDeleteBut there are also many places that ship breast milk now. She should look into it. But of course she won't.
Off topic, but who couldn't see this from their porch? The blame game for DT's inevitable nomination is playing out in the GOP. Seems it's all the media's fault.
ReplyDelete"Trump, expertly, kept sucking the oxygen out of the room for other Republicans and feeding the media frenzy.
In other words, the media were so obsessed by his antics that they never discovered other candidates.
More importantly, they never really moved on to some of the more substantive scrutiny of Trump – his business dealings, Trump University, his run for the Reform Party nomination, his use of eminent domain. All that would probably have more impact on voters than the reality TV show of the past eight months. It’s all buried in the noise.
(The media created this mess for the GOP!) donchaknow?
(Never mind that none of the other republican presidential candidates every took any of these stories the media reported and ran with them in their campaigns. I mean Trump never really put out any substantial ads, but they all did. What in the hell were they talking about)
MALOE said Bristol wasn't breastfeeding. Her boobs don't have the look of a breast feeding mom, especially since we saw the breast feeding size they were in 2008!!
ReplyDeleteBristol 2008 RNC:
Sarah and Bristol 2008 RNC (one of these is not like the other):
And padded to not leak.
DeleteAlso,too if she was breakfeeding she would have no need for weight loss products...Just sayin!
That's what I was thinking..her tit's where super huge in 2008..an hell she was just preggo..while that's what they said..i call bullshit
DeleteGo to her Facebook page. Yesterday she claims she was donating Sailor's newborn clothes, diapers and FORMULA to charity for her spring cleaning. Screen cap. Formula.
ReplyDeleteAll sorts of things wrong with that post too. W
Not for nothin hasn't no one has never said that we are the smartest tools in the Valley!
DeleteShe spent the day at the shooting range, obviously someone was watching the baby and bottle feeding her. She went back to work, ditto, someone's bottle feeding that baby during the day, 5 days a week if Bristol is to be believed. Pump some milk bitch and let Dakota bottle feed his baby, we know the kid isn't on the tit 24-7.
ReplyDeleteOf all of the Palin's crafted lies this one is one of the dumbest!
Why oh WHY is she making this all public? For pete's sake, grow up already!
ReplyDelete"The day the trap was sprung."
ReplyDeleteIf that ain't the truth!
My daughter breast-feeds, she also uses a pump between feedings and we now have a freezer full of frozen breast milk that will last weeks. My grand-daughter was born on 12/21/15, so if barstool is really breastfeeding she has reserves for at least a week.
ReplyDeleteThis smells like a set up to me. Here are my questions...
ReplyDelete.1. Bristol is seen holding a bottle in a pic that either she or Sarah (can't remember which) posted on Facebook. Doesn't this mean that Sailor isnot just breastfeeding?
2. Bristol is working full time according to Piper. So Sailor is not breastfeeding between 8-5. Can't Dakota be with her then, every weekday?
Between 7 and 6 you mean-Anchorage is not a 2 mile drive away. Just another pack of lies from a Palin.
DeleteDidn't Sarah Palin also claim that she nursed Trig?
Did Bristol nurse Tripp?
Sarah claimed to breast pump also too!
"What does Governor Palin need to know about working with your dad?
MEGHAN: He likes to get up early in the morning and go. Seems like she likes to do that too. I guess with a baby...
JOHN MCCAIN: ... she has to be. (Laughter)
SARAH PALIN: Morning person. Yup. We don't sleep much. Too much to do. What I've had to do, though, is in the middle of the night, put down the BlackBerries and pick up the breast pump. Do a couple of things different and still get it all done. "
Like they say. All Righty then!
Who pumps milk int he middle of the night? Lord. You nurse the baby Sarah. I nursed two of them, and never felt the need to "get up and pump in the middle of the night." Plus this is the woman who was so unprepared that they took her, alone, out to one of McCain's ranches for debate prep. Who had the baby? Who fed the baby? Wasn't Sarah.
DeleteHere we go again, where is the Daily Mail getting the court docs? Certainly not the court since, there hasn’t been any requests for copies of the documents since January. Didn’t the porn star tell us not to believe anything in the media :)
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone think it is odd that Bristol wasn’t the one to go to court for child support first? How can she support Sailor on a non-existent salary from a non-existent job?
Now she is playing the victim in the media again, sending those texts to the tabloids, like she is begging him to come see Sailor. Doesn’t even “sound” like Bristol, is it possible that these were written afterwards
Dakota had better watch himself with that viper. Until I see an article or documents from Dakota’s side, I am going to presume DNA results are not in and he is proceeding through legal channels.
My thoughts are she doesn’t know who the father is, but Dakota has money and an easier target than some “undetermined” guy.
If he does get visitation he had better have a witness with him, because I wouldn’t put it past Bristol to accuse him of child molestation.
Someone in her publicist's office is writing a soap opera for public consumption. A new TV show in the same vein as MTV's hugely popular Teen Mom is what they seem to be promoting. Just think, millions of single mothers can relate!
ReplyDeleteYet another innocent child sacrificed on the altar of Palin greed and ambitions.
DeletePiper is holding a baby bottle as she and Bristol and Sailor leave the Italian restaurant. If it is so crucial that Bristol only feed from the breast, why is there a bottle in this pic? Why didn't she breast feed there, even go to the restroom or another quieter part of the restaurant if preferring privacy?
Yeah, I'd say that'a 'gotcha. Should be.
DeleteReally. If she couldn't deal with breast feeding in the restaurant abut the breast is a must, she could have breast fed in the car. Yeah, it would have been cold and a drag to go outside, but she could have done it. She uses bottles all the time, clearly. She is pretending there is nothing that can throw her the actual use of a breast at all times.
DeleteSomeone should link that pic on Dakota's FB. A shame I'm not on FB,lol.
ReplyDeleteThis from her FB:
Bristol Palin
21 hrs ·
SPRING CLEANING! Just donated most of Sailor's newborn clothes, diapers, formula and maternity clothes to our nearest Pregnancy Center. Don't forget options like this when you want to donate gently used items. #ProLife #momshelpingmoms
Either she doesn't plan on having any more babies or she can't be bothered to be a little more frugal and everything will have to be brand spanking new next time.
DeleteFollow up required! Did she really donate? Doesn't sound like a Palin - they do everything for money!!!
DeleteOops!!! Why would she be donating formula if she is breastfeeding 24/7 ?
DeleteHaven’t there been a bunch of photos with baby bottles in them?
Sorry Bristol, that is the problem with lying, so hard to keep the story straight and you have to be smarter than you are to do it well.
DeleteBut I thought she said she was nursing?!!! And that's why DM couldn't see her? I CALL BS!!
DeleteWhy donate formula? Do 3 month old babies outgrow a formula and need a more nutritious one? Or is Sailor now on solids? NOT
DeleteGirl needs time to arrange the media coverage of the visits.
ReplyDeleteGuess who inserted the concept of "hate" into the dialogue.
ReplyDeleteRight, why would he hate her if she was trying so hard to get him to see Sailor and being so uncharacteristically nice?
DeleteAnd remember her rep said nobody knew how DM got the hospital pic of Sailor that he posted on IG. Wouldn't the mother who wanted the father involved have sent it?
There is no way she wrote those texts, just sayin'
The is NO legitimate reason to allow private messages to be made public! No ones life is in danger and no bad feelings are being displayed what so ever. Manipulation and control of a child! Get physical custody, Duhkota and nothing less.
ReplyDeleteThat's like tape-recording a private conversation and then releasing it to the tabloids.
DeleteShe set Dakota up with these texts. Did she advise him she would publish them in the DM?
ReplyDeleteShe settled her custody dispute with Levi so she has all the time in the world to focus on Dakota now.
ReplyDeleteHanging out with sarah palin and bristol in vegas!
Breastfeeding for a year, and gathering reindeer moss for diapers.
ReplyDeleteYou betcha! Them Palin wommins is some hard-workin' Frontier gals! Warshin' them cloth diapers in the crick too, don't forget, and cannin' all the veggies they grow and smokin' and storin' all that fish they catch!
DeleteAlso too, don't forget they are shootin' them moose and makin' some cute baby clothes outta that durn hide after they cure it with their own urine and then chew it to make it soft and sew it on up with them sinews.
You Betcha!!
Hmmm... Contrived text written the day Sarah was flying to endorse Trump. She also managed to write three post for her blog that day.
ReplyDeleteIf that boy and his lawyer have any brains between them, they should immediately petition his phone carrier to release all text, call and IM records for the dates in question, as well as all known phone contact numbers he has/had for Bristol Palin. Thos messages well be on her phone, but unless they had the forethought to plant someone in Kentucky to send them, the GPS info will probably show they were originating in Wasilla, Alaska on both ends of the 'convo.'
ReplyDeleteIn addition, insist on an independent physician evaluation of both mother and child to determine well-being, drug-free status and also too whether or not the mother of the year is, in fact, lactating... some things can't be photoshopped.
True that!
DeleteIf there were 132 text messages, why not release them all Bristol?
DeleteReleasing this exchange only reinforced my thought that Dakota is being played. And played by a master player who has learned from the 'best.'
ReplyDeleteNever get involved with a Palin. EVER.
DeleteReleasing this exchange only reinforced my thought that Dakota is being played. And played by a master player who has learned from the 'best.'
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are so toxic that if I was a dude, and I thought I'd knocked one of them up I'd just walk the fuck away and say "you betcha, you take that kid, I don't want anything to do with it or anything that has half your genes, have a nice life".
DeleteThen I'd go meet a nice girl and start a real family, drama free.
Dakota you made the biggest mistake of your life hooking up with a Palin.
ReplyDeleteFor Christ's sake, Bristol, nursing mothers travel with their babies all the time. You can pretty much nurse anywhere...even on an airplane, you retarded idiot!
ReplyDeleteShow the kid to her father (IF she is really his?!) and stop playing the usual Palin games! Time to grow up and act like a mature woman and adult. Stop being Sarah The Second!!
Yep. I breastfed on an airplane. No big deal. You can also pump and freeze. But I'm with the others that her breastfeeding is a big lie.
DeleteJust as Bristol likes to act like she's the first person to ever give birth, she now is acting as if she's the first female to ever breastfeed.
DeleteBeefalo is a horrible person
ReplyDeleteYes, as another poster said, in the green couch pic there's a bottle. Bristol's holding it. So we know of two pics, the couch one and Italian restaurant one, that involve bottles. Where is that green couch? It looks like a home. If she was at a friend's place or family member's, why the need for a bottle? She could have fed Sailor somewhere at the Ital. restaurant but chose not to. What about at the location of that green couch?
ReplyDeleteThat green couch is in the Palin living room.
DeleteFirst, I seriously doubt Bristol is breast-feeding. She doesn't look like she has lactating breast. Second, a bottle in a pic is no proof of anything. Many mothers pump milk and feed it in a bottle in public. So, seriously?
DeleteGreen couch is at Sarah's house, so yep, she could have retired to one of the many rooms in that home to take her babe to tit in private.
ReplyDeleteThis trollop is freaking nuts! Let the manipulation go on and on.
Bristles Palin you are dumber then a post!
Do you really believe, that anyone doesn't see your petty little facade?
So, Bristol is trying to have it both ways. She is "working" a full time job. On the other hand, she can't leave her baby because she is breast feeding. Which one is it Bitch?
ReplyDeleteDon't do any deals with the Palins Dakota. Wait for the judge. Obviously Bristol wants to supervise your visits so she can string you along and humiliate you like she did to Levi.
She will convince you to get back together with her like she did with Levi. Then she will get a gossip rag to pay her $100,000, like she did with Levi (and she kept all the money). Then she will kick your ass to the curb, like she did with Levi.
Then she will plant false stories about you in various gossip publications; like she did and is doing to both you and Levi.
#neveroutgunned. Go Dakota; go to the judge and the judge will tell Bristol to let you have your time with your child (if the child is yours; we have no confirmation of that yet since none of us here believe one word that Bristol says).
The only thing Brisdull has said that I believe is that Sailor was "planned". But I'll bet Dakota was not involved in her "plan". Her big plan was MONEY. I'm a senior on Social Security and I could live quite well on $1700 per month. Plus what her mommy forks over for "postage". LOL
DeleteO/T but everyone has to see this short skit: “Trumped" Starring Matthew Broderick & Nathan Lane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OemqVWi_R0k
ReplyDeleteScarah has a cameo!
Well Brissie, if you text while you nurse, you also take selfies when you nurse.
Bristol Palin wrote these? Ha! Pull the other one; it's got bells on.
ReplyDeleteThere are laws about posting private texts without permission.
ReplyDeleteDoes she pump so she can go to work for 8 hours? What's the problem then?
ReplyDeleteThose are the fakest, most contrived email correspondences I've ever seen. NO way BrisDULL wrote those --- good grammar, spelling, sentence structure ....
ReplyDeleteThe lying loser posted pictures just a few weeks ago showing her 'on her way to work.'
Isn't that disrupting her 'breastfeeding schedule'??
Lamest excuse ever for denying visitation to a child's father and NO court would go along with it.
I've said since day one that The Dullard will milk (no pun intended) the baby daddy drama as long as $he can to cash in with the tabloids. Obviously, her 'agent' David Martin has worked out an 'exclusive' deal with the DM.
Yep, little Sailor is The Chin's newest meal ticket. Can the PayMe's can't sink any lower, all the while demanding 'privacy'?
That doesn't sound like the Bitchol we all know and hate. Far too reasonable and literate.
DeleteBristol releasing text messages to The Daily Mail is a total show of disrespect. She is totally playing him! Poor Dakota. He's going to be taking it up the you-know-where for the rest of his life. Life lesson here boys...put a glove on it.
ReplyDeleteBristol releasing text messages to The Daily Mail is a total show of disrespect. She is totally playing him! Poor Dakota. He's going to be taking it up the you-know-where for the rest of his life. Life lesson here boys...put a glove on it.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone do a closeup of what's in Bristol's LV bag on the day she went back to work? There's a bottle of blue liquid intended for herself, but what is that white round object in the bag--maybe a capped baby bottle?
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of horseshit.
ReplyDeleteEasy to fake the texts just like Bitchy did to Levi. I wonder who is breast-feeding the baby as Bitchy definitely doesn't have lactating breasts.
ReplyDeleteThose posts are dated the same day that Track was at her house. It was a Thursday, was B at work?
ReplyDeleteLater she had Piper, Trig and Sailor to care for and the angry drunks came over.
Piper and Trig actually are to live at the compound. When there is domestic violence our police make it a point to find all the children that live in the home where the violence happens. There have been times when the kids went somewhere else. Our police find them and make sure they are alright.
The Wasilla police must have been to Bristol's house and talked to and seen the children.
It is there job to protect and serve.
Most police are well aware of how crazy and dangerous any domestic violence can be.
No way would they slack off on the children that live at the compound where the assault weapons and violence were.
They knew Jordan was terrified and crying in a dark room under a bed.
I hope Dakota wants to know how things were and what his daughter may be experiencing in her future.
Now all of a sudden she's breastfeeding but was back out on the shooting range in 2 weeks and working full-time? I don't believe this hogwash.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nasty nasty piece of work Bristol is. If you're going to release private texts let's see the other 132 of them! I'll bet she doesn't want to!
I think Dakota, if those really are his texts, is playing a loving father until -- surprise! -- the real DNA comparisons of Sailor's and his genetic markers prove that he's not related to her in the slightest.
ReplyDeleteThus, he can be shown to be a caring father until it's clear that Bristol's "DNA" declarations were just one more of her manipulative lies.
As the mother of two, and a mother who really did breastfeed, I know that that "I'm breastfeeding so you can't see your daughter for more than ten minutes at a time" is Bristol's fantasy -- and no one who has breastfed a baby would dare to say such a thing.
Bristol, pump your milk. It can be frozen and transported in a bottle, so that Dakota can have the thrill of feeding her.
But I'm so, so confused by your latest post, where you're so generous and thoughtful to give away Sailor's newborn clothes and accessories to other new mothers. You list "formula" as one of the items you're giving away.
Are you breastfeeding or are you feeding Sailor formula? One or the other. If you're weaning her, why give away your formula? What a wholesale lie. You give yourself away as a woman who has no idea what breastfeeding entails, and has no idea what breasts were originally created for. The answer: not for Marina's calendar pictures.
DeleteFIRST the DNA test. THEN the complexities re visits.
ReplyDeleteI would get DNA myself on a visit. Swab the inside of Sailor's mouth. Place cotton swab in a baggie.
DeleteReleasing the texts when he has not done anything in the press is tacky and really bad parenting. He may be a sleazeball but she is lower than low.
ReplyDeleteBristol's little money maker! What kind of a mother posts this crap in a tabloid. Making nice with Dakota and then publishing the texts. I hope his attorney puts a stop to this quickly.
ReplyDeleteWhat 2 month old baby outgrows their newborn (normally 0 - 3 months) baby clothes? Only a 4 month old baby!
ReplyDeleteIt took my kid 2 weeks. Some babies NEVER fit into tiny newborn clothing.
DeleteWhether or not we believe MALOE was authentic, it's obvious Bristol is NOT breastfeeding the baby. She's been photographed with a bottle; she donated "Sailor's formula"; her bosom is not engorged (compare to her bolster boobs in August 2008!); she says she's "back at work."
ReplyDeleteThe court (and Dakota) have got to laugh at these bullshit claims. He can't see his daughter--BTW, I'm not at all convinced she is his offspring--for a good chunk of hours because the mother is BREASTFEEDING???
Your Honor: We wish to place in evidence Ms. Palin's social media statements and photographs that indicate she is working full-time.
If this weren't so typically Palinesque (deceptive, vicious, manipulative), it'd be a joke.
Isn't there someone who can verify that Bristol is indeed "working" for Dr. Jack Meoff? And that she is indeed breast feeding - as in, breast pump vs. formula purchases? Seems that someone in Wasilla could verify that much. When were newborn diapers purchased? Has Bristol been seen in public drinking? Come on, someone has to know.
ReplyDeleteNot a "your" (for you're) or an "awesome" in the whole lot, besides which I'm sure Bristol would use "ur" anyway. Maybe Brancy is handling all of her text communications now, too.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have links about McCain saying Bristol was breastfeeding trig?
ReplyDeleteAnd if she was maybe that's why her boobs looked so odd & there was a rumor that she was stuffed with towels? I've breastfed three and you DO leak milk especially when you hear your baby cry.
She is publicly bashing the child's father. I hope Dakota's lawyer is taking notes. She got/gets away with it with Levi so she figures why not do it to Dakota. The judge should rule that Bristol keeps all communication and pictures of the child off of public social media, blogs, and news outlets and to stop saying negative things about the father of her baby.
ReplyDeleteDear Bristol,
ReplyDeleteYes, I know that you read IM because it's all about you. What guy is going to want to take an interest in dating you when you turn around and literally kick him in the you-know-what. Leaving Gino at the side of the road may have been a reality show stunt, but it is symbolic of the way that you treat the men in your life. You and your mother tortured Levi, and now it's Dakota's turn to get the Palin Poison. You have deeper psychological problems that you are covering up by attacking Dakota with a bunch of texts. You have some real anger issues, not to mention a problem with being honest and doing what is in the best interest of your children. You are nothing more than a child yourself. Any decent, self-respecting guy would be wise to keep his distance from you. How sad for your kids that you are as immature as they are.
Hear Hear!
DeleteShe clings to her babies, which is only natural after her mother stole her first born.
DeleteNot saying it's right, but going through the trauma of having a preemie DS baby when no one knew she was even pregnant, then having Mom take baby for her own has left lasting abandonment scars.
I'd bet money that she was pregnant on her first season of DWTS as well, and that baby found another home, which intensified the pain she felt after having Trig "adopted" by her mother.
Bristol: for your future tweets, please remember that "everyday" (one word) is an adjective and "every day" is a noun, day, that is, in the way you use it. There's always room for improvement in your grammar and spelling.
ReplyDeleteMiss Crabapple
This bitch's grammar is the least of her problems.
DeleteI don't think she is much of a apple polisher.
DeleteBristol can't keep one single fact of her life private so if she had been breastfeeding since the birth you know we'd have heard all about it.
ReplyDeleteShe'd have been posting product support sponsored ads on her IG; best cream for those sore and chapped nipples, best breast pump EVER, contemplative photos of babe nursing and telling us thru some sort of daily devotional how awesome it is to bond with your infant while feeding, tips on how and when to pump, tips on foods to eat to make your milk its most nutritious, Le Leche league links, best bra for feeding mothers...
Total crickets on the breastfeeding thing until NOW as she uses it as a tool to keep the daddy at bay.
What a fucking bitch, and a lying bitch as well.
Daily Mail has only let 3 comments through from 3-4 hours ago. All negative of Bristol. I put in a couple comments about a hour ago and they haven't shown up. Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteFake, fake, fake.
ReplyDeleteHe's got solid legal advice and is following it. If I were him I'd cease all contact until a final court ruling because it's so obvious she's really trying to screw him over with this latest invade-his-privacy stunt.
ReplyDeleteSo now I understand what a jacked up, manipulative little **** she is-- that just comes screaming through.
Totally bogus. Bristol Palin isn't capable of that level of grammar and spelling.
ReplyDeleteOne of the funniest parts of her texting. to me, is he use of the word "literally." Who texts every single word that they'd say when talking, especially one like that? The use of parentheses is also funny. In one text Dakota refers to her by name but it sounds natural. When she inserts his name it sounds formal and plain weird.
ReplyDeleteMeyer was warned. He is too big an idiot to heed anyone, it seems. Same old, same old at the Palin household. Have a baby with one of them---feel the karmic consequences, almost immediately. Bristol will not stop until she brings Dakota to his knees. It will keep his dumb ass busy so he doesn't keep droning on about Benghazi and supporting Talibangical Cruz. Moron.
ReplyDeleteI love how a paid publicist type was clearly told, "Write some fake Brisdull texts and give 'em the Jane Austen treatment to make her look all literate and shit."
Oh FFS Dakota! You were awarded the MOH, reach down, grab your balls and act like a man and put the tundra twat in her place! Your lawyer should be on top of this BS squashing it!!!! Make it happen!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Bris,
ReplyDeleteThanks for illustrating what a manipulative bitch you are by screen grabbing your texts to the father of your child. Let this be a lesson to you. Because what WILL happen is that a judge in this case will sanction you if you do it again. Your baby's daddy has every right to now insist on a restraining order prohibiting you from sharing pics of his child on the internet without his permission. It will also provide the evidence to support the need for such an order, since you have no internal filter. Oh and yes, you can also be restrained from sharing photos of texts communication where the subject is his child. Thanks for playing.
Typical Sarah & Bristol - 2 nasty effed up bltches who have always gotten away with gaming the system and think they can do so forever. At least for Levi it is over. He had a LOT of patience (as if he had any choice).
ReplyDeleteI believe Bristol really enjoys living out her drama publicly. She doesn't get it that nothing will change the public opinion against her and the more dirty laundry she insists on putting out there, the worse it makes her look. She's such an idiot wanting to play out her baby daddy drama on the world stage and fight with strangers on the internet. She obviously has nothing else to do.
If the child really is Dakota's and he has a sharp lawyer, I can see the judge awarding custody to the father. Bristol is already alienating he child from his father by posting crap like this.
ReplyDeleteAnd if indeed these texts are fake and she planted them in a newspaper, the judge will not like that one little bit.
Dear IM Friends
I never saw this before, but it's about perfect for $tupid $arah..
ReplyDeleteWhat every nursing mother looks like before going to work. She is such an Alaskan frontier woman. She went back to work weeks before most.