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Courtesy of Politico |
Candidates: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich. (No Ben Carson tonight as he is about to drop out.)
Time: Hell I don't know, I live in Alaska. But it starts about a half an hour after this gets posted.
What to watch for: Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY is going to be hitting Trump from every conceivable angle. Think of that Donald Trump roast, but this time nobody is joking.
Also watch for Marco Rubio to be a little irritable because it was recently revealed that Fox News will no longer be carrying water for him in this campaign cycle.
As usual I will be tweeting my drunken responses to the "action" here.
So let's have a safe evening and remember no matter how angry you get, do not take out your feelings on your poor long suffering family members.
Do what I do, take out your frustrations on some poor sap's blog.
Update: The moment this debate, and the GOP front runner, lost their very last shred of credibility.
.@realDonaldTrump: "Look at these hands. Are they small hands?" #GOPDebate https://t.co/pIZy39j3Ah pic.twitter.com/BRvD19ezr9
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) March 4, 2016
Here's proof that Trump really does have short fingers! Wonder if Cruz is hiding his on purpose.
ReplyDeleteFirst on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney's inner circle says.
The 2012 GOP nominee's advisers are examining what a fight at the convention might look like and what rules might need revising.
"It sounds like the plan is to lock the convention," said the source.
Romney is focused on suppressing Trump's delegate count to prevent him from accumulating the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination.
But implicit in Romney's request to his team to explore the possibility of a convention fight is his willingness to step in and carry the party's banner into the fall general election as the Republican nominee.
When reminded that he begged for Donald Trump's endorsement in 2012, Romney claimed he never would have "accepted" it if Trump had been like that then, "If Trump had said 4 years ago the things he says today about the KKK, Muslims, Mexicans, disabled, I would NOT have accepted his endorsement". But Donald Trump was a birther back when Romney accepted his endorsement.
This Romney thing backfired so hard on the GOP that I'm still smiling.
DeleteI KNEW Romney was just waiting for the volcano to erupt. Pretty smart. He can self fund, doesn't have to be on any ballots or campaign, and walk away with the nomination. Too bad Hillary or Bernie will mop the floor with him. Please proceed, Governor.
DeleteRomney's painful smile took all the wind out of his attack, it was hard to take him seriously even if he did make a few points.
DeleteHe looked like a nervous lump
Romney looked (in the eyes) like GW swaying around trying to convince us all.
DeleteFirst on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC
I knew it!!!
I hope they can do it!
ReplyDeleteRubio’s path to an outright win has vanished
His campaign is forced to turn to a delegate denial strategy against Trump.
What path? Rubio never had an outright path to anything but obscurity. Frankly, once he admitted he finds governing 'boring,' he admitted he is not fit for the office he holds,let alone the one he wants to add to his trophy list.
DeleteRubio doesn't have the energy to have a strategy. He comes across as one of the laziest human beings to ever win an election. It must have been rigged.
He could quit right now and make a fortune being a hand model.
DeleteDonald Trump Gets AIDS In A New Movie
ReplyDeleteAudiences at screenings around the world, and some even in the United States, have been cheering and applauding a macabre scene in a new film by Sacha Baron Cohen in which "Donald Trump" accidentally contracts HIV.
"The Brothers Grimsby" opens March 11 in the U.S., though chances are you're learning that for the first time here, given a decision by Sony Pictures to limit its marketing of the satiric comedy. The studio is concerned about the reaction from the real Donald Trump, according to industry sources familiar with the situation.
At the film's world premiere in London last week, the Daily Telegraph reported that the Trump moment was met with "loud cheering." The Metro newspaper called it a "massive cheer." A viewer at a different screening tweeted, "Went to watch Grimsby and the whole cinema clapped when Donald Trump got given AIDS in it."
Elsewhere in Europe, there were standing ovations. The joke, done in Baron Cohen's standard over-the-top style, is proving cathartic to overseas audiences terrified by Trump's rise.
I LOVE Sacha Baron Cohen! "Borat" is a classic. Can't wait for this one.
DeleteI watched the trailer and it looked pretty good. (But then, so did Gods of Egypt.)
DeleteIt's being released March 11 and I'll be checking my local theater to see if it's playing.
Not a Sascha Baron Cohen fan but I'll make an exception for this movie.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this has been posted or not because I haven't had time to read the comments yet but it looks like Dakota has had his expedited order granted.
3/02/2016 Order Granting Motion in Part
Meyer, Dakota L
Case Motion #2
Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion for Interim Visitaiton Order and Interim Joint Legal Custody
He hasn't had his order granted. He's had his motion to expedite consideration of his motion for an interim order granted. (The wheels of justice grind slowly . . . )
DeleteGuessing that the judge has agreed to expedite an interim visitation order.
DeleteOooo. Bristol's sweating now.
ReplyDeleteI hope you won't be upset if I decline your invitation to follow the GOP Freak Show with you.
My sock drawer needs to be sorted and, after that, I have a brand-new, unopened 750ml bottle of Jack Daniels elixir that needs attention.
pop corn futures plummet
DeleteI'm with you Red.
DeleteThere was another debate?
DeleteGeesh. It's like these guys can't get it right so they have to do it over and over again.
Have they every gotten past the name calling stage to actually talk about policy and you know, government stuff? Or are they still comparing their dicks?
Little Marco and the small fingered vulgarian.
I missed the middle part. It was kind of sad to see Ben Carson there cause I wanted to see the look on his face when Trump brought up the issue of his insecurity over other men's junk size. Speaking of which, one of the old feeble fat Fox owners, Rupert Murdick, got married to Jerri Hall. (ex Rolling Stone Groupie).
Fox News formerly could be counted on to save the Republican Party, but as the debate tonight will likely demonstrate, Fox is powerless to stop Trump. Megyn Kelly and company will definitely try, but if the network has given up on Rubio, it is a sign that Fox News may unload both barrels on Donald Trump in a last ditch effort to deny him the delegates that he will need to clinch the nomination.
ReplyDeleteThe Republican Party is crumbling, but there may be little that Fox News can do to save the GOP from Trump.
So, it is right out there for all to absorb: the Fox News Network was so in charge of the Republican Party that they can admit to loosing control and being unable to save it from Trump. What the H??? That is what happens when you let a right wing network take charge. They have undermined the will of the people the entire Obama term, with all the hate and lies they shouted over and over. They all deserve what they will get, but the rest of us don't. Isn't there something that can be done to censor Fox News? Get them off the air and out of business? Stop them from controlling the minds of their stupid listeners and viewers? I swear, it can be said with some confidence that this is ALL their doing, and now where are we all? They sure did a hell of a job! NOT!
DeleteCouldn't happen to a more deserving network, Roger that.
Delete5:50 Get a Constitutional law abiding Supreme Court. And get Congress to makes and change laws for all our betterment to shut those FOX fucks down along with the rest of the bullshiters.
DeleteThey broke it, they bought it.
DeleteFor those of you skipping this debate you should know that Donald Trump just referred to the size of his penis.
ReplyDeleteAnd no I am not kidding.
But will Trump supply video to back up his claim?
DeleteDemanding tax returns is so 2012.
I saw that.
DeleteHow I despise that man.
Any wonder $arah supports him?
It was SHOCKING!!!!!!! Unbelievable!!!!!! What a jerk!
DeletePhotos or STFU Donald!
It is unfortunate that we cannot have the kids watch what should be family safe Government process. Thanks Donald for selfishly making this about you and your vulgar mind set.
Delete@Gryphen 5:15 PM
DeleteFor those of you skipping this debate you should know that Donald Trump just referred to the size of his penis.
LOL..I wouldn't be surprised if he whips it out to show the crowd its size.
6:00 - Please don't encourage him! LOL (Cuz, like ICKY!)
DeleteDid i hear him say it was the same size as his thump up his ass? (i inverted the b)
DeleteIt has to be the biggest pecker since pecker records were first recorded - maybe even bigger. But then again, he does have those tiny hands.
DeleteFor those of you skipping this debate you should know that Donald Trump just referred to the size of his penis.
And I chose to skip this debate. Humph
Well, to be honest, he is the biggest dick in the room.
DeleteWill one of the ex wives verify this?
DeleteGraydon Carter is the editor who called Mr. Drumpf a short fingered vulgarian who has supposedly received nasty notes about that phrase ever since. What I find interesting is this: He objected to the "short fingered" part, but never addressed what I would consider an insult: Vulgarian. Why did he not? Because he is vulgar and proud of it, otherwise I do not think he would have brought this matter up on a national stage while running for president.
DeleteGoogle Illma Gore, the artist who seems to have reduced the man's pouty facial expression, small hands fleshy body into one portrait (Oh yes, she did include what seems to be a tiny, frightened bud of a circumcised penis). As cringe inducing as that last visual may be, it seems that she is the modern equivalent of the child who cries: The Emperor has no clothes.
I watched it but came in 10 minutes late and missed all the good stuff, haha.
DeleteAnon@732a, hahahaha! The funny thing is, now that he's held them up, they are curiously small compared to his overall dimensions. Things that make you go hmmm...
But it does appear that little Marco started this one, or at least upped the ante...? Much as I disagree with the man's politics, not to mention ethics, I am having to grudgingly give him a bit of respect for being an enough of a smart-ass to go toe to toe with the Donald.
Yo, Donald, President Obama's kept one woman and one woman alone happy throughout ONE Marriage, If there's "no problem", as you assured everyone, why does Melania always look like she just sucked a lemon?? You've kept, what, four? women "happy" because the only bulge that turned them on was your wallet. They're not saying a word, for fear the money will dry up, but they're meeting secretly and your limp, crooked vienna sausage is a Hooooooge source of laughter.
DeleteYou just HAD to go there, again. How presidential, what a sign of maturity, temperament, and insecurity. Proceed, pee wee Trump....
For all those old enough:
ReplyDeleteBill Maher
Just now · Los Angeles, CA
Not that it hasn't been all along, but now its just sad. I feel like the Indian in the old PSA with the tear rolling down his cheek. #GOPDebate
Iron Eyes Cody was actually Italian. And the tears were gel.
DeleteThere is definitely a feeling of unreality in the world right now.
6:27 is our bulldog, idiot troll.
Delete6:04, he's right. Iron Eyes Cody was Espera Oscar de Corti. Obviously, a good actor.
Is it insulting to call someone Italian?
Delete6:04, he's right. Iron Eyes Cody was Espera Oscar de Corti. Obviously, a good actor.
Whoops, I meant 6:04 IS right
Marlon Brandow wasn't italian, and played the role of a lifetime in "Godfather". That's the sign of a good actor. Who, in their wildest dreams, thought Jullianne Moore could convincingly play the role of a faux Alaskan dimwit quitting pos who looks like a dollar store exploded?
DeleteYoung Republican Writes Obama To Thank Him For The ACA
I did learn one very important fact in the first half hour of this debate.
ReplyDeleteDon't EVER think that you have seen the most pathetic example of what the Republican party has to offer.
DeleteIs Kasich still the only adult in the room?
Deletemlaiuppa, that's exactly what I kept saying in the parts I saw with him in them. If I had to vote republican (don't laugh too hard), he's the closest one I could convince myself to vote for. He's level headed, connects with people, and stays above the drama.
DeleteNot watching because i can't stand to watch or listen to these horrible people. But, will read your remarks and every time you catch them out I will sip from my very strong whisky cocktail. Should be blotto in 15 minutes. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteI would have joined you, but my daughter and son in law stopped in with their photo album album and honeymoon photos. I didn't want to break her heart because I miss her like crazy. The GOP can drop dead and I wouldn't have watched the whole thing, except my son in law and husband kept tuning in.
DeleteAny experienced IMers care to share how they dealt with the empty nest thing? We keep our distance for the most part, don't want to be the nosy mother in law and I know it's quite an adjustment for everyone.
The party of lincoln, Reagan and Clinton are bickering right now about penis size
ReplyDelete'Scuse me. GOP debate. No Clinton there.
DeleteJust another reason why we need a woman in the White House.
DeleteGrammar much? Lincoln. Clinton was a Democrat, thank you and you're welcome.
DeleteDid not say she was there just that the republican party is the party she belongs too
DeleteToo? To.
DeleteThere's that grammar again, 6:23. She belongs to, not too. Too is an adverb. Actually it would be better not to use the preposition at the end of the sentence. Maybe, to which she belongs. Again, you're welcome.
DeleteAnd you are so far off base, you're playing soccer.
DeleteAnd, Hillary does not Bel ng to the GOP,TOO.
DeleteI'm sure Eisenhower is horrified.
DeleteAnon at 6:23 pm may have been drinking a little too much while watching the debate. Neither Hillary nor Bill Clinton are Republicans; both are Democrats.
I knew these were clowns, but O.M.F.G. - how low can they go??? What does hand size/penis size have to do with how he will run the government and how he will 'make our country great again'?!
ReplyDeleteAnd all of those fake-super-christians lap it up!
The Donald insinuated he has a big penis. I wonder if Sarah Palin can second that?
ReplyDeletePlease, guys with large penises do not spend their lives building giant phallic buildings to compensate.
DeleteI mean they might spend a little time working on some defunct blog in their roomy pajama bottoms, but that's probably the extent of their need to "prove" anything.
lol Gryphen @6:03!
Deleteroomy pajama bottoms
Guess you weren't kidding about the 'drunken' thing...
DeleteWhat is it about men needing to assert their (allegedly) large penis size and why do we never hear of a man publicly proclaiming his apendage to be small? Guess there are no small ones, just varying sizes of big.
6:23, I don't think he was saying roomy as in Thanksgiving dinner roomy...
DeleteDonald would not piss on Sarah if she was on fire.
DeleteIsn't it funny (sad?) that the above comments actually pertain to this debate??
DeleteGryphen, roomy pajamas..? :)
@ Gryphen 6:03 PM - A guy walks up to the woman working behind the counter at the drug store and says, "Ma'am...I don't mean to brag or nothing, but these condoms are too big."
DeleteWhat is it about men needing to assert their (allegedly) large penis size and why do we never hear of a man publicly proclaiming his apendage to be small?
Big penises, big boobs. Both genders do it. Why don't big brains get any respect?
I have to say, the comments are far more entertaining than the actual debate!
Throughout my life I've found that it is always the guys that I least suspected that were the most well hung.
DeleteMildred @ 7:53 The last sentence is soooo true.
I see interviews with Ivana and Marla coming up real fast.
DeleteThe funny thing to me, at least, is that penis size RARELY is a topic of conversation with the four or five close female friends I have, and if it does, it's pretty low on the list.
DeleteWhomever invented those roomy flannel sleep pants and shirts is a genius.
I won't even be watching this nasty sideshow until it hits the general, but i can honestly say that in the posted pic trump is tallest (don't count the famous hair) but honestly shows the smallest hands, except for cruz who is hiding for some reason.
ReplyDeletethe donald has been up in arms about this for some time now:
"Accusations of below-average finger size have dogged Trump for nearly 30 years. In 1988, Spy, a satirical magazine based in New York, coined an epithet for Trump that it would gleefully repeat for eight years: "short-fingered vulgarian."
Spy, which was published from 1986 to 1998, was busy skewering celebrities and public figures as Trump was building his national profile. Proudly avaricious and braggadocious, Trump embodied the spirit of the '80s. And Spy made him a frequent target of not just insults but also elaborate practical jokes."
in case you missed it trump has been harboring this "small hand = small manhood" grudge since at least 1988! he never let's anything go! just one more fact that shows he could NEVER handle the pressures of commander-in-chief. the man is, at 69 years old, rich, and famous still a terrible, petulant baby, sigh......
Deletei apologize for all my typos, sheesh just reading about this election drives me to drink tonight.
Deleteand trump has a ready reply to anyone who dares mention his hands or what they imply:
Delete"Finger size also could be linked to testosterone, and has been cited as a predictor of everything from athletic prowess to ruthlessness on a trading floor. But that research — which, in any case, was conducted long after Spy first called Trump short-fingered — deals with the ratio of the length of a man's ring finger to the length of his index finger, not how long or short the fingers in question are.
Trump was probably drawing a much less obscure conclusion: He thought Spy was implying he had a small penis. "My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body," he told the New York Post's Page Six in 2006. "From what I hear, the same cannot be said of editors of the failed Spy."" -from the above noted Vox article.
what i cannot accept is that he would bring up this deep insecurity of his while actually asking people to make him president. the fact that he has a real chance is out and out scary.
6:14 PM Marco Rubio brought up Donald Trump's hands in his last speech. He stated that you know what they say about a man with small hands....
Deleteanon 6:43
Deletei just wanted to point out that what rubio said was only something that's been "an issue" for trump for since at LEAST 1988, or about 28 years, so maybe we should notice and acknowledge it happening. the fact that it's still dogging trump to the point that he mentioned it in a presidential debate tells us MUCH about trump's character.
I predicted Trump would whip out his peepee and twirl it around, knowing even THAT would not lose him the "evangelical" vote.
ReplyDeleteNope...looks like we should all pack up our babies, grab the old ladies, and head on down to Brother Trump's Traveling Salvation Show.
He'll make every American who votes for him a MILLIONAIRE!
And all the kids will be above average, also,too. With apologies to Mr. Keillor
Delete6:09 i'll meet you in lake wobegon, but then we have to talk about making it a little more progressive. cheers to garrison and NPR!
DeleteLuna for coffee, right?
Deleteanon 7:01
Deletecoffee it is.
Flip-Flops, Flip-Flops, get your official Donald Trump gold plated flip flops here!
ReplyDeleteNo different than the sleestack Hillary
DeleteI don't think that is how you spell "sleestack", 6:19.
DeleteAnd yea, I'm going to keep tagging you for all your anti Hillary tonight @5:43 and 6:23.
Eff off 6:19
DeleteSleestak is the correct spelling. They moved so slowly that I never understood why anyone was afraid of them!
Love the game show bell being used to let them know their time is up. The audience is rowdy making noise as if they bet on who was going to clobber whom in a beat down.
ReplyDeleteYour comment got me thinking.... What if there was more audience participation? Throwing tomatoes and such. Put the contestants in a big pit and let them duke it out, like gladiators.
DeleteIt's just that ridiculous.
DeleteNo, give them guns
The audience was packed with Republicans officials, the public only got 50 tickets.
ReplyDeleteTrump needs two pieces to back up his statement. First, at least some
of the hijackers needed to be married or have a girlfriend, and second,
those people, or some family member, needed to be in the United States.
According to the 9/11 Commission report,
not a single hijacker had a wife, girlfriend or family member in the
country in the days and months before the terrorists executed their
The 9/11 Commission report said that the FBI dug into the backgrounds of every Saudi national who flew home soon after the attacks.
"They concluded that none of the passengers was connected to the 9/11 attacks and have since found no evidence to change that conclusion," the report said. "Our own independent review of the Saudi national involved confirms that no one with known links to terrorism departed on these flights."
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 - Senator Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who is a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, accused the White House on Tuesday of covering up evidence that might have linked Saudi Arabia to the Sept. 11 hijackers.
DeleteMr. Graham made the accusation in a new book and repeated it at a news conference Tuesday arranged by Senator John Kerry's presidential campaign. Republicans called the accusations "bizarre conspiracy theories," and the Saudis said they were unsubstantiated and reckless.
The accusation stems from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's refusal to allow investigators for a Congressional inquiry and the independent Sept. 11 commission to interview an informant, Abdussattar Shaikh, who had been the landlord in San Diego of two Sept. 11 hijackers.
The military with coup d'état any Prez dRumpf.
ReplyDeleteUh oh Megyn Kelly is on the shit list again armed with facts about Trump University.
ReplyDeleteShe has very penetrating cat eyes. Hypnotic and beautiful. I don't think Trump likes her anymore than he did before.
DeleteSomething was "off" between Trump and Megyn. I was expecting more anti women remarks from Trump and more vitriol on his part against her. I did catch when she called him out on Trump U and he had some pre written retort, but she dropped the issue and gave him a pass.
DeleteRachel would have had his head spinning demanding answers, and Megyn caved. Maybe they made a deal before the debate with the game show buzzer, but she was much much better the first time.
The bush administration helped OsAma bin Laden's family flee America 2 days prior to 9/11
ReplyDeleteNot true.
DeleteYes, it is true.
DeletePolitifact said not true that any family members of 9/11 terrorists flew home.
Actually 2-3 day after 9-11, when NO ONE else could fly ANYWHERE in the united states, including Alaska.
Not true.... work with facts.
And if you have proof that they flew out before 9/11, please post it. Otherwise, FUCK OFF!
You mean two days AFTER 9/11. And it is true.
DeleteIt is true. The Bush's are friends with Ben Ladin family--Prince whatever. They are in business with them too, the Carlyle group,which one booze allen.
DeleteI'd have to review this, but from what I recall it was members of the Saudi royal family, who are friends of the Bushes.
DeleteMy mother died 9/13/01. Her sister(my aunt) was unable to fly from California to Michigan for the funeral when NO ONE else could fly.
DeleteBTW, it IS true that Bin Laden's family were flown out of the country AFTER 9/11 when no one else could.
It is true that bin Laden family members, close friends and business associates of the Bush family, were allowed to leave the US clandestinely in the days immediately after 9/11. No one else was allowed to fly then. There was no publicity about their travel. Ah, George. And then, weeks later, GWB said that he wasn't interested in capturing Osama bin Laden. What a patriotic family, those Bushes.
The bush administration helped OsAma bin Laden's family flee America 2 days prior to 9/11
they were allowed to leave after 9/11, when all the other flights were grounded.
A Desperate Fox News Ambushes Trump During Republican Debate Debacle
ReplyDeleteFox News is so desperate to stop Donald Trump that they ambushed Trump with full-screen graphics calling out his lies during a Republican debate that has been a complete debacle.
Trump will not stfu. I am waiting for Trump to start "Oh yeah! You're mother is so..."
ReplyDeleteTrump is such an asshole but I'm also sick of the rest of them including Kasich who always thinks he is so perfect.
DeleteTrump, if you read this, stop it, stop it right now. How dare you think that what comes out of your mouth is not offensive for a pres. Candidate. You are so disappointing.
DeleteAtrump passed "disappointing" about six debates ago. He blew past disgusting about two ago. Tonight he hit revolting.
DeleteFrom CNN’s Dan Berman: Fox moderators roar
ReplyDeleteIt’s almost like the Fox News moderators got tired of the other candidates’ inability to attack Trump and decided to do it themselves.
Sarah did you miss another debate? You must hate your family for getting into trouble causing you to stay home to keep them in line so they won't get pregnant or arrested again.
ReplyDeleteI'm not watching it but am reading here and at other live blogs. Drumpf sounds like he's as usual full of bluster and garbage and talking over people. Despite all his bullying and theatrics, he'll never come close to President Obama's softly spoken, "Please proceed, Governor."
ReplyDeleteThe Lizards of Odds
ReplyDeleteI hadn't noticed until he brought it up, but Trumps fingers do seem short in comparison to his palm size.............
ReplyDeleteAnd not only that, but his palms look doughy and soft. Everything about him is such a turn-off. His faces and side comments and talking over were so gross tonight.
DeleteMegyn Kelly Destroys Donald Trump With His Own Words At Fox News Debate
ReplyDeleteMegyn Kelly showed why Donald Trump has been so afraid of facing her by completely owning him at the Fox News Republican debate.
OT-Mitt Rmoney with Matt Lauer in the morning , YUK!
ReplyDeleteI see the GOP Convention turning to Mitt Romney instead of Trump. To think that Romney is going to look like a better choice than any other GOP contender scares me.
What's on Ted Cruz's top lip? It moves from the top lip to his bottom lip, and then into his mouth.
I liked the Napoleon pose there..or is he hiding something in that pocket like GWB did at the one debate where he had a lump on his back.
DeleteI saw that too. Maybe he was picking his nose during a break.
DeletePosters on FB said it was a booger. The youtube poster(who posted the video)said the same.
Deletethat almost made me PUKE with funny, NOT.
Delete6:52 He is a BOOGER-Disgusting.
DeleteIt wasn't his booger. Heidi slipped him one of hers before the speech, for good luck. It the Cruz house, it's called "packing lunch".
Deleteconspiracy theory BS
ReplyDeleteSince Trump "went there", I'm weighing in on the hand-size.
ReplyDeleteAbout the hand size/penis ratio, I (older lady, more than one partner) I know that it's not true.
However. Since Trump has caused attention to this by showing his hands and saying that they are NOT small.....well, just look at the photo at the top of Gryphen's post. His hands are definitely smaller (at least shorter) than any of the other candidates on the stage and that is clear in the photo. Except for Cruz, who hid his hands under his coat.
CruZZer Fun>
Three weeks ago, on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the gang's lawyer is sensitive about his small hands so he wears these large fake rubber hand over his real hands; Trump needs a pair of rubber "big hands" so he can STFU about his damn tiny hands!
8:14 Haha we should send Drumpf large dildos because they're easier to find than large rubber hands. You know the Oregon gang loved the perquisite of all those free schlongs heehee :)
Delete8:35 Oregon>
No wonder why trump loves putin. They both try to make the United States look bad.
ReplyDeleteEnough innuendo there Drumf,drop trou and show us your cock because everyone knows that is a very important part of this or any campaign.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting now for penis expert Sara Palin to come out defending Trump's.
ReplyDeleteYou know you want to, Sara.
Trump is old and obese. She'd have to lift up his belly fat to find it.
DeleteI wonder if it is spray tanned, with a white tip to match his face with round white eyes? Maybe his wife, Malaria could defend him and say "Me no care about tiny pee pee. He has the important big, fat wallet that women love"
DeleteI loved how on Lawrence O'D's show he had on the NY attorney general and they were discussing the trouble Trump's in with his fake school, and over on Fox at the same time Trump was dismissing the Trump Univ. thing as small and a simple civil suit.
ReplyDeleteOT Whats next for women who are "Armed">
If this is the last debate before Ohio and Florida, I don't think any of them gained or lost placements. Bernie and Hillary sure make them look like squalling brats in a sandbox though.
ReplyDeleteOT, but it's been four days since Bristol used her baby in a pic on Instagram. I wonder what she'll have Sailor in next. Last time it was deer head taxidermy. Maybe the next pattern will be pink bullets.
ReplyDeleteSara was hoping she could get an honorary degree from Trump University.
ReplyDeleteRe the court granting Dakota's emergency motion in part, it is interesting that the Palin plant article says they "agreed" and worked this temporary visitation issue out. If so, why would the court then rule? (I think it's more likely that DM was misled to believe that Bristol's response brief was an "agreement":
ReplyDeleteNow the couple have agreed to a series of visits, every two weeks beginning March 18.
Meyer will see his child for three hours at a time and the first visit will be 'supervised at Bristol's discretion.'
Should he need to reschedule for any reason Meyer can do so with two weeks advance notice.
Meyer has had to agree to 'respect Bristol's wishes to, the extent possible, feed Sailor breast milk.' He is permitted to Skype/Facetime Sailor 'no later than 7pm Alaska time.'
And he cannot 'consume or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during his visitations with Sailor.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3471220/I-don-t-hate-Bristol-just-want-baby-emotional-texts-Bristol-Palin-Dakota-Meyer-tells-reason-t-baby-Sailor-s-breastfeeding-time.html#ixzz41uIVs4Fp
Is Bristol Palin on the "Daily Mail's" payroll? She seems to be popping up there at least once a week. Are the Brits that curious about poor little victimized Bristol Palin or are the American tabloids not interested enough or not paying enough?
Yes, I already commented on this. there is no agreement, they printed what Bristol's answer was.
DeleteIt is so obvious how they are obtaining "exclusive" information-Bristol.
Best line about Donald Trump!
ReplyDeleteJosh Greenman @joshgreenman 2h2 hours ago
Am I the only one who thought O'Reilly seemed drunk or high in his post-debate interview with Trump? Man, that was awkward!
ReplyDeleteNo, you're definitely not the only one. It was obvious. I see there are several articles on the internet this morning as well.
DeleteBBC dodges using the word "penis" and awards Trump a "quip"
ReplyDeleteIn one of the most bizarre moments, Mr Trump defended the size of his hands and then quipped about another part of his anatomy.
ReplyDeleteNo Shit?
One of my favorite Gryph comments:
ReplyDelete"Time: Hell I don't know, I live in Alaska. But it starts about a half an hour after this gets posted."
Time: Hell I don't know either. I live in Silicon Valley. Just as surreal as where your are, but with better weather and without your scenery.
I watched the debate. Didn't really want to, but curiosity....
Perhaps the gop candidates that are left should just line up their manhoods on a table and Megan Kelly could have a little ruler and the one with the longest appendage wins.Simple short and then we can stop these endless ridiculous debates.Cruz would probably win though because everyone knows he is a big dick.
ReplyDeleteThe fingers. says it all(: Looking forward to 3/4 of the country voting this nonsense out.
ReplyDeleteWell I have always heard that it is the length from the elbow to the tip of the index finger divided by Pi.
DeleteOr big feet. :-)
Whatever the size, Marla Maples had to have an affair with her bodyguard for her satisfaction!!
DeleteNixon was known as Tricky Dick. now years later Trump will be known as Stupid Dick.
ReplyDeleteIf Trump was well endowed that means he must be part Aftrican heritage. Well there goes the Klan vote.
ReplyDeleteSarah is Donald bigger than Todd?
ReplyDeleteA lady never tells....... of course it's Donald, he can carry more purses with his trump tower than Todd could anyday. See how easy that was? Sarah's no lady!!!!
Delete25 yrs ago, trump was called stubby fingers. Stubby fingers in vanity fair and he does have beautiful beautiful small hands. And has never touched a shovel or served anyone or anything according to him.
ReplyDeleteTrump Campaign Co-Chair Arrested For Sedition For His Part In the Bundy Standoff
ReplyDelete....On Thursday, the husband of a New Hampshire Republican legislator and official Trump campaign co-chair of New Hampshire’s “Veterans for Trump” coalition, was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The man, Jerry Delemus, was arrested on nine federal charges for his participation in the seditious armed standoff nearly two years ago at Cliven Bundy’s ranch. The nine charges include conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States of America (sedition), threatening a federal law enforcement officer (also sedition), and several firearm charges....
The best Todd could do is carry her purse and rent a man. According to someone who lights up his life, he can wiggle the bait all he wants.... no fish are biting. And she was kind by prefacing it with "on a good day"