Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hot dog stand in Chicago trolls Donald Trump with 3 inch "footlong."

Courtesy of the Sun Times:

It seems like a lot of people have been talking about the size of Donald Trump’s manhood following last week’s GOP debate, and now The Wiener’s Circle in Chicago is getting in on the meaty action. 

It has rolled out “The Trump Art of the Meal” featuring the “Trump Footlong.” The only problem? The “footlong” comes up really, really short. In fact, it’s only a 3-inch mini dog.

 You know it's funny because it is undoubtedly accurate.

This my friends is what the conversation about our next president has devolved into.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    The Weiner's Circle, you rock!!!
    Although it's gonna be a long time before I can eat a hot dog again. Maybe never.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      I cannot even look at a corn dog now without having a Michele Bachmann flashback. I'll spare everyone the nightmare by not posting the pic.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      I think of her every time, too, 6:44 AM.
      I avoid 7-11's for that very reason. LOL

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      This has NOTHING to do with a corndog. IT's a Chicago Dog. Under the EL tracks. Love you, Sweet Home Chicago.

    4. Anonymous8:26 AM

      More like mini cheese Jizz whiz dogs. BETTER>Matches his colors and size.

    5. Anonymous9:12 AM

      7:57 No shit, Sherlock! I was making a comparison. Now pull your head out of your ass.

    6. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Trump will never run out of things to lie about. His little pee-pee is no big dill. Ask Sara.

      Chicago Police Say They Did Not Tell Trump To Cancel UIC Rally (VIDEO)

    7. Anonymous12:07 PM

      That was totally uncalled for 9:12, and I believe you are the one with the cranio rectal infarction.

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I think this is the beginning of the end of The Donald's campaign. I'm also sure he will threaten to sue. Trump is such an ass.

    1. He HATES to be teased, made to feel or look small.
      This is a good start.
      (How long will that hot dog vendor be allowed to sell them. Do I hear a lawsuit in the works...)

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      How? He chose to cancel it. The city and UIC police have issued statements they were just fine with him going forward (Remember this is the city that quite regularly has Hockey and Basketball rallies for our championship winning teams, and Chicago resident winning POTUS? Those number in six figures - they know how to do crowd control. - HE chickened out.

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Chicago police said in a statement they played no part in the decision and were working with university police and the Secret Service "to protect people's First Amendment rights and ensure everyone is able to disperse the area safely."

      Acting Police Superintendent John J. Escalante said at a news conference Friday night that commanders weren't consulted by the campaign and "were kind of taken by surprise" that the event was called off. University police also said they had no part in the cancelation.

    4. I love the pseudo Drumpf-speak on the sign.

      "We guarantee it!"


      Yeah, he's toast.

      Late night will be picking away and picking away.

      My only worry is....does that mean Cruz will be the nominee? Please, tell me it won't be Cruz.

    5. Anonymous4:42 PM

      @ 8:05 AM you are correct, so the Donald lied, now why would he need to lie about this? ummm

      More free publicity? Playing the victim? Blame it on others?

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    One has to wonder, with his girth, how he finds it to pee. His personality screams Small Dick Syndrome.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM


    2. Anonymous10:17 AM


    3. Anonymous11:50 AM

      I seriously wonder when he's going to find a way to show it to us.
      (And, yes, pass the brain bleach, please.)

    4. Yet another thing he has in common with Hitler.

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Between the 3 inch hot dog insult and the kids shutting him down at the UIC rally, it looks like Chicago gave The Mouth a "well deserved" welcome.

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    $2.69 for that?!? Why not just get a can of Vienna sausages at the Dollar Tree?

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Aaaaah hahahaha

    2. Well, it does include a drink and fries.

      I'm sure the dog comes with everything. You know YUUUGE.

  6. Anonymous6:52 AM

    The Donald and his supporters are inciting riots now. Good grief. Still proud of your endorsement, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      You betcha she is! AIP baby.

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Trump has the same size penis as Todd Palin, so Sarah is very proud.

    3. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Malaria Trump does not care if his wienie is that size, it is his bank account that is of interest to her. I wonder if he has his next foreign bride waiting n the wings?

    4. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Track Palin must feel blessed to be a Menard and only have to pretend he is related to the infamous Todd Palin.

    5. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Melanoma has her insurance, similar to Marla's and Bristol's- except in Melanoma's case it's also an anchor baby and he's quite the spoilt brat by the looks of it.

    6. He's also blaming them on that "communist" Bernie Sanders.

      I guess a Fascist doesn't understand the difference between a Socialist and a Communist. And has no clue what a DEMOCRATIC Socialist is.

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Waiting for the rump roast to begin in oh. No sign of tiny weenie. Republicans that signed the pledge and those that raised their right hand to rump are stuck. They are loyal to a scumbag instead of country. It is a crime against America. Don't let that asshole or any other lame republican go another day without protest in their face from Americans.

    1. The nicknames should be starting now.

      Weenie Fingers Drumpf comes immediately to mind.

      Me? I prefer Zizi. Gets by the censors every time.

      Man, I can't wait for John Oliver on Sunday. Bill Maher was hilarious.

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Here's a different angle on Trump's "footlong."

  9. I think Trump's yuuuge prickiness will continue to dog him.

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Let yer hair down rump and show yer true color.

  11. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Are Wounded Warriors the veterans that Trump gave money to when he did the charity rally for vets? I think it was around the time that Track Palin beat up his girlfriend and they blamed the President. Sarah supported Trump and he suggested she talk about Track's experieince. She said a few words and forgot Track after that. Where is he now? They had to post pone court since they were so slack about his case.

    Rocked By Scandal, Wounded Warrior Project Fires Top Execs

    What happened to the money Trump raised for vets?

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      He said he was going to donate.
      No proof that he actually did.

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Trump raised 6 million, but there was an article a week or so ago that he had only given half to Veteran's organizations.

  12. Anonymous7:52 AM

    They 2 head guys from "Wounded Warriors" were charged with using donated funds for lavish spending on themselves. IF,they ever even received it,perhaps these fine gentlemen spent it on themselves. Birds of a feather...

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    7:29>Gary Sinise's name was in an advertisement in the Los Angeles Times (August 17, 2006) that condemned Hamas and Hezbollah and supported Israel in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.[30] In June 2008, Sinise donated $2,300 to the Republican presidential primary campaign of Arizona Senator John McCain.[31] Nicolle Wallace, a former adviser to George W. Bush and the presidential campaign of John McCain, stated in May 2009 that she believed Sinise could help bring about a resurgence of the Republican Party. Wallace stated, "The natural strengths that an actor brings to politics would come in handy to anyone going up against Obama in 2012. We will need an effective communicator who can stand toe to toe with Obama’s eloquence."

    He is involved with MANY if NOT this one of these groups.

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Wounded Warriors organization PAID George W. Bush $100,000 to give a speech! One veteran said why pay Bush, when he started the war, causing all the injuries. Of course, W took the $$$.

  15. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Secret Service Rushes Stage to Protect Donald Trump at Ohio Rally

    A Donald Trump rally took a dramatic turn Saturday when a disturbance broke out behind him — causing Secret Service agents to jump on stage and form a wall around the candidate amid the commotion.

    Read more at:

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      dRumpf Response>

    2. Anonymous10:17 AM

      I almost wonder if that wasn't staged. Trump scares me.

    3. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Secret Service swarm Trump at Ohio rally

      Doesn't Donald Trump own his own security company? He hires his other businesses to do everything else. I can't imagine he would think a government agency should be good enough to handle keeping Malainia and Bacon safe.

      One of Trump's closest allies is Sarah Palin. She knows all about safety and protection. Why isn't he taking her advise? If anyone should be on stage with him for support and also protection it should be Sarah, the quintessential frontier woman. She and all her family are prepared and ready to defend. How many new mothers can brag about their skills like Palin's daughter. Wait until they show the pictures of Bristol the Pistol firing at her targets with a new baby in her other arm. She will be breastfeeding of course. If Sarah is too busy to protect Trump on the campaign trial, it is the perfect time for Bristol to set up to the plate with her baby and show the world her stuff. She proves how dedicated to politics she is on social media. Trump can stop using the governement agents who aren't as top notch as a Palin when it comes to assault weapons, beating on people and guns. Bristol is certified, check out her credentials.


      Mat-Su Tactical and Arctic Ammo and Reloading Supplies.

  16. Anonymous8:53 AM

    If Donald Trump becomes Commander In Chief we are going to WAR.

    There will be lots of countries that will rub Trump the wrong way.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      We will need a huuuge military budget. Also recruit many, many more SS. Increase the salary of all SS because they will have much more to protect.

      Little Baron needs his own bubble and supermen to surround him 24/7.

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Civil War first. Once he 'wins' he can move on and conquer the world.

    3. Anonymous4:50 PM

      There will be lots of countries that will rub Trump the wrong way.
      Can you image, some foreign diplomat disagree with Trump and Trump tells him "go home to mommy". He will go on the news and say "I just wanted to punch him/her".

      The world is watching and if the Canadians are a reflection (from CBC broadcasts), they are very worried.

  17. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Donald Trump / Jerry Springer

    Sarah Palin loser Miss Alaska loses again

  18. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Our next president? God I hope not.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Stop "hoping" SRR get out there and GOTV or soemthing for Clinton or Sanders.

  19. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Thanks for making my day with this post, Gryphen! I needed the laugh.

  20. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The 3 inch is still much too generous when talking about Donald Drumpf's hands or any other parts of his essential manhood anatomy. There is only one way for Drumpf to prove his inches. If he does not do that, he will prove he is less than 3 inches.

    Both Drumpf and Mrs. 'tiny' Todd Palin need to get real about vets and their monstrous treatment of vets while feigning they are helping them.

    They help, like a Bush helps. Send them to war, when they get home, use the injured to set up charity scams and make money off the lies and maimed and deceased.

    It really makes this guy happy!

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Viennese sausage.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      More like a Palin Sausage, half a Vienna or less.

    3. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Sara's experience goes back many years. She is the one for Donald and she can do wonders for him.

      When Sara is verrryyyy hungry

      And she has a huuugeee party to feed, she knows how to be sure there is enough for everybody.

  21. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Haha, aah hahaha........

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      No, the courts say Fuck you, Track Menard woman beater.

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Clean up needed at 10:02

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      I can't find current news about Track Palin and his new attorney? I'd like to know if he is being represented by a Public Defender, a benefactor or a friend of the family who will do pro bono for Track? He is unemployed and needs to invest any money he has in genuine treatment and theraphy. Todd and Sarah Palin do not want to be upfront and say anything about their son. Although Donald Trump did advise Palin to speak up. She said little and next she goes dark.

      Did Track have a total breakdown because they took his assault weapon and the substances from him?

      They are keeping everything so secret and with all the deflecting with Bristol's phony breast milk tales... Track with the assault weapons is the forgotten Palin family member.

      Everything must be perfect and wonderful again because the victim girlfriend is allowed to scrub her social media and present a clean version. As long as she remains silent and plays the game along with the Palins she can remain on payroll and a secret Palin insider.

      Is this up to date?

      Justice Served Cold: Track Palin Gets Court Date In Alaska Assault Case
      New details about the fallout from his alleged drunken brawl. Palin was arrested for assault and possession of a weapon after he allegedly attacked his girlfriend in Wasilla, Alaska, on Jan. 18.

    4. Anonymous1:06 PM


      Cool it. Everyone is allowed their freedom of speech and expression. Take it up with Track if you have a problem. Track is a vet. He fought for your freedoms. Track, his girlfriend and family/friends can have their freedom. And all the fun they want and can afford. People are jealous when they enjoy some relaxation on a yatch and Track just wants everyone to know where to shove it. It may be the best rehab money can buy.

      None of the Palins have to answer to anyone for anything. They are private citizens and public figures and can use either position when and how they like. Especially Track Palin since his TV stardom was years in the past and he is not promoting his political agenda is not current and in the media like the others.

  22. PalinsHoax11:03 AM

    3"? Oh Please!! I'm sure Drumpf's wee weewee is more like 3 cm. And even that is being generous.

  23. Anonymous4:37 PM

    So when is Herr Donald going to sue the Wiener’s Circle?

  24. Anita Winecooler4:45 PM

    I just love good old fashioned American humor. This one was perfect, but even a Trump Pac wouldn't fill a cavity. I wonder if trump could handle it? He comes across as having a weak ego.

  25. Anonymous6:06 PM

    He's gonna sue. You know he's gonna sue. And he never settles. Never. Except for all those times he settled. Such a putz.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.