Sunday, April 17, 2016

Journalist attempts to stump Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with question about quantum computing. He answers it. Correctly.

This guy is smooth.

If you want to make yourself ill just compare him to the front runner in the GOP nomination.

Canada is a pretty lucky country.

Hopefully they will cherish their intelligent charismatic leader far more than Americans have done for the last seven and a half years.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I absolutely loved this. Intelligence, curiosity and humor. I find that more compelling than his good looks.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Humor plus intelligence is sexy!

    2. So true, 6:50. Exhibit A is Gryphen!

    3. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Hubbs Hubba, Liz, I so agree!

    4. I don't know, peach. He's pretty damn cute!

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The Y>

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    And he's no scientist.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    When he observes the GOP candidates . . . -- I can't even go on. I am so grateful Pres Obama has been our president.

  5. "Hopefully they will cherish their intelligent charismatic leader far more than Americans have done for the last seven and a half years."

    Lots of Canadians here think he's a "lightweight" which tells you something about our standards, eh?

  6. Marthe Lancheres7:15 AM

    I am a Canadian. I voted for him as well as my whole family. We could not tolerate another four years of a Harper government. We are happy that we did. He has followed up on most of his promises as much as anyone could given that situations are constantly evolving and adjustments are needed. We understand that compromises have to be made. He is an intelligent and caring person who has the best interest of Canadians (and the world as much as we have an influence with refugees and climate change) at heart. I am glad that he is well received elsewhere in the world. We were proud of the warm reception that he has received at the White House by President Obama that we respect and admire very much and his lovely family.
    Unfortunately, there are always right-wing and intolerant people in every country and we have some too. We can read their petty insults and narrow-minded world views in comment sections. It seems that the majority of Canadians though are very happy with their choice. I would say that most Canadians are pragmatic and realistic and we understand that one person alone cannot fix everything that is wrong in our country and in the world instantly and we will support him in his endeavors because we know his heart is in the right place.

    1. Crystal Sage7:30 AM

      Absolutely bang on. As an American fortunate enough to live in the great country of Canada, I agree with you, Marthe.

    2. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Wonderful post, Marthe!

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Read Stonekettle Station<<<<<<<<<<!!

    4. Anonymous8:38 AM

      As a Canadian, I am proud to say this is our Prime Minister. We had our ten years of hell with the previous PM. We are appreciating the change.

    5. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Very thoughtful comment. Thanks for taking the time to post it.

    6. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Appreciate your comment. I was born and raised in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and grew up on the U.S.-Canadian border. Back then (in the 50's and 60's) we had two TV stations--one U.S. and one Canadian. Canadian news and programming was superb.

      I really like Canada and her citizens and I'm very happy they now have a leader comparable to our wonderful President Obama.

  7. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Damn! Hot, funny AND smart!

    (We have one of those on our side of the border, too, although many people refuse to admit it!)

  8. Anonymous7:52 AM


    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      true or not? Speeds like wildfire..

    2. You did read the satire alert at the top of the page, right?

    3. Anonymous8:11 AM

      A glimpse into the mind of people who irrationally hate Hillary Clinton.

  9. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I would love to see Sarah field such a question. This was on my FB feed yesterday:
    There are a lot of things in this world that will make you scratch your head, but really none more than failed 2008 GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin saying that she’s “as much a scientist” as world-renowned scientist and mechanical engineer Bill Nye.

    Speaking out in response to this absolutely ludicrous statement made by the reality television star is none other than Bill Nye himself. In a phone interview with Free Wood Post, the actual scientist made the following statement:

    “Listen, I’m not one to sit and bash another fellow human being, but I can’t sit back and let this statement go unrefuted. It’s absurd to think that a woman who quits what she starts and then tries to stay relevant through reality television would actually say that she’s as much a scientist as I am. Sure, she said it to try to say that I’m not, but that just makes her look even more preposterous. Speaking of relevancy, I have a question for Palin, ‘why are you still relevant?’ With a career full of ghost-written books, half terms and failed ratings, you’d think the world would have just shut her off by this point. Maybe that will be my next scientific discovery as the actual scientist that I am — uncovering the Theory of Relevancy regarding washed-up former politicians trying to hang on to whatever fame they have left.”

    Nye’s words were brutal, but not incorrect. In fact, it’s likely many have pondered the question of why she’s still featured so often in the limelight. A question for the ages, really.

    Good on Nye for speaking up against such a ridiculous attack on his credentials.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Take that, $arah!

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I think Bill Nye's answer on the Free Wood Post is actually pure satire. ;-)

  10. "He's being MEAN to ME, whatever that stuff means!" Sarah is probably shouting.

  11. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The University of Waterloo has a highly regarded Institute for Quantum Computing, so I'm assuming that is where Prime Minister Trudeau was visiting when he spoke. My son is a theoretical quantum physicist,who actually works on quantum computing.
    He took a couple of summer classes at the Institute when he was working on his Ph.D. While I love Justin Trudeau, and applaud him for being geeky and curious and actually valuing science, his answer wasn't really all that awesome. He's right that current computers work on an on/off system, but the complexity of quantum computing is that it works on quantum particles, which are always both on and off, allowing for, basically, super-sized quantities of data to be processed at once. Quantum computers are still very much in the early stages of research. At any rate, good on the man for learning, not being afraid, and for bringing millions into the know by being so cool. Such a stark contrast to our Republican politicians, who can't even be bothered to listen to or try to understand explanations of global warming, which actually involve pretty basic chemistry and physics. Let's hope Obama and Trudeau are the models for our future leaders!

  12. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Sarah stays "relevant" because in today's world we have Facebook and Twitter where everyone can weigh in. Plus Sarah - and others like Sarah - can purchase followers by the millions on FB and Twitter. Sarah looks at those big numbers and believes them. In her mental fog she thinks there are still millions who love her. She won't go away until they haul her off to the looney bin. Or until she overdoses.

    Thanks John McCain, GOP and right wing entertainment complex. Sarah is only one character in the very large group of incompetent fools that have been unleashed on our country.

  13. Anita Winecooler4:22 PM

    Although I admire lumberjacky dudes, in another place and time...... grrrrrrrr. Nothing more sexy than a Ferrari, but a smart, sexy, handsome man is a close second.

  14. Anonymous6:22 AM

    We love our Prime Minister!!!!!
    -Proud Candadian


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