Courtesy of Raw Story:
A video of the woman’s loud protest was posted to YouTube. The woman was not named but appears to have her family in tow.
“Attention Target customers,” she yelled. “Do not be deceived, Target would have you believe with their Mother’s Day displays that they love mothers and children. This is a deception. This is not love, and they’ve proven it by opening their bathrooms to perverted men. I’m a mother of 12 and I’m very disgusted by this wicked practice.”
“Mothers get your children out of this store,” the woman yelled. “Mothers have enough decency to get out of this store, it’s a dangerous place… What Target has done is very hateful. It’s hateful towards families. It’s hateful towards mothers. It’s hateful towards children… Are you gonna let the devil rape your children?”
Well she seems nice.
And just think she actually gave birth to twelve little children who will one day undoubtedly be just as ignorant and superstitious as she is.
Religion, it's one hell of a drug.
Whereas the bible says very little about homosexuality (and nothing about transgender people), it does say a lot about gluttony. This woman and the fat fuck who was with her demonstrated their total hypocrisy with this display. Then again, this is nothing new on the part of most fundamental christians.
ReplyDeleteI know. It's interesting how so often the people who act like this or who attend Trump rallies are obese. Their bodies show how they overindulge but their brains are malnourished.
DeleteSo far, Trump has not jumped onto the homophobia bandwagon. This may be a deal killer for the most stupid of republican voters.
DeleteDon't be a jerk, there are plenty of reasons to discount this woman besides her body size.
Delete12 children? It would seem their god is an ignorant fool to allow that and all the beautiful same-sex couples I know can't physically have any of their own. Sick, cruel joke there, God.
Regarding those 12 children, next time you wonder what has happened that we have so many crazy people in this world, remember that intelligent, earth-friendly people are having 0 - 2 kids.
Mildred - plus elebenty bamzillion for the winz ++++++++++++
DeleteBest comment on this board in a long time!
DeleteI am pleased to report that when a man came into the Roanoke, VA Target a few weeks ago and started ranting about this, the folks in the checkout line started booing and drove him out.
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome!
DeleteThey seem to think that only THEY know the truth and it allows them to dictate how to live to others. How arrogant is that? And in this they are encouraged by Fox News, the idiots in the GOP and right-wing radio and media who need to find an imaginary threat to rally these gullible people to their side just like they did with the Muslims, the Mexicans and the Kenyan Muslim in the White House.
ReplyDeleteI guess they forgot that the principal message of the Bible is love not hate. Some Christians!
Along with Fox, GOP, right-wing radio and media, these fanatics are groomed and brainwashed in their churches by their preachers, the very people who should be aligning themselves with Christ's teachings.
DeleteTWELVE children...
ReplyDeleteas Groucho Marx once said, "I like my cigar, too, lady - but I take it out of my mouth once in a while."
You win the Internet today Randall!
DeleteWhat is disgusting here is that ANYONE in this day and age would contribute 12 more to world overpopulation. An abomination unto the universe, I say!
ReplyDeleteWhat's interesting is that transgender people have been using the bathroom in which they feel most comfortable for a long time. It's only now that it's a law that people are getting all hepped up about it.
ReplyDeleteTwelve children. Way too much time for sex and not enough for education.
I guess they had to find a cause to scare the dimwitted to vote for them in the election.
DeleteI like your comment: "Way too much time for sex and not enough for education". So right.
Republicans are easily distracted by shiny objects. They throw non issues out there like red herrings to distract from their real agenda. Fox News and reality shows have really dumbed this country down. They bring in morons like Palin and the other morons follow them. And it is incredibly stupid to bring up the bathroom issue when trans people have used whatever bathroom they wanted for decades. I think at least community college should be free. People in the US are incredibly stupid. No critical thinking skills are allowed in the Republican party.
DeleteMan, another Kim Davis. They look and act so similarly.
ReplyDeleteExactly. She was probably hoping a local TV news team would show up and give her her 15 minutes. But the market is flooded with them, and this one is so stereotype she had nothing unique to 'hook' an audience with.
DeleteShe found someone who would "do her" 12 times? Hard to believe.
ReplyDeleteProbably AI.
DeleteI wouldn't gamble a nickle it was one 'someone' who left her with all 12.
DeleteDakota Meyer is wise to be concerned about bathrooms.
Those poor, poor children -- even from the back they look embarrassed. Is it too late for them? Perhaps not. Maybe one day on of them will wake-up and escape -- and will see a similar nut-job spouting hate while dragging her children around and think, "...reminds me of my mis-spent youth."
ReplyDeleteOut of 12, I'd bet several of them will find themselves unable and/or unwilling to follow their parents' footsteps. It's never too late.
DeleteAs a teenager, I picketed abortion clinics, prayed for the wrath of God to foil "the gay agenda," and worked at Focus on the Family. Now I'm an LGBT-supporting, pro-choice Democrat who will proudly vote for Hillary in November. And -- I'll get flamed here for this -- I am still a Christian, but with a far different understanding of what that means than the interpretations I grew up with.
Chances are at least one of them is gay/transgender.
DeleteAnonymous 9:36: Your comment is the most inspiring thing I've read in some time. At work I am watching a youngster who is breaking out of her life situation - starting a loving family with 2 parents and no substance abuse, and it is a pure joy. My hat is off to you!
Delete"Well she seems nice"
ReplyDeleteOh Gryph, sometimes you crack me up. Other times, not so much. But this time, I spewed coffee all over my IPad screen. Too funny.
I hope they called security and pulled her and her family members out of their store. All under 'freedom of speech' which is total caca in this regard!
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to see security right there. I hope this story makes all Target stores realize that they need to be ready to throw people out as soon as they start up and cause a scene that is out of place and makes things very uncomfortable for a store of shoppers and that could possibly be dangerous for them. This was very disturbing lunacy and should not have been allowed to go on.
DeleteAnd this is going to make a difference as the Westboro Baptist folk have?
ReplyDeleteIn other words, when one of her young sons needs to use Target's restroom, she will be fine with sending him on his own into the men's room with its urinals and penises on display, because in her world, women and males are NOT to be in the same restroom. Great mom.
A quick research lead to this article in The Advocate. They had not found one instance where a trans person or a man pretending to be a woman had assaulted a cisgender person in a public washroom.
This is not a winning election issue, and republicans are too stupid to see that.
ReplyDeleteI stopped reading after "mother of twelve"
ReplyDelete"Well, she seems nice" LMAO!!!! As a mother of three, I wouldn't want them sharing a public restroom with a nymphomaniac. It's an abomination. Stop dressing like a sexpot, woman, and get a grip of your animal instincts. Exorcisms are held in the women's rest room on an hourly basis, And Target will get more of my hard earned pennies for their policies and advertisements of inclusion. Another thing, stay away from Chic Fila, eat mor asparagus!
ReplyDeleteWell, you made my day! Funny lol.
DeleteLike the Duggars with their nineteen kids, this woman is obviously a quiverful woman. Really, it does not take much talent to get pregnant over and over again. Just because you reproduce nonstop does not make you some righteous creature. Really? It is just plain stupid to have so many kids and dumb ones at that in this world. None of those kids will ever see the inside of a university and I bet you they are all home schooled and lack the ability to think for themselves.
ReplyDeleteSad....feel sorry for her kids.