Monday, June 13, 2016

So after two and a half years there is something I need to finally share with all of you.

Meet my friends Levi and Sunny Johnston.

About two and a half years ago they came to my house looking for a little help, and what happened next I will be sharing with you over the next several days, weeks, and possibly months.

You may think you know them, and you may think you know what they have been through, but trust me when I say you do not even know the half of it.


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    This is why I check this blog every day.
    Thank you Gryphen. You are the best. I look forward to all your thoughtful posts. Can't wait to hear what you have to say.
    And Love Always Wins!!!

    1. 66gardeners4:51 AM

      The absolute beauty of this blog is two things:

      Gryphen allows the Palins to express their voices here anonymously.

      Gryphen, Levi, Sonny, or anyone else also are allowed to express their voices here anonymously.

      Good times. Youbetcha!

  2. Lindsay4:39 PM

    Can't wait and thank you for giving this wonderful couple a voice.

  3. Hang in there, Levi and Sunny.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM

      you never take off your fatigues but you can make them fashionable!

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Holy Moly! Is it tomorrow yet? ;-)

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    It's been plain as day that they are some of your "sources". And they're soooo unbiased.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      They've LIVED it.
      Piss off.

    2. Anonymous4:58 PM

      4:43 PM Nervous much? You Palin trolls have posted nasty remarks about Levi, Sunny, and Mercede for a long time. Now you clowns are worried about what 'info' will come forth about the Palins. "Suck it up, buttercup".

    3. Anonymous10:23 PM

      It's plain as day that you're afraid of what they know and can share, 4:43. The Palins are monsters. Sarah Palin is a monster. She turned her daughter Bristol into a greedy, rotten monster. Track Palin is collateral damage as a result of Sarah's blind ambition. She and her ruthless spouse have terrorized a number of innocents.

      Someday all will be revealed. Far....far beyond what Levi and Sunny have experienced.

    4. Anonymous10:44 PM

      yeah Sarah likes to hang em high for sure!
      too bad she can't get near others though!
      what's up with that Sarah? Sarah? hahaha

  6. I was hoping your were behind the good turn of events for this couple, or that you had a hand in it.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Thank you, Uncle Gryphen. From the bottom of my heart.
      This young couple has gone through a lifetime of heartaches - a lifetime where they should be much, much older to have gone through all the sh*t they had to go through.
      Hang in there, Sunny and Levi! Know that we 'have your back'!

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Love this. I follow Sunny on FB, I adore her photos, I just want these two to make it and enjoy their lives together. I'm rooting for them all the way.

    3. You are the bomb diggity

    4. Anonymous4:54 AM

      I assume the good turn ofevents is Levi getting shared custody of Tripp. Is there something more specific?

  7. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I would just like to tell all the people who whine that Gryphen "drags out" in the name of "protecting sources" to kiss my fat Alaskan ass. (And I say that as someone who is near daily annoyed by his Bernie bias. But this one, he DESERVES THE CREDIT FOR!)

    Gryphen could have sold Levi and Sunny to the tabloids for a quick 20 grand. But he didn't. He waited until THEY were ok with him posting their story-- for free-- on his blog. Gryphen isn't just a virtual pen and a shapely ass, people. He is the Rill Dill. Capital R, capital D.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM


    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      His ass is shapely? Photos, man! I could use some fine ass to distract me from the tragic events of the past couple of days.

    3. Anonymous5:55 PM

      I went to see "Sarah Palin: You Betcha" years ago, Nick Broomfield's movie, and saw one Jesse Griffin although he was sitting down in interviews. Easy on the eyes!

      When people say that she is not liked in Alaska, that's a valid statement. It used to be free on YT but no more.

    4. Over the years that I've been reading here, I have come to the conclusion that Jesse Griffin is a very honorable man.

    5. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Back at you, 2empty.

    6. Anonymous7:43 PM

      I am the original poster and I just have to add that while Gryphen's southern states are definitely the ones most worthy of a visit, the rest of the country ain't bad either. I've seen him around town a time or two and he always reminds me of a young Kurt Russell. He's just very...aesthetically pleasant. That's not sexist, right?

  8. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I would donate a little money to help pay off thier legal fees or back child support. Ideal would be something very private, not something like a Go Fund Me page which Bristol would throw a FIT over. If anyone ever does this, please let us know.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I would too.

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      i would too. just my 0.02...

    3. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Add me to the list.

    4. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Count me in!
      Emily Stewart

    5. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Me, also too. One stipulation is that the $$$ must be paid a little at a time. Why should the whore of Wasilly get a large payout after the living HELL she has caused? Pay it to her at $50 a week, stretch it out.

  9. Thanks for not giving up! You're the best!!

  10. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I seriously can't wait to see where this is going....

  11. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Small request, Gryoh?
    Troll patrol, please.
    Allow us to give them our support
    Without interference.

    1. I will reject attacks against the Johnstons but if they want to take a shot at me, who am I to ruin their fun?

      Besides it will only make what I have to share that much more satisfying.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      And we've got your back. Always.

    3. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Well, Gryphen, you already let a couple through. Please be more vigilant!
      (Also: thank you for being there for this young couple!)

    4. Trust me the ones I let through are innocuous.

      I have literally rejected dozens that are far nastier.

    5. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Sorry to hear that, Gryphen!

    6. Anonymous4:57 AM

      I'm not sorry. It just means Gryphen has gotten under their skin and we are here to oblige that.

    7. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Hell, one day Tripp, no doubt, will be a loyal reader of Immoral Minority

    8. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Keep the nasty ones safe and sound. May be used sometime as evidence of just how vile the PayMe family is. We here know it, but there are still others who would never believe it.

  12. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I have always imagined the stories Levi and Sunny could tell about the Village Idiots.

    Now there's something to look forward to, after the last two days of sorrow. There are still good people in this world who will stand up for what is right. Way to go, Gryphen, Levi and Sunny! We are with you all the way!

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Thank you, Gryphen, for the kindness you've displayed to Levi and Sunny all these years. If there is a fund raising for them - I'm in too. Sweet couple!!

  13. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light."
    Helen Keller

    Friends change everything for the better. I have few friends, but I can trust all three of them.


  14. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Like so many people on here, I don't know them but I sincerely wish them the best. It's terrible what they have gone through, are going through and will continue to go through at the hands of the Palin family. I really admire you Gryph for using this forum to expose the lies.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      I agree with Anonymous 4:55 and look forward to the possibility of making a donation to Levi and Sunny.

    2. Anonymous10:19 PM

      By golly that's it! Start a Go-Fund!
      If everyone donates just a dollar then 60,000 donations of a buck can pay off that HUGE child support bill thrust upon them! No one loses sleep or money!
      What does the Gryph think about that?

    3. Anonymous10:20 PM

      oh and remember there are over 300 million folks in America alone! hello Sarah! haha

  15. I'm a long time supporter of Levi and wish him and Sunny much happiness. They deserve it as I've no doubt they have been put through hell by the Palins.

  16. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I have long thought that you are a man with integrity, and the fact that you can be trusted with people's innermost thought and confidences proves you are.

    Thank you,

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Why he is disparaged constantly now.
      $arah is up the rump for tRump.
      Her big comeback, and Gryph knows the truth.

      Why my utmost respect for him? Because many demand here that he spills what he knows and NOW, else he's a lying idiot, and he doesn't have to. Just goes about his business.....

  17. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Lovely couple. I wish them and their family lots of happiness.

  18. Levi & Sunny fund!5:13 PM

    Gryphen, please- if at least 100 commenters confirm they are willing to donate at least $25 to Levi and Sunny, would you pass the word on that they should start a go fund town or whatever the hell it's called? I have been wanting to send them a little something forever. I seriously would love to see them have a little chunk of money they could do what they wish with- pay advance mortgage payments, take a vacation, anything they want. I for one am proud to say that a reader in WV is ready to step up and donate $250 to Levi and Sunny. Let's say it's one penny for every time the palins victimized Levi/screwed him over and as a result, Tripp as well.

    1. Well you hang onto that thought.

      I think you might just get the opportunity.

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I would trust sending my donation to Gryphen, knowing that he would then pass it on to Levi & Sunny. I've been rooting for this young couple from the very start.

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I'm in.

    4. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Give me a freakin' break! How is this fundamentally different from SarahPAC? I will never give money to Gryphter or his little friends. Fuck all of you.

    5. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Oh Bristol. Give it a rest

    6. Anonymous6:23 PM

      When has Gryph EVER asked for money? It's there if you want to. You have lost your collective mind, 5:58 PM, and even a "fuck you" to boot! hahahahaha

    7. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Count me in too!

      R in NC

      And thank you Gryphens, you're the best

    8. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Whoops, dang auto-correct added an s- sorry about that, Gryphen

    9. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I'm in.

    10. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I am in, too, 5:13! And I am willing to match you. This young couple deserves every break they can get.

    11. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I am in! I will give $500 if you will tell me where to send the check to you Gryphen. I trust you to get the money to Levi and Sunny.

    12. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Me too.

    13. Anonymous6:43 PM

      5:58 PM I wouldn't fuck you with someone else's dick, std queen.

    14. I'm in -,those 2 lovebirds deserve all the love and support being offered here by those of us who find the palins repulsive and viciously vindictive. Tripp was nothing more than a pawn and I can only imagine the nasty things said about Levi and Sunny within earshot of that child.

      I don't care who brisdull married - DUHkota is as dumb as a box of rocks - and a liar. Same as brisdull - he's a grifter all in for the scam. He's a drunk and a pompous ass - perfect match.

      Nobody gave a shit about their "marriage" - nobody cares. She's proven her affinity for drunken sex, total absence of morals, integrity and 100% lack of self respect. That's her legacy - nothing will fix that now or in the future. Can't Un-ring that bell and these gypsies have finally depleted their talents in Alaska as well as the rest of the country. Stick a fork in them - they're DONE.

    15. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Gryphen, do it through a fund set up at a local bank. The IRS will play hell with your taxes otherwise.

    16. Levi & Sunny fund!7:47 PM

      So glad many of you are on board! And to the whiny troll who asked how this is different from slush fund PAC- if you have to ask that, you're so dumb I'm not wasting any more iPad battery on you.

    17. Anonymous8:22 PM

      5:58 (Bristol? Willow?): See, that's the nice thing about freedumb. Others can give if they want, but you don't have to. It's all good. Count me in.

    18. Anonymous8:31 PM

      5:58 The difference between a fund for Levi & Sunny and SARAH PAC is that we know the money is going to Levi and Sunny to use as they see fit. SARAH PAC is supposed to be helping candidates not be a slush fund for the Palin's. The Palin's are gaming the system and being dishonest about where the money goes. Big difference.

    19. Anonymous8:46 PM

      I'll donate $1000 as long as they make a PSA for responsible gun ownership. Otherwise, no dice.

    20. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Skeptics - if Gryphen starts a Go-Fund for Levi then it's Levi's fund not Gryphen's.
      Second - donations could get a better attorney for this guy and reverse this 'dept of child support' owed! give me a break Barstool! You don't NEED money!
      Your busy extorting it right now hu?

    21. Anonymous10:27 PM

      How is a Go-Fund Me for Levi and family different than SarahPac? Let me count the ways, little payme. Shouldn't you be enjoying the honeymoon? Put down the phone and go find your drunk husband. Hope he's not babysitting the kids with his gun.

    22. Anonymous3:54 AM

      I can only give a few hundred dollars right now but next month I will have the proceeds from some property that I'm selling. I can donate more after that.

  19. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I cannot tell you how much this post from Gryphen has made my day. Before I have even heard anything more, any details. It just feels good knowing that these young people had someone to go to who cared and who could be of help.

    Yay! I'm smiling!

  20. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

    I've been a loyal IM'er for years, and this is what I like about Gryphen. Whatever it is, you're a true friend to Levi and Sunny. We've watched Levi grow and mature into a wonderful family man, he's honorable, honest, and never a cruel word about his son's mother. The same, unfortunately, can't be said about her and her family. Thanks, G. for making my day.

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Wonderful point. Levi has NEVER trashed his son's birth mother. Unlike her who used his face as hateful target practice in front of the world among other things the Palins have done to him. Then the courts reward her for bad behavior all because of who her mother is. It's just so wrong. Levi & Sunny deserve all the happiness in the world.

  21. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Levi and Sunny are genuinely good people. I'm glad you have a good relationship with them. They been through the wringer, it's so good to see the tide has turned for them the last couple of years.

  22. The reason I keep coming to this blog is because it seemed to me that you were a really good guy with a big heart. Thanks for reinforcing my opinion of you.

  23. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Oh, Gryph..I can hardly wait!!
    (smiling through my tears)

  24. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Ummmm, why make them hold up this sign?

    And here we go with more promises of inside information in "the coming weeks and months"

    I have learned not to hold my breath with these statements

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Please. Hold your breath. Then I wouldn't have to read your negative comments. And you could go away and be away from this place. And I would be fine with that.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      @5:36 PM Try holding your breath for 3 hours, you won't be missed.

    3. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Fuck you, fucking Palin troll! And fuck your family and the goat you road in on.

    4. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Very good point. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

    5. Anonymous6:17 PM

      It only stinks to high heaven if you're looking to smell an odor. Poor you. I bet you're always smelling a stink. Bet your life is $hit.

    6. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Oh 5:59, it must suck to be you, doesn't it?

      The money is running out, and what are you going to do then?

    7. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Well, 5:59 PM, if it makes you feel better, you can always donate to M Joseph Sheppard's or viriginiagentleman's gofundme accounts. They're legit!

    8. Anonymous6:41 PM

      @5:36 PM Can't you stay away from a blog that posts things that you don't believe?

    9. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Lol, easy there Peach, you are a little too emotionally involved.

    10. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Peach emotionally involved? She's a registered voter and citizen, as am I.

      Got a problem with that?

    11. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Lots of people are too emotionally involved with this situation. It's very sad.

    12. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Not sad when we're voters!
      I have done my homework.

    13. Anonymous9:24 PM

      7:12 What's sad about it? That the Palins always try and ruin other peoples' lives? That the Palins are haters? That they haven't destroyed Levi & Sunny? It's nice to see that love has won out for a change. You sad about that? Sad that people care? You're the one that's sad. Oh and PS you think Gryphen "made" Levi & Sunny hold up a sign - that he's so all powerful that he "made" you visit here? Loser!

    14. Anonymous11:03 PM

      924 that blackmail started with Chuck Sr!

    15. Anonymous11:40 PM

      Sad is commenting on a blog that you claim to hate. Trolling 'ain't easy'.

    16. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Levi and Sunny are holding up a positive sign. Compare THAT to the Michael Moore sign $carah and Duh held up in Vegas!!

  25. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I often use Sonny's facebook page as a palate cleanser at the end of day of following politics. The beauty of sweet caring and honest upfront tone helps me sleep at nite. thanks Sonny and best wishes to your family, from a lurker.

  26. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Love to hear good news! You rock, Jesse!


  27. Anonymous5:38 PM

    My goodness Sunny is a beautiful woman. And Levi (the one that got away, Bristol!) is quite a handsome man.

    Together they are a gorgeous couple. And they seem happy together, and it shows. It's no wonder that Bristol and her minions can't contain their jealousy.

    I am always struck by how young Levi was when the Palin's took advantage of him. He was just a kid himself.

    I wish them all the best in life.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      He is MUCH better looking than Dakotah, isn't he?

    2. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Oh god Dakota is so ugly and repulsive I can't believe she sleeps with that guy. It's a fitting price to pay for all her shitty and slutty behavior. It really makes me laugh!

    3. Anonymous3:56 AM

      Look at Levi's biceps in the above picture and compare it to the "honeymoon" picture of Dakota at the pool. Dakota's biceps look like big boobs, with Bristol squeezing them. Dakota and his bad haircuts and doughy body are not attractive at all.

  28. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Best wishes to this young couple and their family.

    I'll keep my eyes open for an opportunity to help...

  29. Anonymous5:43 PM

    It is nice to hear about forces for good.
    Especially in the world that includes sarah plain.

  30. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Anonymous5:36 PM

    Ummmm, why make them hold up this sign?
    Huh? What makes you think that Gryph made them hold up the sign?

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      He "made" them hold up the sign just like he "made" the jealous trolls show up lol.

    2. Anonymous11:05 PM

      well honey if it's a sideshow then pass the popcorn! no one seems to care but you! $$$

  31. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Is there anything about Trig in their information?

    1. Anonymous11:06 PM

      well using babies is their 'main occupation'!
      especially the ones that come with HUGE accounts! blackmail - extortion - murder!

  32. Anonymous5:54 PM

    You got some email, Gryph. ;-)

  33. Crystal Sage5:54 PM

    I knew this blog was here for the good. Thanks for being there for this fine little family. And thanks for helping us to know the real Sarah Palin and her nasty brood. I hope the Johnstons realize just how much we care about them.

  34. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Considering things are peachy, and considering Levi cannot say he is honest, nor an angel, shouldn't you let them live their peaceful lives and let Levi put his mistakes and misdeeds in the past?

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Concerned much???

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Oh look, it's the Concern Troll!

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      5:56 pm Sarah and Todd are the ones with mistakes and misdeeds. You, Florida troll, are nothing more than an insanely jealous, lonely woman still living off of your parents. Look in the mirror and see the evil staring back at you.

    4. Anonymous6:48 PM poor thing! For the record, honesty, mistakes, and misdeeds have defined the Palins for years! And you're worried about Levi? Here's a virtual halo for you.

    5. Anonymous7:18 PM

      GFY 5:56.

    6. Anonymous3:05 AM

      "Somebody" is afraid the TRUTH is about to come out!! Laughable that Moh and Ho are trying to get a reality show, so they will not have to work for a living. Two boring, ordinary, uneducated lying people. Who would watch that? Levi and Sunny are so much more attractive. We have to find a way to help these kids. Buried under a pile of debt, because of a whore like Skank $carah and her used up daughter.

  35. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I know you helped them out because you seen like a kind person. People like palin are incredibly shrewed.

    1. Anonymous5:13 AM

      shrewd? or Stupid?

  36. I too have been pulling for these two kids, they've been through so much. I also check their face book pages, just to see how they're doing and to admire their beautiful, adorable children. I guess I'm guilty of lurking too, but I'm an old grandmother from Canada and they'd probably wonder what I'm doing asking to be a friend. I am so looking forward to their story and thank you for befriending them, I'd have done the same thing if I lived in Alaska. I am pleased to see how well they are doing.
    Elaine McCullough
    May in BC Canada

  37. Anonymous6:10 PM

    2.5 years ago Levi was seeing his son. And in the end, he didn't even need court to settle the nitty gritty. It's easy to file a request for mediation.

    What makes me sad is, Levi is such a spendthrift, still is. Wife admits it. I'm sure the greedy RexTank took a good chunk of his hate money which is even more wrong since Rex did hardly any legal work. Just be proud Levi didn't need a lawyer and was forgiven his misdeeds.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Troll attacking Levi!

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      What the Sam-hill are you talking about 6:10?

    3. Misdeeds? Is that your new favorite word? Isn't there enough going on in your state to keep you occupied?

    4. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Forgiven his misdeeds? By whom?
      Judge Palin Rules Hot Line To God?
      The stupid burns.

    5. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Get lost 6:10. It is obvious that you don't really know them. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    6. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Alicia, you know perfectly well that Levi DID need a good lawyer. Even Dakota Meyer got himself a good lawyer. Your girlfriend is keeping half of the AK law fraternity in house payments.

    7. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Well let's compare the misdeeds and I betcha Levi's are 'minor' compared to the 'major' crimes of that Palin KKKrew! nice try tho!

  38. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Stay safe Gryphen, Levi, and Sunny! Especially now that Tripps trigger happy drunken stepfather is now residing in the same state as you.

  39. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Gryphen, thanks for all you do. So glad to have this little community to visit, and happy to know you are helping Levi and Sunni through their long hellish ride. Wishing you and yours, and them and theirs, well.

  40. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Ot: this

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Yes, as many suspected. Another former classmate said he was gay and asked him out.

  41. Anonymous6:28 PM

    OOOOHHHHH!!!!!! This is gonna be good!!!! I'll bet Bristol and Sarah will be checking IM every five minutes and the trolls will be out in force!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      There went the honeymoon, Old Redneck, she always wanted her lumbersexual and settled for an overweight, uneducated 'Murika like Mommy wanted her to. They'll be out in force!

      Way to go, Gryoh!

    2. ChasingLilFuckups6:50 PM

      Nope, it's far more likely that you check IM every five minutes. Your record is proven.

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Poor 6:50... What a childish remark. Sad!! Loser!!

    4. Anonymous8:39 PM

      i think you ought to close the blog to private so the paymes and their stalker, alicia, can't see the will drive them batshit. or make a secret FB page....just my 0.02...

    5. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Just blocking Alicia from commenting should do the trick. She needs to be able to see the shit flying to hit the fan & not being able to utter one word about "living privately and vibrantly."

  42. Anonymous6:32 PM

    These two are doing their best through good and bad. I just want to see them succeed.

    1. Anonymous12:52 AM

      I sincerely hope they are both mature enough to do so, at this point. Looking forward to some truth here...

  43. Levi looks a long way from the impulsive fellow who took the Playgirl money. You have means to give he and Mrs. Johnston voice, and I'll look forward to honestly getting to know them through your blog.

    Frankly, anything that takes the goddamn topic off Trump is so welcome to me.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      And there's the bit, dvlaries, a long way he has come. A young man thrown on a national stage against his will. He HAS moved past that while the Palins wash, rinse, and repeat.

    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Did Playgirl force him to pose nude against his will?

    3. Anonymous10:33 PM

      No Barstool told him it would be 'HOT' while she laughed all the way to the bank!

    4. Anonymous11:06 PM

      What's it to you @7:19?

    5. Anonymous11:34 PM

      @8:50 PM Did all of those Trial Daddies force Bristol to fuck them against her will?

    6. Anonymous3:16 AM

      8:50 Sorry that Levi NUDE - looks 100% better than any PayMe fully clothed. How long before Hollywood Bristles poses nude, for attention? Maybe she could make a tape like Kim K did, with overweight, beefy Duh.

  44. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Here's what I hope you will discuss:

    --The lines of force re Levi's mother & jail.
    --That bad fat black lawyer.
    --Why Levi kept quiet all along.
    --Will Levi ever write a detailed book?
    --Was Levi's father involved in any of this?
    --Was SP's father involved in a bad way?
    --Does SP ever acknowledge that she is not the bio-Mom of Trig?

    --How much would it take to resettle Levi + family, tuition to finish school, get a better new start outside of the Palin-affected crime scene?

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      6:50: It will take way more $$ than we could possibly put up, but also: I talked to Sunny, and they do not want to relocate. They are Alaskans through and through. Also: they just bought a lovely little homestead and are trying to make a great home out of it.

    2. Anonymous10:36 PM

      oh don't worry they wont' be terrorized anymore! that has been 'taken care of' ;)

  45. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Finally! I've been wondering when Levi and Sunny would give the trashy Palin's a taste of their own medicine, especially after Bristol tried to cause trouble in Sunny's marriage by posing as a "source" and telling the Daily Mail that Levi had been sexting her. Enough is enough. I hope this inspires more people to come forward and expose the Payme's as the frauds they are.

  46. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Uncle Gryphen, several of us have pledged relatively high amounts. Please try to make a way that this will actually be donated - not that some trolls come here and say they will give, and then they chicken out.
    No idea how you will do it, but please do so.

  47. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Time for a flashback?


    Silly Sarah says: “we’ll put a boot in your ass. It’s the American way.”


    Bet it was hard to write that quitting speech at the last minute with the boot still embedded in your ass.


    That's what really happened. She was dirty and got caught. They gave her a boot in her ass.

    She is still hoping it stays a secret. That's why she NEVER talks about it. Except when she brings out her own petty punk-ass little thuggery stuff like this boot in the ass shit talking.

    Well Sarah, you are about to be shit outta luck cupcake!


    # Bringing it in 2016

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:59 PM

      Remember how Sarah was breathing so hard during the quitting speech in her backyard?

      That boot musta still been in her ass, even then!

    2. Anonymous10:38 PM

      well yeah she almost tried to kill somebody and didn't realize they KNEW what was up!
      wait until next week with someone speaking!
      I got a feeling it's going to be HUGE! ;)

    3. That link is bonkers on my computer - shows up and then disappears, on both browsers. Anyone know why?

  48. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Just now saw this...all I have to say is YAY!

  49. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Any money will definitely have to stay out of Brissy's clutches. Maybe it can go into just Sunny's (so not jointly) or a relative's so that there will be no chance of Brissy's paws getting on it, and then any money S/L would want to use for Tripp would be absolutely their choice and not at all left up to Brissy.

  50. Big bro track can't beat up boys
    Nothing to grift for so he got not toys
    No big four wheeler like sister Bristol
    Makes him so mad he borrows momma's pistol
    Drinking in tha basement trying to get all mellow
    Hiding the fact he wants to be w a fellow
    Drunk girlfriend and can't get it up
    Too much moonshine from a Dixie cup

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Tripp will grow up to be just like him.

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Tripp will grow up to be like his dad; kind, loving, resilient, independent and a decent man.

    3. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Love it! Good job!

    4. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Future - Where Ya At?

  51. Way to go Gryphen. I always had faith.

  52. Anonymous7:39 PM

    If it had been me, embroiled in this nest of vipers, I would have burned $100+ to get my own mail order DNA test -- not for legal proof but for my own unassailable data. Has anyone done that re Trig, Sailor, or any of the others?

    1. Anonymous10:40 PM

      funny you should ask...Sarah? Sarah? giggle

  53. Anonymous7:46 PM

    There are a lot of things that Levi and Sunny know that Bristol isn't aware they know. It'd be fun if some of that came out. ;)

    1. Anonymous2:16 AM

      For that matter, I remember when Levi was on Jay Leno or David Letterman ( one of them) back in 2008.

      They were talking about $tupid $arah and the host was trying to get Levi to spill the beans on her.

      Levi said, " I know things that could bring her down, but I can't do that right now", or something to that effect.

      Levi had been LIVING in the Palin cult's household, and heard and witnessed the true horror of the Witch's nasty temper and her
      racist, bigoted outbursts on every subject, I have no doubt.

      Not to mention things that a young stupid Bristol told him about like

      The fire at the Church
      Trig scam
      Dar Williams
      Pimp Daddy Todd's little side business
      Shailey Tripp

      The Wasilla WItch no doubt thinks she's gotten away with all those crimes and lies.

      There are no coincidences, right "Christian" $arah?


  54. Anonymous7:49 PM

    7 years daily. For the Love of Joe McGinnis... Gabby Giffords... Trig... Curtis Menard... the birth of the Tea Party through the death panel screed... let Levi finally speak the truth. If still strapped with legal non-disclosure agreements, then it's just more Palin manipulation. I still empathize with the Jonston's and will contribute. 7 years of frustration and the toxic manifestations of that Palin nomination keep me in reality.

  55. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Awww. First time I've smiled today. Thank you! Look forward to reading the story.

    And good job keeping the friendship under raps to the point I imagined Levi held you in contempt even though you were in touch with his sister and mother.

  56. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Sunny got the Lumbersexual, and Bristol got the Pillsbury Doughboy.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM


      Bristol got the Pillsbury Duhboy.

  57. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Not surprised....and WON'T be surprised when I hear what these two have been put through. I'm sure their love and beautiful children eat that bitch Bristol up from the inside out.

  58. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I like the idea of a bank account being set up for them. But, please, Gryphen, get a lawyer involved, so Bar$Tool cannot touch any of that money, and also so they will not have to pay taxes on it (I think they should not have to, since these will be most likely gifts of less than $10K each, which would be the max/year one can give tax free).

    1. Anonymous4:49 AM

      You are out of date. It has increased to $14,000 per year.

  59. Amy in Juneau9:15 PM

    The Palin's have inflicted so much pain and heartache on Levi & Sunny. Let's also not forget the Palin's also wreaked havoc on Sherry & Sadie's lives. Stay strong Johnstons and thanks for being a trusted friend to them, Gryph.

  60. Well my e-mail inbox is all full of crazy right now.

    And I think I hear some tin cans ricocheting off of kitchen appliances echoing all through the Mat-Su Valley.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:38 PM

      Keep your head down, Gryphen! But if you see a can of cream style corn go by, grab it! My husband loves that stuff.

      And save those emails!

    2. Anonymous10:42 PM

      I bet it is! Good thing some sent stuff long ago! Don't know what to do with it still?
      Well sit on it until Monday if ya can dude!
      Thanks! Waiting on some intel to come in!

    3. Anonymous5:45 AM

      Something tells me this shit is about to hit the fan for the Palins, and not in a good way.

  61. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Thanks Griffin for all you've done to bring about a little justice in this world. This has made my day! - Seattle

  62. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Oh boy cannot wait.

    Palins will scream hiss and puff and say there is no proof, all lies!

  63. Anonymous10:12 PM

    About damn time Gryph! Cyber smack upside yo head!

  64. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Here's Gryphen! :-)

    Too bad I'm going on 76yrs old. ;-)

  65. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Reads to me like Bristol is getting ready to haul her fake ass out of town with Tripp. Levi stayed silent last time. His trying to fair play cost him Tripp. This time burn the bitch to the ground. Save your son. Bristol will throw Tripp in front of her when Dakota goes mad. Tripp is nothing to get but a buffer.

  66. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Still breathlessly awaiting the Palin divorce you announced was years ago (laughs hysterically)

    1. Anonymous4:50 AM

      What makes you think it did not already happen, long ago? Certainly, you can not believe they are a normal married couple? He follows along like a hostage, for the $$$. Remember, years ago Taahhd said he did not know how $carah got pregnant, since he slept on the recliner. Very dysfunctional couple and family. Hey, if it makes YOU feel better to say they are still married, go for it. Just do not expect those of us here to believe it. Why hasn't Bristles shown a copy of her marriage license? Is there one? How many family members attended the "wedding"? Were any of Duh's family in attendance? Surely there was a drunken brawl, that is PayMe family tradition when they all assemble, isn't it?

  67. A. J. Billings2:31 AM

    Certainly would burn up Bristol's brain if donations to Levi and Sunny were made in a way so Bristol could not get her grubby hands on the boodle to buy fugly shoes and purses.

    And just imagine the stories that Levi could tell about old Granny Palin and the 2008 campaign
    OUCH, that's gonna hurt.

    Will donate just to help L/S and to spite that thug $arah.

  68. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I'll work an extra day and donate $500.
    But I want Levi to publicly state what he "Knows Sarah Did NOT DO' as he alluded to in an interview years ago.
    Come lean and many of us will be willing to donate I bet.
    But If no truths are revealed that help take the Palins down for fucking good, I just do not care about the "troubles" they've seen.

    1. Anonymous3:37 AM

      That isn't really a donation. That isn't how 'donations' work.

      Regardless, keep the money you work for. you earned it.

    2. Anonymous4:00 AM

      I take your point and sympathize with you, but please bear in mind that Levi and Sunny and Tripp will be vulnerable to Bristol Palin's nastiness for many more years to come.

      I was reminded of that fact when I saw a heartwarming picture of Tripp and his dad all dressed up at a recent wedding. Levi isn't going to do anything- not any thing- to jeopardize what he has now. And who could blame him?

  69. I know nothing about this sweet young couple (except what I have read)I applaud their perseverance, they have been through things that no family should ever have to experience.


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