Saturday, June 11, 2016

This just in, Donald Trump is a welcher. Oh this is going to leave a mark!

Courtesy of USA Today: 

Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them. 

At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings reviewed by the USA TODAY NETWORK, document people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work. Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company. A plumber. Painters. Forty-eight waiters. Dozens of bartenders and other hourly workers at his resorts and clubs, coast to coast. Real estate brokers who sold his properties. And, ironically, several law firms that once represented him in these suits and others. 

Trump’s companies have also been cited for 24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act since 2005 for failing to pay overtime or minimum wage, according to U.S. Department of Labor data. That includes 21 citations against the defunct Trump Plaza in Atlantic City and three against the also out-of-business Trump Mortgage LLC in New York. Both cases were resolved by the companies agreeing to pay back wages. 

In addition to the lawsuits, the review found more than 200 mechanic’s liens — filed by contractors and employees against Trump, his companies or his properties claiming they were owed money for their work — since the 1980s. The liens range from a $75,000 claim by a Plainview, N.Y., air conditioning and heating company to a $1 million claim from the president of a New York City real estate banking firm. On just one project, Trump’s Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, records released by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission in 1990 show that at least 253 subcontractors weren’t paid in full or on time, including workers who installed walls, chandeliers and plumbing.

You know this is one is going to really get to Donald Trump who seems to care much more about his reputation as a successful business man than he cares about his campaign.

Personally I am not at all surprised that Trump is an asshole who does not take responsibility for his commitments and whose business reputation is as fraudulent as everything else about him.

I can hardly wait to hear Elizabeth Warren weigh in on this.


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Have at him! He thinks he's invincible?
    He's about to find out.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      This guy has NO CLUE what is about to hit him.

    2. Oh yeah, my sentiments exactly. Nearly all the rubes who support him have been cheated by someone just like him.

    3. 66gardeners8:51 AM

      Waiting for him to tell his supporters at a rally that the people he stiffed are the lazy uneducated, just like them, so they should be able to relate.

    4. Anonymous9:03 AM

      It's not just this stuff. Now he's threatening Obama for supporting Hillary. Is he going the send nasty messages threatening his family? Stay tuned!

    5. Anonymous10:44 AM

      I can hardly wait for President Obama to clean Trump's fat, wide ass. If anyone can do it - it is our wonderful President of the United States who really was born in America (Hawaii)!!

    6. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Anonymous10:44 AM,

      Please. Re-state your comment. What a degrading thing to say about President Obama. Can you imagine any more disgusting job than to clean Trump's ass? Perhaps you meant clean his clock?

    7. Anonymous1:05 PM

      My thoughts exactly 11:26.

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Donald Trump is a Squelcher, tweet-worthy remark if ever there was one!

  3. Sharon6:56 AM

    This is rich....why didn't any of the other players report on this during the debates? I spent most of my adult life in NJ, we all knew every detail of this criminals past. It wasn't unusual to see him on the news for some bullshit, the whole bankruptcy thing in AC was big news as the bankers were crying. They were forced to give him more money as it would have been a disaster to let him default on all his loans. Who loses money owning a casino? I have seen him up close as we had our annual convention at the Taj, trust me...he is down right creepy with that blowfish mouth, yuck.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      As my Dad (RIP) used to say, "his mouth looks like a chicken's butt."

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      More like a protracted anus.

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Anus mouth, nothing but shit comes out of it.

    4. ++++++++++ It is so ugly, one wonders how he manages to contort to that shape. Not surprisingly most of the people he surrounds himself with are physically unattractive or downright ugly as well.

    5. Why didn't the other candidates call him out? They were too busy kissing his ass. They all thought he would disappear and if so wanted to make sure they were nice to him so he would donate to their campaigns. By the time everyone realized he was going to win - it was too late. Cowards all of them. I don't think Trump expected to get this far. It was just fun and games and exposure for his brand. His worthless POS brand. I really hope he is destroyed - emotionally and financially

  4. Anonymous6:57 AM

    palin45potus • 8 minutes ago
    Sarah Palin is still the "Gold Standard" that VP aspirants would have to be able to meet.

    She's fully vetted, completely trustworthy and in sync with Trump's agenda (since she helped create it) and she knows what to expect. Any issues the left could use against her has either been discredited or will make them look like conscious bullies.

    Everyone else that's been suggested can expect 110 days of pure hell. They've never been through anything close to what the media and the Dems will put them and their families through.
    Enough of this shit, too!
    Come out and get SMACKED, $arah.

    1. virginiagentleman18:54 AM

      Is a $150,000 family shopping spree worth it for her. After all, there is no paycheck for being a VP nominee.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I cannot imagine any experienced Republican politician wanting to be on the ticket w/The Donald. It would ruin their political career forever after the loss.

      Sarah Palin MIGHT be his only choice. I could see her agreeing to it (with certain conditions - mostly involving money!).

      Both of them are idiots and are not team players! They'd end up killing each other eventually. She's as racist as he (proven during the McCain run and loss in 2008) and would further assist in dividing the country and spreading hate and fear!

      Which one of them would end up the Dictator should they win (which won't occur!)?

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Plus, putting her on the ticket worked so well the last time.

      Yep, she's a winner, alrighty.

    4. Anonymous12:13 PM

      "Any issues the left could use against her has either been discredited or will make them look like conscious bullies."


      Seriously? I would love to revisit the wild ride!

    5. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Please please put her on the ticket! #PalinCurse

    6. Anonymous4:18 PM

      VirginiaGetlema1 (8:34am)
      All except the ones she had to give back stained,dirty, smelly, torn wrinkled and shoved in a garbage bag �� except also too, the ones she wanted to keep �� ...

  5. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I'm surprised the Polish workers he imported and underpaid in building Trump Tower in NYc has not been discussed more. Inadequate safety stuff for them also. They sued and won -- or got a settlement, I forget the details, except Orange Don was guilty.

    1. my fairlady8:55 AM

      Now we know why Trump imported workers. I wonder if the people who contracted those immigrant workers got stiffed as well.

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      When one goes bankrupt as Trump has done multiple times, everyone gets stiffed according to some formula: 50 cents on the dollar, or whatever the deal is. That's what Trump means by "deal," as he showed when he suggested the U.S. default on its int'l financial obligations.

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Cool Beans!

  7. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "The Clinton campaign had key endorsements lined up for immediately after she clinched the nomination, while Donald Trump is personally announcing endorsements that do not exist."<<<<OK

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Solving Issues way? REALLY?

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Donald Trump is no fool: The dangerous demagogue knows exactly what he’s saying
    Pundits call his oratory style "off-the-cuff." It's anything but. Trump employs a sophisticated form of doublespeak

    One of the obligations of a candidate is to commit to policy solutions. You review a public problem, decide what you will do when in office, and report in detail how you will address the problem. You make yourself accountable for your position.

    Instead of doing this, Trump practices what one might call “multiple-choice communication.” Whenever he speaks on a given topic, he gives multiple options on what he might mean.

    For instance, at a recent rally in Fresno, Trump stated that, despite five years of low rainfall in California, “There is no drought. They turn the water into the ocean. If I win, believe me, we’re going to start opening up the water so that you can have your farmers survive.”

    Now, this is a very confusing statement. What could he mean? Go ahead and choose your answer to this multiple-choice problem. Does Trump mean that:

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      And just HOW is he going to "open up the water," pray tell? Out there with a divining rod while $arah does her witch doctor dance beside him?

      Does he know there's a difference between ground water and salt water? What an IDIOT.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      "That's PUNDINTS." -- $arah Palin

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Donald Trump is a sociopath. They used to call them con artists.

    4. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Somebody is finally going to make all the Hollywood 1% drain their pools?

  10. Anonymous7:03 AM

    El Trumpo is not going to be happy about this – it looks like they planned for an enormous rally in Richmond tonight, and barely anybody showed up!!

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      The Donald is not going to be happy about this. He has controlled media coverage of his events by requiring the camera be only on him. These shots of the seating are (pretty empty) will probably lead him to sue someone.

      See this article

      And this paragraph about his control:
      "Two network sources also confirmed the unprecedented control the television networks have surrendered to Trump in a series of private negotiations, allowing him to dictate specific details about placement of cameras at his event, to ensure coverage consists primarily of a single shot of his face." I have read this several times in different places.

      Shame on the media for agreeing to this, and hooray for this group for finally "breaking the rule".

    2. Tweeters are turning -- they must be inside as Trump supporters, right, or why haven't we seen these pics before -- are they just now happening?

      And once one of the MSM does some actual reporting, the rest of them will, too. Trump has shown weakness and get ready to see all the heretofore scaredy pants pounce -- cause it makes as much news as crowded stadiums.

      Americans love to see the "mighty" fallen.

  11. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Donald Trump Trails Hillary Clinton Bigly In The Money Race

    He’s starting out $200 million behind.

  12. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Mitt Romney delivered some searing criticism of Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign on Friday, hitting the presumptive Republican nominee for his own attacks on Latinos, Muslims and women.

    “I simply can’t put my name down as someone who voted for principles that suggest racism or xenophobia, misogyny, bigotry, [for someone] who’s been vulgar time and time again,” Romney, one of the GOP’s most vocal Trump critics, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “I don’t want to be associated with that in any way, shape or form.”

    ...“I don’t want to see trickle-down racism. I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation,” Romney said. “And trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.”

    He added, “This is not a matter of just policy. It’s more a matter of character and integrity.”

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Mitt Romney, as a Mormon leader, has no right to criticize anyone for "trickle down racism"!!

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      "YOU people." -- entitled Ann.

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Seeking Donald Trump's endorsement in his 2012 primary also seals Mitt's fate as a fraud himself

    4. Is there not the word "hypocrisy" in the GOP dictionary...or "irony" or "humility" or "kindness" or "integrity" or any other of the words essential to living in reality, not delusion?

    5. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Aren't the Mormons the ones that don't allow black folks in their church? Seems like that was an issue when Mitt Romney ran for POTUS and lost.

    6. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Great. Now I can add to the many reasons I loathe Trump - he made me agree with Romney.

    7. 10:21. I believe they were "allowed" in quite recently and Mitt has adopted a black baby I hear.

    8. Anonymous11:33 AM

      As Nancy Jane and David French adopted a black child, so did one of Mitt's sons. When you have an immediate family member of another race, you tend to get unracist really fast.

  13. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Not to be all picky but...

    Trump's a welcher if he doesn't pay his bills.

    Google it!

    1. Welcher, THAT'S the word I was thinking of, thanks.

      I knew squelcher did not sound exactly right, but I could not think of the right word to save my life.

    2. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Also too If Trump is a squelcher this is what that is.

      A fart that leaves your bumcheeks feeling moist.
      Dude 1: "Oh God i think i've shit myself..."
      Dude 2: "You sure it's not just a squelcher???"

      He might be a juicy fart, but he seems more like a constipated old fart to me.

    3. Anonymous7:35 AM

      G@7:17 THAT made me smile :-) Hate it when that happens. Love you man.....
      P.S. Squelcher worked, but Welcher is more to the point. Another :-)

    4. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Since you are in Alaaska, listen to a moose.

    5. 66gardeners9:01 AM

      Don't worry Griffin, Trump, himself, actually says squelcher when he means welcher. It's a dyslexia thing.

  14. Anonymous7:09 AM

    How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Thanks for posting. This quote is a perfect representation of what he does:

      “Atlantic City fueled a lot of growth for me,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in May, summing up his 25-year history here. “The money I took out of there was incredible.”

      That is just it -- HE, and many other developers, TAKE THE MONEY out of the host city. To keep money at home, businesses have to be local. They spend their money locally. National Chains don't -- and like it or not, Trump is a chain operation. They don't use local service organizations, they don't even use local contractors often. They use their own people. Very little money flows into the local economy and that is why the cities that host these monstrosity gambling casinos seem to always be poor and seedy. Lots of money comes into the city with the business but almost none of it stays. And, when it is Trump he doesn't even pay the people working for him.

      This man cannot be out President.

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Everything is about SEX-BULLYing and CASH MONEY$$$..In that order.
      dRumpf/Payme 2016

  15. Anonymous7:10 AM*/


    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Trump is both. The LOL is on you, Team Trump! :-)

  16. Anonymous7:14 AM

    WTF."Bolton then got on his knees and checked her pulse."
    "Turner has come under widespread criticism since Judge Aaron Persky sentenced him to just six months in jail in connection with the attack under fear a heavier sentence would have “a severe impact” on him."
    "Your honor, please be kind and merciful to my beautiful son. He is suffering and will continue to pay for this for his entire lifetime." IT IS THE GIRL THAT IS IMPORTANT.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Members Of Congress Join Chorus Calling For Judge Persky’s Removal
      Multiple petitions demanding the judge’s removal have topped 1 million signatures.

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Stanford rapist 'took photograph of his victim's breasts during attack - and shared it with swim team friends who deleted it after his arrest', police believe

    3. Anonymous7:31 AM

      This bitch that whelped and raised the rapist will begin to understand what severe impact means.

      Words have consequences.

      Here's my question. Who gave the victim the date rape drug? Convicted sex criminal Brock Turner? One or more of convicted sex criminal Brock Turner's wingmen? Someone else?

    4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    5. Anonymous7:59 AM


    6. Anonymous8:19 AM

      His parents are SICK. Seems Brock lied about his past experience with alcohol, and I don't see how they could not have known this. Putting them away would be a good thing, I think. Horrid family all around.



    7. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I need to go research this online b/c I only heard a partial report on CNN and I'm not fully sure of what was said, but it sounded like the rapist actually stood over the victim's body and took a picture of at least one of her breasts and sent that pic to a friend or friends before he then attacked her. A friend then asked whose breast it was. And this was shown on the phone during the period of time when the rape happened. AND the judge had this info, as well as the other info showing that Brock had lied about his partying experience.

    8. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Thanks for the link, 7:28. I didn't see this before posting that I'd heard a partial story on CNN about the breast picture. (I need to learn to always scroll all the way up and read posts in order.)

    9. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I just can't get past the fact that Trump hangs onto what he claims is the inferior work done by others when he refuses to pay. He doesn't have the decency to return the merchandise. And idiot Ivanka also thinks that way. This family has no sense of decency. If you find fault with something, fine, but don't keep it and expect not to pay.

    10. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Thanks for bringing this up! I would love to see someone ask Trump what he feels about the effort to recall Judge Persky for his inability to rule impartially.

      Since Trump has disgraced himself by accusing Judge Curiel, as a Mexican-American, of bias in his "Trump U." fraud case, let's see if he's going to claim that THIS judge made the right decision!

      Wild Tortoise

  17. Anonymous7:16 AM

    What Exactly Would It Mean to Have Trump’s Finger on the Nuclear Button?

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      In my opinion, it is primarily the right-wing, white, holier than thou, bible scripture quoting, hateful, racially bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, evil, pretend-evangelical,
      pseudo-Christians, that are supporting Donald Trump to be the GOP nominee and, president. The “Right Wing Conservative so called, Christian movement/religion” is and, has always been nothing more than a big gimmick for hateful, angry, racist whites to distort Bible doctrine to glorify themselves and, self-justify their fear-mongering, hatred, racist views and, BIGOTRY towards other American ethnicities, cultures that are different from their own and, sometimes even themselves. It’s been going on for decades here in America (American Indians and, other Native American ethnicities/cultures) and, centuries abroad. Bottom line is they couldn’t care less about anything that has to do with Jesus Christ. That’s why they can so easily rally behind a “NUMBER TWO CORINTHIANS QUOTING HEATHEN” like Donald Trump.

      "We want our country BACK!"

      Well….It was never YOURS in the first place.
      NOW, they want Trump to be in charge of our NUCLEAR ARSENAL.

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Well….It was never YOURS in the first place.
      Visit the pee pond some time. For madly clinging to their constitution, they have no idea what it actually says.

    3. Trump's finger may not ever be on the nuclear arsenal, but it is certainly -- for the moment -- guiding the millions of angry American who have their fingers on their guns, itching to use them -- expect a civil war if he is 1) overruled in his nomination bid, or, 2) he loses the election.

      America seems on the brink of a psychotic breakdown with that psychotic screaming instruction -- and not in jail for all his crimes.
      Mafia Donald needs a yuuuge time out.

    4. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Agree with Barbara: Ahoy, Trump mental meltdown. Dead ahead.

    5. Anita Winecooler4:30 PM

      The idiot can't find a g spot if it killed him, what makes you think he could find a button with those short stubby thin skinned fingers? You may laugh now, Melania. Mr Thurston Howell's Zsa Zsa always has this sourpuss face, now we all know why.

  18. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Dump Trump

    ...Trump’s xenophobic, male chauvinist, and bigoted bullying campaign rhetoric is not an act. It is who he is and it what the constituency that has propelled his candidacy wants him to be. While this simple truth has been self-evident throughout the campaign, the establishment has been in denial, unwilling or unable to confront reality. With every display of brutish behavior, they pronounced Trump fatally wounded—only to discover that his appalling and dangerous attacks on Mexicans, women, Muslims, people with disabilities, news reporters, and incitements to violence against demonstrators—caused his poll numbers to rise.

  19. Anonymous7:24 AM

    "A coalition of news organizations is asking a federal judge to take steps that could clear the way for the release of videos of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump being questioned under oath in lawsuits over his Trump University real estate seminar program."

    1. "news organizations" - - yup, they are ready to pounce together now, like pack dogs. In any form they feel more safe, let them bring it on.

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      It's wonderful FINALLY seeing these news organizations band together and delve into the business dealings of Trump!

      It sure took them long enough!

      Ratings are their main concern.
      First they obtained them by building Trump up to be the nominee for the Republican party. And, now taking him down!

      Damn, but we are a messed up nation!

      Trump will NEVER be elected POTUS.

      I hope, after all of this is over - as to Trump - that he ends up in jail. Can't help but wonder how many laws he's broken through his various businesses. Everything will be brought to light and the fraud will be totally exposed!

      I'll bet he's wearing diapers now due to shitting his britches as each new thing is exposed!

    3. Yep, he's a squelcher now, fer sur!

  20. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Trump Said He Gave $1 Million To Charity From His Board Game. There’s No Sign He Ever Did.

    1. Why is this not surprising: Nothing he says is the truth because he has no concern for it. I am reassured that articles like these are still circulated, at last on line. Why not by CNN, et al.?

  21. Anonymous7:31 AM

    The Koch Brothers Won’t Fund Trump's GOP Convention

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      When you'e lost Koch you don't have dick.

  22. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Media Organizations Fight for Access to Donald Trump’s Taped Depositions in Trump U Case

    Several media organization, including CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, The Washington Post and The New York Times, have banded together in an attempt to gain access to videotaped depositions of Donald Trump. The depositions were taken as part of an ongoing fraud lawsuit against the presumptive Republican nominee.

    1. Well, well, well, the MSM is now banding together.
      Ohio bans voter suppression; concealing a weapon is unconstitutional...what next? white rapers get jail time? Nah.

  23. Anonymous7:36 AM

    There have been rumors of this for some time. Glad a journalist/media has taken a close look.

    Seriously, is anybody surprised by these findings? Seriously?

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      This is in my wheelhouse as a former owner of a midsized commercial construction company until 18 months ago when I sold it, but I am currently still working with the new owner.
      Here's what is happening and has been happening for decades, no large construction companies will do any business with him so he hires the little outfits that think they struck gold with a huge contract.
      Then Trump doesn't pay them, all they can do is sue but trump ties their hands in civil court and the small guys can't afford to fight it or if they scrape together enough funds to do so it's tied up in court for yrs.
      There ends up being no true justice for these small companies in our justice system.
      Now, he is not the only company that does this, but his is the worst of the worst.
      The end results are workers going without pay if they were hired as an individual, or the smaller companies going under thus leaving themselves and their employees out of work. Trump has consistantly ripped off these workers and taken food, rent and mortgage payments and money for other bills out of workers pockets for decades.

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Trumps recent twitter...
      Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump · 1h1 hour ago

      Sad case- @USATODAY did article saying I don't pay bills- false, only don't pay when work is shoddy, bad, or not done! They should do same!

    3. Anonymous11:45 AM

      "Trump has consistantly ripped off these workers and taken food, rent and mortgage payments and money for other bills out of workers pockets for decades."

      This should preface a question to Trump about the economy during a debate.

    4. Anonymous12:03 PM

      9:01, thanks. I'm so glad these facts are coming out. It must have taken USA Today a while to research the story, but they should have started it last year, as soon as Trump entered the race. Now look what we have.

  24. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Donald Trump’s polling surge has faltered — and Democrats haven’t even united

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Clinton Surges Past Donald Trump In Kansas By 7 Points

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Trump's going down and it's a pleasure to watch.

      Yea for Hillary Clinton!!!

  25. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Meanwhile, the Clintons pay almost 40 million in taxes annually.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Hillary wants to give the middle class a raise not increase their taxes. (Berries plan was to increase taxes.)

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      How dare those Clinton's pay their taxes without complaining! ( eyeroll).

  26. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Poll: Clinton holds 11-point lead over Trump

  27. Anonymous7:47 AM

    A supporter of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is turning the tables on Donald Trump's favorite insult for the senator.

    The website now redirects it to Warren's campaign website — the handiworkwork of one of her supporters, according to the Washington Post.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Let's all make Drumpf's head explode by referring to Elizabeth LOVINGLY as Pocahontas!

      After all, Pocahontas is an American hero, and so is Elizabeth in my book.

      Looking back on the annals of this campaign, it would be funny as shit that Elizabeth was called Pocahontas by a rival Republican and the Democrats embraced it as an affectionate nickname heehee :)

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Um, that's fine for supporter to prank Trump like that, but as a native women, I urge you to never refer to Warren as Pocahantas. That's a racist and gendered slur. They aren't of the same tribe, clan, or even era.

  28. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Fox News Poll: Trump drops, now trails Clinton

    Clinton’s edge over Trump is due to a six-point drop in support for him rather than an increase for her. Trump was up by 45-42 percent three weeks ago (May 14-17, 2016). Since then, he lost three points among self-identified Republicans and 11 points among independents.

  29. Anonymous8:16 AM

    The 'Never Trump' movement has emerged from the ashes

    It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week for Donald Trump - one that allowed the "Never Trump" movement to emerge from the ashes with some much-needed newfound energy

  30. Anonymous8:19 AM

    He's an amoral neo-fascist racist. Those are his 'good qualities'. His supporters are the the most ignorant misinformed haters in this country. It's a real scary situation.

  31. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Hillary Clinton Keeps Rolling As Rev. Jesse Jackson Endorses Democratic Nominee

    Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., is holding a news conference Saturday, June 11, at 12:30 P.M. to announce his personal endorsement of Secretary Hillary Clinton for president, “the most qualified and best hope” to rebuild urban America and stanch the scourge of joblessness and gun violence that has turned parts of Chicago and other cities across the country into killing fields.

    Among the reasons Rev. Jackson unreservedly endorses Sectary Clinton are:

    1. 66gardeners9:09 AM

      Did Jesse Jackson ever explain why he said he would like to squeeze (squelch) Obama's nuts?

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Was that Jesse Jackson, or $carah PayMe? She has been fixated on President Obama's private parts for years.

  32. Anonymous8:24 AM

    The media is digging into Trump’s business practices, and what they have uncovered is a Republican nominee who has built his life on fraud.

    The central premise of Trump’s entire campaign is that he is a great businessman who will be a great president, but it turns out that Trump wasn’t a great businessman. Donald Trump’s wealth was built on inheritance, self-promotion, and fraud.

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      dRumpf>"often boasts of his success in Atlantic City, of how he outwitted the Wall Street firms that financed his casinos ""Interestingly, Trump has had no response to The Times story."

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Fitting that their nominee is a total fraud since all their leaders are frauds also and too

    3. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Dubya Bush was a self made man. Yoogely successful with is baseball team. The taxes on the profits of the Rangers bought a new stadium for the taxpayers.

      /end snark

  33. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I am from Atlantic City and spent months posting about the "little people" who got screwed by Trump on lots of sites.Now they finally research this after the spectacle of the Primary is over.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      nny how the media never looked into trumps 3,500 active lawsuits huh?

    2. 66gardeners9:10 AM

      Makes life easier for Hillary so it's all good. If Trump succeeds in destroying the GOP, this all will have been worth it.

    3. The media is the last to "know" the facts, that is, report them if they don't fit their agenda. Now their agenda is to expose him: as exciting as building him up to get ratings. Follow the money.

  34. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Trump's Atlantic City casinos were doomed before Donald even opened them. His mismanagement lead to 5 bankruptcies.

  35. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Big Palin slam last night on Rachel Maddow's show in a segment about choosing VPs. Bob Schrum, former big wig in the Nixon and other campaigns, said that since Palin, there is now a requirement to give any prospective vice prez candidates a big test on their knowledge of international affairs and foreign policy. LOL LOL I guess $he has had some positive impacts on our country. Bwahahahah

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      What about the presidential candidate, such as tRump? He does not seem to have a grasp of constitutional rules, either.

    2. Anonymous12:07 PM

      That is Great and About Time. But, are they also doing psychological testing to rule out just plain unbalanced -- as in the Presidential candidate as well as Sarah?

    3. Anonymous12:18 AM

      It was made very clear that being an elected governor was not sufficient in and of itself to qualify as 'proper vetting' for VP selection. Ol' Sara(h) P's contributions to better vetting selection for first in line for POTUS is in the best future health of this country.

      Platitude appropriate at this time, every dark cloud has a silver lining?


  36. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Bernie Sanders is a BEAST - Bold Leadership

  37. Anonymous10:22 AM

    ROFLMFAO redirects to Elizabeth Warren's website!

  38. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Everyone must read the very detailed and clear new NYT article on Trump's failures in Atlantic City. He is nothing but a piece of crap.

  39. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'm feeling pc. To "welch" (or welsh) on a deal is derogatory to Welsh people.

  40. Anita Winecooler4:33 PM

    I love it when the sheister gets outed. Trump's world has changed for the worse this week, he's not the big story of the day, it's been Hillary and Liz 24/7, and it's eating him alive.

  41. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Never ending welcher>
    MORE drumpf >

  42. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "A list of Trump’s “charitable contributions” generated by his campaign that dates back to the beginning of 2010 includes conservation easements claimed for tax breaks, free rounds of golf, and donations of other people’s money made through his foundation, but no money contributed out of Trump’s own pocket, according to a Washington Post analysis.

    Read more:
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