Thursday, August 11, 2016

Donald Trump calls President Obama the "founder of ISIS."

Courtesy of Times Live:  

Addressing supporters at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the real estate tycoon said the jihadist group is "honoring President Obama." 

"He is the founder of ISIS," Trump said, using a term for IS. "He's the founder of ISIS, okay?" he added. 

"He's the founder! He founded ISIS." 

"And I would say, the co-founder would be 'Crooked Hillary Clinton'," Trump shouted, over cheers and applause from the crowd.

To be clear this is the Republican nominee for President accusing the sitting President and his Democratic opponent of founding a terrorist organization.

And this comes after he suggested that gun owners might assassinate his Democratic opponent if she were to be elected.

I think we all knew this campaign season was going to get ugly, but we have never experienced Donald Trump ugly before.

And hopefully we will never have to experience it again.


  1. abbafan6:30 AM

    Typical fuckin' shit-for-brains republican, and the fuckin' uneducated "base" eat this shit up gleefully! The educated electorate knows that Dubya and his cabal of criminals and the subsequent illegal wars created the three-headed hydra! When the fuck will the GOP elite step in and shut this divisive asshole up?? Damn you McCain, and the enablers for foisting the idiot palin, the root cause of all this vicious divisiveness, upon the electorate!!

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    First Trump sends the message to his faithful that they might want to use their 2nd Amendment rights and now he's giving them an excuse to do it. How low can a presidential candidate go?

    1. Leland6:48 AM

      Beaglemom, PLEASE don't ask that! I do NOT want to find out!

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Each week he goes lower. Trump may get sick kicks from shocking people and whipping his supporters up to despise others. His focus is not on real problems and solutions. The reactions he manipulates must satisfy his sadistic cruelty.

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      He's digging so deep he's bound to hit magma any day now.

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Some people are saying Obama assassinated President Kennedy, I don't know if this is true, but I have a team of investigators that are looking into it, they are finding amazing things, I will have a press conference soon to release the information.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Will you release your taxes first and Melania's papers and Green Card before you start your new witch hunt?

    2. And you know Ted Cruz is the Zodiac, right?

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Some people say that.

    4. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Did he do it? I don't know. You tell me.

    5. Crystal Sage11:58 AM

      Please do not be fooled by the fact that Obama was only two years old at the time of the Kennedy Assassination. His so-called birth certificate is a forgery; he is much older and a shape shifter. How else could he have founded ISIS?

  4. Randall6:44 AM

    I remember when it was considered unpatriotic - treasonous, even - to criticize the President.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Whoa there Randall. I remember those days too, and much prefer being able to voice my opinion. That being said, I'd never spout some 2A crap like Trumpy.

    2. I just remember when it was considered impolite to insult/slander a president, but you could gripe about his policies all day long.

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I heard Mark Foley and Donald Trump are founding members of NAMBLA

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      That is funny. Inappropriately funny.

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Many people, lots of people say that. Everybody agrees.

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Many, many people say this. Good people. The best. And they say it constantly.

    4. Anonymous9:25 AM

      I see what you did there 8:12 AM.
      Well good show, really good show. The best.
      His mannerisms really are that predictable.
      AND the stoopids eat that sh*t up.

    5. Anonymous10:31 AM

      "But why doesn’t Trump want to release his [tax returns]? Could it be because he donated a sizable amount of money to NAMBLA and he wants to cover it up? I’m not saying Trump donated money to NAMBLA, but people are saying that. It’s something I’ve heard, but I don’t believe Donald Trump donated several million dollars to NAMBLA over the last several years. Still, if he did that would be a great reason to not release his tax returns. But look, I’m not here to say whether or not Donald Trump donated millions to NAMBLA, I’m just here to let you know that every candidate has released his tax returns over the last 40 years, so there has to be a reason he doesn’t, and several very smart people are saying he contributed millions of dollars to NAMBLA."

      Did he donate to NAMBLA? I don't know. You tell me.

    6. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Inspired by Trump’s commitment to a free and open discourse, Reddit user J Peterman built a bot that responds to any mention of “tax returns” with the comment, “Speaking of tax returns, did you hear Donald Trump is refusing to release them because Donald Trump has donated to NAMBLA? That’s what all the best sources, the most tremendous sources are saying.”

      Man, I *love* how they are using his words and his attack techniques against him. Yeah, the Democrats are too polite to do so. But thankfully there are plenty of others not so ethically pure.

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    This buffoon disgusts me on levels I have never before experienced in my 73 years on this planet. Sweet Jesus, what a waste of oxygen!

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      I had a dream about this POS last night: In the Green Room after a rally, he turned into a kind of blow-up monster, leaning on a cane, his body full of disgusting gases, his top hair now greasy and as if combed with an egg beater. Then, he sat down like a heavy balloon, and three beautiful women fed him like he was some kind of putrid larvae.

      I've also had quite a few dreams about Obama. Won't tell you those....:D

    2. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Did he look like Jabba the Hut?

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      6:48 AM:
      When you get to be 76, it gets even worse; trust me.

      I just hope I live long enough to see Hillary as President!

  7. Our Lad6:58 AM

    There is nothing one can say or suggest at this point in time that is too extreme, too reprehensible or outrageous to wish upon this subhuman bucket of guts. But I'll try. Here goes. He should have been strangled in his crib.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I totally understand the way you feel, OL.
      However, I can't even begin to think about strangling an innocent baby. The baby is incapable of deserving this. Now, let's fast-fwd. to Donnie's late teens/early adulthood and you might have something.
      Hell, I couldn't even strangle a baby Hitler, but the guy he grew into, who rose to fame after the Beerputsch? Lemme at him... I'll play in his blood.

    2. Our Lad8:18 AM

      Ahhhh, I wuz jus makin a joke. Sounds familiar, huh?

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      You are the joke.

    4. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Who shat in 8:43's cornflakes?

    5. Anonymous5:34 PM

      What gets me is that Donald Trump can continually top himself.

      He says outrageous things to take focus away from the previous outrageous thing he said.

      Obama as the creator of Isis is to cover up his 2nd amendment Hillary solution. So what is he going to come up with to cover his Isis Obama accusation?

      What gets me is HOW he can keep coming up with more outrageous stuff. Yeah, he's making it up. But what kind of mind creates this stuff.

      He is just freakin' CRAZY.

      Can't the GOP take him off the ticket for suspicion of being clinically insane? I think none of his family will have him "observed" for 48 hours because they know they'll be cut off if he ever gets out.

      If I were Eric, Ivanka or Trump Jr. I'd see if I could get Dad to sign some sort of power of attorney to take over the business and the money (*if* there is any) just in case Donald goes off the deep end and is committed.

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I hope and pray President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gets extra Secret Service agents because of that smuck up there in his Trump Tower looking down on us little people. Trump is dangerous but I think Sarah Palin was/is worse.

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    If you think Trump is dangerous now, just imagine what he would do if he becomes president. No country is too far from his index on the nuclear button.

  10. Anonymous7:09 AM

    And his army of Trumpanzees cheer and drool. They have found their leader.

  11. Sharon7:21 AM

    I think the breaking point is going to be soon....the RNC has got to do something. They threatened to pull his money if he didn't endorse Ryan, but Ryan needs to man up. There are plenty of blogs explaining ISIS came into being under W...2003 Obama was a senator. Of course these facts mean nothing to his followers.

  12. Geeze freakin' Louise...and here I thought Donald couldn't tops yesterday's other big news...Oreos with Swedish fish in the middle. Silly me.

    (Re those Oreos..eww!)

  13. Anonymous7:27 AM

    If you had a time machine would you go back in time a kill Donald in his crib?

    1. No.

      The taking of an innocent life is wrong, in all circumstances.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      See 7:27, Gryph lives in Alaska but he is not like Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Gryph, why do u say we have never seen trump "ugly" before? Is there something we all missed?

    4. I meant seen his type of ugly in politics 7:50.

      I have seen a lot of ugliness in politics, but Donald Trump takes it to a new level.

    5. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Unless it's Bernie Sanders, right?

    6. Oh, you're mentally ill.

      Well that explains everything.

  14. Anonymous7:43 AM

    All you fuckers making comments about me and my soon-to-be First Lady heed this warning!

    Remember when elected, I will have under my control the CIA, FBI, Secret Service and my newly formed forces, the Gestapo and Storm Troopers who will find you and all the Muslims and Mexicans.

  15. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Today soft spoken rump is explaining that everyone is not great and he knows all. Meanwhile hundreds of lawsuits naming Donald j trump are in progress. Don needs to downsize his rump, get mental healthcare, pay his bills, say he is sorry and go home salvage what business is left. Because America says "YOU are FIRED" along with the rest of your personalities.

  16. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Why has this moron not been arrested for treason? Or at least sedition?

    He is at best unhinged, at worst a Russian puppet.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      At this point, I think if there is any October surprise it will be that Trump goes so completely off the rails that he is taken in for a 72 hour mental observation.

      Isn't the last debate in October?

  17. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Has anyone else noticed that Donald doubles down and repeats these stupid and dangerous statements whenever the crowd gets whipped up? It is like he can't help himself and it makes whatever he says more truthful or powerful if he repeats them over and over as the crowd whoops and hollars. It is as bad as sarah Palin's tell when her voice went all sing-songy when she had not idea what she was talking about. Pitiful.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Yes! I noticed that too. Trump seems to get excited and get his jollies listening to himself rile the crowd up. It's sick. Kind of like a bit of sadism.

    2. Maple9:51 AM

      Well, there's that, of course. But I really think this is his response (late though it might be) to the Democratic charge that he is ISIS's recruiting poster boy.

  18. Anonymous7:57 AM

    In 2008, we were given a taste of this ugliness with SP. So now, Trump is 10 times uglier and more dangerous.

    We thought his entry as candidate was a Trump ruse to get more ratings for future TV shows and real estate influence. He's now the candidate spewing hell-fire and behaving like an out-of-control madman.

    This is what the GOP got, when they refused to defend the defenseless, stop the vitriolic hate, as Sarah Palin and the tea party stank up the atmosphere with their hate and lies. The GOP just sat by, enjoying the racism and bigotry, saying nothing, not stepping in and saying 'enough'. They let it canker and putrify and allowed their base to discredit and disrespect the President of the United States.

    Then, divine justice came by and required an account of their negligence in standing for what's right. They got Donald Trump on a golden plate and now have to deal with the same abuse and relentless insults that their 'base' exercised unmercifully.

    They are now reaping what they sowed. They sowed inactivity in coming to others' defense and now they have the worst accuser in their midst, pulverizing their party.

    We are witnessing divine justice.

  19. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Sarah Palin had better refrain from commenting on Trump's ISIS allegations. We all know about Sarah Palin's support of the Alaska Independence Party with Todd Palin. In fact, Sarah and Todd Palin are the founders of AIP and advocated secession.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      AIP was around long before the Palins jumped on the bandwagon. Joe Vogler founded it back in the early 70's.

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      They weren't the founders for crying out loud!

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM

      You both missed the snark - "Sarah and Todd Palin founded AIP" just like "President Obama and Hillary Clinton..."

  20. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Okay, we've seen this over and over. He is at a rally, he throws out a test balloon, if the crowd bites he throws out a bit more, and if they bite more then he goes full tilt wackadoo.
    Look at the way he presented the Obama-Isis thing - there it is AGAIN.

  21. Anonymous9:44 AM

    On drumpf>"his tactic is a psychological war tactic, not to be ignored. By wearing people down, the perpetrator sets the stage for a total takeover."
    "Donald Trump is a dangerous autocratic leader lying in wait to seize power. He will do anything it takes to get there, including lying so much that a collective press can’t keep up with him."

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      yeah the USA is good at 'wearing folks down' but unfortunate that other countries know their mode of operation - enter Turkey...

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Cheeto Hitler.

  22. Anonymous9:50 AM


    So now this>

  23. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Well, he had to say this in order to "erase" in the public's memory his 2nd amendment comment from yesterday. He had to say that to cover up the previous one and so on.

    Trump says outrageous things to cover up his previous fiascos so that the public will forget about them and only concentrate on the current irrational blabber.

    One can only guess what he will say tomorrow or the next day to make this current idiocy go away.

    I will say this.

    I am surprised that Trump has said nothing about Michelle or the daughters. One has to wonder, does he have a teeny sense of decency and conscience when it comes to family? He's also pretty much left Bill Clinton alone. That really surprises me as you'd think he would be fair game.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Not sure it's decency that is keeping from going after them - could be he doesn't want any digging around for the truth about his kids, and he can't say much about Bill Clinton because that opens the flood gates for all of trump's cheating, divorces, etc.

  24. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I always watch PBS specials. I watched on last year on ISIS. There was no blame on who made who. Just how things happened in and during a war. A war, mind you, that George W. and Cheney instigated in the name of money. Let's not ever forget George W. and Cheney. They ran amok in those years and we let them. We believed every thing they fed us. Including using Brittany Spears as a diversion. I remember all this shit going down and the news people following Brittany as she staggered into a hair place and shaved her head. We were so captivated. Now, Donald, here, he's a one man show. He's George W., Cheney, and Brittany rolled into one. With his teeny hands, that is.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      That was a Frontline program, they just repeated in my area a couple of months ago and I thought it was too bad it wasn't on "regular" television to get a wider audience.

  25. Anonymous11:31 AM

    What a dum dam fuck he's the Bush Boys!
    And Cheney!

  26. Anonymous11:31 AM

    NBC’s Katy Tur Had to be Protected by Secret Service after Donald Trump Attacked Her

    NBC News’ Katy Tur had to be protected by the Secret Service after Donald Trump called her out, pointing his finger at her and “launching a personal attack as millions of Americans watched at home.”

    “What a lie it was,” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said, referring to her claim that he had left the stage abruptly at another rally. “What a lie. Katy Tur. What a lie it was. Third. Rate. Reporter. Remember that.”

    Writing in Marie Claire about this experience, the reporter continued, “The crowd’s boos ricocheted off the iron hull of the USS Yorktown.”

    Calling this Trump attack “scary”, Tur wrote, “It’s unlikely, however, that any of Trump’s future attacks will be as scary as what happened in Mount Pleasant, where the crowd, feeding off Trump, seemed to turn on me like a large animal, angry and unchained.”

    “It wasn’t until hours later, when Secret Service took the extraordinary step of walking me to my car, that the incident sank in.”

  27. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Hillary Clinton Slams Donald Trump for Falsely Accusing Obama of Being the Founder of ISIS

  28. Anonymous11:39 AM

    10:39 AM:

    Bill Clinton would wipe the floor with Trump!
    ..and so would Pres. Obama if need be.

  29. Anonymous12:57 PM

    At this point, we, the taxpayers should bill the” billionaire” Trump for extra secret service detail resulting from his reckless comments.

    NBC’s Katy Tur Had to be Protected by Secret Service after Donald Trump Attacked Her

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      I doubt they added any men. They probably just pulled some off of the Trump detail to help her. I imagine there were plenty of volunteers.

      I'll also speculate that this isn't that unusual of an event. I think they probably expect they'll have to do this from time to time and have a routine set up now.

      Man, I'll bet they HATE having Trump detail. I only hope there are a lot of books by the secret service guys after this election is over, all exposing the insanity of Donald Trump.

  30. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This is no longer a political campaign; this is Traitor Trump’s personal vendetta against Pres Obama and Hillary.

    We know that Obama make jokes about him at that gala. Now I am wondering what the Clinton’s did to hurt little Donnie’s feelings. He didn’t like the wedding gift, he invited them to some party and they turned him down?

    Sooner or later someone is going to get killed: someone at a rally, someone in the press and hopefully the secret service is on high alert for the Obama and Clinton families.

    In the meantime, he is going to continue with his “break with reality” and republicans are going to leave in droves.

    At least after the election we will have an idea of exactly how many bigoted, mentally ill people we have in the USA, because that will be the number of votes Traitor Trump receives.

  31. Randall2:28 PM

    If I were Hillary, at my next in-front-of-the-cameras moment I'd ask, "Does Donald Trump understand the meaning of 'founder'? I mean, really - does he even grasp the concept of what constitutes being the 'founder' of a movement? I can't wait to debate him on this as well as every other stupid thing he has said so far."

  32. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I am so tired of television news presenters introducing their shows every night with whatever lie Trump is trumpeting that day. This evening, for the second night in a row, both PBS and the BBC introduced the evening news with Trump claiming that President Obama created ISIS along with Hillary Clinton. I'm sure that CNN, Fox and the major networks are doing the same thing. They know that his "claim" is a lie and they should not keep repeating it as a statement of truth. They are reinforcing the lie and giving credence to it because they are not saying first of all something like "despite having his accusation disproved and refuted around the world, Donald Trump repeated his lie today . . . ." It's not balance journalism that the media is providing, it's encouragement for some lunatic to take matters into his/her own hands and attack the president or the Democratic nominee.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      The press is kinda addicted to Trump. He is such a mama drama. It's taken them this long to realize that his presidency can't happen. But they did and do give him a lot of free air time. Lucky for us, he's got a big mouth and sinks himself every day amoungst decent folk.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      It's ratings.

      His entire campaign is built on the idea that all he has to do is say something outrageous and he gets free media coverage. He doesn't care if it's negative as long as they say his name. It's campaigning on the cheap. It's why he has no staff and no offices in any of the states. It's also why Priebus and the RNC withdrawing financial and personnel support won't change anything. He'll just continue. He just won't be able to afford any TV advertising. And he's clueless as to why that would be a problem.


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