Thursday, September 01, 2016

Michelle "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann says that God raised Donald Trump up to win the nomination. So much for that all knowing BS.

Courtesy of Politico:  

“I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee. I think it’s very likely that in the day that we live in, that Donald Trump is the only individual who could win in a general election of the 17 who ran,” the former Minnesota congresswoman told CBN News’ The Brody File. 

“I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous, but I also see that at the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election,” she said. 

“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know, but I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the most high God which is one of God’s names is the one who lifts up who He will and takes down who He will and so that’s why my prayers and my actions and my work on a daily basis is to make sure that Donald Trump becomes ‘President Trump’ the first Tuesday of November this 2016,” Bachmann added. 

Let's see Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Pat Robertson, and Ted Cruz all claimed, or had supporters who claimed on their behalf, that God chose them to run for President.

So if past is prologue I would suggest that a blessing from God is the kiss of death for a candidate.

However I would like to believe that if there were a God he would be doing everything in his considerable power to keep this lunatic away from the White House, not help him to get there.

Now Satan on the other hand......


  1. The Bible says the ideal leader is properly a scholar of the nation's laws (in the case of Judea--Talmudic law). Hmm.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM


    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      “the crack babies of porn.”

  2. Anonymous4:32 AM

    What's with these polls saying hillarys lost much support? I don't think things have changed. Trumps still trump. Anti-Hillary people will always be that way.

  3. Anonymous4:43 AM

    This is pure rubbish. Everybody knows God does not have time to waste on politics, because God is too busy helping the Cleveland Browns win a super bowl.

    1. Anonymous4:15 AM

      But didn't God raise up $carah to be president? What about Teddy Boy Cruz (and his daddy)? God has a sense of humor, he "talked" to Dubya also, too. I wonder why God "raised up Shelly's husband Marcus to be gay, and to pray away the gay in young males? I am starting to think God does not like intelligent people who can think for themselves.

  4. TRump is gaining. The slope of the curve is sharply on his side which means the momentum is. He has incredible energy while people are not excited about Clinton and she has not been out there. Hope she does kill him at the debates or she's done.

    1. Anonymous5:10 AM

      Trump is crazy. No one with any critical thinking skills will vote for him. However, I do not think Hillary will kill during the debates, simply because Trump will not answer any questions and will use it to say whatever the fuck he wants. We may be screwed

    2. Anonymous5:20 AM

      "We may be screwed."
      My sentiments exactly.

    3. Anonymous5:54 AM

      There needs to be a new rule at the debates - whoever's turn it is to speak the other's microphone is off.
      Hillary has been trained from a little girl up to secretary of state not to be rude, unlike the donald has always won by running his mouth.

  5. 66gardeners4:48 AM

    Why do they ignore the fact that God chose President Obama to lead the free world?

    1. Anonymous4:18 AM

      Their God would NEVER chose a BLACK man to be their leader, doncha know? Especially a sane, highly intelligent, well edicted black man.

  6. Anonymous5:32 AM

    "Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know" This stupid imbecile seems to know all of the weasel words.
    That are attempting to incite the religious base, by injecting God into everything. And it seems to work with the slow witted folk?

  7. Anonymous5:58 AM

    No matter what new revelations come out about Trump and his affiliations or business operations (latest -- Trump hiring models from other countries to work illegally) -- his beloved poorly educated still worship him. It truly is the Cult of Trump.

    1. Rev. 13:4 And people worshipped the dragon which gave the Beast its power, and the Beast--saying, "Who is like unto the Beast? Who would make war upon him?"

      It's the Second Coming of Insane Anglo Warlord aka Ronald Wilson Reagan, it is.

    2. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Thank you for putting words to what I've wanted to say but have been too disgusted in finding the right words.

    3. Anonymous4:42 PM

      And thanks for keeping Pee Wee Herman out of the conversation.

  8. Anonymous7:31 AM

    We've been told that God wants quite a number of different Republicans to become president- according to them. Some of them were running against each other. God is indeed mysterious.

  9. Anonymous7:35 AM

    "The Apprentice gave Trump household recognition and the aura of success. Just as importantly, it also provided the ideal training for the insult-powered cartoon campaign that nobody expected – and nobody was prepared for."

  10. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Drumpf and Buckmee are "Payasos"!

  11. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Hmmm... My take on this is that God (whoever she might be) chose those a$$hats to show us how NOT to be, to show us BAD examples and teach us a lesson on being more discerning, thinking a bit more for ourselfes and choosing right over wrong. I take is that God chose those examples as a test for us - and so far, by voting for President Obama TWICE - we have passed the tests. Now comes the next one, choosing Hillary instead of Don The Con. If we pass this test, we will be fine. If we don't, then God will leave us to ourselves to see how we can salvage ourselves.

    There. Different view of them being chosen by 'God'.

  12. Anonymous7:54 AM

    drumpf Quote>“I always say, Trojan horse, watch what’s going to happen folks, it’s not going to be pretty.”Our enforcement priorities will include removing criminals, gang members, security threats, visa overstays, public charges. That is those relying on public welfare or straining the safety net"<<<

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      WHITE MEN want to RULE!

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I was reading a piece where these people were all congregating in a North West place called Redoubt. They were rich enough to buy bunkers filled with survival stuff. I think if it comes to that the world will be more like that Cormick McCarthy movie, The Road. But anyways, these people are holing up for the big nuclear disaster. Reading the comments, people said that they would not want to survive something like that. True that. I wonder if we are watched by anyone and they see how ignorant we really are. Even God would see that all's not well with our minds. Here, we have a beautiful world full of mystery, and many diverse Nations filled with interesting people, and because of our mental illness we tend to see only what we are told to see by the evil doers of this world. Sad. I wouldn't want to survive a world like this. Take me now if the Donald's, Putins, and Palins are going to lead this world. What a travesty.

    1. Anonymous4:24 AM

      PayMe has done such a good job of leading her family of grifters, nymphomaniacs and all aroud lazy asses, has she not?

  14. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I was wondering how an evangelical could justify supporting Trump. Now that Michelle Bachmann has explained it, I'm even more confused.

  15. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Michele Bachman, embarrassing Minnesota since 2007.

  16. God must roll His eyes a lot.

  17. If it's a god she's listening to, my money is on a trickster god like Loki.

  18. Michelle Bachmann, as quoted in the article: … to make sure that Donald Trump becomes ‘President Trump’ the first Tuesday of November this 2016

    The first Tuesday of this November is November 1. Election day is the Tuesday following the first Monday of November. Election day in 2016 is November 8. If she wishes to quit her efforts a week early … … I doubt that anyone will notice.

  19. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Sorry to state the obvious, but she does know that there are 2 parties (+ more!) Do they each have their own god? Do the gods then fight it out in the general election?

  20. I'm from MN. So sad to see she's still getting press.

  21. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I kind of miss Shelly and that hunk of manflesh Marcus who snuck in while God was in the basement, flashlight in hand, checking the fuse box and married the sweet polly purebred Bachman.

    1. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Too bad her God did not tell her Marcus is GAY.


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