Sunday, October 02, 2016

I'm pretty sure God was not born in this country.

I think that this idiot and all of the Duck Dynasty morons should ALL waste their votes like this.

And I would assume that their VP choice is between the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. 


  1. Anonymous2:54 AM

    God founded Israel, Syria, Egypt, and Russia too, Sy. China, Korea, Japan, and South Africa. If you believe the Bible , He is responsible for every life on this planet, and values all of them. So how do you decide that women are less important that your fake brothers? How do you get rich by pretending to be something you aren't, and taking money for lying? God wept.

  2. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Love those Xians always taking Christ out of Christianity because they'd probably deport him.

  3. Jim In Texas3:21 AM

    He's been with the U.S. sin e it's founding?

    Except for that pesky period (1861-1865) when he was with the Confederacy, Uncle Si?

    Just sayin'.

  4. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Maybe he's like the Trump fan I saw in an interview clip. She said Trump was her God who would save her- right after Jesus.

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Wow...Trump is her God? I suppose she believes in the Ten Commandments if she believes in Jesus.

      So just HOW many of those pesky Commandments has her Cheeto God broken??? I'm counting 9 strong possibilities.

  5. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Remember how Sarah Palin was sure that God would do the right thing in 2008? God did and Barack Obama became president and Sarah Palin was forced to return to Alaska.

    1. That was the first thing I thought of too, Beaglemom!

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Palin, hmmm, name sounds familiar. Wasn't there a butthurt housewife from Alaska who used to fancy herself an x-pert on just about everything and yammer her nonsense endlessly for attention?

      Whatever happened to her anyway?

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      oh, they had clips of all the former vp picks, and they chose the iconic words "Mind if I call ya Joe?" That's how history will remember the ditz to nowhere.

  6. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Remember the Duck Dynasty fraudsters are pandering to the deplorables every bit as much as Trump. They're country-club, golf-playing "eeelites" who are playing the role of backwoods Deliverance nuts.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Good. Maybe they can get them all to write in "God" instead of vote for Donald.

  7. Anonymous5:41 AM

    God can't run for US president. She is not a natural born American.

  8. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Give the guy some credit. At least he isn't voting for Trump. He is still classified as deplorable though, right?

    1. Good one! He has the lined face of a cranky old geezer that I knew. His upper cheek area was embedded with giant blackheads that probably had been there since God was a boy.

  9. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I believe the faux duckers are beginning to believe their own scripted bullshit.

    We've met their kind, before...

  10. Anonymous11:05 AM

    God cannot lie? I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent and could do anything he wanted? And just how is this deluded fool going to actually vote for god? Is he going to write him in? If so, I hope that all evangelicals do that. It would at least take some votes away from republicans.

  11. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Little known fact, "Si" is short for "Simpleton". Considering man didn't make the voting machine yet, how could gods vote?


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