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Dave Brat, terrified of women. |
Congressman Dave Brat (R-VA) is a big opponent of the Affordable Care Act, which is why he’s proposed one of the many substandard replacements for what can replace Obamacare when Congress repeals it, as he hopes it does. In the meantime, however, his constituents are rather concerned about losing their coverage, and he’s doing his best to ignore them.
“Since Obamacare and these issues have come up, the women are in my grill no matter where I go,” Brat told a meeting of conservative groups on Saturday. He explained that they’re always pestering him about when his next town hall will be — “and believe me, it’s not to give positive input.”
One of the reasons Brat is avoiding his constituents is because he’s convinced himself that they’re paid activists. “I had one woman on my Facebook say she was going to get up in my grill,” he told the Richmond Times-Dispatch, using the same line as he did at the meeting. “There’s paid protesters…paid activists on the far left, not my Democratic friends I go to church with. They’re being paid to go around and raise havoc.”
Brat didn’t offer any context as to who he thinks is paying these protesters, nor did he seem to acknowledge that they are his actual constituents.
I have to say as a male right now I am in awe of the women in America.
The election of Donald Trump has fired them like I have never seen before, and they have become an almost irresistible force of nature.
I'll tell you one thing, I sure would not want to be standing in their way right now.
And I would not be at all surprised to see a number of women win local and national elections in 2018, and for a female to finally win the White House in 2020.
Damn that would be great, wouldn't it?
So basically if the republicans don’t get what they want, they change the rules. At least it still has to go to the full senate before confirmation,
Senate GOP Bypasses Dem Boycott of Mnuchin, Price By Suspending Rules
Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday morning suspended the rules and voted to approve President Donald Trump's nominees to lead the Treasury Department and the Department of Health and Human Services even though Democrats on the committee were not present.
Democrats on the committee refused to vote on Steve Mnuchin and Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) until both nominees answered additional questions.
Senate Finance Republicans, via UC, suspend Committee rules and will vote on Mnuchin/Price without Democrats
— Phil Mattingly (@Phil_Mattingly) February 1, 2017
BREAKING: Senate committee approves Trump Treasury, Health nominees without Dems present after GOP changes panel's rules.
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) February 1, 2017
Senate panel jams through Price, Mnuchin nominations
Senate Finance Committee Republicans Wednesday morning used a procedural maneuver to jam through the nominations of Rep. Tom Price for HHS secretary and Steven Mnuchin for Treasury secretary without any Democrats present to object.
The Republicans voted to temporarily suspend committee rules requiring at least one Democrat present to conduct business. The move came after Finance Committee Democrats boycotted scheduled votes on both nominations Tuesday, citing concerns over whether Price and Mnuchin made misleading statements during their testimony.....
If they can suspend that one-Dem-present rule here, then why couldn't they suspend the rule earlier when all it took was one Repub to object to a Dem call for a vote, like back when the GOP kept preventing an extension of unemployment compensation during the recession--they did it over and over again.
DeleteI've always despised that prissy hatch and I keep waiting for the self-righteous mother fucker to die. Well, I'm glad he never ended up on the Supreme Court.
It's all the GOP can do. They're the ones that invented "you-need-60-votes-in-the-Senate-to-get-anything-done" nonsense back when the Democrats were in the majority. It's not what the Constitution says.
Oh, just piss us off some more, why doesn't he. Geeze. We don't have to be paid to protest.
ReplyDeleteWomen are always being so uppity.
DeleteThis is a grass roots effort unlike the Koch financed tea party. We need to call out these cowardly Republicans who are afraid to meet with their constituents. They should walk up to the guy and say "here, kitty, kitty, kitty"
ReplyDelete..... the women are in my grill no matter where I go,
Excuse me for not knowing conservative lingo, but what does “women are in my grill” mean?
Are they taking over his barbecue? Is this some southern expression?
I am being serious, is there some other meaning than in his face, is this some derogatory expression?
". it means sorta like mind ya business."
Delete"all up in my grill doesn't necessarily mean in someone's business. it means someones in your face. grill = face. therefore, it can also be used describing someone who is excessively annoying and bothering you. all up in my grill"
So funny when cracker-whites attempt to speak "urban".
DeleteThe expression is "up in my grill" which can mean up in your face, the 'grill' being the metal teeth, preferably gold with diamond accent.
Back in my day, we said, "all up in my Kool-Aid".
It's a hip-hop thing. Grill = teeth jewelry.
What does grill mean?
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Brat looks like a crash test dummy. So, get in the car Dave and let us see what happens to his grill.
ReplyDeleteThis is the guy who defeated Eric Cantor.
ReplyDeletePalin supported him -- she must be so proud!
$he's staying so wasted since the no-invite inaug, $he's completely unaware.
DeleteI believe he's referring to his car's grill. No matter where he goes, there's always protesters. AKA, in his face.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I thought, too, but of course that would be a grille with an "e."
DeleteF-ing Morans.
How disgusting, Trump treating the blacks in Congress like shit while surrounding himself with young blacks who have ties to him today and making it appear as if he's so into diversity and equality.
ReplyDeleteModerate conservative David Frum of the Atlantic was on MSNBC today voicing concern, again, about an autocracy. He's been a good voice for months now. The Atlantic decided to publish its March edition's cover story online early because of how scary the Trump admin is. Check it out online. Also, he did an NPR interview that's good.
ReplyDeleteAll are establishment elements of the media that eventually gave us a Drumpf presidency.
DeleteNPR is backed by Koch Bros.
Just like Trump, he belittles women.
ReplyDeleteBigly mistake.
Fact. Trump could not get laid by a porn star with a $10,000.00 bill and a free airplane ride... this Brat couldn't either.
I think you basically guaranteed a woman would win this time around.
ReplyDeleteBut don't worry. When the right woman comes around, she will win.
Hey I remember that guarantee too lol.
DeleteThe current political climate is motivating a LOT of liberals and progressives to run for office. They'll start small immediately and some will work themselves up. Hopefully they will start taking back state legislatures. You know. The ones the DNC has been ignoring for years until the majority are in the hands of the Republicans.
DeleteNot happening mlaiuppa.
DeleteIt is a nice dream you have, but... Democrats are in disarray. The base has become so idealistic they are cannibalizing each other. They have no direction, just finger pointing and misplaced anger. This will be the way for some time to come.
It's a hip-hop thing. Grill = teeth jewelry. Google it.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP owns it all now, so they better get used to the fact that the majority of 2016's voters are not happy that the election was stolen.
Somebody is highly misinformed with all the left wing blog reading.
DeleteAnon at 8:17 am, Nope.
"irresistible force of nature."
ReplyDeleteadd: and NECESSARY!
His name says it all. He is a BRAT. Mothers don't LIKE BRATS.
ReplyDeleteThe racism, xenophobia and misogyny have all come crawling out from under their rocks and are in screaming evidence with the coronation of dRUMPf.
Quote from FB>
ReplyDelete" Lisa Murkowski claims that she voted the Queen of Amway out of committee in "DEFERENCE" to the President, not in actual support of the nominee...that she is still "troubled" by "certain aspects...of the nominee"
I have three words for HYPOCRITE LISA MURKOWSKI regarding "Presidential deference" and the institutional "deference" implied by the Senate's traditions in re "Advise & Consent": JUDGE MERRICK GARLAND.
The fact that Lisa's effing career was salvaged by teachers, Native Alaskans, union members and moderates writing in her name in 2010 should be worth some "deference" by her, don'cha think?
The idea that Lisa Murkowski would exhibit "deference" to a pussy-grabbing, arrogant exponent of chaos and negativity over a president who was a decent and moderate leader is just beyond belief!!
Lisa Murkowski has no moral authority left...not a shred...shame on her and her goddamn "deference"!
When she comes to Juneau and Anchorage on the 23rd and 24th of this month I hope she is met with the contempt she so richly deserves! And I hope the Alaska Media will smack her for this when they interview her!
Deference to Trump"............
Then Lisa Murkowski is a flaming IDIOT.
DeleteYou're not doing your job to vote for a candidate for no other reason than to defer to the President. Especially if you have "reservations."
Our Senators are supposed to be a check and balance, not a rubber stamp.
Rogue POTUS Staff @RoguePOTUSStaff 2h2 hours ago
ReplyDeletePriebus says Spicer should be fired if he ever again says a 5 yr old child is a NatSec threat. Bannon suggests a pay raise instead.
Rogue POTUS Staff @RoguePOTUSStaff 3h3 hours ago
POTUS appearing very proud of himself today. Says country should be thanking him for the best SCOTUS nomination in history.
Rogue POTUS Staff @RoguePOTUSStaff 3h3 hours ago
You don't say...
Government employees warn Trump that censoring science will end with leaks
Rogue POTUS Staff @RoguePOTUSStaff 3h3 hours ago
Rogue POTUS Staff Retweeted Donald J. Trump
And kids like this are why POTUS must not be allowed to decide what things are allowed to be facts. http://cnn.it/2jFZE2P
Rogue POTUS Staff added,
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a BAN. Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people (with bad intentions) out of country!
Rogue POTUS Staff @RoguePOTUSStaff 16h16 hours ago
Priebus points out to POTUS that having sons in front row undermines appearance that POTUS is separated from business activities.
It's a power struggle between Priebus and Bannon.
DeleteBannon is going to win.
Kushner is already out. (His only duty was to identify and protect Trump's business interests.)
Republicans Commit A Crime Against The Senate To Jam Through 2 Trump Nominees
ReplyDeleteSenate Republicans unilaterally changed the committee rules to jam through Trump nominees Tom Price and Steven Mnuchin without Democrats being present.
Senate Republicans unilaterally changed the committee rules to jam through Trump nominees Tom Price and Steven Mnuchin without Democrats being present.
The Hill reported, “Senate Republicans pushed through a pair of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees Wednesday, upending standard committee rules to circumvent a Democratic boycott….By unanimous consent, the Republicans gathered in the hearing room agreed to change the committee’s standing rules, which normally require at least one member of each party to be in attendance for committee work to proceed.”
Senate Republicans violated the intentions of the Founding Fathers by silencing the minority voice and turning the Senate into a body that acts unilaterally.
Democrats have serious questions about Tom Price habit of using his legislative position to benefit in the stock market, and Mnuchin’s handling of foreclosures while he was running OneWest Bank during the financial crisis.
Senate Democrats wanted more questioning and more information before voting, but Republicans decided that obvious questions centering around lies and potential corruption needed to be swept under the rug.
Senate Democrats had no idea that Hatch was about to make such a drastic move:
And while MSNBC was in the middle of an interview at about noon EST, a reporter got word to Andrea Mitchell that Trump, in a meeting welcoming his SCOTUS pick at that same time, had just said he wants McConnell to use the nuclear option to get him confirmed with a 51-vote majority. And we know McC will do it. All congressional tradition and the separation of the three branches of govt. has gone to hell.
DeleteAnon at (:38 am. What we got on January 2017, at noon, was a coup d'etat. Forget about three equal but separate branches of government; forget about the Constitution; we're saddled with Trump and his GOP sycophants.
Now the only way to block them is a block of 48 Democrats in the Senate, plus being able to recruit 3 Republicans to cross over.
DeleteThat isn't going to happen.
A Flustered Trump Gives Up: ‘Call it What You Want’ it Keeps ‘Bad People’ Out!
ReplyDelete"Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a BAN. Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people (with bad intentions) out of country!"
The Trump White House made a bad thing worse when, after enacting a disastrous and ill-thought-out executive order banning Muslims it contradicted itself on whether or not the ban was a ban, with Trump saying it is a ban and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer saying it is not.
Trump this morning attempted to cut through the self-inflicted wound by clarifying that his executive order is not a ban but simply keeps “bad people” out of the country. You know, like a ban. Here’s his tweet:
This Is What An Illegitimate President Looks Like: More Voters Think Cheating Helped Trump Win
ReplyDeleteA new poll finds bad news for President Trump on two fronts, voters aren't buying his claims of voter fraud, and they say that if there was voter fraud, it likely benefitted Trump.
...For all the credit that the press gives Trump for his showmanship, what appears to be missing in his presidency is an ability to move public opinion. Republicans are willing to fall in behind Trump, but the rest of the country has been immovable for the President.
If this trend continues, the political outcome will be a president who will not be able to use his platform to mobilize public opinion in support of his and his parties policies, which will have a major impact on the opinions of voters. For example, President Obama struggled to get voters behind the ACA. The public opinion struggles of the healthcare law have dogged it for years and allowed his opponents to create a false narrative centered around “Obamacare failure.”
The fact that a plurality of voters believe that Trump benefitted from voter fraud suggests a president that has a major credibility issue. Outside of the Republican Party, most Americans don’t trust Trump, and there remains an air of illegitimacy to his administration.
Yes. He is behaving exactly like an illegitimate president. And the Republicans are helping him with their questionable tactics to get *their* own way.
DeleteI doubt very much that any GOP members of Congress would ever have the courage to tackle the impeachment of Donald Trump. They are, one and all, the ultimate cowards.
Below is an easy read re the "nuclear option." MSNBC just got word that at a Trump shindig being held for his court pick, Trump came right out and said he wants McConnell to go for the nuclear option. Trump is so far up McC's and the other senators' asses. They will do everything he wants so as to get everything they want. There are no ethics left anymore.
Oh, they'll just put everything back right before they lose power to hogtie the Democrats.
DeleteIt's the "North Carolina" strategy.
Change the rules to benefit when your party is in power and then change them to hogtie the Democrats when they're in power.
ReplyDelete"Conservatives are more likely to support issues like immigration and Obamacare if the message is
“MORALLY reframed” to suit their values."
DeleteThat should be utter nonsense in any normal circumstances. But, here in the US, because the GOP and their media hacks (aka, Fox News) have spent many years denigrating any steps toward immigration reform and the very existence of "Obamacare," the majority of stupid, ill-informed conservative voters need a new message. "Morally reframed," that's absolute balderdash. No one could possibly "morally reframe" doing the right thing to these nincompoops. And I don't think anyone should waste time trying to. Fox News won't adopt "moral reframing" so they'll never get the message.
ReplyDeleteLess than a fortnight into his new post, Kushner appears unable to control his father-in-law—and is “furious” that his efforts are being undermined.
What did he expect. He's at the big kids table now and Priebus, Bannon, Spicer and Conway all have more experience than he does.
DeleteHe's out gunned. They may all be working against each other but they're all working to undermine him. He doesn't have a chance.
Has he never watched an episode of Survivor?
Detroit woman dies after Donald Trump’s Muslim ban prevents her from getting medical treatment
This turned out to be somewhat inaccurate.
ReplyDeleteI miss Jon Stewart.
DeleteI like to think if Jon had been there, he could have helped to defeat Trump.
Because women are whores who don't have a thought in their head unless some man pays us to have it? He can fuckthehellrightoff.
ReplyDeleteI'm in his district. Ugh. He also wants to recruit churches to push his policy. I will work to see that he's voted out in 2 years. I'm so glad his remarks about women went national!
ReplyDeleteI walked for an hour back & forth from Bart BC our truck is in the shop, and I have a neuromuscular disease & leg braces & herniated discs. I went to a protest & met awesome, like-minded women. We're forming groups to oppose him. It is going to take organized, consistent effort. We're going to have to work hard, and it will mean sacrifice, but I'm up for it. He must be stopped.