Friday, August 25, 2017

KKK leader says that since Charlottesville they have seen a massive uptick in new members.

Courtesy of The Independent: 

The Ku Klux Klan has grown faster since Donald Trump’s inauguration than any time in recent memory, a Klan leader has claimed. 

“I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and I haven’t seen the Klan grow at the pace it’s growing now,” Chris Barker, an Imperial Wizard of the KKK, told The Independent. “I mean, it’s even hard to keep track of the numbers you’ve got ’cause there’s so many coming in.” 

Mr Barker said that after the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville he received 50 applications to join his group in one day. The next day, he received 80.

Mr Barker leads the Loyal White Knights of the KKK, which has less than 200 members. As one of the most active Klan groups in the US, the group takes part in “activism” such as burning crosses, advocating for the murder of immigrants, and distributing leaflets claiming, among other things, “transgender is an abomination”.

This Barker fellow gained some recent notoriety after this exchange with a reporter from Univision.

Oh yeah, he seems nice.

No longer any need for these racist assholes to stay hidden from sight, not in Trump's America where hating the brown people is what defines you as a "real American." 


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Hmmmmm. The gubmint is collecting the names of people who protested the inauguration. Do you think they might want these names, too?

    Oh, what was I thinking. No chance. The KKK membership boon is great news to Trump.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Threatening to kill and burn people out certainly sounds like a violent threat to me.

      But, then again, the odds are that this waste of oxygen lives in a place where the sheriff is member of the local KKK klan so no one is going to be knocking on his door any time soon. Unless it's time for the weekly meeting, of course.

      Then he has the balls to claim "that his organisation was a Christian group, not a hate group, and that he did not consider himself a racist." Because threatening death on millions of people because of the color of their skin is EXACTLY what Jeebus would do. Ya know, Jeebus - that guy with the brown skin from the Middle East.

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      By the time this is over with, the Americans and Musilm community will be fighting the KKK white folks.
      Who would have thought.
      Talk about a HUGE strategy backfire. Ouch. Embarrassing.

  2. Randall6:20 AM

    Maybe we can't defeat this horrible problem until we have the courage to call it what it is:
    Radical Christian Terrorism

  3. Anonymous7:06 AM

    "White people loved their slaves. Because, they, like, co$t a lot. So, you know, white people took care of them, slaves got free food and free clothes and nice little free slave houses to live in and free healthcare, and…’m a cynical son of a bitch and I expect the worst from people pretty much all of the time. I’m not stupid"

    "As my fellow Alaskan, writer and journalist Shannyn Moore, said,
    “Remember when hating fascism didn’t make you a liberal?”

    "When did standing against fascism, against hate, against racism, against Nazis – Nazis – become a liberal thing?

    When did defending sedition, treason, fascism, hate, violence, murder, genocide, intolerance, racism, slavery, and Nazis become a conservative thing?"
    "In this fight, silence is agreement.

    In this fight, if you stand with Confederates, then you’re a traitor. You’re the enemy of America.

    If you stand with the Klan, you’re a bigot, a racist, a hater, a villain.

    If you stand with fascists, you’re a goddamned fascist.

    If you stand with Nazis, then you’re a fucking Nazi.

    And it’s really just as simple as that."

    {&If you stand with a $adistic child Rapi$'T'?}
    "This is about the world we leave to our children."

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Have you seen the racism in Sarah Palins face book page? What kind of daily devotional posting Christian peddles this kind of hate? Studies show humans will kill if a strong leader asks them to ( hitler, Tutsi Rwandan ,polpot) and it is starting again here...,

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Haha. Oh KKKrazy Sarah is waiting for a green light to go killing. The urge is eating her alive. Sociopath have it. Control it or release it. We'll see. :/

  5. Anonymous7:36 AM

    False Flag> "NY legislative aide spreads conspiracy that Heather Heyer was killed by Clinton supporter — not white supremacist"
    "The report claims media outlets were “actively suppressing information that proves Fields is actually a left-wing operative at the heart of a false flag designed to spark civil war, introduce martial law and take away the rights of conservative groups to assemble peacefully.”

    Felder remains a Democrat but caucuses with Republicans, and his district is one of the few in Brooklyn that backed President Donald Trump in the election."

  6. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Gee when is rational legislature going to stand for greatness?! Impeach, impeach. Impeach
    With the idiot in chief, America is losing it's greatness!
    Just look whats around in the wh, crap workers mostly. No greatness there. See already lost greatness. No great minds there, just crap. Soon security will be the same and hopefully the don will be gone. Digital comm is crap. My nephew was able to breach but left it as he doesn't want the ss or fbi visiting him at his dorm.

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    "I am an ordinary American citizen, a former public school teacher and librarian. I am not a constitutional or political expert. I don’t know where we, as a country, go from here. But I do know my children and my grandson deserve a leader who will speak out against hate without equivocation."The words and lack of action by Trump take moral failing to a new level that we’ve never seen from a president.

    Those who don’t speak against this man are complicit in his behavior and the behavior of his base."
    “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.”

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      “Take all of the rope in Texas, find a tall Oak tree, round up all of them bad boys, hang them high in the street for all the people to see,”
      "“I’m speaking out, because I’m hoping to bring awareness to other parents. Not just minority parents, but parents who have their child there in general.”she is appalled that anyone might think she is a racist, but thanked concern parents for the feedback saying she would take their concerns under consideration in the future."

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM


  8. Anonymous7:47 AM

    "“police did not seek the warrants that led to the arrest of white supremacist Christopher Cantwell this week.” Instead, the warrants were issued only after protesters “swore to a local magistrate they were attacked by Cantwell, and the magistrate issued three felony warrants based on their accusations.”

  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "At this stage it makes little sense to wonder what that 35 percent are thinking. Suffice it to say it may be down to pure tribal loyalty"As you march for the resistance or just watch the Trump dumpster fire burn, begin preparing to kick out the pillar propping him up: namely, the Republican Congress that serves as his sword and shield. These men and a few women have perfected the art of complaining to reporters on background, yet they have made clear that they will do nothing to bring the Trump Hindenburg to the ground before it incinerates itself and everyone in it. Their love of tax cuts and gutting health care is too great, and their fear of the small, hardened core of Trump enthusiasts in their states and districts is too strong."but that doesn’t mean they won’t do all they can to advance the legislative pillars of Trumpism; and more importantly, to leave their addled figurehead in place."
    "Give us the Congress; we’ll take care of Trump.
    What does that mean? It means that without Republicans standing in the way, Democrats can pass legislation that prevents Trump from gutting Medicaid or tanking the individual insurance market simply to punish Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and John McCain. It means vowing to put before him legislation that reasserts Congress’ power to send this nation to war and limits Trump’s ability to launch a nuclear strike. And it means passing legislation that protects Mueller’s investigation from interference by the White House or by Republican members of congress and daring him to veto it."That means every state and congressional Republican who can be defeated in 2018 must be." JOY-ANN REID

  10. Anonymous8:28 AM

    A political scientist on how the GOP civil war might play out

  11. Anonymous9:07 AM

    FB."Trump begins his Twitter rant this morning by complaining that the Senate must change its rules because it can't get anything done.

    Literally 10 minutes later, he brags that he's gotten more done in seven months, bills, regulations, improved the military, war borders -- all things that require congressional legislation -- than any other president in history.

    This guy needs to be taking Adderall intravenously in the gallon-sized bag"
    "Officials have announced immigration checkpoints will be fully manned during the evacuation, hoping to catch illegals as they flee the storm.
    Leaving aside the part where these checkpoint are in practice choke points, limiting evacuation, there's also the MORAL issue."

    FOCUS>TeXa$ Flood!
    Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood. Its a coming y"all.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      "Federal Court Finds Texas Political Map Discriminated Against Minorities, Again
      It’s the fourth finding of discrimination in nine days."

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      He lives in a world of fabrication. He always has. He's mentally ill.

    3. WA Skeptic2:17 PM

      Please properly identify the quote you stole from FB: It's Jim Wright, of Stonekettle Station. Always a good read.

  12. Anonymous10:08 AM,_Absalom!

    "In 2009, a panel of judges called Absalom, Absalom! the best Southern novel of all time."

  13. Anonymous12:09 PM

    "“If being called a ‘house Negro’ is what some of us must endure for succeeding in this nation and thinking for ourselves, then let all of the ‘House Negroes’ stand up and be counted,” Cain wrote on his website."

  14. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Dunning-Kruger. He will never have the faintest inkling of how stupid he is. He thinks he is 'superior'. He has no idea what the word means. Unfortunately, there are millions of these dumb idiotic hateful folks.
    Trump plays them like the fiddle. There are more of these folks than I ever believed. Often they are believers in some type of supernatural silliness like this fool. The human species is incredibly varied. On one end you have folks with knowledgeable and brilliant analytic minds and at the other end you have Trump voters and Sarah Palin.

  15. Well, considering the source I wouldn't believe everything these nazis say.

    "He noticed it while reading about a court hearing for James Fields Jr. on Monday, Aug. 14. The neo-Nazi was accused of plowing his car into a crowd at the white nationalist rally, leaving a 32-year-old woman dead and injuring at least 19 other people who were protesting at the time.

    The article displayed a photo taken by Reuters of a riled Matthew Heimbach, leader of the white nationalist Unite the Right rally, who appeared outside the court to voice his displeasure after a judge denied bond for Fields.

    Although the white supremacist’s clothing was largely overlooked by most people given the context, it was the first thing Jack saw. That’s because Heimbach was wearing a T-shirt portraying a picture of Corneliu Zelea Condreanu, leader of the Romanian fascist Legion of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Iron Guard political party ― both linked to the Nazi party."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.