Friday, August 18, 2017

New covers for The Economist and The New Yorker.

Anybody else sensing a theme here?


  1. Anonymous4:33 AM

    It's 8:25 a.m in D.C. and Trump hasn't tweeted yet.

    Tina Fey has a humorous sheetcake way of coping with the troubles:

    In the early morning, a statue of Taney was removed from the grounds of the Maryland statehouse. He's infamous for the Dred Scott decision.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Trump hasn't tweeted yet.... someone found a way to take his phone or disable service. Or maybe Melania slipped him some horse tranquilizers and he is not getting up today.

    2. Following Baltimore's lead. That city's mayor had all of their statues removed overnight from 11pm Tuesday to 6am Wednesday. Just shows it can be done.

      Hope Hicks is his gatekeeper and TwitterHag. He just promoted her to Communications Director so her hands and mouth are probably busy.

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    If Trump believes the General Pershing lie of how to stop terrorists he can do it also.

    Trump can go to Gitmo and dip bullets in pig blood and shoot 49 prisoners ... then let one go home.

    He thinks this will end terrorists for 25 years.

    TRUMP IS A FUCKING IDIOT. This action would create millions of new terrorists.

  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I have also heard people say we can scare Muslims by threatening to bury them in pigskins. Again, they were saying we did that back in Pershings time. But I remembered thinking I had seen that before and I had, on an old Gary Cooper movie called The Real Glory about the Moro uprising. These are some of the same people who want to look thru the Smithsonian for the Ark of the Covenant because they saw somewhere thats where it was

    1. I'm sure it goes back to British India in the 18th century.

      Only it was pig's grease because they had to grease the cartridges.

  4. During Barack Obama's successful presidency, Tangerine Tantrum gained media attention and support of white supremacists with his birther nonsense. To the reactionary racists, the laws of citizenship didn't apply to Barack Obama.

    During the Republican primaries, Putrid Pumpkinhead pandered to bigots and won easily.

    During the general election, Papaya Pol Pot katered to the kkk and won again.

    Now that he is POTUS, he believes he can daily spew his racist rants without ever being denounced or questioned even. He is without question mentally deranged, intellectually inept, and totally unfit to serve as our nation's head of state.

    Until Mueller* can eject him from office, let him say & tweet whatever he desires. Then like Germany, we will require that EVERY American child learn the fallacies and foolishness of the traitorous confederacy, the ignorant idiocies of white supremacy, and the horrifying inhumanity of Nazism.

    *The spineless congressional reThuglicans cannot even bring themselves to condemn Cheetos Chump by name. They can only denounce racism, bigotry, and violence. For years, they projected their own glaring weakness, stating that Democrats were spineless. But I dare them to tell that to Rep. Maxine Waters or Sen. Kamala Harris! So they will not begin impeachment proceedings, as they can only be used when there has been a presidential blow job.

    1. And Hope Hicks would never rat the president out. She'll probably wear and apron too.

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Will today be the day that rump resigns?

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      everyone else is....

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The Seal of the POTUS needs to be placed on milk cartons.......LOST......

  7. Anonymous7:40 AM

    "In a 2015 New York Times article, University of North Carolina Professor Charles Kurzman and Duke Professor David Schanzer found that Islam-inspired terror attacks accounted for 50 deaths since 9/11, but that ‘right-wing extremists averaged 337 attacks per year in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities.'”"


  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

  9. Anonymous8:15 AM

    "You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake," read flyers that are showing up on lawns across the country. Sadly, I'm not surprised by this. Here's an article from the Indianapolis Recorder from July. .

    What The Ku Klux Klan Looks Like Today (2014)

    Why is the Swastika illegal in Germany but the Confederate flag is legal in the USA?
    Because the Germans are ashamed

    And here we see a proud American standing up to masked terrorists.



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