Monday, September 04, 2017

Evangelical group releases document detailing "ethical" Christian sex practices. Spoiler alert: Gay sex is not on it.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

Evangelical Christians are up to something new. 

At least that’s the position of many criticizing the “Nashville Statement,” a controversial document championing “biblical” sexual ethics that was penned this past week and signed by roughly 150 prominent evangelical leaders. The document, divided into 14 articles and released by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW), mostly parrots denunciations of LGBTQ identities and relationships common among right-wing evangelicals. But it drew added attention for doing something unusual: extending their condemnation to Christians who affirm queer people. 

“We affirm that it is sinful to approve of homosexual immorality or transgenderism and that such approval constitutes an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness,” Article 10 of the statement reads. “We deny that the approval of homosexual immortality or transgenderism is a matter of moral indifference about which otherwise faithful Christian should agree to disagree.” 

The statement triggered outrage almost immediately, especially among LGBTQ and LGBTQ-affirming Christians who saw it as a direct attack on their understanding of the faith. Within hours, several progressive Christian groups issued their own counter-statements refuting the evangelical document point-by-point, with some deriding it as “anti-LGBTQ bigotry.” Faithful America, an online advocacy organization for progressive Christians, already has thousands of signatures for a petition rejecting the statement.

Essentially this "Nashville Statement" is just an excuse to attack teh gays and attempt to shame Christians who are not interested in vilifying their lifestyle.

By the way despite what many Christians have been taught the Bible only makes mention of homosexuality about six times, and it is not so much condemned as simply misunderstood.

It is this kind of repressive mindset that is pushing people away from religion.

Young people simply do NOT want to be told how and who to love.

Personally I enjoy watching the church prove that they are a primitive superstitious entity dedicated to shaming and manipulating their congregations. That has been my position since I was about ten years old.

However if the Christians really want their faith to survive, they might want to do a little thing called "evolve."

I know, ironic right?


  1. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I grew up in a mainstream Protestant church, and while I don't in any way pretend to be a Biblical scholar, I remember a lot of rape and treating women like breeding cattle. I currently have no problem identifying as atheist most days.

    1. Leland10:58 AM

      Yeah. The xtians are great at screaming about how certain sexual actions are evil and etc., but they refuse to acknowledge an old, OLD line I remember as a kid. "If you want to read about sex and sex acts of all sorts, read the bible."

      And it is also one of THE most misogynistic books in the world. All three of the Abrahamic religions are. Any honest examination of the prescribed ways for a woman to act or be treated can only bring one to the conclusion that women are not only to be kept at home (the old "barefoot and pregnant" philosophy), but were - and are - considered servants and property, fit only to act as entertainment, to bear children and to be sold. Nice, huh?

      As for the rape part? How about what I call "possessive rape"?

      If a man wanted to marry a certain virgin and she refused him, all he had to do is rape her. Then - by religious law - he was required to pay the father 50 shekels for her loss of value and she was required to marry the rapist. Still goes on in some places, too.

      how many people today are aware of that?

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Don't you just KNOW that a lot of "Xtian" guys are going to use this list as a To Do project while they're cheating on their wives??!!

  3. Anonymous5:04 AM

    My Brethren pacifist church is splitting in two over this issue. They affirmed the right of a congregation to have a gay pastor, but the person could not be in any kind of relationship. So when a church hired a lesbian with a partner, a third of the MI Districts churches decided to make their own district. Such good Christian bigots. Either God created us all or He does not exist. I'm leaning hard toward the latter lately.

  4. CBMW- fuck you.......and the dog you in.

    Yer obsession with sex spells bad news for kiddies.

  5. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Hey even worst is the mark taylor dude and his profit bs. Nothing like a bunch of info commercial salesman running around off their meds and unregulated.

  6. Anonymous5:39 AM

    From the beginning of mankind, man has used religion to enslave his fellow man.

  7. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Hey enjoy yer Labor Day everyone. The First Labor Day Parade to Honor the "American Worker" was September 5, 1882. sadly the current so called traitor to America insults each and every usa worker.

  8. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I have often wondered if St. Paul's "thorn in the flesh" was homosexuality.

    1. Or a sharply pointed dick.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Maybe St. Paul couldn't get laid.

  9. Anonymous7:07 AM

    They need to go back and read the New Testament. Christians are supposed to be Christ-like - instead they are the Pharisees and Jesus said don't do as they do.


    1. Leland11:04 AM

      Actually, Georgia, I think they need to simply throw out the OT. MOST of their hate's support would go away.

      Having said that, it ain't gonna happen! They love them some hatin'! AND, if they did get rid of it, they would lose all their "legal" controls over women.

      Of course, if they just stopped believing....

  10. So what re introduce Sodom and Gomorrah.No thanks.

  11. The bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision

  12. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I take it they are OK with maintaining concubines and having sex with them?....there's plenty of that in the bible and it's allowed

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      "Just baffel them with smoke and mirrors"
      An age old practice of religious zealots.
      What a pile of steaming shit.
      This all needs to end, now.

    2. Leland11:08 AM

      Check out the 8 different marriage forms allowed in the bible. Gryphen posted a GIF of them at one point.

  13. Anonymous8:34 AM

    They can affirm all they want to, but it doesn't change the fact that Jesus was all about love and said nothing about homosexuality, but he did have quite a bit to say about hypocrisy.

  14. Anonymous9:40 AM

    The Dugger family affirms their beliefs. Fuck em, keep em pregnant, and call it God's will.
    It was hard on that slave woman's body yet she did it with smile, and he who only had to sweat a little and drop some sperm smiled even harder as he knew that with the will of God, he as a man would always get his way. Huff, huff, puff, puff.
    I opt to go higher than that though.
    And yes the religious are getting desperate because their literal sense of the bible has to be promoted at all cost so the white man in the polo shirts and khaki can also have their cake and eat it too.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      I wonder if Duggar Sr. will get himself a concubine once his breeding mare cannot breed anymore. After all, sex is only for procreation, correct?

  15. No wonder I was hearing about sexual positions on NPR the other day.

    Apparently the Puritan approved position and conditions are in quite the minority when it comes to relations, not only in the U.S. but the world.

    I think the Indians should have slaughtered all of the Puritans when they landed. This country would have been much better colonized by any other culture.

  16. So I'm guessing this backwards ass group will admonish the First Lady over them lezbo pics she took any day now huh??

  17. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Oh, no! Their morals only apply to others, and not themselves. Right-wing Xtian hypocrites.


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