Saturday, September 30, 2017

General Russell Honore, the man credited with finally rescuing the victims of Katrina, says Donald Trump does not give a damn about poor people and people of color.

Honore also called Trump an "SOB flying around in Air Force One."

You can see the clip here.

General Russell Honore was a conservative star after he swooped in to take command in New Orleans, so Trump might want to give his tweeting finger a rest.

If he starts a war with Honore he might find himself well out of his depth.

Besides the criticisms are coming hard and fast, so Trump can surely find a more vulnerable target to take out his anger on.

After all I'm sure there is another woman somewhere criticizing him.  


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I so agree with Honore! Trump is an ass and deplorable as they come.

    Thank God the majority of Americans are supporting the Mayor of Puerto Rico. She has stood up to Trump and I give her accolades for it!

    He has shown his true colors to be nothing more than racist, hateful and full of caca! The man is despised throughout the country and world and builds his hateful stance minute by minute and hour by hour!

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      not to forget-dumb as a rock.

  2. Leland11:54 AM

    HEE HEE. Keep it up Asshat! The revolution is coming faster every day. And I am NOT talking about the violently kind!

    Either the 115th or the 25th is coming for you. You are more despised boy the day and your ignorant base is NOT going to help you!

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      his base are leaving him, too. the polls show that. 34%-that can't be just us non-people. too bad he can't be beheaded.

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      In a CBS interview Honore said he is going to Washington to meet with McCain to have a task force to follow disasters.

      Cumo gave his statements that when response is slow and insufficient you can never catch up.

      Washington Post wrote a timeline about Puerto Rico, the hurricane, federal response including four days afterward that Trump was rallying, at his golf. Lub and had one meeting at Bedminster about something else. Some comments were "this is fake news". Trump has brainwashed his people!

    3. Leland1:14 AM

      Oops. Just saw I wrote "violently" in my comment. That should have been just "violent". Sorry.

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    So we have a Marie Antoniette family in the White House, and Americans are wondering WTF. It was bound to happen. What happens when we don't get out and vote on common sense but voting on reaction. America has problems with boundaries and codependency issues and Donald Trump is the result of it. We all need treatment.

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Trump cares for no one except white middle aged Christian men or twenty something women who are "10"s.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      "twenty something women"
      Don't you mean AGE 10 to 20?
      tinydjt "Likes them young."

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      he did beat up , tie down and raped an 13 year old girl, at a party for rich perverts. you wonder where the kids who dissapear go?and there is some body talk from Ivanka that points to sexual abuse. i've keep my kids as away from him as i could.

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    "This is hardly the first time President Trump has conflated criticism of HIM with criticism of the flag or soldiers. It’s HIS go-to response, along with a heap of racism for red meat distraction.

    This is what fascist dictators do. It’s how they silence debate, silence the press, and silence criticism of the government. Fascists also use immigrants and racism as a punching bag to rile up their followers.

    Trump is wrapping HIM$ELF in the flag while HE ignores U.S. citizens in peril as HE golf$.""

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      it will be ok. trump time in office will be over, hopefully sone. then he can golf all he wants- is he does not want to leave- because it strokes his ego. oh, yes. he is stealing all he can lay his itty bitty hands on. i don't he i as rich as he says he is. that at least explains partly why he won't show his tax returns.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      I personally want Trump to try him. He's an old school General. I had the honor to let him once. Really nice down to earth guy with no time for BS. He'd have Trump crying in a corner sucking his thumb.

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM


  7. You know how Donald Trump is the world's biggest bully and Melania choose anti-bullying as her first lady thing?

    Well, now, she may also get involved in the opioid crisis.

    Could that mean that Donald......

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM


  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    i like this guy!!!

  9. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Good article about Mayor Cruz

    I agree Trump tweeted making false accusations to deflect blame and criticism onto the Mayor and citizens.

  10. Anonymous3:38 PM

    If you don't like Trump "I get it", but don;'t use this disaster to make it about Trump. The comments by the General are disrespectful and actually stokes more racism. I think he understands that better that the average Joe... I think the general sees it as an opportunity to have a voice and to market his "brand", in the business of racism, which is a real economy and very popular these days. His response and language do not promote healing. As a South American Latino, and also a citizen of the USA, I watch the US response to Puerto Rico with great interest and concern. The scope of supplies and resources being provided can only be described as an impressive undertaking. No other country in the world would do this, or "could" do this. The scope of damage to Puerto Rico is epic, and not going to be solved in one news week. Yes let's help, let's do what we can do, but Puerto Rico was in shambles before the storm, and nothing will replace the hard work that will be required of the people of Puerto Rico to put their country back in order, and it will take much time..People like the general that have influence have the opportunity and power to contribute positively to unity (and progress) during these events. Rather, his comments stoke the flames of divisiveness to further his own agenda and will do more harm in the end.


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