Sunday, September 10, 2017

Oh, they have their own Jesus. Well that makes sense.

Okay well this explains how they can continue to call themselves Christians while mistreating everybody who does not look like them.

(H/T to Democratic Underground.)


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    how about the greater likelihood that the placard holders are in fact mocking those of the alt right who are so intolerant.

    looks to me as though you may have jumped to a conclusion that is in danger of collapsing under its own weight.

    1. Anonymous4:41 AM

      It's obvious it's a protest sign. I'm sure Gryphen is aware of that.

    2. Leland4:44 AM

      Well, DUH! Looks to me like you missed the entire snark - Gryphen's and the placard holder's!

    3. Anonymous6:54 AM

      The sign is obviously snark but I don't see any in Gryphen's remarks.

    4. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Yeah, I think Gryphen got Poe'd there.

    5. Do people legitimately believe I would think that an alt-right protester would bring a sign like that to a rally?

      If anything I thought my post was a little TOO snarky.

    6. Uh, yes, the sign is obviously mocking the right wing nutjobs.


      And no, Gryphen didn't get played.

      But you obviously did.

  2. Anonymous3:39 AM

    That sign lists all the republican "assets" They all feel just that way.

    1. Leland4:45 AM

      3:39, please explain that to 2:10 above.

    2. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Leland. Impossible to explain to a tRump supporter anything that makes sense. You know that.

    3. Anonymous9:10 AM

      I could probably teach my dog calculus, before i can make sense to a t-rump supporter. I honestly think my dog is smarter then them.

    4. Leland11:55 AM

      Just my way of once again slapping the stupid, 5:13.

  3. Anonymous3:39 AM

    That sign describes the real GOP Jesus.

    Fuck you, I got mine.

  4. Anonymous4:10 AM

    I think that the person holding the sign is not a proponent of "Alt Jesus" but a genuine, thinking and caring Christian who is opposed to the mockery that modern fundamentalism has made of it.

    1. Anonymous4:30 AM

      Just what you say, Beaglemom -- I think this is a good person's description of the crazy Christians who have become so prominent in our culture. At least I hope so!

    2. That too.

      Despite what the alt-right insists, there are Christians that are also Liberals and Liberals that are also Christians.

      This woman has spot on identified the difference between Progressive Christians and right wing conservative "Christians."

      She's pointing out that either you are a true Christian or you are not.

      They are not. You can't be a Christian without living any Christian values.

  5. I saw this photo a week or so ago and NEVER did I interpret it to mean the lady holding the sign was promoting "ALT-JESUS." Instead, I'm certain she's mocking the alt-right as well as the biblethumpers who are everything Jesus preached against.

    Jesus was a good guy. It's some of his followers who scare the shit out of me.

    1. Anonymous5:15 AM

      I once saw a great bumper sticker "Dear Lord, please protect me from your followers" Still true, perhaps even more so, today.

    2. Leland11:58 AM

      5:15, your bumper sticker is a play on Mahatma Ghandi's comment. "I love your Jesus. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Jesus."

    3. Leland12:00 PM

      Oops! I misquoted him. Its I like your Christ!

  6. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Alt-Jesus (followers) = pseudo-christiany dominionist theocrats


  7. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Alt-Jesus> of course. The alt-mighty would know everything. alt-god.

    Hopefully, this is good news> Germany open to Iran-style North Korea talks

    Climate Science Looks Back to Predict the Future—And It's Not Pretty

    Irma updates

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "‘praying for us’"


    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      "Hurricane Irma is so powerful, it sucked the ocean away from beaches in the Bahamas on Friday."

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM


  9. Anonymous6:59 AM

    "“You kind of get to act crazy, and hoop and holler, and … like you’re a threat,” she described the battle between Native Americans defending their land.

    However, the battle never happened."
    "Sham Battle goes back to drills militias would do to train for self-defense during the colonization westward.

    “Pioneers would dress up and ACT like attacking Indians so that the militia could practice their skills,”"“The settlers had to be cautious about the hostile Indians, and they had to guard their horses and cattle day and night,” the announcer said.

    They went on to describe hard-working white families being forced to fight for their lives as Native people burned their buildings to the ground.

    “It’s an absolutely backward, ignorant and historically inaccurate, offensive portrayal of pioneer and Indian relations,”“It’s ignorant, and it’s offensive.”
    "While the Battle of Bear River is a documented event against the U.S. military, but a Wellsville battle between Mormon settlers and Native Americans never took place."

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      There is a village in Pennsylvania called "Burnt Cabins." Many people think that Native Americans burned the village down. In fact, its destruction was ordered by the Quaker leadership in Pennsylvania because the white settlers had disobeyed an agreement in place between Native Americans and early state Quaker leadership. The leadership was intent on abiding by the agreement with Native Americans. I only learned the real story when my husband was reading about early Pennsylvania history a couple of years ago.

  10. Anonymous8:07 AM

    WHITE>" she regrets recent comments she made that included suggesting the president has been “lifted up” by God, and insisted that the president is not racist.

    White, a megapastor who has emerged as one of Trump’s most trusted faith advisers and prayed at his inauguration"

    "on the Jim Bakker show, where she argued that Trump has been anointed by God—and appeared to suggest those who resist him are “fighting against the hand of God.”“I am a preacher—I got a little fired up,”
    "“Do I believe that God raises up authority, do I believe that he sets one up and pulls one down? When I read from Genesis to Revelation, I do believe that,” she said. “So I don’t believe that just for President Trump, I believe that for President Obama. I believe that, had Hillary been in [the White House]—yes, I believe that authority is raised up by God.”on Bakker’s show, White declared, “It is God who raises up a king. It is God that sets one down. When you fight against the plan of God, you are fighting against the hand of God.”
    “I was talking about the different kinds of prayer,” she said. “In life, even in our own personal life, we find our self at times fighting against the hand of God. And I believe that. In other words, we can be a rebellious and stubborn people, individually, nationally, or corporately. So in context, the headlines were quite different than what was really being said.” {what>She $uck$ good & gets payed?}
    "members of Trump’s unofficial evangelical advisory board have stood by his side during his hesitancy to condemn anti-Semitism, the aftermath of Charlottesville, and his recent decision to rescind DACA—all moments that triggered widespread condemnation from other people of faith."The belief system is a controversial but popular strain of evangelical Christianity that often teaches followers they can become wealthy and successful through faith , as well as by giving money to their church. Prosperity gospel preachers have traditionally avoided politics, but Paula White’s appearance on the Jim Bakker show were atypically political, and reflected various elements of Christian nationalism." "White, who is based in Florida...

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      who watches jim baker?? i thought he was dead? like to see a few more of those lying, sanetimonious hypocrites hit the dirt, too esp pat roberson-who has the nerve to ask people for their every last penny-"for the Lord will return it to you a thousand times over. these leeches should be banned from tv.

  11. Anonymous9:20 AM

    "Netanyahu’s Son Under Fire for ‘Anti-Semitic’ Facebook Post"-" “food chain,”, <Not Kosher.

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    um, didn't Jesus say something about loving people, caring for the poor and sick,ect. these people have NEVER read the bible. i hope they enjoy their time in hell. sick, sick, sick.

  13. Anonymous2:39 PM

    the nerve!! Titus Andronicus is my favourite!!!!!


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