Sunday, September 03, 2017

Online advertising makes the spreading of fake news as easy as tying your shoes.

Courtesy of Bloomberg: 

The intentional spreading of false stories has been credited with swaying such monumental events as last year's Brexit vote and U.S. presidential election. Tech firms such as Alphabet Inc. unit Google and Facebook Inc. have been trying to find ways to weed it out, or at least help users spot it. Some say we need to start earlier, educating children on how to think critically. 

But understanding the unique epidemiology of fake news may be no less important. Unlike a typical virus, purveyors of falsehood don't have to infect people at random. Thanks to the wealth of information available on social media and the advent of targeted advertising, they can go straight for the most susceptible and valuable victims -- those most likely to spread the infection. 

This insight emerges from a recent study by network theorists Christoph Aymanns, Jakob Foerster and Co-Pierre Georg, who ran computer simulations of the way fake news moves through social networks. Using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, they examined how individuals might learn to recognize false news, and sought to identify the most important factors in helping fake news spread. 

They found that the most important catalyst of fake news was the precision with which the purveyor targeted an audience -- a task that can easily be accomplished using the data that tech companies routinely gather and sell to advertisers. The key was to seed an initial cluster of believers, who would share or comment on the item, recommending it to others through Twitter or Facebook. False stories spread farther when they were initially aimed at poorly informed people who had a hard time telling if a claim was true or false. 

Hence, we've unwittingly engineered a social media environment that is inherently prone to fake news epidemics. When marketers use information on surfing habits, opinions and social connections to aim ads at people with just the right interests, this can facilitate beneficial economic exchange. But in the wrong hands, the technology becomes a means for the precision seeding of propaganda.

I read through the entire article and to sum it up in a few words, we're fucked.

It seems the only possible long tern solution to this problem is to convince people to stay off social media entirely, and we know that ain't happening.

Or to dramatically improve our education system.

What was that first one again?


  1. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Maybe starting with the idea that there IS fake news is possible? Just having an article like this is helpful, but then who will read it -- the choir... Those meatheads who think their opinion is worth more than facts, well, there is the challenge or our doom.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Let's just face it: anyone who believes ANYTHING they see in those stupid cluster ads at the bottom of websites should have their voting rights revoked.

  2. Anonymous5:07 AM

    America - It all boils down to Robert Mercer. Get curious......

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Do you think mr mercer in san jose is connected to Russian consulate building in SF? and would you say Mr. Mueller is on top of this? If it all boils down to Robert Mercer? hugely bigly hedgee stinky.

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Hey the FCC allows milliaonaire fuckleburg to create a social con fest and bully pit. Making it legal to mentally harass and destroy a persons life, con their kids and steal their ID. Supremey court allowed citizen united. The biggest threat to Americans. Republicans allowed a con mob takeover of the republican party, and the war machine for profit continues, along with opening up the internet gates of hell to bright eyed kids and what do you get? Deplorable Donald John Trump and associates for President. And after everyone wakes the F up we can clean it up.

  4. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Indeed, Mr Mercer, Trump, Bannon and a few others are behind this awful constitutional legal mass mess. The attempt was/is beyond delusional. It really is the BEST argument for removing money in politics, healthcare for profit, schools for profit, prisons for profit, drugs for profit, elections for profit, and wars for profit. Maybe WE the people can demand a clean up of the past and straight up no bs political con jobs in our election process.

  5. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Fuck Facebook and Twitter. Why do people feel the need to hang their laundry to every Tom, Dick, or Harry. Don't they own a telephone?
    Or are they unable to use the power of the pen?
    Quit being so lazy by taking the easy way out to convey your message.o

  6. Anonymous10:07 AM

    About 2 yrs ago or more my area noticed odd tracking behavior on reward cards, discount cards, electronic pharma orders, and junk mail. There was also hacking of county government, electronic voting machines, drawing district lines. It is a old has been stronghold republican area trying to turn blue. This info was used to help rig the president election in this area.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.