Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Roy Moore wins the Alabama in runoff election. Donald Trump deletes tweets promoting his opponent.

Courtesy of the New York Times:

Roy Moore, a former State Supreme Court chief justice, defeated Senator Luther Strange on Tuesday in the Republican runoff to fill the United States Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions, now the attorney general. Mr. Moore will face the Democratic nominee, Doug Jones, a former United States attorney, in the general election on Dec. 12.

Odds are that Moore is going to easily defeat Jones, since this is super red state Alabama we are talking about. 

By the way in case you missed it Moore's acceptance speech was like listening to an old time tent revival, where he talked about God, and country, and God, and the Senate, and God, and then just to break the monotony, talked about God some more.

This guy is going to make Jeff Sessions look like some liberal, Richard Dawkins quoting, atheist.

The Senate is about to get an injection of that old time religion, whether they are ready for it or not.

For his part Donald Trump seemed embarrassed that he was supporting the relatively sane candidate.

So he performed a little revisionist Twistory.

(Image of deleted tweets courtesy of Mediaite.)

Oh Donald, if it were this easy to change history don't you think we would have gone back and changed the outcome of that last election by now? Silly rabbit.


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Thank God this guy is dead.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      "Horner had a history of prescription drug abuse and that "evidence at the scene suggested this could be an accidental overdose."

      "Horner was known for writing false stories and disseminating internet hoaxes that often went viral on Facebook and hoodwinked thousands of people." LIKE>
      "falsely claiming President Barack Obama was gay and a radical Muslim, and another saying protesters were being paid thousands of dollars to demonstrate at Donald Trump's campaign rallies."

      "Horner said he thought Trump WON the White House because of HIM".


    2. Anonymous10:03 AM


    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      @ Anon 10:03 AM

      I wouldn't be surprised.

  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "“One was backed by the new guy in the White House and the other was backed by the former president, Mr. Bannon.”

    "He passed one test, which is one test too many,” Haines continued. “He wants to legislate religion. And one thing we talk a lot about on this show is the beauty of this country is we’re all so different and believe different things. The second you start to legislate one religion — you can’t legislate religion and have a democracy.”"

    Moore’s declaration that>
    “growing ATHEISM is to blame for 9/11,” <FUCK THAT

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Scarah must be so happy. She probably thinks she got him elected single handed with all her warrior prayers, ok Bannon helped a little. Bristol and Dakota must be so proud, they will now go their church and pray. Westboro Baptist Church or the closet facsimile

  3. Anonymous8:47 AM

    tOO bad, $o $ad>

    "multiple White House sources” have told his network’s White House team that Trump is “embarrassed and pissed” about Luther Strange’s LO$$ to Roy Moore, the disgraced former judge who believes that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were God’s retribution against the United States for tolerating homoSEXuality."Trump also reportedly FEELS that HE HE has been “outdone” by Steve Bannon"
    "Trump viewed Strange as a “low-energy” candidate whom HEHE was strong-armed into supporting by the GOP establishment." <PLAYING THE VICTIM CARD! LO$ER!

  4. Marthe8:53 AM

    I suspect Roy Moore may have had an homosexual encounter or homosexual thoughts in the past which would explain his fervor against anything related to homosexuality. Remember George Rekker's European trip with his rent-a-boy after he ruined people's lives with his views and testimonies.
    If my assumption is not correct, well it's not any different from what conservatives do: throw something out there and hope it sticks. So it's a little taste of their own medicine and I don't feel guilty one bit.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      When Roy Moore was a young boy he must of have a strange encounter while riding his stick horse.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      10:48 AM :-)

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    OT: "who said he had become convinced that President Trump had little respect for the law."

  6. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Roy Moore’s win in Alabama is embarrassing defeat for Trump, amazing chance for Democrats

    Deep red pro-Trump town casts deciding votes to flip yet another seat blue in New Hampshire

    Progressive champion Annette Taddeo flips Florida seat blue in humiliating insult for GOP

  7. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Note to pop culture players: Standing up to Donald Trump is good for business.

    ...“Kimmel’s ratings win Monday continues several days of Nielsen momentum, no doubt fueled in part by the host’s heartfelt campaign to defeat the Graham-Cassidy scheme to repeal the Affordable Care Act,” New York magazine reports.

    NFL fans side with players, want Trump to stop attacking right to protest

    Sixty-one percent of NFL fans say they support the rights of professional football players to silently protest social injustice during the national anthem. Specifically, they insist Donald Trump is wrong to urge league officials to fire protesting players.

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Winning! So much winning! Well, losing actually, but take down the tweets so nobody knows!

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      The internet is forever.

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Alabama's Roy Moore would be the most extreme senator — with huge consequences for Congress

    ...Moore believes in the supremacy of God’s law over man’s, and thinks, among other things, that Sharia law has already been implemented in some US cities and that the Constitution forbids Muslims from serving in Congress. He has tried to explicitly turn the GOP’s Alabama Senate primary into a referendum on McConnell’s leadership.

    If Moore wins despite the national GOP’s all-out attack — and the latest polls have him up by 8 points — then McConnell will not just have wasted a ton of money. He’ll also have a new and remarkably powerful antagonist, one who will arrive in Washington owing the majority leader nothing.

    “If you’re McConnell, you’re just peeing your pants over the prospect of a Moore win,” said Jim Manley, who served as a top aide to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. “It’d be like adding a mini thermonuclear weapon in the Republican caucus — with very dangerous consequences for those trying to reach compromise.”

    ...To understand how Moore could upend the balance of the Senate, it’s vital to understand his ideology — and why it puts him far afield from even the most conservative Republican currently in the Senate.

    In particular, experts note that Moore’s goal isn’t merely for the government to carve out a space for free religious exercise, as many conservatives demand; instead, he argues that Christian principles — or, more accurately, his interpretation of Christian principles — should provide the foundation for, and even supersede, the laws of men.

    “Moore’s ideology is an express belief that God’s law and his interpretation of God’s law stand on top of man’s law,” said David Dinielli, deputy director of the Southern Poverty Law Center, who has tracked Moore’s career for years. “It’s an ideology that would allow those who think they know the unknowable and the mystic to impose their beliefs on everyone else.”

    This conviction resulted in the two high-profile national stories that gave Moore the name recognition now powering his Senate run. (Moore came in first in the first round of the GOP primary ahead of Tuesday’s runoff.) The first was his decision to install a monument to the Ten Commandments at his courthouse. Despite direct orders from a federal judge, Moore then refused to remove the monument or to cease holding a prayer session in his courtroom, leading to his suspension.

    ...But as a senator, Moore would have much more power — both because each member of the Senate has far more leverage and authority than the average House member and because he’d have a greater platform to spread his views.

    “One senator can really gum up the works,” said Alan Abramowitz, a political scientist at Emory University. “The Senate rules give individual senators ways to throw a monkey wrench into the Senate if they choose to do so.”

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Democrats ought to invest in Doug Jones’s campaign against Roy Moore

    He’s a long shot, but it’s time to take a stand.

    ...Doug Jones is a surprisingly good candidate
    Given the long odds facing any Democrat in Alabama and the fact that the GOP could easily have nominated a broadly well-qualified candidate instead of Moore, it would be understandable if the Democrats had simply failed to find a reasonable challenger to Moore.

    But that’s not the case.

    The Democratic nominee, Doug Jones, is a former US attorney who spearheaded the prosecution of domestic terrorist Eric Rudolph and secured the long-overdue conviction of two Ku Klux Klan members for the 1963 murder of four little girls in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Before that, he served as a staffer in the office of US Sen. Howell Heflin.

    And while his policy platform isn’t exactly visionary, it does make sense. He says that changes to federal health care policy should aim to make premiums and out-of-pocket costs lower rather than higher, wants to spend more money on education, and says “it is unconscionable to talk about lowering taxes on the wealthy while cutting funding for education, nutrition, child care, housing, and infrastructure.”

    To win statewide in Alabama, a Democrat would need to thread the difficult needle of securing a strong black turnout while also appealing to at least a slice of the state’s very conservative white population.

    1. Exactly. The DNC needs to throw EVERYTHING behind Doug Jones no matter how much of a long shot they think he is. It's about time they started supporting all democrats, not just the sure things.

  11. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "“If it wasn’t for her I would have seeped back into it,” said Kent. “I look at her as family.”
    “Before all this, I wouldn’t work for anybody or with anybody that wasn’t white,” said Kent. “[Now] we have company parties, or they have quinceañeras, I’m the only white guy there!”“I don’t want my kids to live the life I lived and live with hate,” said Kent. “I want my kids to know me for who I am now—a good father, a hard worker, and a good provider.”"

  12. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Trump’s deleted tweets present legal liabilities

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I thought the Orange Abomination was supposed to NOT DELETE any of his tweets, since they count as 'official communication'???

    1. It's his private account so he thinks he can do anything he wants.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      They are questioning the legality. Not that anything will be done or no big deal. Let Trump be Trump rules over everything.

    3. Anonymous4:09 PM

      The WH contended at the beginning of this year, that his Twitter account is his'official' way to get in touch with his supporters. As such, they are not allowed to delete anything, since it is an 'official' record!

  14. Anonymous10:23 AM

    "Not infrequently, it even rekindles the embers of prior trauma for women and members of marginalized groups whose sense of hard-won safety has been shaken to the core."We believe these developments augur a regression of our evolutionary accomplishments and a dismantling of the quality of life for ALL Americans."
    "Recent events have made it even more imperative that we offer public statements about how the socio-political environment impacts the lives of clients and clinicians alike. At this point, WE
    "We believe this equivocation on the president’s part to be a complete abdication of his responsibility to be a clear MORAL voice “for all Americans.”WE " believe that silence is complicity." "As therapists and as citizens WE are one such small group that cannot remain silent.". We cannot pretend that this is not a mental health issue, and we cannot, in good conscience, refrain from speaking UP."
    "In our work, we see daily the suffering and damage caused by abusive or neglectful relationships in which people are belittled, hated, ignored or made to feel worthless. We see this happening on a mass scale in our country in response to the pathological LYING and BULLING of OUR current president."
    "People are struggling. Many are truly suffering. We believe that hope, healing and renewed life come from being in this struggle together, being honest about what is happening, and consistently choosing love and solidarity, even when we may be tempted by aggression and divisiveness. The human heart and mind have capacities for both, but only one leads to greater life and well-being for all; only one choice provides a real foundation for a flourishing democracy."

  15. I wouldn't write Doug Jones off just because he's a Democrat in a red state. He is highly thought of and not just by his own party.

    If the DNC throws all of it's weight behind Doug now and keeps it up and *if* the Democrats play just as dirty as the Republicans, Doug could win.

    All he has to do is appeal to the Republican Jews and ask, do you think Roy Moore will represent you? Same with the Catholics. Sure he's Christian but do you think he thinks *you're* a Christian? There are plenty of ways Doug Jones can attack Roy Moore on his record of Southern Baptist first and law second. He can tell the voters truthfully that Roy Moore will not represent them because they are not white, not wealthy, not male and not of the exact same religion as he is. Moore doesn't think the Constitution applies to him. He doesn't believe the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over this nation. There's plenty to attack Moore on. If Jones is willing to do it an the DNC steps up to FULLY support him, then Jones could win.

    But the DNC needs to get over this policy of only backing safe candidates and sure things. They need to start supporting eveyrone from the start, not just at the last minute when it's already too late. They lost FOUR seats that way.

  16. OT, but funny as heck- he records held by the New York State Board of Elections show Jared Corey Kushner is registered to vote as a female, Wired first reported

    If he voted it was fraudulent. OMFG! more wingnut voter fraud!

  17. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "What A Wonderful World"

  18. Anonymous11:27 AM

    President Trump was “embarrassed and pissed” following the primary loss of the Republican Senate candidate he endorsed for Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ old Senate seat, according to unnamed “person familiar with his mindset,” CNN reported Wednesday.

    Trump had endorsed the losing primary candidate, Luther Strange, partly at the request of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and the White House political staff, CNN reported, but also partly because he felt he owed Strange for his loyalty while serving in an interim capacity as Alabama’s junior senator.

    An unnamed senior White House official told CNN of Trump’s decision to endorse Strange that the President “knew it was a mistake but one he was willing to make because Luther was loyal.”

    Multiple sources, according to CNN, said Trump was “furious with McConnell, and feels outdone by his former aide Bannon.”

    ...Returning from a high-dollar fundraiser in Manhattan on Tuesday evening, an infuriated President Donald Trump watched aboard Air Force One as Fox News called the Alabama Senate primary for Roy Moore against Trump's favored candidate, Luther Strange.
    What ensued was a barrage of angry venting at his political team and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had consolidated establishment GOP support behind Strange.
    Trump, officials and informal advisers say, felt misled by McConnell and his political team, who encouraged him to endorse and campaign for Strange.

  19. Anonymous12:36 PM

    "Moore" politicians will be whipping out and brandishing firearms at rallies. This will not end well.

  20. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Trump is Refusing to Let Other Countries Help Puerto Rico, and There is No Legal Justification

    Multiple foreign nations have expressed their desire to send aid in the form of food, water, medicine and manpower–but they can’t because the Trump administration won’t allow them to do so.

    ...Many political observers have chalked up Trump’s unwillingness to help Puerto Rico as some form of cheap political payback. This theory is superficially appealing because: (1) 72 percent of Puerto Rican voters preferred Hillary Clinton; and (2) Trump is famously petty, begrudging and mercurial. Puerto Ricans have never demonstrated their value to Trump–and he probably just learned that Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens–so it would make sense that he really can’t be bothered to send help when he’s got a lot of tweeting to do.

  21. I'm moving back to Mobile from San Jose, and I'm so sorry I won't be there in time for the November election.

    Heck, if I'd been there for the primary, I'd have considered voting for Strange just to keep Moore off the ballot.

    Confession: I voted for a Republican city council candidate years ago in Chicago. She was a progressive Democrat, but the Machine Democrats had a lock on the Democratic ticket, so she ran in the Republican spot. And won.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.