Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sarah Palin's lawyers attempt to reopen her defamation case against the New York Times.

Just a goldurn minute.
Courtesy of Reuters: 

U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff of Manhattan devised an extraordinary procedure this summer in Sarah Palin’s defamation case against The New York Times, calling an early-stage evidentiary hearing to obtain testimony from Times witnesses. The judge said he called the hearing to give Palin, the former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential candidate, a fighting chance to establish that the Times acted with actual malice, a requisite for defamation claims against a public figure. Rakoff concluded not long after the evidentiary hearing that Palin couldn’t plausibly allege the Times’ ill will, even with the procedural bootstrap he had provided. He dismissed her case with prejudice. 

In a new motion for reconsideration, Palin’s lawyers at Bajo Cuva Cohen Turkel and Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe suggest that Judge Rakoff’s usual process went awry, leading the judge to speculate – and reach speculative conclusions – about what Palin might have asserted in an amended complaint. 

The article really gets into the weeds about the legality of how the judge made his decision, and the chances that Palin can successfully re-litigate this case (Spoiler alert: Not a snowball's chance in hell.), but ultimately it seems more of like an act of desperation to keep her name in the papers than a faithful attempt to get "justice" for Palin.

Most people recognized at the very beginning that Palin had no case here, so the idea that they would fight for a different verdict seems quixotic at best.

However this also reinforced my initial belief that this whole thing is being bankrolled by some conservative backers who are looking for a way to attack the New York Times and damage their reputation.

Palin would NEVER spend this much money on a lost cause.

Hell she wouldn't even spend this much money on one of her kids. Or is that essentially the same as a lost cause?


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Well this should bring your Palin cult out of the woodwork.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      1:39, I think you should look in the mirror when calling out the Palin Cult. Who was the first to rush into the comments section of the Palin article.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM


    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Well at least it's a break from Trump this, Trump that, Trump Trump Trump Trump.

    4. Anonymous2:25 PM

      It's only one person sniffing Sarah's panties. She's quite the nutter though.

    5. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Yeppers, Those prayer warriors are working over time. They are on a roll with winning Alabama. It must be the blessed child, Bristol, now she is going to church. HALLELUJAH!!!!

      Original virgin

    6. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Do you ever go to work, or are you unemployable?

    7. Jim in Texas3:30 PM

      1:48. Silly remark. I've been first commenter a few times and I only rarely visit this site.

    8. Anonymous3:38 PM

      2:25 "she's quite the nutter though"

      She is indeed. Perfect dry humor. Are you English? Made my day. Thank you! ROTFLMAO

    9. Anonymous9:48 PM

      how many people in Britain know er? how many care? i only landed here because the real truth about trump is here. sarah is a side dish. one that no one wants to eat.

    10. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Brits know her and thinks she's a joke. There's a video of John Cleese talking about her.

    11. Anonymous3:05 PM

      The Brits know her because she has the Daily Mail UK on speed dial.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Are they suing for damages? Are they asking for millions for Palin?

    I can understand she felt embarrassed and angry but the facts won't change they made a correction.

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Must suck to have been a conservative darling and now just a joke. Even Trump didn’t want her anywhere around him, and he loves putting the foulest people in high positions.

  4. Anonymous2:01 PM

    And you where the first to comment. Good job👏👏👏

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Sarah Palin WHO?

  6. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Well it is true that Sarah is that great parent and ensures kids graduate high school and immediately start supporting themselves. But it was nice she paid for willows schooling. It probably is another group who is upset at the irresponsibility and immorality of the New York Times, a paper with more typos than the paper my town of 10000 puts out. Why can’t print just die? And google and Wordpress discontinue heir blog sectors because bullying would be far lower in occurrence is the blogosphere I didn’t exist.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      You really need to find a new fantasy to latch onto. No one is talking about her uneducated, financially dependent spawn in this post.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      @2:08 PM Are you too stupid to proofread before posting stupid comments?

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      🤣😃😂🤣😂🤣😂🙃 Typos, you really need to proofread for typos and grammar on your own post before you complain about the NYT. It just makes you look like more of a fool.

    4. Anonymous7:48 PM

      10000 worth 108.401,500,000
      Yeah Hard to Kill won't die
      Cry us a river bitch

  7. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Palin must be desperate for money.

    I noticed that there was no media coverage of her trip to Alabama. She has lost favor with good to see.

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      we were told she was there. oh, wait. we were told that 300 house wives were there. you the type. cleans up after hubby. washes his nasty underpants. lets hubby beat her up after a 12 pack. women under estimating themselves. and sarah tells women to do that. maybe she does use cocaine. maybe her husband was a pimp. we will never know. i just wish she would make her xxx movie and disappear- like octomom and john bobbit.

    2. Anonymous7:13 AM

      She already stood in the desert with her dead lake witch's thumb out. Nobody picked 'er flat ugly ass up. Xxx movie? Maybe the Erotic but not so Exotic Russian Marina can hook her up. Elder Porn,anyone? Starring Scary and the itsie bitsie tinie wienie polka dotted penis,Tiny Todd.

  8. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Gryph you hit the Sarah Palin Whack-A-Mole right betweenthe eyes.

    "Palin would NEVER spend this much money on a lost cause."

    "Hell she wouldn't even spend this much money on one of her kids. Or is that essentially the same as a lost cause?"

    We concur with the guy who knows the most about Sarah Palin and her family.

    Ask Sarah why didn't she invest in her children's college education?

  9. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Who is paying for the lawyers? The Palins notoriously don't like paying for anything... sure as hell aren't paying for lawyers.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      It would be interesting to know if the lawyers are paid with rubles.

      Trump had offered to pay for lawyers for those at his campaigns. I can believe there are Trump conservatives that have a set up to pay for these lawsuits against the media.

      We know Palins do not pay for this.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      trump isn't as rich as he brags. that is the top reason we have not seen his tax returns. and why should he pay for anything. after all, he is the president, and all of us "not people" have to pay for him. and he does not seem to like her any more than the rest of us.

    3. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Trump would not pay. He would support a group set up to pay the bills.

    4. Well, it's possible Trump is relying on those millions and millions sitting in his inaugural fund.

    5. Anonymous7:18 AM

      After news of the remaining $$$ inaugural funds surfaced, $3 million got donated to Puerto Rico hurricane recovery. Hidden $$$s,lying snakes.

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Figures the dumb bitch would hire a lawyer who doesn't know what "with prejudice" means. Anyone who's seen two episodes of law and order know what that means.

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Where's the like button when you need it?

      Bird Brain

  11. Seems to be an easier task to just get a job.
    Just a thought.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Stealing $$ is Stinky's only job skill. Now,she's just a dried up old crack with an irritating shrieking voice. Who'd hire That????? Best bet for her is working on the fishing boats. She'd have plenty in common with the dead fish. They stink.

  12. Snookie's assertion is tried and true
    She is the victim and neither are you
    She alone bears victimhood, it doesn't suit her well
    As innocent as a little lamb on her way to hell.

    And don't forget the bendy straws.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      cute. she is a big a pain in the ass as trump. i'm sick of both of them.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Oh May be she's prissy cuz the KKK@dashians are in the headlines. Oh baby bump. Oh hump a bump. Oh comming.

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM

      3:21 PM - they thought they were the new Kardashians. Hence, Brissy's "jaw alignment." Eye roll.

      Can't say they weren't given their chances Hollywood and they wanted it. Oh BOY did they want it. Tsk Tsk.

  13. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Where is Todd Palin these days? What about their wedded bliss? The Palins are frauds from beginning to end!

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      out playing with hookers.

    2. Anonymous3:22 PM

      I heard he is busy working in a meth lab.

  14. Anonymous2:40 PM

    What every American needs to know about Puerto Rico’s hurricane disaster

    ...There’s still no power on the island, with the exception of a few generators powering only the highest-priority buildings like hospitals. That means in many places there’s no water to drink or bathe in or to flush toilets. There’s limited food, fuel, and cell service, and it’s taken several days for reporters and rescue workers to reach remote towns and villages.

    “Make no mistake — this is a humanitarian disaster involving 3.4 million US citizens,” Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said Monday.

    So desperate for help.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      so crappy a president. i live in Wisconsin and the only thing i can do is donate money to charity. i urge all you good people to donate, even if only $10.

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      President is lying through his teeth and supplying as little aid as possible to Puerto Rico! I don't know how the Gov of Puerto Rico can continue saying how good and helpful President Trump has been! FEMA isn't doing the best job from all reports - don't forget Trump directs them too!

      I so hope that Trump dies a very painful a disease that just riddles him w/pain that cannot be stopped w/ morphine. He just so Satan like!

    3. Anonymous4:28 PM

      "rump could do something really, really simple to help ease some of the suffering: He could waive an obscure 1920s shipping law called the Jones Act, which mandates that shipments between American ports are made with specifically American-built, American-owned ships that are manned by US citizens or permanent residents. [Vox / Matt Yglesias]
      Now the requirements of the Jones Act are acting as a chokehold on Puerto Rico, limiting aid shipments to the island. On Wednesday, Trump said he didn’t want to waive the Jones Act because of opposition in the shipping industry."

      {Exempt Puerto Rico Now.}

  15. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Gryphen, you know she reads your blog. stop writing about her. even nasty crap like this feeds her ego. anyone, just as long she gets a fix. remember zimmerman? he did the same thing and he is gone. treat these people like the nothing they are.

  16. Anonymous4:01 PM


    Law-yer$ are in the 'family' don'tcha know?

    1. Anonymous9:44 PM

      oh, what a bad boy you are! sounds just like her.

  17. Anonymous4:18 PM

    palin is a well known KOCHSUCKER. Either they or Mercers would throw their money away like this. And they want a TAX CUT???

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      ya, and the kochs own Wisconsin. they have ruined our beautiful, kind state. i feel such shame of our governor(brown) and the speaker of the house-what's his name. i'm moving on. speaker who doesn't matter-trumps little butt boy.

  18. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Like the finger in that picture, baby in the corner licks it and follows where the wind blow to make her free money. Now it's Old Testament God, not Jesus, mind you.

    Matthew 5, $arah, dare you to live it!

  19. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I’m with the last graph. She wouldn’t.

  20. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Did Drumpf 'shoot somebody of 5th' was/to join the mob? Initiation Projector.

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Hey. Let's toss Sarah up in the air. See what happens.
      Snark here folks.

  21. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Are you aware that you cannot honestly write:

    "Hell she wouldn't even spend this much money on one of her kids. Or is that essentially the same as a lost cause?"

    Writing that means you have the ability to read someone's mind and it's statements like this that is the reason people like Joe M and a few others are guilty of defamation.

    But I see you're jealous that Sarah has 5 amazing kids, 4 of whom work, are responsible, and happy.

    Todd and Track's moose they each got are huge this year. Track usually goes after caribou since he applies for those types of draw permits and that's the one he got this year. But Todd likes moose hunting and their annual FS trip was moose.

    Track's hunt with his girlfriend recently resulted in only some type of bird (not ptarmigan).

    Gryphen will never have the balls to admit he is a documented slanderer, bully and general liar.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Anon 5:54: What are you smoking? Sarah's kids are as much trash as she is. The only one working is Willow.

      So Todd and Track each shot a moose - allegedly. BIGFUCKINGDEAL! How many other people shot a moose this year?

      Track went hunting with a girl friend? Has he beat her up yet? Shot at her? Is she knocked up?

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      LOL. Methinks you do protest too much.


    3. Anonymous6:54 PM

      The only one working IS Willow and, if her styling of hair is any indication, MO MONEY from Mom!

      In my day and age, turning sixty Saturday, if you didn't have a brain you went to "hair school" after high school. Kinda like the "poop your brains out" tea older sister.

    4. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Ah, the slander/libel comedian. She hasn't been around much lately.

    5. Anonymous7:17 PM


      If those folks want to eat moose and caribou them more power to them.

      Most of us here in AK, at least the crowd that I've grown up with, live from the grocery store, where the good food is, not some weird tasting wild crap that really only the poor people eat. It's gross, just like all the nasty fish. No one eats that shit because they want to, face it.

      My dad tried to make us eat moose once, once only, and then he gave it all to the food bank because none of us had an interest in wild game. Gross.

    6. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Well you have to be creative with the wild meat. Most folk ground it up. Hamburger. The rest they make jerky. Today's prices of $10 a pound for each, a moose saves lots $$$

    7. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Did Track Menard get drunk, beat up the girlfriend, then threaten to commit suicide again? Are the young women in Wasilla that stupid and lonely?

    8. Anonymous9:10 PM

      we ate venison. some times that and the stuff mom canned from the garden. we lived on a small farm. we had cows, so there was milk. i can't stand steak, ate so much of it. i go veggie these day. you ate what there was. we even made butter. looks like everyone in palinland is dumb. you think by now any young woman would skip track.

    9. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Track resents Todd. May be Todd is trying to get on his good side. Pimp Daddy would buy Sarah's son a ho to keep peace in the family.

    10. Anonymous9:33 PM

      5:54, there isn't a person on this blog spot that is jealous of the bird brain of Alaska. sarah and her entire family are stupid white trash. she tries to throw her weight around-"don't you know who i am?" who cares? her daughter tried telling everyone not to have sex before getting married-how many out of wedlock kids did she have? 2 or 3? her son is psycho and he does not have PTSD-just too much booze. sarah will go anywhere and speak to any one about anything, as long as she gets paid. she makes no sense at all. only 300 people came to hear " i'm such a good wife and mommy" speech-because most people know better. Gryphen should just stop writing about her. she and her family are a waste of time. hell, their just waste.

    11. Anonymous7:58 AM

      7:17 pm. My brother got a moose. Wife wouldn't eat it. I fed my child and I almost all of that 800 lbs of moose. He was delicious. Moose makes great stroganoff. Stir fry dishes as well. Moose (beef) & broccoli .Try it,before ya knock it. .;)

    12. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Oh, God, another stupid female got involved with Curt Menard's disturbed son Track Palin? This one might be the felony even a quitter Governor can't minimize. Lord Have Mercy!

    13. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Are you writing a bad novel? HA HA

    14. Anonymous11:53 PM

      Track and Todd had a FS hunting trip? Did Todd have another snow machine accident? Well, this time of year it would probably be a quad accident.

  22. Anonymous7:13 PM

    She has to pay for her and Willer's private jet to Alabama somehow, right? Oh, and Track's house, Bristol Myer's house, Todd's new plane, Sarah's second home, on, and on and on.

    Me thinks that the Palins ran through that book money of hers like water through a wide-diameter pipe and at this point there ain't much of that 12 million (pre-tax) dollars left.

    Just another case of white trash lottery winners.

  23. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Did anyone notice that when the news talked about the Moore/Strange election, Palin's support was not mentioned? I heard about trump & bannon supporting their candidates, but not one mention of Palin.

    1. I noticed. And good for them for ignoring her. They should have started ignoring her years ago.

    2. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Moore Strange!!!!!

  24. Anonymous9:55 PM

    OMG! She looks like she has the mumps.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      She resembles her mom. Looks like early onset Dementia too. Poor thing can't travel without a "minder".

  25. It was dismissed with prejudice. That means it's dead.

    If she insists on forcing the issue, she is going to piss off the judges and get her ass nailed with even more fees she can't pay.

    You'd think her lawyers would know better. I hope they got paid up front.

  26. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Bajo Cuva Cohen Turkel and Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe doesn’t sound like a “real American” law firm.

    Where are the White Waspy names like Smith or Jones? Sounds like a lot of dubious immigrants with Jewish or Mexican sounding last names :)

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Russian baby. Russian.

  27. Anonymous8:00 PM

    The woman is still working on living off OPM. She should just get a job. I think it's easier.

  28. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Gee..... who is Sarah Palin and why should I care if somebody slanders her? Her name isn't ringing a bell???


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