Monday, September 11, 2017

So, do you want to see some of those batshit crazy ads the Russians bought on Facebook. You know you do, don't even try to deny it.

Courtesy of The Daily Beast:

That community, called SecuredBorders, positioned itself as the work of conservative Americans concerned about U.S. border security. In truth, according to (Russian news outlet.) RBC, it was operated by a notorious St. Petersburg troll factory called Internet Research Agency, which is financed by “a close Putin ally with ties to Russian intelligence,” according to a public report by U.S. intelligence agencies. 

Facebook finally closed down the page last month in its belated purge of Russian propaganda. By then SecuredBorders had 133,000 followers. 

So far, Facebook is refusing to release any of the posts and ads from Russia’s campaign, opting instead for this terse description: “The ads and accounts appeared to focus on amplifying divisive social and political messages across the ideological spectrum—touching on topics from LGBT matters to race issues to immigration to gun rights.” 

That sanitary language doesn’t do justice to the actual content. The Daily Beast scoured search engine caches and found remains from the now-shuttered SecuredBorders page, just one of Russia’s propaganda communities, including dozens of their posts and graphics.

Here are a few more examples of what these Russian trolls vomited all over Facebook.

I think a new badge of honor should go to those of us who did not see any of this one their Facebook feed, because that means you are not burdened with batshit crazy, potentially racist, friends or family.

However before we pat ourselves on the back too hard, here are some that DID pop up on Facebook for many of us.

I am not sure about the last two but I definitely saw that first one on my Facebook feed more than once.

Remember the Russians did not only target the conservatives, xenophobes, and racists, they also targeted the progressives.

And they will do so again.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I deleted my Facebook account in the summer of 2015 and it's one of the best decisions that I made that year.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I don't use Facebook either. Not interested in hearing about 'daily lives' and 'events'. Some things should be kept private!

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      So did I...couldn't stand how "busy" it is...had a hard time choosing where to start each day.

  2. I remember seeing some of these ads, shared by right wing family members. All they really cared about is: cutting food stamps for the poor; cutting their own taxes; keeping out the browns; not paying for someone else's healthcare; and ensuring woman don't have access to safe abortions and birth control. You know, like their mentors Jesus and tRump.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      There is a lot of anger out there from people convinced they are getting screwed paying for other people to have even Medicare. There is rage cost varies based on income and tax rates are based on income.

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Line it out and $nor't':
    "Former FBI counterintelligence agent Asha Rangappa called the developments “incredibly significant.”

    “The FBI has since the 1970s taken pains not to be perceived in any way as infringing on First Amendment activity,” he pointed out. “But this tells me they have good information and intelligence that these organizations have been acting on behalf of the Kremlin and that there’s a direct line between them and the [Russian influence operations] that are a significant threat to our democracy.”
    "Feinberg insisted that Sputnik went too far when it ordered him to “obtain the CIA Director’s stolen emails” from a hacker." I refused because I believed this was a solicitation to espionage,”

  4. Anonymous7:10 AM

    OT?"I don’t merely mean that President Trump has no governing experience, though he does not; or that his past bankruptcies make one wonder what Taj Mahal Casino-like ruins are in his future; or that I think poorly of his moral compass and his ability to master himself, though I find him unfit to lead in a nuclear age based on those traits alone."

    P.S. WTF? "Kilmeade on Monday worried that liberals in the future would try to tear down memorials to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, much as they’ve been targeting memorials to Confederate generals who fought to secede from the United States for the right to keep black people enslaved."

  5. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Spelling error. It's "FecesBook" !

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Never had it. Never will. Facebook should just change their name to Pravda America. The traitors.

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I have several relatives that bought into this crap on FB. I doubt they believe they were targeted by Russian trolls even after seeing this evidence. They are thouroughly brainwashed.

  7. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Putin knows how gullible the United States citizens are and he played us good.
    Wonder what else he has planned for us? They aren't done yet because the Russian flag has yet to be hung over the White House despite the fact that we have a traitor in there.

  8. Anonymous7:18 AM

  9. Anonymous7:41 AM

    "Lucky for all of us who missed it>"It’s weird how Steve Bannon got a “60 Minutes” interview, right?{Old white Men}
    SB>"Because unable to really to come to grips with the problems in the church, they need illegal aliens, they need illegal aliens to fill the churches. It’s obvious on the face of it." {kiddy porn?} "Bannon said he encouraged Trump to Double Down on grabbing them by the pu$$y after the “Access Hollywood” tape came out, and also he explained why he was so bad at working in the White House that he got quit-fired and now is back at his weird LiveJournal for white supremacists:

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Charlie must have really gotten to Steve his jaw muscles were clenching most of the interview

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    "The fact that a federal grand jury has been impaneled is a significant development by itself; prosecutors don’t ordinarily convene grand juries unless there is a compelling reason to do so. The grand jury probe has expanded to include whether Trump obstructed justice"
    "it is also reasonable to believe that Mueller’s team is presenting evidence to the grand jury relating to financial connections between Trump, the Trump Organization, and Trump’s business associates with Ru$$ia"
    "in July is quite significant. Manafort was Trump’s campaign manager and had the most far-reaching financial ties with the Ukraine and Russia. Prosecutors in order to obtain a warrant must demonstrate probable cause to believe that Manafort committed federal crimes."
    "It should be emphasized that Trump has no legal privilege to avoid testifying before the grand jury. A grand jury, the most formidable investigative body in the United States, has the power to compel testimony from anyone"
    " it is conceivable that the prosecutors will grant him immunity and thereby compel him to testify."
    "then despite giving him immunity, that proof can legally be used to prosecute him. And despite immunity, Trump can be prosecuted for perjury for giving false testimony."
    "Whether Trump will be indicted, for what, and the legal consequences, are not clear or predictable."

  11. Anonymous8:43 AM

    This lie about "crooked Hillary" has gone on for too long. The Clintons should file suit against tRump, demanding proof or an apology. Get the air cleared. HE is the crook, not Hillary. She has served this country in many capacities, and honorably. tRump is a scam artist, and dishonest.It is time for him to put up or SHUT UP.

  12. Anonymous9:07 AM

    "Roy Moore, the former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court,"The Colorado pastor preaches that both the Old and New Testaments call for the DEATH penalty for LGBT people,"The pair agreed during one radio program that states should be permitted to legalize discrimination against LGBT people, and they complained on other programs that prayer should be promoted in public schools and that judges should be permitted to cite the Bible in criminal cases."

  13. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Mrs. O a candidate for president. Wow, we would get Barrack back in the WHouse!

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      That would be an even easier win for the Repubs than Hillary. My god you fan club people are so clueless.

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      9:39am; you're an asshole.

    3. Anonymous12:39 PM

      For what exactly 11:10, pointing out the obvious truth?

    4. Anonymous2:09 PM

      For acting like an asshole.

    5. Anonymous3:16 PM

      9:39 is anything but an asshole, in fact he or she is called a realist, something that so many of you here are the exact opposite of.

  14. Chenagrrl12:06 PM

    Had furious backnforth with a Twitterite when I pointed the mosque and school were not equivalents -- one photo was of a religious practice in a mosque and the other apparently was meant to depict school. I puzzled over the mistake in the message at the time, but now think that only the Russians, who have never really known separation of state from any institution would make such an elementary blunder.
    The umbrella photos are sheer racism. Trump grabbed the Marine's hat after it was blown off. He had been under an umbrella held by a Marine. Obama and presidents before him have been shielded by umbrella-holding Marines.
    Yet I saw both of these shared and tweeted. Poison.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Hey, why do you do the twitter if it pisses you off so much? Ever think about giving them the big middle finger?

    2. Chenagrrl4:26 PM

      By furious, I meant a spirited exchange. Hey, it's about the conversation. Not interested in an echo chamber.

    3. Chenagrrl4:28 PM

      And I like Twitter for it's sprited exchange. Facebook is for family. Have found many friends I went to Lathrop with, even kids who were in Maranatha home with me.

  15. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Sorry, can't make me look at anything on that great sheep farm called Facebook, in fact, can't believe so many of you sheeple are still sharing your most intimate thoughts, family photos and up-to-the-second location information if you have such a hard-on for them regarding this Russian shit.

    Hey, how about y'all boycott Facebook? Oh, wait, that'll never happen because 1 billion of you love the smell of your own farts and seem to think that someone cares about the minutiae of your sad little lives.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.