Sunday, September 10, 2017

Unable to defeat Obamacare in the Senate Donald Trump is just going to starve it to death instead.

Courtesy of Vox:

The Trump administration has let funding for Obamacare’s $63 million in-person outreach program lapse, leading to layoffs and confusion among nonprofits that enroll vulnerable populations in coverage. 

“I have delivered 10 layoff notices to staff members,” says Donna Friedsam, director of Covering Wisconsin. “We don’t have a funding flow anymore.” 

The government had previously announced it would cut the budget for Obamacare’s navigator program by 41 percent. But right now, the program has no funding at all. Last year’s grants ran out on September 1, and the administration still has not awarded next year’s money. 

The sudden funding halt comes at a critical time for the Affordable Care Act. Navigator groups were just beginning to ramp up outreach for the health law’s open enrollment period, which begins November 1. Now, some have done an about-face: They’ve canceled outreach work and appointments with potential enrollees because they have no budget to cover those costs. 

These groups often work with the most vulnerable populations enrolled under the Affordable Care Act. One-third of those who seek in-person help signing up for coverage do not have internet at home, and one in 10 do not speak English. 

You have to add this latest tactic to the ones already in underway to undermine the Affordable Care Act, such as weakening enforcement of the individual mandate, imposing employment requirements for Medicaid recipients, and refuse to do any advertising to bring new clients into the system.

Essentially Trump is working to kill the program through neglect.

However all this really does is to reinforce the need for the Medicare for all program that is now receiving so much support among Democrats.

That is why we need to turn out in huge numbers in 2018 and get as many new Democratic Senators and House members as possible.

There has rarely been a more important reason to get out the vote as we have right now, so if we cannot get our shit together in this midterm than we have nobody to blame for what happens next except for ourselves. 


  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Bible studies:

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Just stop. Impeach the insane fat disgusting human as pretend prez.
      Put in a true gop if the gop really won.
      Can't stand the idiots in the wh. They are ignorant of normal life.
      Why mitchbitch is silent.
      Vote for other candidates. This whole sh@shoot is just going to continue. So vote no gop.
      Get it together folks.
      Start talking votes against these gop lifers in the congress now. They have benefits YOU would not believe.

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Lady Lindsey
    "“If you like Obamacare, you can keep it. If you want to replace it, you can.”"as a whole, the bill starts off as a giant slap at states that committed the sin of trying to get more of their residents insured through Obamacare."
    "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCONnell has dangled the possibility of a vote"”I don’t think there’s much of a chance,” Sen. Orrin Hatch"
    {RIGHT? President Hatch-iT!}

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      tinydjt"the president finally realized, "people really f---ing hate me."One senior administration official told Axios that Trump's deal with the Democrats had come because "he just wanted to do something popular." The president, famed for his focus on the way he's perceived in the media, reportedly BASKed in the praise he received from "Morning Joe" after the deal was struck."

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      8:12 AM -
      Best president EVAH!
      Just ask him.

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Thought he quit mjoe?

    4. No. Trump did the deal with the Democrats because he has flood insurance on Mar A Lago through FEMA and funding was running out on Sept. 30. The fact the bill provided other things to other people as immaterial. Trump wanted his own insurance for his own properties funded. Trump is ALL about Trump. The fact Hurricane Harvey and Irma relief was in there was an unintended byproduct.

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    "“One of the things I did throughout my presidency was I’d meet with groups of young people everywhere I went, whether it was here in the United States or when I was traveling overseas,” Obama told the teenagers. “Just to kind of hear from them, find out what they’re interested in, because I do believe that most of the problems we have are going to be solved by you.” "These young people that I met at McKinley Tech today are the reason I'm hopeful about the future. To all the young people headed back to school around the country: Make us proud. You're the next generation of leaders, and we need you." B.O.

  5. Anonymous7:52 AM


    Trump has played president just to wipe away President Obama's legacy.

    Hasn't Trump done enough damage now?
    Trump has endangered our future

    Business Insider

    Trump reversed regulations to protect infrastructure against flooding just days before Hurricane Harvey

    Ten days before Hurricane Harvey descended upon Texas on Friday, wreaking havoc and causing widespread flooding,Ten days before Hurricane Harvey descended upon Texas on Friday, wreaking havoc and causing widespread flooding,

    ..... But because of Trump's rollback of President Barack Obama's Federal Flood Risk Management Standard, experts across the political spectrum say much of the federal money sent to Texas is likely to be wasted on construction that will insufficiently protect against the next storm....

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      "The former general called Coulter out after she all-cap tweeted:
      " “Coulter needs a reality check. She’ll be the first one applying for disaster relief. Maybe you can draft her and give her a dose or reality.”" 4 dead...

    3. Anonymous11:43 AM

      @10:58 "After a bored and stressed 22-year-old started a Facebook event for people to sign up to shoot at the hurricane, some people took the joke seriously, which inspired law enforcement to tweet out a warning urging people not to shoot at Irma:"

  6. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Trump, like the 21st century Republicans, is a mean man. He is small, nasty, vindictive, greedy, selfish and mean. Not good traits in leaders.

  7. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Two organizations are thrilled about Hurricane Harvey and Irma

    1. ISIS - thrilled about tbe hurricane damages to America

    2. The Trump family - thrilled because currently nobody is talking about the Trump family Russian collusion, Don Jr's Senate appearance and his father's future impeachment

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM



  8. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I so hope Trump experiences a very painful death when he goes! He's the devil incarnate and Hell awaits his black soul!

  9. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I don't even know what to say. Every day there is horrible news from Trump. Every day! There's no end to this hell.
    I mean for eight years with Obama there was hope and happiness. Now it's doom and gloom. Trump is Hitler reincarnate.

  10. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I know it's fun too call Trump Hitler and say how mean he is blah blah blah. It doesn't get us anywhere, though. How about, "Yeah Gryph, damn straight he sucks AND it's time to organize and GOTV for 2018". The time for whining is long past and it sure doesn't win elections.
    Gryph is right: organize!

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      It is the only fun I have these day, calling Trump Hitler.
      But honestly, I don't say it to whine. I say it because it's true. I am a voter. I am an American. I pay my taxes. I do what I have to do be a proud American. The fact that Trump won this election shows me that there are darker powers out there than I supposed.
      I just feel that if I keep reiterating the fact that Trump and the Republicans are following the model of Hitler then really, people can get their heads out of their asses and realize that just maybe this guy is about to turn us into Germany in the 1940s. You know back then, alot of Germans were kind of iffy about Hitler. They didn't take him seriously, and they kept thinking eventually his popularity would die out. But is didn't because there were those that saw and used this as an opportunity to further their evil agenda. Like Steven Bannon for instance. That guy deserves nothing of our attention yet it is being given to him. And to hear him talk you'd think what an asshole but there are those that like what he's saying.
      All the people gathered around Trump further their agenda and adds to his. To MAGA. That means no transgender, no gays, no affordable care act. No nothing unless you are rich and white.
      Yes, I call him Hitler and it ain't whining. It's a fact.

  11. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Who is on the ACA? I keep seeing it's "those" people. You know, the ones that don't really deserve any handouts from the likes of "us".

    My daughter's family is on the ACA. She and her husband are self-employed, taxpaying entrepreneurs. They live in a red state, so we need to help out with the premiums which are larger than their mortgage payment. Why should your job (or lack of) determine if you have affordable healthcare? When "those people" (service people, cooks, maintainers, waitstaff) go to work sick everyone suffers.

  12. Anonymous11:11 AM

    That is probably the "preferred" GOP plan. By strangling the ACA instead of stabbing it to death, the GOP can hide its method and motive and then blame President Obama for having encouraged and signed a "defective" law. Remember that the earlier GOP bills proffered this year all postponed the direst effects until after the 2020 election, thus assuring the GOP Congressional members of being reelected ("Hey, we haven't messed with anyone's insurance. Tee Hee.") and probably giving Trump a (God forbid) second term.

  13. Just like with all of his Deplorable ideas, Trump will find this bit of political brilliance in court too. ACLU and others are already lined up with lawsuits regarding his choking off of mandated funding. He'll lose this just like he's lost every fucking piece of shit he's tried.

    That's all Trump is. A big, fat LOSER.

    And yes, people hate him. I'm surprised it took him this long for the fact to finally sink in. What was it? The small crowds in Arizona walking out in the middle of his rally? Or has Kelly finally allowed him to switch the channel and see the real news? I guess he's not getting his twice daily folder of fawning propaganda any more. Or someone slipped some reality into his fantasy world.


    I'm going to make me a Donnie Doll and stick pins in it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.